China expected to unveil 7% hike in military budget as tensions rise

The numbers killed by white supremacists is staggering.
I would like to see those numbers

hopefully you are confining yourself to the 21st Century and not counting all the black people who were fed to the sharks on the voyage from africa

The Tuskegee Institute has recorded the lynchings of 3,446 blacks and 1,297 whites between 1882 and 1968,

A five-year study published in 2015 by the Equal Justice Initiative found that nearly 3,959 black men, women, and children were lynched in the twelve Southern states between 1877 and 1950.

It isn't that simple, since America spreads its military all over the world acting like a policeman or to fight terrorism, while China's military is for China only that much more concentrated in the China's region.

The purpose of the US Military is to project power around the globe.

The purpose of the Chinese Military is to keep control over 1.5 billion people

You keep believing that. Look at their last decade of spending, coupled with their actions in Hong Kong, South China Sea (this alone is a MASSIVE International issue, there is about 33 BILLION barrels of oil under that sea).

See this link:

How Much Oil and Gas Is Contained in the South China Sea?

Then there is the outward threat to Taiwan, in which Xi said publicly, he would "not rule out" military means to regain control.
The type of government Trump admires.
No he doesent
Sure he does. Trump was praising Xi, even while the US was getting hit by the coronavirus.

That was a major error on his part, most certainly. Sometimes I put it down to him doing the "charm offensive", while shipping billions of dollars in military equipment to Taiwan. Maybe his son-in-law was advising Trump to take such an approach so that China didn't lose face, I don't know. He did recover after that though.

Regardless, he said it once or twice, then he went on to call it the "China Flu" and also blame them over and over. So much so that it was in all of our lexicon.

I still say that his policy of aggression and arming Taiwan was the right approach. Anyone today who feels that further appeasement of the Commie Party is wise, is not only devoid of the lessons of history, they are outright insane and/or naive at some level.
China Joe is making the US military weaker while his Chicom buddies are getting stronger.

Who would have ever thunk it?
The Chinese are not my enemy
My only enemy is the far left of America
I wish all of you would die

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