chemical weapon

and yet again Assad uses chemicals

Assad used chemical weapons again, This time in #Saraqib, world heritage town in Idleb


we will be hearing more in the days to come.

Your photo is a fake as the mask would deliver no oxygen to that baby, must be a stock photo that you are using of a posed situation. The mask should make a full seal around the nose and mouth so that the oxygen enriched air can be breathed in and not just vented into the room. The "doctors" hand is covering the venturi so stopping the device from working as it should, this means that there is no actual oxygen being delivered. This is why they prefer nasal canula's for administering oxygen for babies.

Just thought I would let you know for future reference. ( being a long term oxygen user who need the therapy 24/7 I should know these things

thousands and thousands of people across the country

have oxygen delivered to their systems without the supply being seal to their faces


check it out

plus there are several factors missing to the situation

like maybe that is all the medical center treating the baby

is limited on the available medical equipment

It is not oxygen that is being administered but medications, would you inject without a needle, prescribe morphine and hand out aspirin because that is the difference here.

I use a canula 24/7 and it wastes 75% of the oxygen it delivers, I use a face mask that is not sealed and it wastes 50% of the oxygen it delivers. Niether are any use as carriers for medication as they waste so much, so sealed masks are used for maximum dosage. Did you miss the part where I explained that I am a long term oxygen user and my time away from the oxygen concentrators and on bottled is 45 minutes. Now that I have LOX I can go 2.5 hrs before running out of oxygen and needing medical attention. I also use two different types of nebuliser that use compressed air not oxygen to deliver a fast acting bronchiodilater and them a hypertonic saline inhalant to free up the phlegm in my lungs. All this because I worked in an industry that released carcinogens into the workplace and it was a lottery if you were infected or not.

As I said the method used was more damaging and could create long term problems for the child, much better to just use palliative care and see what happens until a paediatric mask is available. How would a child cope it the only mask they had was one fitted with a demand valve and it did not open ?

now i am wondering if you really have a grasp on what your saying

dude i was on liquid oxygen myself 24/7 at one point my life

requiring 6 or more lpm

I am on oxygen 24/7 till the day I die, I was housebound because the bottles supplied gave only 45 minutes use before being empty. Because of rules and laws I was not allowed more than 3 bottles at any given time in the car, and then I had to inform the local authorities where I was going and at what time. Now I have a LOX dewar flask outside from which I fill a daughter flask that gives me the same length of use as 3 bottles so I can at least get out for short trips. I was on 8LPM through a sealed mask when I had heart failure now reduced to 6LPM through a canula/face mask. I have two machines that take air from the room and remove the nitrogeon giving a 98% oxygen mix supplied to me through pipes fitted in every room. But I do not use the oxygen to deliver any medication because of the risks involved. Most medications have a hydrocarbon component so are prone to reacting with oxygen and exploding, imagine that happening inside your body or even in your face mask. So you are provided with a machine that compresses room air and delivers it to your nebuliser to atomise the medication safely. The last time I went into hospital I had to stop the nurse from connecting my nebuliser to the oxygen supply as I would have had my needs depleted and it could cause a fire. She took the matter up with the consultant who agreed that the risk was too graet even if it was very small, so they made up a lead to go into the compressed air line instead.
and yet again Assad uses chemicals

Assad used chemical weapons again, This time in #Saraqib, world heritage town in Idleb


we will be hearing more in the days to come.

Your photo is a fake as the mask would deliver no oxygen to that baby, must be a stock photo that you are using of a posed situation. The mask should make a full seal around the nose and mouth so that the oxygen enriched air can be breathed in and not just vented into the room. The "doctors" hand is covering the venturi so stopping the device from working as it should, this means that there is no actual oxygen being delivered. This is why they prefer nasal canula's for administering oxygen for babies.

Just thought I would let you know for future reference. ( being a long term oxygen user who need the therapy 24/7 I should know these things

thousands and thousands of people across the country

have oxygen delivered to their systems without the supply being seal to their faces


check it out

plus there are several factors missing to the situation

like maybe that is all the medical center treating the baby

is limited on the available medical equipment

It is not oxygen that is being administered but medications, would you inject without a needle, prescribe morphine and hand out aspirin because that is the difference here.

I use a canula 24/7 and it wastes 75% of the oxygen it delivers, I use a face mask that is not sealed and it wastes 50% of the oxygen it delivers. Niether are any use as carriers for medication as they waste so much, so sealed masks are used for maximum dosage. Did you miss the part where I explained that I am a long term oxygen user and my time away from the oxygen concentrators and on bottled is 45 minutes. Now that I have LOX I can go 2.5 hrs before running out of oxygen and needing medical attention. I also use two different types of nebuliser that use compressed air not oxygen to deliver a fast acting bronchiodilater and them a hypertonic saline inhalant to free up the phlegm in my lungs. All this because I worked in an industry that released carcinogens into the workplace and it was a lottery if you were infected or not.

