Church condemns abortion performed on raped girl, 11


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Just curious as to what you guys think about this:


Church condemns abortion performed on raped girl, 11

Sibylla Brodzinsky in Bogotá
Thursday August 31, 2006
The Guardian

A Vatican official has said the Catholic church will excommunicate a medical team who performed Colombia's first legal abortion on an 11-year-old girl, who was eight weeks pregnant after being raped by her stepfather.

Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, the president of the Vatican's Pontifical Council for the Family, said in addition to the doctors and nurses, the measure could apply to "relatives, politicians and lawmakers" whom he called "protagonists in this abominable crime".
In this instance, I think there was nothing wrong with it, but I am curious if the girl wanted the baby or not. There are some people who'd prefer to keep the baby regardless.
It's a fine edge, but in any case, I think excommunication is a bit extreme. It's a desperate situation, and Christ is all about forgiveness. If it were my decision, I would prefer to err on the side of the doctors. This is an 11-year old girl in an underdeveloped nation with a forced incestuous relationship. The only more compelling reason for an abortion is if her life was in danger.
The Church stepped way out of line on this one. Never mind that an 11 year old is as likely and/or the fetus are as likely to die as to carry to term. No 11 year old, or anyone else for that matter, should be forced to carry and give birth to the get of a rape. Does any one know if the rapist has had his cojones cut off?
Just curious as to what you guys think about this:


Church condemns abortion performed on raped girl, 11

Sibylla Brodzinsky in Bogotá
Thursday August 31, 2006
The Guardian

A Vatican official has said the Catholic church will excommunicate a medical team who performed Colombia's first legal abortion on an 11-year-old girl, who was eight weeks pregnant after being raped by her stepfather.

Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, the president of the Vatican's Pontifical Council for the Family, said in addition to the doctors and nurses, the measure could apply to "relatives, politicians and lawmakers" whom he called "protagonists in this abominable crime".

I disagree with the Church's decision.m Incestuous rape is one of the reasons IMO that justifies abortion. A pregnant 11 years old who more than likely is not physically developed enough to carry a baby to term, endangering both lives is an additional factor.

The stepfather should have his balls cut off with a rusty butterknife and the wound cauterized with stick matches.:death: :flameth:
In this instance, I think there was nothing wrong with it, but I am curious if the girl wanted the baby or not. There are some people who'd prefer to keep the baby regardless.

11 years old girls are not capable of making such a decision. That's why they're called children and live with mom and dad. A (step)parent who violated that trust is lower than whale shit and no form of torture too sadistic for his ass.
I have been thinking and thinking about this. I have a 10 1/2 year old daughter. This quote from the article struck me:
"We were faced with the petition of a girl who wanted to go back to playing with her toys."

This is completely unrealistic. That little girl will never just "go back to her toys." She has to be deeply, deeply scarred by the abuse of that man---I REFUSE to give him the honorable title of "stepfather." The quote above reflects the attitude of many pro-abortion people... that the problem will be "fixed" once the pregnancy goes away. The problem is not the pregnancy; the problem is the continued abuse by which the little girl was victimized. Ending the pregnancy can NEVER erase from her mind what was done to her. Her innocence is long-gone.

Of course, she would not be able to care for the infant. With the press this story received, it would probably have been relatively easy to place the infant in an adoptive home. The girl should have carried the baby, under careful monitoring and bedrest, as far as her young body would allow. Then the infant would have had a chance of survival, as well as the girl. It would have been something good that could come out of this horrendous abuse.

The rapist should be executed.
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11 years old girls are not capable of making such a decision. That's why they're called children and live with mom and dad. A (step)parent who violated that trust is lower than whale shit and no form of torture too sadistic for his ass.
I couldn't agree more with all of that, but sometimes children can surprise you in how mature they are.
I have been thinking and thinking about this. I have a 10 1/2 year old daughter. This quote from the article struck me:

This is completely unrealistic. That little girl will never just "go back to her toys." She has to be deeply, deeply scarred by the abuse of that man---I REFUSE to give him the honorable title of "stepfather." The quote above reflects the attitude of many pro-abortion people... that the problem will be "fixed" once the pregnancy goes away. The problem is not the pregnancy; the problem is the continued abuse by which the little girl was victimized. Ending the pregnancy can NEVER erase from her mind what was done to her. Her innocence is long-gone.

Of course, she would not be able to care for the infant. With the press this story received, it would probably have been relatively easy to place the infant in an adoptive home. The girl should have carried the baby, under careful monitoring and bedrest, as far as her young body would allow. Then the infant would have had a chance of survival, as well as the girl. It would have been something good that could come out of this horrendous abuse.

The rapist should be executed.

I cant rep you, but i completely agree.
the church can't even excommunicate their own priests that diddle little boys.....they should get thier own house in order before they stick their noses in other peoles business
My opinion:

1. The 11-year-old girl was justified in aborting the baby, because frankly, most 11-year-olds are not physically mature enough to support pregnancy, childbirth, and child rearing. Not to mention, an 11-year-old isn't mentally/emotionally ready to be a mother.

