Chinese State-Run Outlet Continues Paying US Newspapers Millions to Publish Its Propaganda


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
This is probably just the tip of the iceberg.

"China Daily, the Chinese regime’s propaganda outlet, has spent millions for the past 6 months on U.S. publications, according to its statement filed last week with the Department of Justice under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.....China Daily is headquartered in Beijing, China. It is owned by the Publicity Department, an internal division of the China Communist Party.

The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Foreign Policy, the Seattle Times .... some of the notable receivers. Los Angeles Times received $340,000 for advertisements and $111,501 for printing newspapers in the past six months.

China Daily has spent millions running supplements—called “China Watch”—containing propaganda 'disguised as news' in major U.S. media outlets. These supplements are inserted as advertisements in newspapers or paid programs online......However, scholars researching Chinese influence activities in the United States said in a 2018 report that “it’s hard to tell that China Watch’s material is an ad.”

China Daily’s previous financial filings (pdf) with the Justice Department showed that it paid more than $4.6 million to The Washington Post and nearly $6 million to the Wall Street Journal since November 2016. It also showed the outlet paid The New York Times $50,000 in 2018."

Continued here...
This is probably just the tip of the iceberg.

"China Daily, the Chinese regime’s propaganda outlet, has spent millions for the past 6 months on U.S. publications, according to its statement filed last week with the Department of Justice under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.....China Daily is headquartered in Beijing, China. It is owned by the Publicity Department, an internal division of the China Communist Party.

The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Foreign Policy, the Seattle Times .... some of the notable receivers. Los Angeles Times received $340,000 for advertisements and $111,501 for printing newspapers in the past six months.

China Daily has spent millions running supplements—called “China Watch”—containing propaganda 'disguised as news' in major U.S. media outlets. These supplements are inserted as advertisements in newspapers or paid programs online......However, scholars researching Chinese influence activities in the United States said in a 2018 report that “it’s hard to tell that China Watch’s material is an ad.”

China Daily’s previous financial filings (pdf) with the Justice Department showed that it paid more than $4.6 million to The Washington Post and nearly $6 million to the Wall Street Journal since November 2016. It also showed the outlet paid The New York Times $50,000 in 2018."

Continued here...
Got any other source other than the Epoch Times?...' The Epoch Times is a far-right international multi-language newspaper and media company affiliated with the Falun Gong new religious movement, based in the United States. The newspaper is part of the Epoch Media Group, which also operates New Tang Dynasty Television.
The Democrats and the Chinese communist party are 1 in the same.

Democrats would vote for Xi if they could. Xi could probably get 500 million votes...
China Daily has spent millions running supplements—called “China Watch”—containing propaganda 'disguised as news' in major U.S. media outlets.
LOL! You mean like FOX, OANN and Newsmax. Have they been taking lessons? They're likely getting China money too, source hidden so they don't know they're pushing Chinese propaganda designed to make us doubt our elections.
This is probably just the tip of the iceberg.

"China Daily, the Chinese regime’s propaganda outlet, has spent millions for the past 6 months on U.S. publications, according to its statement filed last week with the Department of Justice under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.....China Daily is headquartered in Beijing, China. It is owned by the Publicity Department, an internal division of the China Communist Party.

The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Foreign Policy, the Seattle Times .... some of the notable receivers. Los Angeles Times received $340,000 for advertisements and $111,501 for printing newspapers in the past six months.

China Daily has spent millions running supplements—called “China Watch”—containing propaganda 'disguised as news' in major U.S. media outlets. These supplements are inserted as advertisements in newspapers or paid programs online......However, scholars researching Chinese influence activities in the United States said in a 2018 report that “it’s hard to tell that China Watch’s material is an ad.”

China Daily’s previous financial filings (pdf) with the Justice Department showed that it paid more than $4.6 million to The Washington Post and nearly $6 million to the Wall Street Journal since November 2016. It also showed the outlet paid The New York Times $50,000 in 2018."

Continued here...
Got any other source other than the Epoch Times?...' The Epoch Times is a far-right international multi-language newspaper and media company affiliated with the Falun Gong new religious movement, based in the United States. The newspaper is part of the Epoch Media Group, which also operates New Tang Dynasty Television.

So the words of Chinese anti-communists don't ring your bell? I assume you'd prefer to go with the CCP's party line then, eh?

How fittingly appropriate of you. Apparently you know more about communism than Chinese anti-communists.
China Daily has spent millions running supplements—called “China Watch”—containing propaganda 'disguised as news' in major U.S. media outlets.
LOL! You mean like FOX, OANN and Newsmax. Have they been taking lessons? They're likely getting China money too, source hidden so they don't know they're pushing Chinese propaganda designed to make us doubt our elections.