As I said the method used was more damaging and could create long term problems for the child, much better to just use palliative care and see what happens until a paediatric mask is available. How would a child cope it the only mask they had was one fitted with a demand valve and it did not open ?

now i am wondering if you really have a grasp on what your saying

dude i was on liquid oxygen myself 24/7 at one point my life

requiring 6 or more lpm

I am on oxygen 24/7 till the day I die, I was housebound because the bottles supplied gave only 45 minutes use before being empty. Because of rules and laws I was not allowed more than 3 bottles at any given time in the car, and then I had to inform the local authorities where I was going and at what time. Now I have a LOX dewar flask outside from which I fill a daughter flask that gives me the same length of use as 3 bottles so I can at least get out for short trips. I was on 8LPM through a sealed mask when I had heart failure now reduced to 6LPM through a canula/face mask. I have two machines that take air from the room and remove the nitrogeon giving a 98% oxygen mix supplied to me through pipes fitted in every room. But I do not use the oxygen to deliver any medication because of the risks involved. Most medications have a hydrocarbon component so are prone to reacting with oxygen and exploding, imagine that happening inside your body or even in your face mask. So you are provided with a machine that compresses room air and delivers it to your nebuliser to atomise the medication safely. The last time I went into hospital I had to stop the nurse from connecting my nebuliser to the oxygen supply as I would have had my needs depleted and it could cause a fire. She took the matter up with the consultant who agreed that the risk was too graet even if it was very small, so they made up a lead to go into the compressed air line instead.
and yet again Assad uses chemicals

Assad used chemical weapons again, This time in #Saraqib, world heritage town in Idleb


we will be hearing more in the days to come.

Your photo is a fake as the mask would deliver no oxygen to that baby, must be a stock photo that you are using of a posed situation. The mask should make a full seal around the nose and mouth so that the oxygen enriched air can be breathed in and not just vented into the room. The "doctors" hand is covering the venturi so stopping the device from working as it should, this means that there is no actual oxygen being delivered. This is why they prefer nasal canula's for administering oxygen for babies.

Just thought I would let you know for future reference. ( being a long term oxygen user who need the therapy 24/7 I should know these things

thousands and thousands of people across the country

have oxygen delivered to their systems without the supply being seal to their faces


check it out

plus there are several factors missing to the situation

like maybe that is all the medical center treating the baby

is limited on the available medical equipment

It is not oxygen that is being administered but medications, would you inject without a needle, prescribe morphine and hand out aspirin because that is the difference here.

I use a canula 24/7 and it wastes 75% of the oxygen it delivers, I use a face mask that is not sealed and it wastes 50% of the oxygen it delivers. Niether are any use as carriers for medication as they waste so much, so sealed masks are used for maximum dosage. Did you miss the part where I explained that I am a long term oxygen user and my time away from the oxygen concentrators and on bottled is 45 minutes. Now that I have LOX I can go 2.5 hrs before running out of oxygen and needing medical attention. I also use two different types of nebuliser that use compressed air not oxygen to deliver a fast acting bronchiodilater and them a hypertonic saline inhalant to free up the phlegm in my lungs. All this because I worked in an industry that released carcinogens into the workplace and it was a lottery if you were infected or not.

As I said the method used was more damaging and could create long term problems for the child, much better to just use palliative care and see what happens until a paediatric mask is available. How would a child cope it the only mask they had was one fitted with a demand valve and it did not open ?

now i am wondering if you really have a grasp on what your saying

dude i was on liquid oxygen myself 24/7 at one point my life

requiring 6 or more lpm

I am on oxygen 24/7 till the day I die, I was housebound because the bottles supplied gave only 45 minutes use before being empty. Because of rules and laws I was not allowed more than 3 bottles at any given time in the car, and then I had to inform the local authorities where I was going and at what time. Now I have a LOX dewar flask outside from which I fill a daughter flask that gives me the same length of use as 3 bottles so I can at least get out for short trips. I was on 8LPM through a sealed mask when I had heart failure now reduced to 6LPM through a canula/face mask. I have two machines that take air from the room and remove the nitrogeon giving a 98% oxygen mix supplied to me through pipes fitted in every room. But I do not use the oxygen to deliver any medication because of the risks involved. Most medications have a hydrocarbon component so are prone to reacting with oxygen and exploding, imagine that happening inside your body or even in your face mask. So you are provided with a machine that compresses room air and delivers it to your nebuliser to atomise the medication safely. The last time I went into hospital I had to stop the nurse from connecting my nebuliser to the oxygen supply as I would have had my needs depleted and it could cause a fire. She took the matter up with the consultant who agreed that the risk was too great even if it was very small, so they made up a lead to go into the compressed air line instead.

I was housebound because the bottles supplied gave only 45 minutes use before being empty.

that is why i went to liquid oxygen

at that time life was looking so bleak

that i was placed on the heart /lung transplant list at Mayo

i went on the liquid O2 because i refused to retire or stay home

it is actually against the law for O2 to become an anchor

they have to find ways to make it work for you

with the liquid 02 i was a able to go to work

get to the gym 3 times a week

get out hunting and fishing

the portable liquid O2 was able to deliver up to 12 lpm

which is about what i needed when i first hit the gym

thankfully i never had a problem with losing the CO2

i truly wish you the best

if you ever need a ear

pm me

this year i am thinking about learning a wind instrument

that is how much things has changed for me
Your photo is a fake as the mask would deliver no oxygen to that baby, must be a stock photo that you are using of a posed situation. The mask should make a full seal around the nose and mouth so that the oxygen enriched air can be breathed in and not just vented into the room. The "doctors" hand is covering the venturi so stopping the device from working as it should, this means that there is no actual oxygen being delivered. This is why they prefer nasal canula's for administering oxygen for babies.

