Christians Restricted In The Holy Week!

Jews are restricting christians and muslim praying while christians are free in neighbor countries.

Does palestinian government or jordanian government restrict christians in the holy week?

You're lying for Allah.

Christians are NOT free. Christians may not even step foot in the CITY of Mecca, because Allah the filthy idol is in the Kaaba, which is in that city.

Stop lying.

ISIS has been beheading and crucifying Christians!! And if the Temple Mount is so holy for you, why do Arab youths play soccer on it? You're pathetic.

You seem confused as to the players here.

Sorry Uncensored2008, I accidentally responded to your post, but I was really talking to Freeman. It's obvious that he's Muslim, and his hypocricy (sp?) concerning the holy places really steamed me up.
It's the Apartheid state in action.

"Israeli restrictions on reaching the Church of the Holy Sepulcher for Holy Week and Easter are part of the current Israeli government’s policy of making Jerusalem an exclusively Jewish city, said Yusef Daher, secretary-general of the Jerusalem Interchurch Centre." » Christians concerned by Israeli restrictions for Holy Week and Easter

Why would Israeli's allow the same rights to what they consider an inferior religion?

Every religion considers itself the "true" faith, but it's the Muslims that are intolerant of other faiths, not the Jews.
I'm confused...isn't Jerusalem in Israel? And isn't Israel a Jewish Nation?

What's the problem again?
It's the Apartheid state in action.

"Israeli restrictions on reaching the Church of the Holy Sepulcher for Holy Week and Easter are part of the current Israeli government’s policy of making Jerusalem an exclusively Jewish city, said Yusef Daher, secretary-general of the Jerusalem Interchurch Centre." » Christians concerned by Israeli restrictions for Holy Week and Easter

Why would Israeli's allow the same rights to what they consider an inferior religion?

Every religion considers itself the "true" faith, but it's the Muslims that are intolerant of other faiths, not the Jews.
I dunno Forever,the Jews,Christians during the Crusades have been intolerant,just sayin..steve
I'm confused...isn't Jerusalem in Israel? And isn't Israel a Jewish Nation?

What's the problem again?
East Jerusalem is occupied Palestinian territory.

Look it up.
Shut the fuck up. Jerusalem is owned by Jews. They can do whatever they like with it. Now go cry and poop yourself where I don't have to.smell you.
You didn't look it up.
I don't have to, I know where and what Israel is. The capital of Israel. And what is Israel? A Jewish state. Fuck Palestine and the vermin who cling to it.
I'm confused...isn't Jerusalem in Israel? And isn't Israel a Jewish Nation?

What's the problem again?
East Jerusalem is occupied Palestinian territory.

Look it up.
Shut the fuck up. Jerusalem is owned by Jews. They can do whatever they like with it. Now go cry and poop yourself where I don't have to.smell you.
You didn't look it up.
I don't have to, I know where and what Israel is. The capital of Israel. And what is Israel? A Jewish state. Fuck Palestine and the vermin who cling to it.
You need reporting.......(I don't Report on principal) but someone should Report your Inane commentry
I'm confused...isn't Jerusalem in Israel? And isn't Israel a Jewish Nation?

What's the problem again?
East Jerusalem is occupied Palestinian territory.

Look it up.
Shut the fuck up. Jerusalem is owned by Jews. They can do whatever they like with it. Now go cry and poop yourself where I don't have to.smell you.
You didn't look it up.
I don't have to, I know where and what Israel is. The capital of Israel. And what is Israel? A Jewish state. Fuck Palestine and the vermin who cling to it.
You need reporting.......(I don't Report on principal) but someone should Report your Inane commentry
I could never reach your level of inane prattling, however. You are the God of Inanities. All Hail Liq, Supreme Inane Confabulator.
I'm confused...isn't Jerusalem in Israel? And isn't Israel a Jewish Nation?

What's the problem again?
East Jerusalem is occupied Palestinian territory.

