China will make a move against U.S. very soon.


Can you explain to me why I should give a shit about the Spratley Islands?

Do you really need it explained to you?

I have seen your posts, no thanks, there is far too much drivel in here as it is

Articles: Why the Spratly Islands Dispute Matters

that is what is called an opinion, I simply don't share it. I didn't think it mattered who owned Kuwait in 1991 and events have proven me probably right
Course it could be made to look like an "accident" say a carrier goes down because a missile was fired by "mistake" during an exercise.....I think Obama would accede to that readily

To use a poker analogy....(BTW the chinese are excellent poker players) obama is trying to bluff China....the problem being China knows it.

Anyone that knows anything about poker knows that in order for a bluff to work...the person you are trying to bluff must actually think there is a possibility of you having what you claim to have.

As a Chinese General said...the U.S. would not sacrifice L.A. to save Taiwan...and that statement has broad implications. aka they know that obama will not do anything at all that might provoke a war with if anyone has a capability of bluffing it is China.....if they tell obama to get the hell out of the S. China sea or they are gong to nuke L.A. he would get out very, very can bet on that.

But the Chinese are not going to have to say anything that drastic....what they will do is to set up a situation where there is some sort of military action with the U.S in the S. China sea....some American planes will be shot down or some U.S. navy vessel will be sunk....what would the U.S. do? You got it....nothing. I doubt China would even apologize...they will blame it on the U.S. being somewhere they should not be.

But that would not be the end of it....after such a 'humiliation' China will be emboldened to do it again...perhaps on a larger scale...perhaps with other nations aka Japan or the other words they will keep this policy going until no one at all opposes their right to control, dominate aka own the S.China Sea.

They want to accomplish this before the elections where a wild card (Trump) might come into play...a wild card they would be very wary if they can estblish their ownership of the S.China sea before Trump gets in...that would be a very good thing for them.

The chinese are very,very intelligent...unlike our leadership....they also are very cautious...and very patient but willing to make bold moves if everything is in their favor and it is. They know they must expand or die....they need territory and they need it very badly due to the numbers of people they order to maintain a good standard of living for most...they will fight to the death before they allow anyone to push them back into the situation they were in for so long....starving and unable to do anything to protect their interests. They absolutely understand now is a most opportune time for them to acquire the S.China Sea at very little costs.....later might not be so good for them.

They are going to have a secret meeting soon...the top leadership...i think this will be at the top of the agenda. Their military is very aggressive and wants to demonstrate what they are capable of doing thus insuring more power and more support for the fact I think the military will attempt to gain control of China and a good way to do it would be to run all other nations out of the S.China Sea....they would get huge amounts of support for doing that...people do not understand the great urge for revenge china has....especially against Japan but also against the whole western world for all the years the chinese were subjugated by the western powers.

Aside from delusional conspiracy theories you may want to update yourself.......
Number of destroyers and fighter planes are already in the same area where China claiming new territory. There are about 8 US airbase being set up in the Phil. which 2 are within 20 to 30 minutes to Spratley island.

U.S. Navy destroyers stalk China's claims in South China Sea

U.S. negotiating to rotate troops to 8 Philippine bases

The U.S. military will have access to eight or more Filipino bases for rotational deployments as part of a new defense agreement, according to Philippine media, in what looks to be a landmark basing expansion as part of the Pentagon's Asia-Pacific pivot.
The Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement will allow the U.S. to use eight bases for troop rotations, Gen. Gregorio Catapang, the Philippine military chief of staff, told ABS-CBN News.
Two of these bases are located near disputed islands in the hotly contested South China Sea: Antonio Bautista Air Base and Naval Station Carlito Cunanan.
Stars and Stripes newspaper also named the other bases Catapang said were being considered: Fort Magsaysay, Crow Valley, Basa Air Base, ; Naval Station San Miguel, Benito Ebuen Air Base and Naval Base Rafael Ramos. Plans are in place to increase the number of rotational U.S. ships, Marines and aircraft in Subic Bay.
Course it could be made to look like an "accident" say a carrier goes down because a missile was fired by "mistake" during an exercise.....I think Obama would accede to that readily

To use a poker analogy....(BTW the chinese are excellent poker players) obama is trying to bluff China....the problem being China knows it.

