City Officials Blame Faulty Algorithm For Dead People Voting


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
City Officials Blame Faulty Algorithm For Dead People Voting

19 Nov 2020 ~~ By Ralph Cipriano

For the past couple of weeks, I've been trying to get a straight answer out of City Hall about why voting records stored in an official city database showed that a parade of 22 dead people, led by Smokin' Joe Frazier, voted in past city elections.
First, I tried emailing all three members of the Board of Elections, especially Al Schmidt, a Republican who briefly became a star on CNN by proclaiming the sanctity of the vote count in Philadelphia for the presidential election. But neither Schmidt nor his Democratic colleagues on the board ever responded.
That's great, because as far as Big Trial is concerned, records showing 22 dead people voted constitutes a crisis of confidence in city government. But when I sent Feeley a list of follow-up questions, Feeley was benched, and replaced by Andrew Richman, chief of staff in the city solicitor's office. Richman came forward to float a possibly credible alibi about a dormant database and a faulty algorithm that's been responsible for a flood of false data.
I ran the city's explanation past three computer experts, and they all said that Richman's alibi was plausible, but if true, it amounted to a damning indictment of the city's general incompetence and dysfunction.
"So, without them supplying/demonstrating the actual program, it IS possible what they said happened, did happen," the senior systems engineer said. "As for who voted, it is easily verifiable by cross checking the physical poll books."
"The story is plausible enough," another senior software engineer said. "The database looked rather long in the tooth, and I can imagine the kind of behavior he's talking about."
"Granted, that anyone would ever design a system like that (to just overlay years over the previous five years' data because the data didn't have the year in it) is evidence of some pretty shoddy craftsmanship," he said. "I can imagine it coming about as a symptom of organizational dysfunction surrounding the process that birthed the database."
So which is it, folks? Is the city just corrupt, or is it merely sloppy, shoddy and dysfunctional? Or all of the above?
For the skeptics among us, what's needed is an outside investigation, since even the local cops don't trust the veracity of the city officials they work for.
If only the feds would show up at the Board of Elections flashing some badges and a search warrant.
Before the party hacks at the Board of Elections are done "fixing" that database.

Laughable. A “faulty algorithm”. That is flat out the dumbest and lame excuse yet. Garbage in Garbage Out...
This is a case of the government not removing dead people from the rolls, and allowing Democrat precinct captains and NGOs to vote them.
In this cae there are No algorithms involved.
People need to go to jail.
If Social Security can immediatelty update their system, then why can't Philadelphia , New York, etc., clean up voting records by removing dead people. I know we have people register to vote to and then their job goes to another state and they leave Philadelphia.
We need to create an ironclad system to prevent city workers from voting for the deaf, in Nursing Homes, or those who move out of the city


Joe Fraser votes in 2020 presidetial election in Philadelphia, he died November 7, 2011.....
If the DemonRATS have the ability to change the vote results using computers, they no longer need to pay the precinct captains in urban areas. That’s huge for them, along with no longer needing to spread WALK AROUND money.....simple algorithms are able to remove and replace votes....We are either going to need a new system. Or as demonRATS have shown, the takeover of a ONE PARTY system is fairly easy to accomplish when COMPUTERS are so easily controlled....any human impediments to that will simply be eradicated....Sharks will always be hungry!
Any confession that an ALGORITHM can change how a machine totals votes is PROOF that the machines can be RIGGED....

Democrats love Algorithms... the original "hockey stick" chart for Algore's fraud was not based on data, it was based on an "AlGore-ithm"

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