Look it up.
Shut the fuck up. Jerusalem is owned by Jews. They can do whatever they like with it. Now go cry and poop yourself where I don't have to.smell you.
No you shut your inaccurate mouth, of course Tinnie is correct AS USUAL
Fuck Palestine, and Palestinians. I'm hitting a map.of the fake country with my shoe, while eating pork rinds and drawing goofy pictures of a toothless Allah on my dog's poop sheets.
I'm confused...isn't Jerusalem in Israel? And isn't Israel a Jewish Nation?

What's the problem again?
East Jerusalem is occupied Palestinian territory.

Look it up.

historic capital of state and religion for the jews not the palestinians
And to educate you more was the Canaan Capital of Salem,later JewreSalem........long before the Israelites......who later savagely eliminated the Canaanites but East Jerusalem is Occupied Palestinian Territory so yet again Tinnie is should learn from the MAIN MAN
I'm confused...isn't Jerusalem in Israel? And isn't Israel a Jewish Nation?

What's the problem again?
East Jerusalem is occupied Palestinian territory.

Look it up.
Shut the fuck up. Jerusalem is owned by Jews. They can do whatever they like with it. Now go cry and poop yourself where I don't have to.smell you.
No you shut your inaccurate mouth, of course Tinnie is correct AS USUAL
Fuck Palestine, and Palestinians. I'm hitting a map.of the fake country with my shoe, while eating pork rinds and drawing goofy pictures of a toothless Allah on my dog's poop sheets.
Shows how Mad you are
East Jerusalem is occupied Palestinian territory.

Look it up.
Shut the fuck up. Jerusalem is owned by Jews. They can do whatever they like with it. Now go cry and poop yourself where I don't have to.smell you.
You didn't look it up.
I don't have to, I know where and what Israel is. The capital of Israel. And what is Israel? A Jewish state. Fuck Palestine and the vermin who cling to it.
You need reporting.......(I don't Report on principal) but someone should Report your Inane commentry
I could never reach your level of inane prattling, however. You are the God of Inanities. All Hail Liq, Supreme Inane Confabulator.
You know not the minute nor the hour.......So what's new
I'm confused...isn't Jerusalem in Israel? And isn't Israel a Jewish Nation?

What's the problem again?
East Jerusalem is occupied Palestinian territory.

Look it up.

historic capital of state and religion for the jews not the palestinians
And to educate you more was the Canaan Capital of Salem,later JewreSalem........long before the Israelites......who later savagely eliminated the Canaanites but East Jerusalem is Occupied Palestinian Territory so yet again Tinnie is should learn from the MAIN MAN
Shut the fuck up. Jerusalem is owned by Jews. They can do whatever they like with it. Now go cry and poop yourself where I don't have to.smell you.
You didn't look it up.
I don't have to, I know where and what Israel is. The capital of Israel. And what is Israel? A Jewish state. Fuck Palestine and the vermin who cling to it.
You need reporting.......(I don't Report on principal) but someone should Report your Inane commentry
I could never reach your level of inane prattling, however. You are the God of Inanities. All Hail Liq, Supreme Inane Confabulator.
You know not the minute nor the hour.......So what's new
You didn't look it up.
I don't have to, I know where and what Israel is. The capital of Israel. And what is Israel? A Jewish state. Fuck Palestine and the vermin who cling to it.
You need reporting.......(I don't Report on principal) but someone should Report your Inane commentry
I could never reach your level of inane prattling, however. You are the God of Inanities. All Hail Liq, Supreme Inane Confabulator.
You know not the minute nor the hour.......So what's new
How Funny now put you head in the Dunny...Borrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring
It's the Apartheid state in action.

"Israeli restrictions on reaching the Church of the Holy Sepulcher for Holy Week and Easter are part of the current Israeli government’s policy of making Jerusalem an exclusively Jewish city, said Yusef Daher, secretary-general of the Jerusalem Interchurch Centre." » Christians concerned by Israeli restrictions for Holy Week and Easter


So what about the restrictions 24/7/12/365 placed by the qarab muslims in Palestine on Christians then. Have you heard that the Palestinians found the remains of a Christian church lost for 1500 years and destroyed it because it was an affront to islam.

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