You should doubt your own election, seeing as how you voted for a CCP-sympathizer who took money from them.
China Daily has spent millions running supplements—called “China Watch”—containing propaganda 'disguised as news' in major U.S. media outlets.
LOL! You mean like FOX, OANN and Newsmax. Have they been taking lessons? They're likely getting China money too, source hidden so they don't know they're pushing Chinese propaganda designed to make us doubt our elections.
You should doubt your own election, seeing as how you voted for a CCP-sympathizer who took money from them.
Whatever! You nuts are getting really boring. It's over. Get used to it.
China Daily has spent millions running supplements—called “China Watch”—containing propaganda 'disguised as news' in major U.S. media outlets.
LOL! You mean like FOX, OANN and Newsmax. Have they been taking lessons? They're likely getting China money too, source hidden so they don't know they're pushing Chinese propaganda designed to make us doubt our elections.
You should doubt your own election, seeing as how you voted for a CCP-sympathizer who took money from them.
Whatever! You nuts are getting really boring. It's over. Get used to it.

Do you even know what the Foreign Agents Registration Act is?
China Daily has spent millions running supplements—called “China Watch”—containing propaganda 'disguised as news' in major U.S. media outlets.
LOL! You mean like FOX, OANN and Newsmax. Have they been taking lessons? They're likely getting China money too, source hidden so they don't know they're pushing Chinese propaganda designed to make us doubt our elections.
You should doubt your own election, seeing as how you voted for a CCP-sympathizer who took money from them.
Whatever! You nuts are getting really boring. It's over. Get used to it.

What part of this are you having problem understanding?

"China Daily paid The Wall Street Journal more than $85,000 and the Los Angeles Times $340,000 for advertising campaigns between May and October 2020, according to a disclosure that the propaganda mill filed this week with the Justice Department under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). "

Tell me if you see FOX News, or any other conservative news media in this official US government document:
They influenced the election!
Biden is a chinese agent!
We must impeach!
Trump must weaponize the intelligence depts!
Fucking dipshits
China Daily has spent millions running supplements—called “China Watch”—containing propaganda 'disguised as news' in major U.S. media outlets.
LOL! You mean like FOX, OANN and Newsmax. Have they been taking lessons? They're likely getting China money too, source hidden so they don't know they're pushing Chinese propaganda designed to make us doubt our elections.

You should doubt your own election, seeing as how you voted for a CCP-sympathizer who took money from them.

Trump Humpers are butt hurt and are making excuses because their saviour lost.
This is probably just the tip of the iceberg.

"China Daily, the Chinese regime’s propaganda outlet, has spent millions for the past 6 months on U.S. publications, according to its statement filed last week with the Department of Justice under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.....China Daily is headquartered in Beijing, China. It is owned by the Publicity Department, an internal division of the China Communist Party.

The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Foreign Policy, the Seattle Times .... some of the notable receivers. Los Angeles Times received $340,000 for advertisements and $111,501 for printing newspapers in the past six months.

China Daily has spent millions running supplements—called “China Watch”—containing propaganda 'disguised as news' in major U.S. media outlets. These supplements are inserted as advertisements in newspapers or paid programs online......However, scholars researching Chinese influence activities in the United States said in a 2018 report that “it’s hard to tell that China Watch’s material is an ad.”

China Daily’s previous financial filings (pdf) with the Justice Department showed that it paid more than $4.6 million to The Washington Post and nearly $6 million to the Wall Street Journal since November 2016. It also showed the outlet paid The New York Times $50,000 in 2018."

Continued here...

With all due respect, the Chinese Communists do not understand Western psychology.

Their English-language newspapers here in the States are considered a laughing stock by most Americans who would never read them even if they were free.

The Chinese are just wasting millions and millions of dollars. But that's their right.

Of course, our print newspapers are so desperate for money that they will take money from almost any dictatorship. Pitiful.
This is probably just the tip of the iceberg.

"China Daily, the Chinese regime’s propaganda outlet, has spent millions for the past 6 months on U.S. publications, according to its statement filed last week with the Department of Justice under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.....China Daily is headquartered in Beijing, China. It is owned by the Publicity Department, an internal division of the China Communist Party.

The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Foreign Policy, the Seattle Times .... some of the notable receivers. Los Angeles Times received $340,000 for advertisements and $111,501 for printing newspapers in the past six months.