Just thought I would let you know for future reference. ( being a long term oxygen user who need the therapy 24/7 I should know these things

thousands and thousands of people across the country

have oxygen delivered to their systems without the supply being seal to their faces


check it out

plus there are several factors missing to the situation

like maybe that is all the medical center treating the baby

is limited on the available medical equipment

It is not oxygen that is being administered but medications, would you inject without a needle, prescribe morphine and hand out aspirin because that is the difference here.

I use a canula 24/7 and it wastes 75% of the oxygen it delivers, I use a face mask that is not sealed and it wastes 50% of the oxygen it delivers. Niether are any use as carriers for medication as they waste so much, so sealed masks are used for maximum dosage. Did you miss the part where I explained that I am a long term oxygen user and my time away from the oxygen concentrators and on bottled is 45 minutes. Now that I have LOX I can go 2.5 hrs before running out of oxygen and needing medical attention. I also use two different types of nebuliser that use compressed air not oxygen to deliver a fast acting bronchiodilater and them a hypertonic saline inhalant to free up the phlegm in my lungs. All this because I worked in an industry that released carcinogens into the workplace and it was a lottery if you were infected or not.

As I said the method used was more damaging and could create long term problems for the child, much better to just use palliative care and see what happens until a paediatric mask is available. How would a child cope it the only mask they had was one fitted with a demand valve and it did not open ?

now i am wondering if you really have a grasp on what your saying

dude i was on liquid oxygen myself 24/7 at one point my life

requiring 6 or more lpm

I am on oxygen 24/7 till the day I die, I was housebound because the bottles supplied gave only 45 minutes use before being empty. Because of rules and laws I was not allowed more than 3 bottles at any given time in the car, and then I had to inform the local authorities where I was going and at what time. Now I have a LOX dewar flask outside from which I fill a daughter flask that gives me the same length of use as 3 bottles so I can at least get out for short trips. I was on 8LPM through a sealed mask when I had heart failure now reduced to 6LPM through a canula/face mask. I have two machines that take air from the room and remove the nitrogeon giving a 98% oxygen mix supplied to me through pipes fitted in every room. But I do not use the oxygen to deliver any medication because of the risks involved. Most medications have a hydrocarbon component so are prone to reacting with oxygen and exploding, imagine that happening inside your body or even in your face mask. So you are provided with a machine that compresses room air and delivers it to your nebuliser to atomise the medication safely. The last time I went into hospital I had to stop the nurse from connecting my nebuliser to the oxygen supply as I would have had my needs depleted and it could cause a fire. She took the matter up with the consultant who agreed that the risk was too great even if it was very small, so they made up a lead to go into the compressed air line instead.

I was housebound because the bottles supplied gave only 45 minutes use before being empty.

that is why i went to liquid oxygen

at that time life was looking so bleak

that i was placed on the heart /lung transplant list at Mayo

i went on the liquid O2 because i refused to retire or stay home

it is actually against the law for O2 to become an anchor

they have to find ways to make it work for you

with the liquid 02 i was a able to go to work

get to the gym 3 times a week

get out hunting and fishing

the portable liquid O2 was able to deliver up to 12 lpm

which is about what i needed when i first hit the gym

thankfully i never had a problem with losing the CO2

i truly wish you the best

if you ever need a ear

pm me

this year i am thinking about learning a wind instrument

that is how much things has changed for me

Different in the UK as I cant even have a simple procedure done because I am on oxygen. Heart/lung transplant is out as the procedure is deemed too dangerous with a worse that 20% survival rate. I can get out and about but have been told that resus is not advised as I will be a cabbage ( English term for functioning but dependant on other's totally) I live each day as it comes and have managed to lose CO2 as needed by cheating a little bit, I turn down the oxy when at rest so I keep a level of 88% to 90% that clears the CO2 as I rest. It was the gym that showed I had a problem as I went 3 times a week for 3 to 4 hours doing all cardio work until one day I could noy manage my normal routine and put it down to a virus. Within 3 weeks I was in hospital being told I had emphysema, bronchiecstasic. Bullaea and asbestosis. The future is as bright as I want it and I hope to last at least another 5 to 10 years
thousands and thousands of people across the country

have oxygen delivered to their systems without the supply being seal to their faces


check it out

plus there are several factors missing to the situation

like maybe that is all the medical center treating the baby

is limited on the available medical equipment

It is not oxygen that is being administered but medications, would you inject without a needle, prescribe morphine and hand out aspirin because that is the difference here.

