China China China !


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
for 3 yrs weve been hearing Rusia Russia Russia from dems ! now that thats been proven false the mantra starting to gain popularity is China China China ! and its being used to describe democrats close friendly relationhips with the chicom government and business ! and we have plenty of actual evidence to prove that the dem party ha been open for business when it comes to the country responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent Americans ! not he said she said feminine gossip like the left attempted to use as evidence against Trump [all of which was proven to be leftwing lies] but actual money trails through donations to dem groups from chicom companies and actual paper trails of money given to the bidens and clintons and many many other democrat leaders ! the accusations that dems are bought and paid for by their chicom comrades are real and provable ! republican oposition research groups are going to have a field day easily digging up dirt on dems and their chicom pals as we get closer to election time !
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for 3 yrs weve been hearing Rusia Russia Russia from dems ! now that thats been proven false the mantra starting to gain popularity is China China China ! and its being used to describe democrats close friendly relationhips with the chicom government and business ! and we have plenty of actual evidence to prove that the dem party ha been open for business when it comes to the country responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent Americans ! not he said she said feminine gossip like the left attempted to use as evidence against Trump [all of which was proven to be leftwing lies] but actual money trails through donations to dem groups from chicom companies and actual paper trails of money given to the bidens and clintons and many many other democrat leaders ! the accusations that dems are bought and paid for by their chicom comrades are real and provable ! republican oposition research groups are going to have a field day easily digging up dirt on dems and their chicom pals as we get closer to election time !
Nice post. Thanks.
The Chinese didn't let the coronavirus spread to the world. The democrats paid them 3.7 million dollars to develop it and spread it to The world.
for 3 yrs weve been hearing Rusia Russia Russia from dems ! now that thats been proven false the mantra starting to gain popularity is China China China ! and its being used to describe democrats close friendly relationhips with the chicom government and business ! and we have plenty of actual evidence to prove that the dem party ha been open for business when it comes to the country responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent Americans ! not he said she said feminine gossip like the left attempted to use as evidence against Trump [all of which was proven to be leftwing lies] but actual money trails through donations to dem groups from chicom companies and actual paper trails of money given to the bidens and clintons and many many other democrat leaders ! the accusations that dems are bought and paid for by their chicom comrades are real and provable ! republican oposition research groups are going to have a field day easily digging up dirt on dems and their chicom pals as we get closer to election time !

for 3 yrs weve been hearing Rusia Russia Russia from dems ! now that thats been proven false the mantra starting to gain popularity is China China China ! and its being used to describe democrats close friendly relationhips with the chicom government and business ! and we have plenty of actual evidence to prove that the dem party ha been open for business when it comes to the country responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent Americans ! not he said she said feminine gossip like the left attempted to use as evidence against Trump [all of which was proven to be leftwing lies] but actual money trails through donations to dem groups from chicom companies and actual paper trails of money given to the bidens and clintons and many many other democrat leaders ! the accusations that dems are bought and paid for by their chicom comrades are real and provable ! republican oposition research groups are going to have a field day easily digging up dirt on dems and their chicom pals as we get closer to election time !

View attachment 325032
China lied ! the WHO lied ! they lied to Trump and leaders of countries all over the world ! thank you for verifying your chicom allies deceived the world and allowed the virus to spread !
for 3 yrs weve been hearing Rusia Russia Russia from dems ! now that thats been proven false the mantra starting to gain popularity is China China China ! and its being used to describe democrats close friendly relationhips with the chicom government and business ! and we have plenty of actual evidence to prove that the dem party ha been open for business when it comes to the country responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent Americans ! not he said she said feminine gossip like the left attempted to use as evidence against Trump [all of which was proven to be leftwing lies] but actual money trails through donations to dem groups from chicom companies and actual paper trails of money given to the bidens and clintons and many many other democrat leaders ! the accusations that dems are bought and paid for by their chicom comrades are real and provable ! republican oposition research groups are going to have a field day easily digging up dirt on dems and their chicom pals as we get closer to election time !