Anyone that knows anything about poker knows that in order for a bluff to work...the person you are trying to bluff must actually think there is a possibility of you having what you claim to have.

As a Chinese General said...the U.S. would not sacrifice L.A. to save Taiwan...and that statement has broad implications. aka they know that obama will not do anything at all that might provoke a war with if anyone has a capability of bluffing it is China.....if they tell obama to get the hell out of the S. China sea or they are gong to nuke L.A. he would get out very, very can bet on that.

But the Chinese are not going to have to say anything that drastic....what they will do is to set up a situation where there is some sort of military action with the U.S in the S. China sea....some American planes will be shot down or some U.S. navy vessel will be sunk....what would the U.S. do? You got it....nothing. I doubt China would even apologize...they will blame it on the U.S. being somewhere they should not be.

But that would not be the end of it....after such a 'humiliation' China will be emboldened to do it again...perhaps on a larger scale...perhaps with other nations aka Japan or the other words they will keep this policy going until no one at all opposes their right to control, dominate aka own the S.China Sea.

They want to accomplish this before the elections where a wild card (Trump) might come into play...a wild card they would be very wary if they can estblish their ownership of the S.China sea before Trump gets in...that would be a very good thing for them.

The chinese are very,very intelligent...unlike our leadership....they also are very cautious...and very patient but willing to make bold moves if everything is in their favor and it is. They know they must expand or die....they need territory and they need it very badly due to the numbers of people they order to maintain a good standard of living for most...they will fight to the death before they allow anyone to push them back into the situation they were in for so long....starving and unable to do anything to protect their interests. They absolutely understand now is a most opportune time for them to acquire the S.China Sea at very little costs.....later might not be so good for them.

They are going to have a secret meeting soon...the top leadership...i think this will be at the top of the agenda. Their military is very aggressive and wants to demonstrate what they are capable of doing thus insuring more power and more support for the fact I think the military will attempt to gain control of China and a good way to do it would be to run all other nations out of the S.China Sea....they would get huge amounts of support for doing that...people do not understand the great urge for revenge china has....especially against Japan but also against the whole western world for all the years the chinese were subjugated by the western powers.

Aside from delusional conspiracy theories you may want to update yourself.......
Number of destroyers and fighter planes are already in the same area where China claiming new territory. There are about 8 US airbase being set up in the Phil. which 2 are within 20 to 30 minutes to Spratley island.

U.S. Navy destroyers stalk China's claims in South China Sea

U.S. negotiating to rotate troops to 8 Philippine bases

The U.S. military will have access to eight or more Filipino bases for rotational deployments as part of a new defense agreement, according to Philippine media, in what looks to be a landmark basing expansion as part of the Pentagon's Asia-Pacific pivot.
The Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement will allow the U.S. to use eight bases for troop rotations, Gen. Gregorio Catapang, the Philippine military chief of staff, told ABS-CBN News.
Two of these bases are located near disputed islands in the hotly contested South China Sea: Antonio Bautista Air Base and Naval Station Carlito Cunanan.
Stars and Stripes newspaper also named the other bases Catapang said were being considered: Fort Magsaysay, Crow Valley, Basa Air Base, ; Naval Station San Miguel, Benito Ebuen Air Base and Naval Base Rafael Ramos. Plans are in place to increase the number of rotational U.S. ships, Marines and aircraft in Subic Bay.

I know, so can anybody tell me why I need to pay to protect the flips' oil claims? what is it to me which one of those wankers gets the oil and fish? I sure don't get any
Course it could be made to look like an "accident" say a carrier goes down because a missile was fired by "mistake" during an exercise.....I think Obama would accede to that readily

To use a poker analogy....(BTW the chinese are excellent poker players) obama is trying to bluff China....the problem being China knows it.

Anyone that knows anything about poker knows that in order for a bluff to work...the person you are trying to bluff must actually think there is a possibility of you having what you claim to have.