I use a canula 24/7 and it wastes 75% of the oxygen it delivers, I use a face mask that is not sealed and it wastes 50% of the oxygen it delivers. Niether are any use as carriers for medication as they waste so much, so sealed masks are used for maximum dosage. Did you miss the part where I explained that I am a long term oxygen user and my time away from the oxygen concentrators and on bottled is 45 minutes. Now that I have LOX I can go 2.5 hrs before running out of oxygen and needing medical attention. I also use two different types of nebuliser that use compressed air not oxygen to deliver a fast acting bronchiodilater and them a hypertonic saline inhalant to free up the phlegm in my lungs. All this because I worked in an industry that released carcinogens into the workplace and it was a lottery if you were infected or not.

As I said the method used was more damaging and could create long term problems for the child, much better to just use palliative care and see what happens until a paediatric mask is available. How would a child cope it the only mask they had was one fitted with a demand valve and it did not open ?

now i am wondering if you really have a grasp on what your saying

dude i was on liquid oxygen myself 24/7 at one point my life

requiring 6 or more lpm

I am on oxygen 24/7 till the day I die, I was housebound because the bottles supplied gave only 45 minutes use before being empty. Because of rules and laws I was not allowed more than 3 bottles at any given time in the car, and then I had to inform the local authorities where I was going and at what time. Now I have a LOX dewar flask outside from which I fill a daughter flask that gives me the same length of use as 3 bottles so I can at least get out for short trips. I was on 8LPM through a sealed mask when I had heart failure now reduced to 6LPM through a canula/face mask. I have two machines that take air from the room and remove the nitrogeon giving a 98% oxygen mix supplied to me through pipes fitted in every room. But I do not use the oxygen to deliver any medication because of the risks involved. Most medications have a hydrocarbon component so are prone to reacting with oxygen and exploding, imagine that happening inside your body or even in your face mask. So you are provided with a machine that compresses room air and delivers it to your nebuliser to atomise the medication safely. The last time I went into hospital I had to stop the nurse from connecting my nebuliser to the oxygen supply as I would have had my needs depleted and it could cause a fire. She took the matter up with the consultant who agreed that the risk was too great even if it was very small, so they made up a lead to go into the compressed air line instead.

I was housebound because the bottles supplied gave only 45 minutes use before being empty.

that is why i went to liquid oxygen

at that time life was looking so bleak

that i was placed on the heart /lung transplant list at Mayo

i went on the liquid O2 because i refused to retire or stay home

it is actually against the law for O2 to become an anchor

they have to find ways to make it work for you

with the liquid 02 i was a able to go to work

get to the gym 3 times a week

get out hunting and fishing

the portable liquid O2 was able to deliver up to 12 lpm

which is about what i needed when i first hit the gym

thankfully i never had a problem with losing the CO2

i truly wish you the best

if you ever need a ear

pm me

this year i am thinking about learning a wind instrument

that is how much things has changed for me

Different in the UK as I cant even have a simple procedure done because I am on oxygen. Heart/lung transplant is out as the procedure is deemed too dangerous with a worse that 20% survival rate. I can get out and about but have been told that resus is not advised as I will be a cabbage ( English term for functioning but dependant on other's totally) I live each day as it comes and have managed to lose CO2 as needed by cheating a little bit, I turn down the oxy when at rest so I keep a level of 88% to 90% that clears the CO2 as I rest. It was the gym that showed I had a problem as I went 3 times a week for 3 to 4 hours doing all cardio work until one day I could not manage my normal routine and put it down to a virus. Within 3 weeks I was in hospital being told I had emphysema, bronchiecstasic. Bullaea and asbestosis. The future is as bright as I want it and I hope to last at least another 5 to 10 years

Heart/lung transplant is out as the procedure is deemed too dangerous with a worse that 20% survival rate.

mayo clinic has 100 percent survival getting off the table

and currently has 100 percent survival after 3 years

however i consider myself very blessed as my situation has much improved

keep your spirits up

keep active
It is not oxygen that is being administered but medications, would you inject without a needle, prescribe morphine and hand out aspirin because that is the difference here.

I use a canula 24/7 and it wastes 75% of the oxygen it delivers, I use a face mask that is not sealed and it wastes 50% of the oxygen it delivers. Niether are any use as carriers for medication as they waste so much, so sealed masks are used for maximum dosage. Did you miss the part where I explained that I am a long term oxygen user and my time away from the oxygen concentrators and on bottled is 45 minutes. Now that I have LOX I can go 2.5 hrs before running out of oxygen and needing medical attention. I also use two different types of nebuliser that use compressed air not oxygen to deliver a fast acting bronchiodilater and them a hypertonic saline inhalant to free up the phlegm in my lungs. All this because I worked in an industry that released carcinogens into the workplace and it was a lottery if you were infected or not.

