Chickens Have Come Home to Roost - Dem Party in Chaos

I remember as a kid how flabbergasted I was to learn that in USSR, there is only one party to vote for. No real choice--the government keeps control, no matter what. I can't tell you how many times I've thought of that this year. I feel we're getting played when the two choices we have for president are Trump and Clinton. It's sick.
They seem to same to you?
Trump is a joke. Hillary is a disgrace. That's the best they could do?
Who's they? The establishment didn't pick Trump. And the joke has been on us for the last 8 years.
"They" is the Republican and the Democrat parties. The establishment did indeed "pick" Trump by allowing his nomination when they had plenty of time to shut him down. They were too greedy for votes until it was too late. Trump is not a valid choice for president.
both parties are inheriting the winds of deceit and unfaithfulness to the American voting public
Go Bernie, Go! :popcorn:
Via The Hill:

Bernie Sanders supporters took to the streets Sunday to protest using the same controversial lines that had been used by Republicans at their convention last week.

The Wall Street Journal reports that protesters chanted both “Lock her up” with some wearing “Hillary for Prison” t-shirts they marched in Philadelphia the day before the party’s convention.

The chant echoed throughout last week’s Republican convention in Cleveland, a regular response to almost any criticism of Clinton. And “Hillary for Prison” shirts could be spotted across the city, as vendors lined the streets hocking a slew of controversial shirts to convention-goers[…]

The chants typify the concerns about party unity leading up to the convention, concerns that have only been exacerbated by the recent release of hacked DNC emails that showed the party rooting for Clinton to defeat Sanders.
Three Problems with CNN/ORC polls

Problem with poll.

Three observations:

1. More than half of respondents contacted via landlines.When 64% of Americans use cell phones.

Landline voters now lean heavily older, more rural, less educated, & poorer.

Source: Pew Research Center: "U.S. Smartphone Use in 2015" by Aaron Smith -

2. There is no tracking data for voters 50 & under within Democrat or Republican primaries. The poll within Democratic & Republican primaries only tracks two sets of voters by age:

A) 50 - 64
B) 65 +

Very confusing crosstabs:

Clinton gained 9 from 50-64 age range.
Clinton gained 3 from 65+ age range.
Biden lost 3 from 50-64 age range.
Biden froze from 65+ age range.
Sanders lost 1 from 50-64 age range.
Sanders froze from 65+age range.

3. In the democratic and republican primary preferences, there are no definitive numbers for party [percentage democrat or independent].

Not sure what percentage of democrats or independents contributed to democratic or republican party primary sub-polls.

Summation: For us youngins' under 50 (for whom the cell phone is our primary phone), very disheartening to see our votes really do not count in the primaries. I cannot help but feel there is a massive polling disparity as work - worse than in 2012 - which had Romney having such inflated numbers vs. President Obama in the general.

Can anyone explain why?
Gee what a twisted propaganda post. The people with landlines here actually own their own property and it is not owned or mortgaged to the bankers. Guess that makes us total ignorant failures in your mind.
Three Problems with CNN/ORC polls

Problem with poll.

Three observations:

1. More than half of respondents contacted via landlines.When 64% of Americans use cell phones.

Landline voters now lean heavily older, more rural, less educated, & poorer.

Source: Pew Research Center: "U.S. Smartphone Use in 2015" by Aaron Smith -

2. There is no tracking data for voters 50 & under within Democrat or Republican primaries. The poll within Democratic & Republican primaries only tracks two sets of voters by age:

A) 50 - 64
B) 65 +

Very confusing crosstabs:

Clinton gained 9 from 50-64 age range.
Clinton gained 3 from 65+ age range.
Biden lost 3 from 50-64 age range.
Biden froze from 65+ age range.
Sanders lost 1 from 50-64 age range.
Sanders froze from 65+age range.

3. In the democratic and republican primary preferences, there are no definitive numbers for party [percentage democrat or independent].

Not sure what percentage of democrats or independents contributed to democratic or republican party primary sub-polls.

Summation: For us youngins' under 50 (for whom the cell phone is our primary phone), very disheartening to see our votes really do not count in the primaries. I cannot help but feel there is a massive polling disparity as work - worse than in 2012 - which had Romney having such inflated numbers vs. President Obama in the general.

Can anyone explain why?
Gee what a twisted propaganda post. The people with landlines here actually own their own property and it is not owned or mortgaged to the bankers. Guess that makes us total ignorant failures in your mind.
Not at all. Just that the poll demonstrates what we all know, that whites over 50 were over sampled is all.
Chickens Have Come Home to Roost - Dem Party in Chaos


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