As a Chinese General said...the U.S. would not sacrifice L.A. to save Taiwan...and that statement has broad implications. aka they know that obama will not do anything at all that might provoke a war with if anyone has a capability of bluffing it is China.....if they tell obama to get the hell out of the S. China sea or they are gong to nuke L.A. he would get out very, very can bet on that.

But the Chinese are not going to have to say anything that drastic....what they will do is to set up a situation where there is some sort of military action with the U.S in the S. China sea....some American planes will be shot down or some U.S. navy vessel will be sunk....what would the U.S. do? You got it....nothing. I doubt China would even apologize...they will blame it on the U.S. being somewhere they should not be.

But that would not be the end of it....after such a 'humiliation' China will be emboldened to do it again...perhaps on a larger scale...perhaps with other nations aka Japan or the other words they will keep this policy going until no one at all opposes their right to control, dominate aka own the S.China Sea.

They want to accomplish this before the elections where a wild card (Trump) might come into play...a wild card they would be very wary if they can estblish their ownership of the S.China sea before Trump gets in...that would be a very good thing for them.

The chinese are very,very intelligent...unlike our leadership....they also are very cautious...and very patient but willing to make bold moves if everything is in their favor and it is. They know they must expand or die....they need territory and they need it very badly due to the numbers of people they order to maintain a good standard of living for most...they will fight to the death before they allow anyone to push them back into the situation they were in for so long....starving and unable to do anything to protect their interests. They absolutely understand now is a most opportune time for them to acquire the S.China Sea at very little costs.....later might not be so good for them.

They are going to have a secret meeting soon...the top leadership...i think this will be at the top of the agenda. Their military is very aggressive and wants to demonstrate what they are capable of doing thus insuring more power and more support for the fact I think the military will attempt to gain control of China and a good way to do it would be to run all other nations out of the S.China Sea....they would get huge amounts of support for doing that...people do not understand the great urge for revenge china has....especially against Japan but also against the whole western world for all the years the chinese were subjugated by the western powers.

Aside from delusional conspiracy theories you may want to update yourself.......
Number of destroyers and fighter planes are already in the same area where China claiming new territory. There are about 8 US airbase being set up in the Phil. which 2 are within 20 to 30 minutes to Spratley island.

U.S. Navy destroyers stalk China's claims in South China Sea

U.S. negotiating to rotate troops to 8 Philippine bases

The U.S. military will have access to eight or more Filipino bases for rotational deployments as part of a new defense agreement, according to Philippine media, in what looks to be a landmark basing expansion as part of the Pentagon's Asia-Pacific pivot.
The Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement will allow the U.S. to use eight bases for troop rotations, Gen. Gregorio Catapang, the Philippine military chief of staff, told ABS-CBN News.
Two of these bases are located near disputed islands in the hotly contested South China Sea: Antonio Bautista Air Base and Naval Station Carlito Cunanan.
Stars and Stripes newspaper also named the other bases Catapang said were being considered: Fort Magsaysay, Crow Valley, Basa Air Base, ; Naval Station San Miguel, Benito Ebuen Air Base and Naval Base Rafael Ramos. Plans are in place to increase the number of rotational U.S. ships, Marines and aircraft in Subic Bay.

I know, so can anybody tell me why I need to pay to protect the flips' oil claims? what is it to me which one of those wankers gets the oil and fish? I sure don't get any

I suggest....... Go to swap meet market.
. If war breaks out, then allies would form quickly wouldn't they ? Who supports who if world war was to break out again ?

we talking world war III now? I thought we were talking south china sea
. One thing leads to another.

Neither China nor the US wants a major war....China does desire a minor conflict where they will be able to humiliate America....i.e. say China shoots down some American planes and or sinks a U.S. navy ship and does not apologize but says the Americans were violating their territorial waters...what do you think obama would do?
Course it could be made to look like an "accident" say a carrier goes down because a missile was fired by "mistake" during an exercise.....I think Obama would accede to that readily

To use a poker analogy....(BTW the chinese are excellent poker players) obama is trying to bluff China....the problem being China knows it.