As I said the method used was more damaging and could create long term problems for the child, much better to just use palliative care and see what happens until a paediatric mask is available. How would a child cope it the only mask they had was one fitted with a demand valve and it did not open ?

now i am wondering if you really have a grasp on what your saying

dude i was on liquid oxygen myself 24/7 at one point my life

requiring 6 or more lpm

I am on oxygen 24/7 till the day I die, I was housebound because the bottles supplied gave only 45 minutes use before being empty. Because of rules and laws I was not allowed more than 3 bottles at any given time in the car, and then I had to inform the local authorities where I was going and at what time. Now I have a LOX dewar flask outside from which I fill a daughter flask that gives me the same length of use as 3 bottles so I can at least get out for short trips. I was on 8LPM through a sealed mask when I had heart failure now reduced to 6LPM through a canula/face mask. I have two machines that take air from the room and remove the nitrogeon giving a 98% oxygen mix supplied to me through pipes fitted in every room. But I do not use the oxygen to deliver any medication because of the risks involved. Most medications have a hydrocarbon component so are prone to reacting with oxygen and exploding, imagine that happening inside your body or even in your face mask. So you are provided with a machine that compresses room air and delivers it to your nebuliser to atomise the medication safely. The last time I went into hospital I had to stop the nurse from connecting my nebuliser to the oxygen supply as I would have had my needs depleted and it could cause a fire. She took the matter up with the consultant who agreed that the risk was too great even if it was very small, so they made up a lead to go into the compressed air line instead.

I was housebound because the bottles supplied gave only 45 minutes use before being empty.

that is why i went to liquid oxygen

at that time life was looking so bleak

that i was placed on the heart /lung transplant list at Mayo

i went on the liquid O2 because i refused to retire or stay home

it is actually against the law for O2 to become an anchor

they have to find ways to make it work for you

with the liquid 02 i was a able to go to work

get to the gym 3 times a week

get out hunting and fishing

the portable liquid O2 was able to deliver up to 12 lpm

which is about what i needed when i first hit the gym

thankfully i never had a problem with losing the CO2

i truly wish you the best

if you ever need a ear

pm me

this year i am thinking about learning a wind instrument

that is how much things has changed for me

Different in the UK as I cant even have a simple procedure done because I am on oxygen. Heart/lung transplant is out as the procedure is deemed too dangerous with a worse that 20% survival rate. I can get out and about but have been told that resus is not advised as I will be a cabbage ( English term for functioning but dependant on other's totally) I live each day as it comes and have managed to lose CO2 as needed by cheating a little bit, I turn down the oxy when at rest so I keep a level of 88% to 90% that clears the CO2 as I rest. It was the gym that showed I had a problem as I went 3 times a week for 3 to 4 hours doing all cardio work until one day I could not manage my normal routine and put it down to a virus. Within 3 weeks I was in hospital being told I had emphysema, bronchiecstasic. Bullaea and asbestosis. The future is as bright as I want it and I hope to last at least another 5 to 10 years

Heart/lung transplant is out as the procedure is deemed too dangerous with a worse that 20% survival rate.

mayo clinic has 100 percent survival getting off the table

and currently has 100 percent survival after 3 years

however i consider myself very blessed as my situation has much improved

keep your spirits up

keep active

Not everyone can afford the Mayo, or the private ambulance Jet to take them there. And if they pick and choose who they treat taking only those with the best chance of success then they will always win.
You must provide a reason. Is it because they participate in the real war on terror?

So the Internet cafes called in thousands of Nato airstrikes and armed Islamist extremists in 2011?
Provide a reason of what? That the Russians are fuckwads? That Syria has turned itself into a Third World shithole? Speak English like it was your first language, please.

No. Aside from providing airstrikes in Libya, where did "Nato" provide "thousands of Nato airstrikes and armed Islamist extremists"? Do you even understand what "Arab Spring" was? Here, let me help you:
What Is the Arab Spring?
The Arab Spring was a series of anti-government protests, uprisings and armed rebellions that spread across the Middle East in early 2011. But their purpose, relative success and outcome remain hotly disputedin Arab countries, among foreign observers, and between world powers looking to cash in on the changing map of the Middle East.

2011 Arab Uprisings: Why the Name the “Arab Spring”?
The term “Arab Spring” was popularized by the Western media in early 2011, when the successful uprising in Tunisia against former leader Zine ElAbidine Ben Ali emboldened similar anti-government protests in most Arab countries.

The term was a reference to the turmoil in Eastern Europe in 1989, when seemingly impregnable Communist regimes began falling down under pressure from mass popular protests in a domino effect. In a short period of time, most countries in the former Communist bloc adopted democratic political systems with a market economy.

But the events in the Middle East went in a less straightforward direction.

Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen entered an uncertain transition period, Syria and Libya were drawn into a civil conflict, while the wealthy monarchies in the Persian Gulf remained largely unshaken by the events. The use of the term the “Arab Spring” has since been criticized for being inaccurate and simplistic......
So you provided no reason.
now i am wondering if you really have a grasp on what your saying

dude i was on liquid oxygen myself 24/7 at one point my life

requiring 6 or more lpm

I am on oxygen 24/7 till the day I die, I was housebound because the bottles supplied gave only 45 minutes use before being empty. Because of rules and laws I was not allowed more than 3 bottles at any given time in the car, and then I had to inform the local authorities where I was going and at what time. Now I have a LOX dewar flask outside from which I fill a daughter flask that gives me the same length of use as 3 bottles so I can at least get out for short trips. I was on 8LPM through a sealed mask when I had heart failure now reduced to 6LPM through a canula/face mask. I have two machines that take air from the room and remove the nitrogeon giving a 98% oxygen mix supplied to me through pipes fitted in every room. But I do not use the oxygen to deliver any medication because of the risks involved. Most medications have a hydrocarbon component so are prone to reacting with oxygen and exploding, imagine that happening inside your body or even in your face mask. So you are provided with a machine that compresses room air and delivers it to your nebuliser to atomise the medication safely. The last time I went into hospital I had to stop the nurse from connecting my nebuliser to the oxygen supply as I would have had my needs depleted and it could cause a fire. She took the matter up with the consultant who agreed that the risk was too great even if it was very small, so they made up a lead to go into the compressed air line instead.