View attachment 325032
China lied ! the WHO lied ! they lied to Trump and leaders of countries all over the world ! thank you for verifying your chicom allies deceived the world and allowed the virus to spread !
Your blob just took their word for it. Thanks for confirming what a fucking idiot both of you are.

for 3 yrs weve been hearing Rusia Russia Russia from dems ! now that thats been proven false the mantra starting to gain popularity is China China China ! and its being used to describe democrats close friendly relationhips with the chicom government and business ! and we have plenty of actual evidence to prove that the dem party ha been open for business when it comes to the country responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent Americans ! not he said she said feminine gossip like the left attempted to use as evidence against Trump [all of which was proven to be leftwing lies] but actual money trails through donations to dem groups from chicom companies and actual paper trails of money given to the bidens and clintons and many many other democrat leaders ! the accusations that dems are bought and paid for by their chicom comrades are real and provable ! republican oposition research groups are going to have a field day easily digging up dirt on dems and their chicom pals as we get closer to election time !

View attachment 325032
China lied ! the WHO lied ! they lied to Trump and leaders of countries all over the world ! thank you for verifying your chicom allies deceived the world and allowed the virus to spread !
Your blob just took their word for it. Thanks for confirming what a fucking idiot both of you are.

View attachment 325077
and so did your dear leaders ! they even said visit china town and ride the subways faggot ! and yes you are a faggot a traitor and a communist sympathizer ! your evil scum comrades have been on the take with the chicoms for decades ! i've noticed that faggots like you refuse to hold your communist allies responsible for the virus they unleashed on the world ! you stupid bastards actually think you can lie and blame Trump for the chicom dem ally commie cough ! but its already starting to backfire ! Trump is already stating that if a dem gets the WH china will own America ! and we have a lot of recent history that proves his statement to be true ! you evil disgusting communist chicom sympathizing faggots politicized this pandemic and now we are doing the same ! the biggest difference is we are basing our statements on the truth ! a vote for a democrat is a vote for china !MAGA !
for 3 yrs weve been hearing Rusia Russia Russia from dems ! now that thats been proven false the mantra starting to gain popularity is China China China ! and its being used to describe democrats close friendly relationhips with the chicom government and business ! and we have plenty of actual evidence to prove that the dem party ha been open for business when it comes to the country responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent Americans ! not he said she said feminine gossip like the left attempted to use as evidence against Trump [all of which was proven to be leftwing lies] but actual money trails through donations to dem groups from chicom companies and actual paper trails of money given to the bidens and clintons and many many other democrat leaders ! the accusations that dems are bought and paid for by their chicom comrades are real and provable ! republican oposition research groups are going to have a field day easily digging up dirt on dems and their chicom pals as we get closer to election time !

View attachment 325032
China lied ! the WHO lied ! they lied to Trump and leaders of countries all over the world ! thank you for verifying your chicom allies deceived the world and allowed the virus to spread !
Your blob just took their word for it. Thanks for confirming what a fucking idiot both of you are.

View attachment 325077
and so did your dear leaders ! they even said visit china town and ride the subways faggot ! and yes you are a faggot a traitor and a communist sympathizer ! your evil scum comrades have been on the take with the chicoms for decades ! i've noticed that faggots like you refuse to hold your communist allies responsible for the virus they unleashed on the world ! you stupid bastards actually think you can lie and blame Trump for the chicom dem ally commie cough ! but its already starting to backfire ! Trump is already stating that if a dem gets the WH china will own America ! and we have a lot of recent history that proves his statement to be true ! you evil disgusting communist chicom sympathizing faggots politicized this pandemic and now we are doing the same ! the biggest difference is we are basing our statements on the truth ! a vote for a democrat is a vote for china !MAGA !

So your blob was duped by the Chinese and was thanking them for their transparency. No wonder his response to the pandemic was so lousy.

for 3 yrs weve been hearing Rusia Russia Russia from dems ! now that thats been proven false the mantra starting to gain popularity is China China China ! and its being used to describe democrats close friendly relationhips with the chicom government and business ! and we have plenty of actual evidence to prove that the dem party ha been open for business when it comes to the country responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent Americans ! not he said she said feminine gossip like the left attempted to use as evidence against Trump [all of which was proven to be leftwing lies] but actual money trails through donations to dem groups from chicom companies and actual paper trails of money given to the bidens and clintons and many many other democrat leaders ! the accusations that dems are bought and paid for by their chicom comrades are real and provable ! republican oposition research groups are going to have a field day easily digging up dirt on dems and their chicom pals as we get closer to election time !

