city contemplating allowing non-citizens to vote


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
voting is a right of citizens of this country. tourists come over here too and pay sales tax but we're not going to hand them a ballot. if they want all the rights citizens get, them follow the laws and processes and become one.


Amid immigration battles, College Park considers giving noncitizens voting rights

Officials in College Park are weighing a plan that would make their city the largest in Maryland to give undocumented immigrants a right to vote in local elections, a long-standing practice elsewhere in the state that has drawn new scrutiny amid the simmering national debate over immigration.

The Prince George’s County city, home of the flagship University of Maryland campus and some 30,000 residents, is considering a measure to let noncitizens cast ballots for mayor and City Council — making it the latest target in a movement that has had more success in Maryland than anywhere else in the United States.

College Park officials are debating the charter amendment after a divisive national election in which immigration played a prominent part. Many left-leaning cities, including Baltimore, are now at odds with President Donald J. Trump's initial efforts to fulfill a campaign promise to crack down on immigration violations.
Should be legal citizens only
some things should go w/o question but now there are people who actually believe this.

the PC leftist crap has gone too far and they're gonna whine like crazy when the foot goes down to stop this madness.

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