Anyone that knows anything about poker knows that in order for a bluff to work...the person you are trying to bluff must actually think there is a possibility of you having what you claim to have.

As a Chinese General said...the U.S. would not sacrifice L.A. to save Taiwan...and that statement has broad implications. aka they know that obama will not do anything at all that might provoke a war with if anyone has a capability of bluffing it is China.....if they tell obama to get the hell out of the S. China sea or they are gong to nuke L.A. he would get out very, very can bet on that.

But the Chinese are not going to have to say anything that drastic....what they will do is to set up a situation where there is some sort of military action with the U.S in the S. China sea....some American planes will be shot down or some U.S. navy vessel will be sunk....what would the U.S. do? You got it....nothing. I doubt China would even apologize...they will blame it on the U.S. being somewhere they should not be.

But that would not be the end of it....after such a 'humiliation' China will be emboldened to do it again...perhaps on a larger scale...perhaps with other nations aka Japan or the other words they will keep this policy going until no one at all opposes their right to control, dominate aka own the S.China Sea.

They want to accomplish this before the elections where a wild card (Trump) might come into play...a wild card they would be very wary if they can estblish their ownership of the S.China sea before Trump gets in...that would be a very good thing for them.

The chinese are very,very intelligent...unlike our leadership....they also are very cautious...and very patient but willing to make bold moves if everything is in their favor and it is. They know they must expand or die....they need territory and they need it very badly due to the numbers of people they order to maintain a good standard of living for most...they will fight to the death before they allow anyone to push them back into the situation they were in for so long....starving and unable to do anything to protect their interests. They absolutely understand now is a most opportune time for them to acquire the S.China Sea at very little costs.....later might not be so good for them.

They are going to have a secret meeting soon...the top leadership...i think this will be at the top of the agenda. Their military is very aggressive and wants to demonstrate what they are capable of doing thus insuring more power and more support for the fact I think the military will attempt to gain control of China and a good way to do it would be to run all other nations out of the S.China Sea....they would get huge amounts of support for doing that...people do not understand the great urge for revenge china has....especially against Japan but also against the whole western world for all the years the chinese were subjugated by the western powers.

Aside from delusional conspiracy theories you may want to update yourself.......
Number of destroyers and fighter planes are already in the same area where China claiming new territory. There are about 8 US airbase being set up in the Phil. which 2 are within 20 to 30 minutes to Spratley island.

U.S. Navy destroyers stalk China's claims in South China Sea

U.S. negotiating to rotate troops to 8 Philippine bases

The U.S. military will have access to eight or more Filipino bases for rotational deployments as part of a new defense agreement, according to Philippine media, in what looks to be a landmark basing expansion as part of the Pentagon's Asia-Pacific pivot.
The Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement will allow the U.S. to use eight bases for troop rotations, Gen. Gregorio Catapang, the Philippine military chief of staff, told ABS-CBN News.
Two of these bases are located near disputed islands in the hotly contested South China Sea: Antonio Bautista Air Base and Naval Station Carlito Cunanan.
Stars and Stripes newspaper also named the other bases Catapang said were being considered: Fort Magsaysay, Crow Valley, Basa Air Base, ; Naval Station San Miguel, Benito Ebuen Air Base and Naval Base Rafael Ramos. Plans are in place to increase the number of rotational U.S. ships, Marines and aircraft in Subic Bay.
Course it could be made to look like an "accident" say a carrier goes down because a missile was fired by "mistake" during an exercise.....I think Obama would accede to that readily

To use a poker analogy....(BTW the chinese are excellent poker players) obama is trying to bluff China....the problem being China knows it.

Anyone that knows anything about poker knows that in order for a bluff to work...the person you are trying to bluff must actually think there is a possibility of you having what you claim to have.

As a Chinese General said...the U.S. would not sacrifice L.A. to save Taiwan...and that statement has broad implications. aka they know that obama will not do anything at all that might provoke a war with if anyone has a capability of bluffing it is China.....if they tell obama to get the hell out of the S. China sea or they are gong to nuke L.A. he would get out very, very can bet on that.