View attachment 325032
China lied ! the WHO lied ! they lied to Trump and leaders of countries all over the world ! thank you for verifying your chicom allies deceived the world and allowed the virus to spread !
Your blob just took their word for it. Thanks for confirming what a fucking idiot both of you are.

View attachment 325077
and so did your dear leaders ! they even said visit china town and ride the subways faggot ! and yes you are a faggot a traitor and a communist sympathizer ! your evil scum comrades have been on the take with the chicoms for decades ! i've noticed that faggots like you refuse to hold your communist allies responsible for the virus they unleashed on the world ! you stupid bastards actually think you can lie and blame Trump for the chicom dem ally commie cough ! but its already starting to backfire ! Trump is already stating that if a dem gets the WH china will own America ! and we have a lot of recent history that proves his statement to be true ! you evil disgusting communist chicom sympathizing faggots politicized this pandemic and now we are doing the same ! the biggest difference is we are basing our statements on the truth ! a vote for a democrat is a vote for china !MAGA !

So your blob was duped by the Chinese and was thanking them for their transparency. No wonder his response to the pandemic was so lousy.

View attachment 325109
the entire world was lied to ! and your leaders trust the chicoms much more than Trump does ! name one thing the dems have done to make china be fairer on trade deals and American workers ! vote dem vote china ! thats what we are going to be running on ! arent you glad your dear china loving leaders politicizes the chicom cough ! and yet again its going to backfire ! wow you people are stupid !
for 3 yrs weve been hearing Rusia Russia Russia from dems ! now that thats been proven false the mantra starting to gain popularity is China China China ! and its being used to describe democrats close friendly relationhips with the chicom government and business ! and we have plenty of actual evidence to prove that the dem party ha been open for business when it comes to the country responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent Americans ! not he said she said feminine gossip like the left attempted to use as evidence against Trump [all of which was proven to be leftwing lies] but actual money trails through donations to dem groups from chicom companies and actual paper trails of money given to the bidens and clintons and many many other democrat leaders ! the accusations that dems are bought and paid for by their chicom comrades are real and provable ! republican oposition research groups are going to have a field day easily digging up dirt on dems and their chicom pals as we get closer to election time !

View attachment 325032
China lied ! the WHO lied ! they lied to Trump and leaders of countries all over the world ! thank you for verifying your chicom allies deceived the world and allowed the virus to spread !
Your blob just took their word for it. Thanks for confirming what a fucking idiot both of you are.

View attachment 325077
and so did your dear leaders ! they even said visit china town and ride the subways faggot ! and yes you are a faggot a traitor and a communist sympathizer ! your evil scum comrades have been on the take with the chicoms for decades ! i've noticed that faggots like you refuse to hold your communist allies responsible for the virus they unleashed on the world ! you stupid bastards actually think you can lie and blame Trump for the chicom dem ally commie cough ! but its already starting to backfire ! Trump is already stating that if a dem gets the WH china will own America ! and we have a lot of recent history that proves his statement to be true ! you evil disgusting communist chicom sympathizing faggots politicized this pandemic and now we are doing the same ! the biggest difference is we are basing our statements on the truth ! a vote for a democrat is a vote for china !MAGA !

So your blob was duped by the Chinese and was thanking them for their transparency. No wonder his response to the pandemic was so lousy.

View attachment 325109
You must be about the only democrat that thinks the chinese are corrupt, huh.
for 3 yrs weve been hearing Rusia Russia Russia from dems ! now that thats been proven false the mantra starting to gain popularity is China China China ! and its being used to describe democrats close friendly relationhips with the chicom government and business ! and we have plenty of actual evidence to prove that the dem party ha been open for business when it comes to the country responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent Americans ! not he said she said feminine gossip like the left attempted to use as evidence against Trump [all of which was proven to be leftwing lies] but actual money trails through donations to dem groups from chicom companies and actual paper trails of money given to the bidens and clintons and many many other democrat leaders ! the accusations that dems are bought and paid for by their chicom comrades are real and provable ! republican oposition research groups are going to have a field day easily digging up dirt on dems and their chicom pals as we get closer to election time !

