Chemnitz protester: I can't take my daughter or wife into the city anymore because of harassment ...


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Video out of Chemnitz shows a German citizen at an anti-mass immigration protest explaining how he can’t take his wife and daughter in law into town anymore because of harassment by Muslim migrants.


Chemnitz Protester: ‘I Can’t Take My Daughter or Wife Into the City Anymore Because of Harassment by Migrants’

The road map being laid out for America and dumb white America doesn't want to see it, can't seem to believe it all and are so easily manipulated into believing what ever Daddy Gov. tells them that reality is to them whatever their parental gov. tells them nit is. The loons blieeve both here in Germany and the US, S. Africa do you not see the globe going at it with their people ypu pathetic assholes.
The man just needs to have his wife and daughter cover their hair with a hijab and there won't be a problem. ... :cool:

No...your buddies need to control their animalistic urges and realize this doesn't happen in civilized nations. If they can't properly assimilate they need to leave
The man just needs to have his wife and daughter cover their hair with a hijab and there won't be a problem. ... :thup: ... :cool:

In the country where they came from he would no doubt do so because he is a courteous German, but when you come to OUR country you accept OUR norms, or you get the fuck out!
No...your buddies need to control their animalistic urges and realize this doesn't happen in civilized nations. If they can't properly assimilate they need to leave
It has nothing to due with so called assimilating.

They just don't want their wives and daughters to see half naked uncovered western women walking the streets. .... :cool:

Then they should go home to the land of their birth.
No...your buddies need to control their animalistic urges and realize this doesn't happen in civilized nations. If they can't properly assimilate they need to leave
It has nothing to due with so called assimilating.

They just don't want their wives and daughters to see half naked uncovered western women walking the streets. .... :cool:
They can go fck themselves
In the country where they came from he would no doubt do so because he is a courteous German, but when you come to OUR country you accept OUR norms, or you get the fuck out!
Societal norms are not set in concrete and change over time and circumstances. .... :cool:

Try it with me or our daughters they'll rue the day they tried. Bank it...
In the country where they came from he would no doubt do so because he is a courteous German, but when you come to OUR country you accept OUR norms, or you get the fuck out!
Societal norms are not set in concrete and change over time and circumstances. .... :cool:

Correct, the social norms your hero's adhere to were abandoned in Germany decades ago. You all need to catch the hell up.
In the country where they came from he would no doubt do so because he is a courteous German, but when you come to OUR country you accept OUR norms, or you get the fuck out!
Societal norms are not set in concrete and change over time and circumstances. .... :cool:

Correct, the social norms your hero's adhere to were abandoned in Germany decades ago. You all need to catch the hell up.

And civilized people gave up those "norms"
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Video out of Chemnitz shows a German citizen at an anti-mass immigration protest explaining how he can’t take his wife and daughter in law into town anymore because of harassment by Muslim migrants.

View attachment 214435

Chemnitz Protester: ‘I Can’t Take My Daughter or Wife Into the City Anymore Because of Harassment by Migrants’

The road map being laid out for America and dumb white America doesn't want to see it, can't seem to believe it all and are so easily manipulated into believing what ever Daddy Gov. tells them that reality is to them whatever their parental gov. tells them nit is. The loons blieeve both here in Germany and the US, S. Africa do you not see the globe going at it with their people ypu pathetic assholes.
The U.K. press (and no doubt Germany’s too) are even referring to little old ladies who explain how frightened they are as ‘far right’.
Leftards are truly despicable.
Video out of Chemnitz shows a German citizen at an anti-mass immigration protest explaining how he can’t take his wife and daughter in law into town anymore because of harassment by Muslim migrants.

View attachment 214435

Chemnitz Protester: ‘I Can’t Take My Daughter or Wife Into the City Anymore Because of Harassment by Migrants’

The road map being laid out for America and dumb white America doesn't want to see it, can't seem to believe it all and are so easily manipulated into believing what ever Daddy Gov. tells them that reality is to them whatever their parental gov. tells them nit is. The loons blieeve both here in Germany and the US, S. Africa do you not see the globe going at it with their people ypu pathetic assholes.
The U.K. press (and no doubt Germany’s too) are even referring to little old ladies who explain how frightened they are as ‘far right’.
Leftards are truly despicable.

Given the sheer numbers of women obtaining CCW permits they try it here and they may meet Mr Glock ...and then Allah
mulsim males don't want to see hot chicks in sexy dress----sure!!!

They do enjoy seeing it problem is they see women of the West as WHORES.........

Bikinis thats why they are being banned it offends them

Daisy duke shorts. --------- your a whore

Short skirts................ again your a whore

Rather than make multiple post this is all the BS these idiots are dealing with thanks to their pathetic leftist morons.
In the country where they came from he would no doubt do so because he is a courteous German, but when you come to OUR country you accept OUR norms, or you get the fuck out!
Societal norms are not set in concrete and change over time and circumstances. .... :cool:

Which is true. ANd something that should have been considered BEFORE we instituted these insane plans of mass Third World Immigration.

Why should we actively work to change our cultures to something that is shittier for us?

Why should we not work to change it BACK to something better?

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