Chuck Schumer Throws Tantrum On Senate Floor After N. Korean Hostage Release


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
This classless idiot showed an advanced case of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) when he started whining about the release of 3 Americans who were held hostage in N. Korea Wednesday.
He actually said he felt that this act made the US less secure and that it encouraged others to take even more hostages in the future.
Excuse me?
In what way does getting hostages for absolutely nothing encourage more of the same???
Look Senator....what does encourage bad actors to take even more hostages is sending them pallets of cash in the middle of the night without approval from Congress.


Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer bizarrely attacked the Trump administration Wednesday over the successful release of three American prisoners held by North Korea; suggesting the hostages were used as “bargaining chips.”

Schumer offered his scathing critique just hours after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo left the Korean peninsula with the three prisoners by his side; saying “No regime has the right to hold American citizens in captivity without cause, and under no circumstances should American citizens be viewed as bargaining chips.”

Schumer to Trump: Hostages aren't 'bargaining chips'

At first Chuck Schumer was against the Iranian Deal but eventually he flip-flopped and decided to support it. The Iranian deal only encouraged N. Korea to try the same thing that Iran did, and it backfired on them only because Obama wasn't president anymore. Trump was.

Schumer is one of the worst demagogues that the Dems have.
Remember how the Dems were also enraged when Reagan freed American hostages.
Now Trump said how Kim treated the hostages so well. Trump is just glorifying Kim, when just yesterday he was calling him rocket man. Trump and Kim, best friends now.
This classless idiot showed an advanced case of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) when he started whining about the release of 3 Americans who were held hostage in N. Korea Wednesday.
He actually said he felt that this act made the US less secure and that it encouraged others to take even more hostages in the future.
Excuse me?
In what way does getting hostages for absolutely nothing encourage more of the same???
Look Senator....what does encourage bad actors to take even more hostages is sending them pallets of cash in the middle of the night without approval from Congress.


Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer bizarrely attacked the Trump administration Wednesday over the successful release of three American prisoners held by North Korea; suggesting the hostages were used as “bargaining chips.”

Schumer offered his scathing critique just hours after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo left the Korean peninsula with the three prisoners by his side; saying “No regime has the right to hold American citizens in captivity without cause, and under no circumstances should American citizens be viewed as bargaining chips.”

Schumer to Trump: Hostages aren't 'bargaining chips'

At first Chuck Schumer was against the Iranian Deal but eventually he flip-flopped and decided to support it. The Iranian deal only encouraged N. Korea to try the same thing that Iran did, and it backfired on them only because Obama wasn't president anymore. Trump was.

He didn't flip flop, he encouraged not to get in it, but after its a done deal, encouraged not to leave it, since it had been a done deal and now the US looks wishy washy, well is with Trump at the helm.
This classless idiot showed an advanced case of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) when he started whining about the release of 3 Americans who were held hostage in N. Korea Wednesday.
He actually said he felt that this act made the US less secure and that it encouraged others to take even more hostages in the future.
Excuse me?
In what way does getting hostages for absolutely nothing encourage more of the same???
Look Senator....what does encourage bad actors to take even more hostages is sending them pallets of cash in the middle of the night without approval from Congress.


Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer bizarrely attacked the Trump administration Wednesday over the successful release of three American prisoners held by North Korea; suggesting the hostages were used as “bargaining chips.”

Schumer offered his scathing critique just hours after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo left the Korean peninsula with the three prisoners by his side; saying “No regime has the right to hold American citizens in captivity without cause, and under no circumstances should American citizens be viewed as bargaining chips.”

Schumer to Trump: Hostages aren't 'bargaining chips'

At first Chuck Schumer was against the Iranian Deal but eventually he flip-flopped and decided to support it. The Iranian deal only encouraged N. Korea to try the same thing that Iran did, and it backfired on them only because Obama wasn't president anymore. Trump was.

Apparently that is why Obama and the Dims refused to have the hostages released from Iran after Obama's deal with Iran.
Shows the HATE of the left and Never Trumpers who can't bring themselves to be happy about anything he does.

Americans are coming home............and they are at the Peace Table in Korea..............Pressure both overt and financially applied to Jong........including China and the little Fat Man has done a complete 180 on his radical actions of the past.

While it is too early to determine if his intentions are's good news......

But some will go out of their way to try and say otherwise.........see it every day here.
Maybe Schumer should run for President with his fat, ugly niece as a running mate.
Maybe Schumer should run for President with his fat, ugly niece as a running mate.