I was housebound because the bottles supplied gave only 45 minutes use before being empty.

that is why i went to liquid oxygen

at that time life was looking so bleak

that i was placed on the heart /lung transplant list at Mayo

i went on the liquid O2 because i refused to retire or stay home

it is actually against the law for O2 to become an anchor

they have to find ways to make it work for you

with the liquid 02 i was a able to go to work

get to the gym 3 times a week

get out hunting and fishing

the portable liquid O2 was able to deliver up to 12 lpm

which is about what i needed when i first hit the gym

thankfully i never had a problem with losing the CO2

i truly wish you the best

if you ever need a ear

pm me

this year i am thinking about learning a wind instrument

that is how much things has changed for me

Different in the UK as I cant even have a simple procedure done because I am on oxygen. Heart/lung transplant is out as the procedure is deemed too dangerous with a worse that 20% survival rate. I can get out and about but have been told that resus is not advised as I will be a cabbage ( English term for functioning but dependant on other's totally) I live each day as it comes and have managed to lose CO2 as needed by cheating a little bit, I turn down the oxy when at rest so I keep a level of 88% to 90% that clears the CO2 as I rest. It was the gym that showed I had a problem as I went 3 times a week for 3 to 4 hours doing all cardio work until one day I could not manage my normal routine and put it down to a virus. Within 3 weeks I was in hospital being told I had emphysema, bronchiecstasic. Bullaea and asbestosis. The future is as bright as I want it and I hope to last at least another 5 to 10 years

Heart/lung transplant is out as the procedure is deemed too dangerous with a worse that 20% survival rate.

mayo clinic has 100 percent survival getting off the table

and currently has 100 percent survival after 3 years

however i consider myself very blessed as my situation has much improved

keep your spirits up

keep active

Not everyone can afford the Mayo, or the private ambulance Jet to take them there. And if they pick and choose who they treat taking only those with the best chance of success then they will always win.

im certainly not "rich" i am just an average dude

besides that there are major hospitals all around the country

that have very successful results

as for picking and choosing

for every medical procedure

the doctor chooses if a treatment or procedure

is correct for them
So you provided no reason.
What reason would satisfy a Russian-apologist who claims NATO (FYI: It's an acronym, so all letters are capitalized) started Arab Spring without any evidence, reasoning or supporting facts, just his Russian opinion?
I am stressing Nato because in Libya, also many European airforces illegally and heinously attacked the legitimate government´s forces battling an Al-Qaeda army that appeared at a moment´s notice without the slightest indications something like that could happen. 20000 flights, at least 5000 sorties, 100.000 dead.

"All the while, Nato leaders and cheerleading media have turned a blind eye to such horrors as they boast of a triumph of freedom and murmur about the need for restraint. But it is now absolutely clear that, if the purpose of western intervention in Libya's civil war was to "protect civilians" and save lives, it has been a catastrophic failure.

What is now known, however, is that while the death toll in Libya when Nato intervened was perhaps around 1,000-2,000 (judging by UN estimates), eight months later it is probably more than ten times that figure. Estimates of the numbers of dead over the last eight months – as Nato leaders vetoed ceasefires and negotiations – range from 10,000 up to 50,000."

If the Libyan war was about saving lives, it was a catastrophic failure | Seumas Milne
now i am wondering if you really have a grasp on what your saying

dude i was on liquid oxygen myself 24/7 at one point my life

requiring 6 or more lpm

I am on oxygen 24/7 till the day I die, I was housebound because the bottles supplied gave only 45 minutes use before being empty. Because of rules and laws I was not allowed more than 3 bottles at any given time in the car, and then I had to inform the local authorities where I was going and at what time. Now I have a LOX dewar flask outside from which I fill a daughter flask that gives me the same length of use as 3 bottles so I can at least get out for short trips. I was on 8LPM through a sealed mask when I had heart failure now reduced to 6LPM through a canula/face mask. I have two machines that take air from the room and remove the nitrogeon giving a 98% oxygen mix supplied to me through pipes fitted in every room. But I do not use the oxygen to deliver any medication because of the risks involved. Most medications have a hydrocarbon component so are prone to reacting with oxygen and exploding, imagine that happening inside your body or even in your face mask. So you are provided with a machine that compresses room air and delivers it to your nebuliser to atomise the medication safely. The last time I went into hospital I had to stop the nurse from connecting my nebuliser to the oxygen supply as I would have had my needs depleted and it could cause a fire. She took the matter up with the consultant who agreed that the risk was too great even if it was very small, so they made up a lead to go into the compressed air line instead.