View attachment 325032
China lied ! the WHO lied ! they lied to Trump and leaders of countries all over the world ! thank you for verifying your chicom allies deceived the world and allowed the virus to spread !
Your blob just took their word for it. Thanks for confirming what a fucking idiot both of you are.

View attachment 325077
and so did your dear leaders ! they even said visit china town and ride the subways faggot ! and yes you are a faggot a traitor and a communist sympathizer ! your evil scum comrades have been on the take with the chicoms for decades ! i've noticed that faggots like you refuse to hold your communist allies responsible for the virus they unleashed on the world ! you stupid bastards actually think you can lie and blame Trump for the chicom dem ally commie cough ! but its already starting to backfire ! Trump is already stating that if a dem gets the WH china will own America ! and we have a lot of recent history that proves his statement to be true ! you evil disgusting communist chicom sympathizing faggots politicized this pandemic and now we are doing the same ! the biggest difference is we are basing our statements on the truth ! a vote for a democrat is a vote for china !MAGA !

So your blob was duped by the Chinese and was thanking them for their transparency. No wonder his response to the pandemic was so lousy.

View attachment 325109
You must be about the only democrat that thinks the chinese are corrupt, huh.
Not a democrat. All governments are as corrupt in their foreign policy as they need to be; there’s no real downside in domestic terms.

The question is why your blob believed they were being transparent.
for 3 yrs weve been hearing Rusia Russia Russia from dems ! now that thats been proven false the mantra starting to gain popularity is China China China ! and its being used to describe democrats close friendly relationhips with the chicom government and business ! and we have plenty of actual evidence to prove that the dem party ha been open for business when it comes to the country responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent Americans ! not he said she said feminine gossip like the left attempted to use as evidence against Trump [all of which was proven to be leftwing lies] but actual money trails through donations to dem groups from chicom companies and actual paper trails of money given to the bidens and clintons and many many other democrat leaders ! the accusations that dems are bought and paid for by their chicom comrades are real and provable ! republican oposition research groups are going to have a field day easily digging up dirt on dems and their chicom pals as we get closer to election time !

View attachment 325032
China lied ! the WHO lied ! they lied to Trump and leaders of countries all over the world ! thank you for verifying your chicom allies deceived the world and allowed the virus to spread !
Your blob just took their word for it. Thanks for confirming what a fucking idiot both of you are.

View attachment 325077
and so did your dear leaders ! they even said visit china town and ride the subways faggot ! and yes you are a faggot a traitor and a communist sympathizer ! your evil scum comrades have been on the take with the chicoms for decades ! i've noticed that faggots like you refuse to hold your communist allies responsible for the virus they unleashed on the world ! you stupid bastards actually think you can lie and blame Trump for the chicom dem ally commie cough ! but its already starting to backfire ! Trump is already stating that if a dem gets the WH china will own America ! and we have a lot of recent history that proves his statement to be true ! you evil disgusting communist chicom sympathizing faggots politicized this pandemic and now we are doing the same ! the biggest difference is we are basing our statements on the truth ! a vote for a democrat is a vote for china !MAGA !

So your blob was duped by the Chinese and was thanking them for their transparency. No wonder his response to the pandemic was so lousy.

View attachment 325109
You must be about the only democrat that thinks the chinese are corrupt, huh.
Not a democrat. All governments are as corrupt in their foreign policy as they need to be; there’s no real downside in domestic terms.

The question is why your blob believed they were being transparent.
not a democrat !! ok answer these questions ......1 do you believe in the right to kill the unborn ? 2 do you hate America and capitalism ? 3 do you believe in high taxes and government regs ? 4 are you a gender confused homosexual ? if you answer yes to any of these you are a card carrying democrat weakling and a traitor .

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