Christie and Cheney 24???? Um... BWAHAHAH..


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
What are they going to call that duo? Fat ass and Fat Fuck?

This explains Coulter's resurrection of her Anti-Trump Rhetoric....though in all fairness she originally backed Christie...away back in 2015. I suppose they can't win unless they Run.... But it's going to be funny to watch that's for sure.

Not sure what the platform will be. Christie did like NADA for the NJ economy. He also does not appear to have any real anchors....changes colors like a chameleon on a rainbow.

What are they going to call that duo? Fat ass and Fat Fuck?

This explains Coulter's resurrection of her Anti-Trump Rhetoric....though in all fairness she originally backed Christie...away back in 2015. I suppose they can't win unless they Run.... But it's going to be funny to watch that's for sure.

Not sure what the platform will be. Christie did like NADA for the NJ economy. He also does not appear to have any real anchors....changes colors like a chameleon on a rainbow.


THOSE TWO SLOBS have exactly ZERO chance of ever beating Trump if he runs again!
THOSE TWO SLOBS have exactly ZERO chance of ever beating Trump if he runs again!
If the establishment wants them to win, I wouldn't count them out.

Think about it, the establishment has banned Trump from all social media. If the folks in charge don't want to give Trump much access to TEE VEE, they effectively control the messaging.

There was a court case of Bernie supporters suing the DNC, and the court said that the parties, as corporate enties, can legally rig their nominating process. There are no rules in their by-laws which imply impartiality or fairness in process. The caucuses and primaries are only a system to gauge interest, they are not legally binding.

After what you have just seen in that last election cycle. . . you really are not this obtuse?

Do you not understand that the parties are corporations, run by powerful interests, and NOT the people?


The best thing these two have going for them? They are both globalists that have taken the thirty pieces of sliver, they are on board with the build back better, and hell, the Daily Beast is a entity formed;

". . .In 2010, The Daily Beast merged with the magazine Newsweek creating a combined company, The Newsweek Daily Beast Company. The merger ended in 2013, when Daily Beast owner IAC sold Newsweek to IBT Media, owner of the International Business Times.[6] Brown stepped down as editor in September 2013.[7]

John Avlon, an American journalist and political commentator as well as a CNN contributor, was the site's editor-in-chief and managing director from 2013 to 2018.[8][9][10]"

IOW? This is CFR approved content. That is another bonus in their corner.

Obviously they will be for the same policies which have been implemented by the current administration, and as far as the New Normal, Build Back Better, and all of these globalist mandates are concerned?

. . . that is all the real owners really care about.
They still need people to pull the levers. I'm getting to where I want out of the game. I'm through voting for the lesser of the evils, I deserve better.
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A Donald Trump/Marjorie Greene ticket in 2024 would really piss of the Democrats. They would easily defeat basement Joe and Kamel-Toe.

I think Trump, should he run, and be serious about breaking through the clutter of propaganda. If HE wants to unite the fractured nation? The person he should ask to run with him, should be Rep. Tulsi Gabbard.
---Tulsi Gabbard’s policy on obamacare...Do you support the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)?...Yes, but a mandatory single payer system would be even better---

Her stance on Obamacare guarantees she will never be Trump's running mate.

---Tulsi Gabbard’s policy on obamacare...Do you support the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)?...Yes, but a mandatory single payer system would be even better---

Her stance on Obamacare guarantees she will never be Trump's running mate.

What are they going to call that duo? Fat ass and Fat Fuck?

This explains Coulter's resurrection of her Anti-Trump Rhetoric....though in all fairness she originally backed Christie...away back in 2015. I suppose they can't win unless they Run.... But it's going to be funny to watch that's for sure.

Not sure what the platform will be. Christie did like NADA for the NJ economy. He also does not appear to have any real anchors....changes colors like a chameleon on a rainbow.

Does anyone want to vote for either of these two RINOs? Dems must be pushing them to give their minions someone to vote against trump for in the primaries. Stuffing the ballots is going to happen in the primaries for 2024 so when the fraud pops up---the dems can say that it was the republicans not them again.
Does anyone want to vote for either of these two RINOs? Dems must be pushing them to give their minions someone to vote against trump for in the primaries. Stuffing the ballots is going to happen in the primaries for 2024 so when the fraud pops up---the dems can say that it was the republicans not them again.
I NEVER liked Christie, and I'll admit I had no problem with Liz until she went all anti-Trump.

I don't see Liz as being a threat to Trump or having much influence in the GOP, and Christie is about as popular as Romney. Matt Lewis is huffing the same paint as jillian

They may have plenty of influence in the elite globalist donor class that shovels cash out to both parties, only to get get hand outs and more money in return, but they have no support among regular people.

"What are they going to call that duo? Fat ass and Fat Fuck?"
Ah yes.
Is it fair to say the good poster 'Offal' is representative of the mindset and language abilities of the MAGAHat constituency?

Where the f-bomb and 'body shaming' (?)...... work as witty adult substitutes for coherence in articulating one's political views?

I ask out of curiosity because I see so much similar behavior in what I think are too many of the MAGAHats on this venue.

It's as if demonstrating one's under-education is a qualifier.
In short, is 'Offal'.....what they all are?

"If the cabal wants those two dweebs....... Voting means diddly squat now."

A hat-tip to the good poster 'Gracie'. While clearly holding strong views she is able to somewhat gracefully sidestep the unfortunate handicaps of the poster referenced above.

"Dweebs"....... can work, as it adequately signals one's skepticism. And that's OK. It is politics after all. But politics expressed and discussed by somewhat more mature adults.

As far as Gracie's opinion that "Voting means diddly squat"........well, that seems to signal that voting is futile and need not be performed by individuals.

On the other hand, I can imagine a boycott of voting could possibly have an impact on an election.

Until they remove those "fixed" machines, all bets are off. If the cabal wants those two dweebs, then they will make sure it happens. Voting means diddly squat now.
Not voting is the surest way to make sure you have no voice and no choice.
What are they going to call that duo? Fat ass and Fat Fuck?

This explains Coulter's resurrection of her Anti-Trump Rhetoric....though in all fairness she originally backed Christie...away back in 2015. I suppose they can't win unless they Run.... But it's going to be funny to watch that's for sure.

Not sure what the platform will be. Christie did like NADA for the NJ economy. He also does not appear to have any real anchors....changes colors like a chameleon on a rainbow.

Christie and Cheney are the neocon scum that gave us Trump.....Who do these people think they're zoomin'?

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