But the Chinese are not going to have to say anything that drastic....what they will do is to set up a situation where there is some sort of military action with the U.S in the S. China sea....some American planes will be shot down or some U.S. navy vessel will be sunk....what would the U.S. do? You got it....nothing. I doubt China would even apologize...they will blame it on the U.S. being somewhere they should not be.

But that would not be the end of it....after such a 'humiliation' China will be emboldened to do it again...perhaps on a larger scale...perhaps with other nations aka Japan or the other words they will keep this policy going until no one at all opposes their right to control, dominate aka own the S.China Sea.

They want to accomplish this before the elections where a wild card (Trump) might come into play...a wild card they would be very wary if they can estblish their ownership of the S.China sea before Trump gets in...that would be a very good thing for them.

The chinese are very,very intelligent...unlike our leadership....they also are very cautious...and very patient but willing to make bold moves if everything is in their favor and it is. They know they must expand or die....they need territory and they need it very badly due to the numbers of people they order to maintain a good standard of living for most...they will fight to the death before they allow anyone to push them back into the situation they were in for so long....starving and unable to do anything to protect their interests. They absolutely understand now is a most opportune time for them to acquire the S.China Sea at very little costs.....later might not be so good for them.

They are going to have a secret meeting soon...the top leadership...i think this will be at the top of the agenda. Their military is very aggressive and wants to demonstrate what they are capable of doing thus insuring more power and more support for the fact I think the military will attempt to gain control of China and a good way to do it would be to run all other nations out of the S.China Sea....they would get huge amounts of support for doing that...people do not understand the great urge for revenge china has....especially against Japan but also against the whole western world for all the years the chinese were subjugated by the western powers.

Aside from delusional conspiracy theories you may want to update yourself.......
Number of destroyers and fighter planes are already in the same area where China claiming new territory. There are about 8 US airbase being set up in the Phil. which 2 are within 20 to 30 minutes to Spratley island.

U.S. Navy destroyers stalk China's claims in South China Sea

U.S. negotiating to rotate troops to 8 Philippine bases

The U.S. military will have access to eight or more Filipino bases for rotational deployments as part of a new defense agreement, according to Philippine media, in what looks to be a landmark basing expansion as part of the Pentagon's Asia-Pacific pivot.
The Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement will allow the U.S. to use eight bases for troop rotations, Gen. Gregorio Catapang, the Philippine military chief of staff, told ABS-CBN News.
Two of these bases are located near disputed islands in the hotly contested South China Sea: Antonio Bautista Air Base and Naval Station Carlito Cunanan.
Stars and Stripes newspaper also named the other bases Catapang said were being considered: Fort Magsaysay, Crow Valley, Basa Air Base, ; Naval Station San Miguel, Benito Ebuen Air Base and Naval Base Rafael Ramos. Plans are in place to increase the number of rotational U.S. ships, Marines and aircraft in Subic Bay.
. If war breaks out, then allies would form quickly wouldn't they ? Who supports who if world war was to break out again ?

we talking world war III now? I thought we were talking south china sea
. One thing leads to another.

Neither China nor the US wants a major war....China does desire a minor conflict where they will be able to humiliate America....i.e. say China shoots down some American planes and or sinks a U.S. navy ship and does not apologize but says the Americans were violating their territorial waters...what do you think obama would do?
. I would hate to be on the ship or in the plane that would be sacrificed on the alter or pride in a game of political posturing by each nation involved.
. If war breaks out, then allies would form quickly wouldn't they ? Who supports who if world war was to break out again ?

we talking world war III now? I thought we were talking south china sea
. One thing leads to another.

Neither China nor the US wants a major war....China does desire a minor conflict where they will be able to humiliate America....i.e. say China shoots down some American planes and or sinks a U.S. navy ship and does not apologize but says the Americans were violating their territorial waters...what do you think obama would do?
. I would hate to be on the ship or in the plane that would be sacrificed on the alter or pride in a game of political posturing by each nation involved.