China Daily has spent millions running supplements—called “China Watch”—containing propaganda 'disguised as news' in major U.S. media outlets. These supplements are inserted as advertisements in newspapers or paid programs online......However, scholars researching Chinese influence activities in the United States said in a 2018 report that “it’s hard to tell that China Watch’s material is an ad.”

China Daily’s previous financial filings (pdf) with the Justice Department showed that it paid more than $4.6 million to The Washington Post and nearly $6 million to the Wall Street Journal since November 2016. It also showed the outlet paid The New York Times $50,000 in 2018."

Continued here...
Got any other source other than the Epoch Times?...' The Epoch Times is a far-right international multi-language newspaper and media company affiliated with the Falun Gong new religious movement, based in the United States. The newspaper is part of the Epoch Media Group, which also operates New Tang Dynasty Television.

So the words of Chinese anti-communists don't ring your bell? I assume you'd prefer to go with the CCP's party line then, eh?

How fittingly appropriate of you. Apparently you know more about communism than Chinese anti-communists.
The Epoch Times is the equvilant of Newmax and Info Wars..just asked if a more moderate source was available..
This is probably just the tip of the iceberg.

"China Daily, the Chinese regime’s propaganda outlet, has spent millions for the past 6 months on U.S. publications, according to its statement filed last week with the Department of Justice under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.....China Daily is headquartered in Beijing, China. It is owned by the Publicity Department, an internal division of the China Communist Party.

The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Foreign Policy, the Seattle Times .... some of the notable receivers. Los Angeles Times received $340,000 for advertisements and $111,501 for printing newspapers in the past six months.

China Daily has spent millions running supplements—called “China Watch”—containing propaganda 'disguised as news' in major U.S. media outlets. These supplements are inserted as advertisements in newspapers or paid programs online......However, scholars researching Chinese influence activities in the United States said in a 2018 report that “it’s hard to tell that China Watch’s material is an ad.”

China Daily’s previous financial filings (pdf) with the Justice Department showed that it paid more than $4.6 million to The Washington Post and nearly $6 million to the Wall Street Journal since November 2016. It also showed the outlet paid The New York Times $50,000 in 2018."

Continued here...
They own Biden, they own his family, they own his presidency, they own our Left-Wing "Think" tanks, they own many Leftwing politicians, they own our State Department, they have deeply infiltrated our Universities, hell, they even can make Lebron James jump at will.

Communist China Lies Worse Than A 10-Year-Old Does.
What does it take to get a Communist to tell the truth?
Answer: No, you may not use a car battery and nipple clamps.

Lying Outlaw Slaver China now claims India is original source of Wuhan Coronavirus
Anything Communist China says: It’s a lie.
Last week Lying Outlaw Slaver China was blaming Italy as the original source of the Wuhan Coronavirus.
Apparently, the level of skepticism was high on that assertion. So now, Chinese officials are pointing to India as the source of the novel virus.
You would think that the Communist government in Beijing would be better liars, having been practicing at it since the 1940s and enjoying an entire bureaucracy dedicated to telling tall tales.

Instead, we get: “That China virus didn’t come from here. It came from Italy. We mean India. But certainly not China.”
This is probably just the tip of the iceberg.

"China Daily, the Chinese regime’s propaganda outlet, has spent millions for the past 6 months on U.S. publications, according to its statement filed last week with the Department of Justice under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.....China Daily is headquartered in Beijing, China. It is owned by the Publicity Department, an internal division of the China Communist Party.

The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Foreign Policy, the Seattle Times .... some of the notable receivers. Los Angeles Times received $340,000 for advertisements and $111,501 for printing newspapers in the past six months.

China Daily has spent millions running supplements—called “China Watch”—containing propaganda 'disguised as news' in major U.S. media outlets. These supplements are inserted as advertisements in newspapers or paid programs online......However, scholars researching Chinese influence activities in the United States said in a 2018 report that “it’s hard to tell that China Watch’s material is an ad.”

China Daily’s previous financial filings (pdf) with the Justice Department showed that it paid more than $4.6 million to The Washington Post and nearly $6 million to the Wall Street Journal since November 2016. It also showed the outlet paid The New York Times $50,000 in 2018."

Continued here...
Where's the call for investigations into election interference?
Under no circumstances should US Media be taking money from the CCP to publish their Chinese propaganda. Our traitorous media is facilitating
THE GREAT COVID COVERUP and pushing outright LIES for the benefit of China.
When 90% of our news agencies and companies are tied to the entertainment industry which desperately want to sell in China we are screwed....

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