Chinese prevents Canadian Miss Universe from Speaking

communism? pssssh china hasn't been communist since Nixon dummy. These are chinese corporations blocking her from speaking at their sponsored event.

Weren't you assholes trying block a football player from protesting the national anthem a few weeks ago? whats the difference?
communism? pssssh china hasn't been communist since Nixon dummy. These are chinese corporations blocking her from speaking at their sponsored event.

Weren't you assholes trying block a football player from protesting the national anthem a few weeks ago? whats the difference?
Pageant Silences Beauty Queen, a Critic of China, at a U.S. Contest

I guess western civilizations are kowtowing to communist rulers now. I am pretty sad my self, as a chinese.

In China falun gong is prohibited because it's bad. Guess what, the miss universe is falun gong member and she becomes, well, a miss universe.

In US LSD is prohibited. Steve Jobs use it and becomes, well, Steve Jobs.
Why is Falun Gong bad?
communism? pssssh china hasn't been communist since Nixon dummy. These are chinese corporations blocking her from speaking at their sponsored event.

Weren't you assholes trying block a football player from protesting the national anthem a few weeks ago? whats the difference?

Communist party still in charge there. They still own the land and nothing has really changed freedomwise since the showdown in tiananmen square back in 1989.
communism? pssssh china hasn't been communist since Nixon dummy. These are chinese corporations blocking her from speaking at their sponsored event.

Weren't you assholes trying block a football player from protesting the national anthem a few weeks ago? whats the difference?
Your confused nobody tried to stop Kaepernick taking a knee during the National Anthem if the idiot wants to protest the freedoms that gave him the opportunity to succeed then more power to him, In the US we have the right to call him a moron.

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