I was housebound because the bottles supplied gave only 45 minutes use before being empty.

that is why i went to liquid oxygen

at that time life was looking so bleak

that i was placed on the heart /lung transplant list at Mayo

i went on the liquid O2 because i refused to retire or stay home

it is actually against the law for O2 to become an anchor

they have to find ways to make it work for you

with the liquid 02 i was a able to go to work

get to the gym 3 times a week

get out hunting and fishing

the portable liquid O2 was able to deliver up to 12 lpm

which is about what i needed when i first hit the gym

thankfully i never had a problem with losing the CO2

i truly wish you the best

if you ever need a ear

pm me

this year i am thinking about learning a wind instrument

that is how much things has changed for me

Different in the UK as I cant even have a simple procedure done because I am on oxygen. Heart/lung transplant is out as the procedure is deemed too dangerous with a worse that 20% survival rate. I can get out and about but have been told that resus is not advised as I will be a cabbage ( English term for functioning but dependant on other's totally) I live each day as it comes and have managed to lose CO2 as needed by cheating a little bit, I turn down the oxy when at rest so I keep a level of 88% to 90% that clears the CO2 as I rest. It was the gym that showed I had a problem as I went 3 times a week for 3 to 4 hours doing all cardio work until one day I could not manage my normal routine and put it down to a virus. Within 3 weeks I was in hospital being told I had emphysema, bronchiecstasic. Bullaea and asbestosis. The future is as bright as I want it and I hope to last at least another 5 to 10 years

Heart/lung transplant is out as the procedure is deemed too dangerous with a worse that 20% survival rate.

mayo clinic has 100 percent survival getting off the table

and currently has 100 percent survival after 3 years

however i consider myself very blessed as my situation has much improved

keep your spirits up

keep active

Not everyone can afford the Mayo, or the private ambulance Jet to take them there. And if they pick and choose who they treat taking only those with the best chance of success then they will always win.

Best Hospitals for Pulmonology | US News Best Hospitals
I am on oxygen 24/7 till the day I die, I was housebound because the bottles supplied gave only 45 minutes use before being empty. Because of rules and laws I was not allowed more than 3 bottles at any given time in the car, and then I had to inform the local authorities where I was going and at what time. Now I have a LOX dewar flask outside from which I fill a daughter flask that gives me the same length of use as 3 bottles so I can at least get out for short trips. I was on 8LPM through a sealed mask when I had heart failure now reduced to 6LPM through a canula/face mask. I have two machines that take air from the room and remove the nitrogeon giving a 98% oxygen mix supplied to me through pipes fitted in every room. But I do not use the oxygen to deliver any medication because of the risks involved. Most medications have a hydrocarbon component so are prone to reacting with oxygen and exploding, imagine that happening inside your body or even in your face mask. So you are provided with a machine that compresses room air and delivers it to your nebuliser to atomise the medication safely. The last time I went into hospital I had to stop the nurse from connecting my nebuliser to the oxygen supply as I would have had my needs depleted and it could cause a fire. She took the matter up with the consultant who agreed that the risk was too great even if it was very small, so they made up a lead to go into the compressed air line instead.

I was housebound because the bottles supplied gave only 45 minutes use before being empty.

that is why i went to liquid oxygen

at that time life was looking so bleak

that i was placed on the heart /lung transplant list at Mayo

i went on the liquid O2 because i refused to retire or stay home

it is actually against the law for O2 to become an anchor

they have to find ways to make it work for you

with the liquid 02 i was a able to go to work

get to the gym 3 times a week

get out hunting and fishing

the portable liquid O2 was able to deliver up to 12 lpm

which is about what i needed when i first hit the gym

thankfully i never had a problem with losing the CO2

i truly wish you the best

if you ever need a ear

pm me

this year i am thinking about learning a wind instrument

that is how much things has changed for me

Different in the UK as I cant even have a simple procedure done because I am on oxygen. Heart/lung transplant is out as the procedure is deemed too dangerous with a worse that 20% survival rate. I can get out and about but have been told that resus is not advised as I will be a cabbage ( English term for functioning but dependant on other's totally) I live each day as it comes and have managed to lose CO2 as needed by cheating a little bit, I turn down the oxy when at rest so I keep a level of 88% to 90% that clears the CO2 as I rest. It was the gym that showed I had a problem as I went 3 times a week for 3 to 4 hours doing all cardio work until one day I could not manage my normal routine and put it down to a virus. Within 3 weeks I was in hospital being told I had emphysema, bronchiecstasic. Bullaea and asbestosis. The future is as bright as I want it and I hope to last at least another 5 to 10 years

Heart/lung transplant is out as the procedure is deemed too dangerous with a worse that 20% survival rate.

mayo clinic has 100 percent survival getting off the table

and currently has 100 percent survival after 3 years

however i consider myself very blessed as my situation has much improved

keep your spirits up

keep active

Not everyone can afford the Mayo, or the private ambulance Jet to take them there. And if they pick and choose who they treat taking only those with the best chance of success then they will always win.