2. I'm no fan of excommunication, but if the Church is going to excommunicate anyone, it should have been the parents.

3. The "stepfather" ought to be tortured, then shot.
Well I can say this church would have been mad at my family as well. So growing up I was taught certain values and what not. To my knowledge I have no kids anywhere in the world, having said this I married about 5 years ago and my wife to be had a daughter. Sweet kid and things were ok for awhile. Well this girl’s father is a prick bastard. Well things for me and the girl started becoming pretty bad around 14-15 years old. Well she moved to her no loads father home and guess what? She got prego!!!! A surprise? Not really, but he doesn’t know yet! So my wife recently got her an abortion. The very thing the both of us are against! See having this child would have been bad not only for my step-daughter but for us as well. It would have been more of an opportunity for this jackass father to be involved with our lives in a negative way. My step daughter would have been ruined and her life just froze up. On reason of the abortion was this question: Well what are you gonna do? Well I don’t like it because I can’t hang with my friends. That answer was from the selfish teenager, so can you really expect her to be responsible? And not mention the jackass father, and most likely we’d have to care for this child because god forbid you put it up for adoption. So does this whole thing strike a cord with me? You damn right it does, each day my conservative morals get drug deeper down the liberal no responsibility gutter. And folks let me tell you this, the doctor who did the procedure said last week alone he saw 25 girls under 17 years of age; he alone could spout off statically data on these kids. And one thing he said was he hasn’t seen a female over 25 in months. That is his story and his operation so I’d kind of lean on the on the side of him being an expert on the subject. So in my place I’d be up a creek because I do value life and I was sad thinking about what was gonna happen, tadpole size or not at this stage, I was hurt and I may burn in hell for that action the wife and I agreed on, but I also hopefully saved a life too.
Not to mention, an 11-year-old isn't mentally/emotionally ready to be a mother.

Really young girls who get pregnant and actually go through with the nine months don't raise the's given up to adoptive parents as it should be.

Also, another comment...if at 11, you're mentally/emotionally ready for Sammys' little 13-year-old wiener in're definately ready for anything!!!!!

At least, that's my perspective from one who's not sexually active.
I have been thinking and thinking about this. I have a 10 1/2 year old daughter. This quote from the article struck me:

This is completely unrealistic. That little girl will never just "go back to her toys." She has to be deeply, deeply scarred by the abuse of that man---I REFUSE to give him the honorable title of "stepfather." The quote above reflects the attitude of many pro-abortion people... that the problem will be "fixed" once the pregnancy goes away. The problem is not the pregnancy; the problem is the continued abuse by which the little girl was victimized. Ending the pregnancy can NEVER erase from her mind what was done to her. Her innocence is long-gone.

Of course, she would not be able to care for the infant. With the press this story received, it would probably have been relatively easy to place the infant in an adoptive home. The girl should have carried the baby, under careful monitoring and bedrest, as far as her young body would allow. Then the infant would have had a chance of survival, as well as the girl. It would have been something good that could come out of this horrendous abuse.

The rapist should be executed.

No one is suggesting that abortion is going to absolve the girl of the emotional scars in any way, but I see your alternative as just compounding those scars. I am not a proponent of abortion either, EXCEPT for certain reasons. It has ALWAYS been an accepted medical procedure for specific reasons. I consider this to be one of those reasons.

You think the scars of rape are so tough, but you would have an 11 years old suffer the scars of carrying an unwanted baby to term, then have someone else make the decision to just give it away.

It's a lose/lose deal. Why make the 11 years old the biggest loser?
No one is suggesting that abortion is going to absolve the girl of the emotional scars in any way, but I see your alternative as just compounding those scars. I am not a proponent of abortion either, EXCEPT for certain reasons. It has ALWAYS been an accepted medical procedure for specific reasons. I consider this to be one of those reasons.

You think the scars of rape are so tough, but you would have an 11 years old suffer the scars of carrying an unwanted baby to term, then have someone else make the decision to just give it away.

It's a lose/lose deal. Why make the 11 years old the biggest loser?

The BABY here suffers the biggest loss because he loses his LIFE, totally.

The 11 year old of course suffers a huge loss. That's already a given. She lost her virginity and her trust and her childhood. She will have to live with this outrage for the rest of her life, no matter whether the baby was born or aborted, whether the baby was kept by the family or adopted. But she can recover and move on with her life.

The big "loser" is the rapist. We don't know his mentality or "why" he is the way he is, but I think we all agree he should pay for his crime and/or be removed from society.

The biggest "losers" are the abortionists. These are intelligent people. Yet they freely choose to kill innocent babes in the womb. If the girl had the possibility of giving birth to the child, the baby should have been given the chance to live. Why should a second crime be added to the first? This is why the Church condemned them.

It is well known that after abortion became legal, abortion became for many a form of birth control. Repeatedly. Abortion does not help solve the real problem of irresponsible sex nor child rape. All it will do is help hide the problem and allow it to continue. It is not inconceivable that the same girl would be raped again and given another abortion as well. Abortion is also very unatural and hard on the body as opposed to natural birth. Abortion really solves nothing that can't be resolved otherwise - unless of course the mother's life is in danger.
Abortion really solves nothing that can't be resolved otherwise - unless of course the mother's life is in danger.

I think we see eye to eye on abortion; however, I seriously doubt an 11 year old girl would be able to healthily carry a child to term. Thus, seeing as how the mother's life would be endangered, I see this as one of the few cases where abortion is justified.

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