Look at the thousands and thousands of lives that were wasted in Vietnam because LBJ wanted a war...people voted for him because they were afraid Goldwater would start a war.
. If war breaks out, then allies would form quickly wouldn't they ? Who supports who if world war was to break out again ?

we talking world war III now? I thought we were talking south china sea
. One thing leads to another.

Neither China nor the US wants a major war....China does desire a minor conflict where they will be able to humiliate America....i.e. say China shoots down some American planes and or sinks a U.S. navy ship and does not apologize but says the Americans were violating their territorial waters...what do you think obama would do?

Obama? he would send them $400M
Course it could be made to look like an "accident" say a carrier goes down because a missile was fired by "mistake" during an exercise.....I think Obama would accede to that readily

To use a poker analogy....(BTW the chinese are excellent poker players) obama is trying to bluff China....the problem being China knows it.

Anyone that knows anything about poker knows that in order for a bluff to work...the person you are trying to bluff must actually think there is a possibility of you having what you claim to have.

As a Chinese General said...the U.S. would not sacrifice L.A. to save Taiwan...and that statement has broad implications. aka they know that obama will not do anything at all that might provoke a war with if anyone has a capability of bluffing it is China.....if they tell obama to get the hell out of the S. China sea or they are gong to nuke L.A. he would get out very, very can bet on that.

But the Chinese are not going to have to say anything that drastic....what they will do is to set up a situation where there is some sort of military action with the U.S in the S. China sea....some American planes will be shot down or some U.S. navy vessel will be sunk....what would the U.S. do? You got it....nothing. I doubt China would even apologize...they will blame it on the U.S. being somewhere they should not be.

But that would not be the end of it....after such a 'humiliation' China will be emboldened to do it again...perhaps on a larger scale...perhaps with other nations aka Japan or the other words they will keep this policy going until no one at all opposes their right to control, dominate aka own the S.China Sea.

They want to accomplish this before the elections where a wild card (Trump) might come into play...a wild card they would be very wary if they can estblish their ownership of the S.China sea before Trump gets in...that would be a very good thing for them.

The chinese are very,very intelligent...unlike our leadership....they also are very cautious...and very patient but willing to make bold moves if everything is in their favor and it is. They know they must expand or die....they need territory and they need it very badly due to the numbers of people they order to maintain a good standard of living for most...they will fight to the death before they allow anyone to push them back into the situation they were in for so long....starving and unable to do anything to protect their interests. They absolutely understand now is a most opportune time for them to acquire the S.China Sea at very little costs.....later might not be so good for them.

They are going to have a secret meeting soon...the top leadership...i think this will be at the top of the agenda. Their military is very aggressive and wants to demonstrate what they are capable of doing thus insuring more power and more support for the fact I think the military will attempt to gain control of China and a good way to do it would be to run all other nations out of the S.China Sea....they would get huge amounts of support for doing that...people do not understand the great urge for revenge china has....especially against Japan but also against the whole western world for all the years the chinese were subjugated by the western powers.

Aside from delusional conspiracy theories you may want to update yourself.......
Number of destroyers and fighter planes are already in the same area where China claiming new territory. There are about 8 US airbase being set up in the Phil. which 2 are within 20 to 30 minutes to Spratley island.

U.S. Navy destroyers stalk China's claims in South China Sea

U.S. negotiating to rotate troops to 8 Philippine bases

The U.S. military will have access to eight or more Filipino bases for rotational deployments as part of a new defense agreement, according to Philippine media, in what looks to be a landmark basing expansion as part of the Pentagon's Asia-Pacific pivot.
The Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement will allow the U.S. to use eight bases for troop rotations, Gen. Gregorio Catapang, the Philippine military chief of staff, told ABS-CBN News.
Two of these bases are located near disputed islands in the hotly contested South China Sea: Antonio Bautista Air Base and Naval Station Carlito Cunanan.
Stars and Stripes newspaper also named the other bases Catapang said were being considered: Fort Magsaysay, Crow Valley, Basa Air Base, ; Naval Station San Miguel, Benito Ebuen Air Base and Naval Base Rafael Ramos. Plans are in place to increase the number of rotational U.S. ships, Marines and aircraft in Subic Bay.