Schumer is one of those toxic people that has zero national appeal.

His appeal is merely a result of living in a toxic amoral populace of New York City.
This classless idiot showed an advanced case of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) when he started whining about the release of 3 Americans who were held hostage in N. Korea Wednesday.
He actually said he felt that this act made the US less secure and that it encouraged others to take even more hostages in the future.
Excuse me?
In what way does getting hostages for absolutely nothing encourage more of the same???
Look Senator....what does encourage bad actors to take even more hostages is sending them pallets of cash in the middle of the night without approval from Congress.


Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer bizarrely attacked the Trump administration Wednesday over the successful release of three American prisoners held by North Korea; suggesting the hostages were used as “bargaining chips.”

Schumer offered his scathing critique just hours after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo left the Korean peninsula with the three prisoners by his side; saying “No regime has the right to hold American citizens in captivity without cause, and under no circumstances should American citizens be viewed as bargaining chips.”

Schumer to Trump: Hostages aren't 'bargaining chips'

At first Chuck Schumer was against the Iranian Deal but eventually he flip-flopped and decided to support it. The Iranian deal only encouraged N. Korea to try the same thing that Iran did, and it backfired on them only because Obama wasn't president anymore. Trump was.

He didn't flip flop, he encouraged not to get in it, but after its a done deal, encouraged not to leave it, since it had been a done deal and now the US looks wishy washy, well is with Trump at the helm.

Schumer went with his first impressions on the deal at first, then compromised his positions after accepting certain aspects of the deal. I'm sure he didn't change his mind because he was convinced it was a good deal. That would make him an idiot.
Nope, he changed his mind because Obama either threatened him or bribed him. There is no other rational conclusion.
I think it's great that Trump got three American imprisoned Americans freed.
Next, what's Trump going to do with the five Americans that have been imprisoned by Iran? I'd say things got substantially bleaker for those Americans.
Iran is nothing but alot of big talk.
They're bullies.
If you kick a bully in the nuts they tend to fold like a chase lounge.
I think it's great that Trump got three American imprisoned Americans freed.
Next, what's Trump going to do with the five Americans that have been imprisoned by Iran? I'd say things got substantially bleaker for those Americans.
Iran is nothing but alot of big talk.
They're bullies.
If you kick a bully in the nuts they tend to fold like a chase lounge.

And they are holding 5 Americans that won’t have any shot of seeing America in the near future, due to lack of negotiating attempts by the US. Way to gloss over that point.
Speaking of bullies, you seem to adore America’s Bully-in-Chief.
I think it's great that Trump got three American imprisoned Americans freed.
Next, what's Trump going to do with the five Americans that have been imprisoned by Iran? I'd say things got substantially bleaker for those Americans.
Iran is nothing but alot of big talk.
They're bullies.
If you kick a bully in the nuts they tend to fold like a chase lounge.

And they are holding 5 Americans that won’t have any shot of seeing America in the near future, due to lack of negotiating attempts by the US. Way to gloss over that point.
Speaking of bullies, you seem to adore America’s Bully-in-Chief.
Yeah....fuck you.
This classless idiot showed an advanced case of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) when he started whining about the release of 3 Americans who were held hostage in N. Korea Wednesday.
He actually said he felt that this act made the US less secure and that it encouraged others to take even more hostages in the future.
Excuse me?
In what way does getting hostages for absolutely nothing encourage more of the same???
Look Senator....what does encourage bad actors to take even more hostages is sending them pallets of cash in the middle of the night without approval from Congress.


Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer bizarrely attacked the Trump administration Wednesday over the successful release of three American prisoners held by North Korea; suggesting the hostages were used as “bargaining chips.”

Schumer offered his scathing critique just hours after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo left the Korean peninsula with the three prisoners by his side; saying “No regime has the right to hold American citizens in captivity without cause, and under no circumstances should American citizens be viewed as bargaining chips.”

Schumer to Trump: Hostages aren't 'bargaining chips'

At first Chuck Schumer was against the Iranian Deal but eventually he flip-flopped and decided to support it. The Iranian deal only encouraged N. Korea to try the same thing that Iran did, and it backfired on them only because Obama wasn't president anymore. Trump was.

The contrast between Barack Hussein Obama and Donald J. Trump (FAILURE vs. SUCCESS) drives the fucking liberals in their panties are in a permanent wad.

Schumer is predictable. He will find fault with anything Trump accomplishes.

If Donald Trump found a cure for all cancers, Schumer would complain that he put a lot of doctors and drug companies out of business.


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