China makes case for a ‘moral’ war – and paints everyone else as the provocateur


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
China makes case for a ‘moral’ war – and paints everyone else as the provocateur
Calling on the Chinese society to be ready for a war, Global Times' Editor-in-Chief Hu Xijin notes that "wars cannot be fought casually, and we must win if we are to fight."

11 Sep 2020 ~~ By Deepak Nagpal

New Delhi: Amid the ongoing India-China border dispute, the state-run Chinese newspaper Global Times has published an interesting online commentary in which it argues on the case for war, claiming moral high ground for such a conflict and letting the world know that it was not Beijing that wanted a military confrontation.
Written by Global Times' Editor-in-Chief Hu Xijin, who has been indulging in anti-India propaganda ever since the border confrontation started in early-May when Chinese troops started to violate the Line of Actual Control (LAC), the article asserts that the "Chinese people do not want war".
It, however, adds: "But we have territorial disputes with several neighbouring countries encouraged by the US to confront China. Some of these countries believe that the US support provides them with a strategic opportunity and try to treat China outrageously. They believe that China, under the US' strategic pressure, is afraid, unwilling or unable to engage in military conflict with them. Thus they want to pull the chestnuts out of the fire."
Calling on the Chinese society to be ready for a war, Hu notes that "wars cannot be fought casually, and we must win if we are to fight."
The takeaway from this statement: the expansionist agenda is very much on the table for Beijing how much it may try to deny. And the Chinese government is using the state media, as always, to send out the signals. It is for us to read between the lines and secure our borders.
Because, the Dragon will always fire.

While the Pro-China Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists continue to shout "Russia, Russia, Russia" they have allowed China to steal our technology and give our secrets to our enemy. PMS/DSA Commies like to leave out the fact that Americans died in Korea fighting the Chinese from 1950 to 1953.
Has anyone ever questioned why Democrats have bent over backwards to appease and satisfy the Chinese?
Why did Obama appoint Maoist Marxists to his Cabinet?
Can anyone doubt that Obama created a nest of Maoist Marxists as friends, campaign advisors and advisers? Here's just a few: Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohm, Van Jones, Antia Dunn, Valerie Jarrett, John Brennan, Carl Davidson, Bill Fletcher, and Mike Klonsky.
AS a result of these actions of the Democrat Marxist Quislings dating back to the Clintons and Obama China made many inroads by our ignoring their action and assistance by Democrats in General.
This leads us to today and China's aggression in the Pacific rim and the Indian border.
Xi Jinping is in trouble, factions within the CCP are battling him for supremacy. Donald Trump's foreign policy actions against China's economy is tanking and their people hate the lock downs caused by the CCP-Coronavirus. How does a totalitarian 'leader' unite his people behind him? Start a war! The problem is, Xi believes his own rhetoric, that China's destiny is to rule the world, and he expects other countries to believe that, and bow at his feet. He is sadly mistaken.
While the PMS/DSA Moaist Commies continue their assaukt on America, China will continue to attack those around them. Will Vietnam be next?
..most wars are not total wars, they are contained --thank '''''god''''
..fight to win!! NO SHIT!!!!! --but --nukes? no....not usually
..which territorial disputes?
...why would they go into Vietnam--now?
WW2 was a ''moral'' war--for the US/etc...PG1 was...Korean War was
...our involvement in the Balkans was morally right--since they were committing genocide
---not saying that we should've or should not have been involved in all but WW2 and maybe PG1
What happened to the 100 nation coalition demanding answers from China on the pandemic they released on the world? Why have Chinese scientists spent so much time in those God forsaken bat caves bringing out viruses that spread like wildfire through humans? What did China do to Dr. Ai Fen? Where is she now if she is dead how did she die? Why did a Chinese state controlled bank give drug addict Hunter Biden a $1.5 billion dollar loan? How about we get some answers out the world's number one threat to life as we know it.
..most wars are not total wars, they are contained --thank '''''god''''
..fight to win!! NO SHIT!!!!! --but --nukes? no....not usually
..which territorial disputes?
...why would they go into Vietnam--now?

Vietnam is is the bread basket of Asia and the Chinaese need them for the food Viets can produce....
It's been proven that China cannot produce enough food to fed themselves. You forget Armies travel on their stomachs....
What happened to the 100 nation coalition demanding answers from China on the pandemic they released on the world? Why have Chinese scientists spent so much time in those God forsaken bat caves bringing out viruses that spread like wildfire through humans? What did China do to Dr. Ai Fen? Where is she now if she is dead how did she die? Why did a Chinese state controlled bank give drug addict Hunter Biden a $1.5 billion dollar loan? How about we get some answers out the world's number one threat to life as we know it.

Good question that goes unanswered....
WW2 was a ''moral'' war--for the US/etc...PG1 was...Korean War was
...our involvement in the Balkans was morally right--since they were committing genocide
---not saying that we should've or should not have been involved in all but WW2 and maybe PG1

China's attack on the world's countries using Bio-warfare continues to go unchallenged..
The Chinese were aggressive long before the US was ever tripped over by Europeans...


You continue to forget your world history, or are you just plainly ignorant?
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