I know, so can anybody tell me why I need to pay to protect the flips' oil claims? what is it to me which one of those wankers gets the oil and fish? I sure don't get any

I suggest....... Go to swap meet market.

With your baby.
. If war breaks out, then allies would form quickly wouldn't they ? Who supports who if world war was to break out again ?

we talking world war III now? I thought we were talking south china sea
. One thing leads to another.

Neither China nor the US wants a major war....China does desire a minor conflict where they will be able to humiliate America....i.e. say China shoots down some American planes and or sinks a U.S. navy ship and does not apologize but says the Americans were violating their territorial waters...what do you think obama would do?
. I would hate to be on the ship or in the plane that would be sacrificed on the alter or pride in a game of political posturing by each nation involved.

Look at the thousands and thousands of lives that were wasted in Vietnam because LBJ wanted a war...people voted for him because they were afraid Goldwater would start a war.
. Look at the lives lost in most recent wars, and how they were lives waisted because of dirty politics or even because of traitors within.
. If war breaks out, then allies would form quickly wouldn't they ? Who supports who if world war was to break out again ?

we talking world war III now? I thought we were talking south china sea
. One thing leads to another.

Neither China nor the US wants a major war....China does desire a minor conflict where they will be able to humiliate America....i.e. say China shoots down some American planes and or sinks a U.S. navy ship and does not apologize but says the Americans were violating their territorial waters...what do you think obama would do?

Obama? he would send them $400M
. Yep, and he would see it as hush money..
China is still dependent on us...we can collapse their economy in 48 hours by closing our ports and airports to products from there. It's also about time Japan started looking after themselves....70 years is long enough for us to be there...they are so Americanized there is nothing for us to fear from a nuclear Japan and that would terrify the Chi-Coms. The Viets are in the same category and another of China's dreads.....I fear nothing about China in the near future.
China is still dependent on us...we can collapse their economy in 48 hours by closing our ports and airports to products from there. It's also about time Japan started looking after themselves....70 years is long enough for us to be there...they are so Americanized there is nothing for us to fear from a nuclear Japan and that would terrify the Chi-Coms. The Viets are in the same category and another of China's dreads.....I fear nothing about China in the near future.

U.S. banks would decide that.
China is still dependent on us...we can collapse their economy in 48 hours by closing our ports and airports to products from there. It's also about time Japan started looking after themselves....70 years is long enough for us to be there...they are so Americanized there is nothing for us to fear from a nuclear Japan and that would terrify the Chi-Coms. The Viets are in the same category and another of China's dreads.....I fear nothing about China in the near future.
. It's all about the money, yet the Britt's decided on nationalism. Hey people get tired of being monitored and occupied by forces that they figure have not their best spiritual health involved anymore. Some yearn for the old days when they see themselves as a proud, honorable people amongst themselves, and not the corrupted westernized lead people in which they have been forced over the years to become. Look out for a resurgence in nationalism within these nations, because it's coming, and in the position we are in or because of the positions we have taken in this nation, it has caused us to lose respect, and start the trend going backwards in these places.
'China is wary of any incident overshadowing the G-20 summit in Hangzhou in September, the highlight of this year’s diplomatic calendar for Xi when he will be host to the leaders of most of the world’s economically most powerful countries, the sources said.

The Beijing-based diplomat said it was more likely China would choose the period between the end of the G-20 and the U.S. presidential election in November to make any move.'

'Give them a bloody nose': Xi pressed for stronger South China Sea response
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US guided-missile destroyer arrives in China for first time since South China Sea arbitration ruling
US navy destroyer in China
USS Benfold, a guided-missile destroyer, arrives at a port in Qingdao, Shandong Province, China on 8 August 2016 for the first time since The Hague tribunal rejected Beijing's claims in the South China Sea on 12 July
A US warship has made it to Chinese ports for the first time since Beijing unequivocally rejected the arbitration tribunal ruling on the South China Sea territorial dispute. An American Navy guided missile destroyer arrived in the eastern Chinese port of Qingdao in Shandong Province, on Monday (8 August).

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