Chinese government threatens Canada, warning citizens to exercise caution when travelling to the country


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
What will Canada do? We have the weakest economy in the G20, even our allies don't trust us. Some of us could easily see our future would be a headache when dealing with China (and while backstabbing our allies) and I voiced it. Along with the covert police in our economy that has decimated it and our reputation as a democratic nation.

Now we have to deal with the filthy communists who we loved to make easy money from when we exported into the U.S. China no longer cares for our cash, they are being more overt about the types of activities CSIS warned Canadian politicians about for longer than I've followed the issue.

Those who don't learn from history are condemned to repeat it...

Chinese government threatens Canada, warning citizens to exercise caution when travelling to the country

The Chinese government has once again threatened to punish Canada, in a new round of verbal attacks from a foreign ministry with a lengthening list of targets among western countries critical of Beijing’s policies.

China on Monday lashed out at measures taken by Canada last week in response to a new national security law imposed on Hong Kong. Ottawa suspended its extradition treaty with Hong Kong, halted the export of sensitive military goods to the city and issued a warning to travellers that going to the city face new risks of arbitrary arrest and potential extradition to mainland China

“China condemns that and reserves the right to make further responses,” foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said Monday. “All consequences shall be borne by the Canadian side.” He did not specify what those might be.

The Chinese embassy in Ottawa also published a brief notice on its WeChat account warning travellers — who are largely barred from entering Canada at the moment — about the “frequent” occurrences of police violence and demonstrations.
China’s foreign ministry occupies a comparatively low position in the country’s state hierarchy of power, and the threats and insults it has made in recent months have come with such frequency that it has grown increasingly difficult to discern which are genuine signals of the world’s second-largest economy preparing to take action.

In the last week alone, China has used virtually identical language to threaten the UK with “further reactions,” called Indian politicians “irresponsible,” accused an Australian thinktank of “maliciously smearing” China and dismissed Japan for an “anti-China ‘performance.’” Mr. Zhao has labelled the U.S. a “bully,” accused White House adviser Peter Navarro of “babbling nonsense” and called U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo a “brazen liar” whose “lies and rumours demonstrate nothing but ignorance and prejudice.” (He reserved more flattering comment for Pakistan, Venezuela, Russia and Cuba.)
A year and a half ago, China responded with force immediately following the arrest of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou. State security agents subsequently seized Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor, who remain in detention, while the country’s border authorities rejected imports of canola, beef and other agricultural goods.
China can be a cool place for horny men if they serve the interests of the communist dictatorship

such people are called white monkeys and they will do or say anything to maintain their comfortable lifestyle

China can be a cool place for horny men if they serve the interests of the communist dictatorship

such people are called white monkeys and they will do or say anything to maintain their comfortable lifestyle

They are using them. Those who just want some attention for the first time in their lives will sell any character they MIGHT have had to get their 15 minutes and a few bucks.

We've been our worst enemy by promoting those who oppose America and capitalism as equal. "Just another nation with their own system", the alt-left and self-serving businesses will say.

So ultimately, these people being used can shrug their shoulders, "you shop at Walmart and Amazon but want to point out what I am doing"? It's tough to counter that argument.

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