Best Hospitals for Pulmonology | US News Best Hospitals

Would be dead before I even arrived as the oxygen in a planes pressurised cabin is partially depleted due to it being recycled. The risk of infection is also too high and mu insurance wont cover the costs of a "hospital medivac plane"
I was housebound because the bottles supplied gave only 45 minutes use before being empty.

that is why i went to liquid oxygen

at that time life was looking so bleak

that i was placed on the heart /lung transplant list at Mayo

i went on the liquid O2 because i refused to retire or stay home

it is actually against the law for O2 to become an anchor

they have to find ways to make it work for you

with the liquid 02 i was a able to go to work

get to the gym 3 times a week

get out hunting and fishing

the portable liquid O2 was able to deliver up to 12 lpm

which is about what i needed when i first hit the gym

thankfully i never had a problem with losing the CO2

i truly wish you the best

if you ever need a ear

pm me

this year i am thinking about learning a wind instrument

that is how much things has changed for me

Different in the UK as I cant even have a simple procedure done because I am on oxygen. Heart/lung transplant is out as the procedure is deemed too dangerous with a worse that 20% survival rate. I can get out and about but have been told that resus is not advised as I will be a cabbage ( English term for functioning but dependant on other's totally) I live each day as it comes and have managed to lose CO2 as needed by cheating a little bit, I turn down the oxy when at rest so I keep a level of 88% to 90% that clears the CO2 as I rest. It was the gym that showed I had a problem as I went 3 times a week for 3 to 4 hours doing all cardio work until one day I could not manage my normal routine and put it down to a virus. Within 3 weeks I was in hospital being told I had emphysema, bronchiecstasic. Bullaea and asbestosis. The future is as bright as I want it and I hope to last at least another 5 to 10 years

Heart/lung transplant is out as the procedure is deemed too dangerous with a worse that 20% survival rate.

mayo clinic has 100 percent survival getting off the table

and currently has 100 percent survival after 3 years

however i consider myself very blessed as my situation has much improved

keep your spirits up

keep active

Not everyone can afford the Mayo, or the private ambulance Jet to take them there. And if they pick and choose who they treat taking only those with the best chance of success then they will always win.

Best Hospitals for Pulmonology | US News Best Hospitals

Would be dead before I even arrived as the oxygen in a planes pressurised cabin is partially depleted due to it being recycled. The risk of infection is also too high and mu insurance wont cover the costs of a "hospital medivac plane"
Actually airlines can supply you with whatever

Liter supply you need if they don't allow your device onboard
Different in the UK as I cant even have a simple procedure done because I am on oxygen. Heart/lung transplant is out as the procedure is deemed too dangerous with a worse that 20% survival rate. I can get out and about but have been told that resus is not advised as I will be a cabbage ( English term for functioning but dependant on other's totally) I live each day as it comes and have managed to lose CO2 as needed by cheating a little bit, I turn down the oxy when at rest so I keep a level of 88% to 90% that clears the CO2 as I rest. It was the gym that showed I had a problem as I went 3 times a week for 3 to 4 hours doing all cardio work until one day I could not manage my normal routine and put it down to a virus. Within 3 weeks I was in hospital being told I had emphysema, bronchiecstasic. Bullaea and asbestosis. The future is as bright as I want it and I hope to last at least another 5 to 10 years

Heart/lung transplant is out as the procedure is deemed too dangerous with a worse that 20% survival rate.

mayo clinic has 100 percent survival getting off the table

and currently has 100 percent survival after 3 years

however i consider myself very blessed as my situation has much improved

keep your spirits up

keep active

Not everyone can afford the Mayo, or the private ambulance Jet to take them there. And if they pick and choose who they treat taking only those with the best chance of success then they will always win.

Best Hospitals for Pulmonology | US News Best Hospitals

Would be dead before I even arrived as the oxygen in a planes pressurised cabin is partially depleted due to it being recycled. The risk of infection is also too high and mu insurance wont cover the costs of a "hospital medivac plane"
Actually airlines can supply you with whatever

Liter supply you need if they don't allow your device onboard

All at an extra cost, remembver I am in the UK and differnet rules/laws apply here
Heart/lung transplant is out as the procedure is deemed too dangerous with a worse that 20% survival rate.

mayo clinic has 100 percent survival getting off the table

and currently has 100 percent survival after 3 years

however i consider myself very blessed as my situation has much improved

keep your spirits up

keep active

Not everyone can afford the Mayo, or the private ambulance Jet to take them there. And if they pick and choose who they treat taking only those with the best chance of success then they will always win.

Best Hospitals for Pulmonology | US News Best Hospitals

Would be dead before I even arrived as the oxygen in a planes pressurised cabin is partially depleted due to it being recycled. The risk of infection is also too high and mu insurance wont cover the costs of a "hospital medivac plane"
Actually airlines can supply you with whatever

Liter supply you need if they don't allow your device onboard

All at an extra cost, remembver I am in the UK and differnet rules/laws apply here


i dont understand why so many leftists here want to follow your shitty medical care model
Not everyone can afford the Mayo, or the private ambulance Jet to take them there. And if they pick and choose who they treat taking only those with the best chance of success then they will always win.

Best Hospitals for Pulmonology | US News Best Hospitals

Would be dead before I even arrived as the oxygen in a planes pressurised cabin is partially depleted due to it being recycled. The risk of infection is also too high and mu insurance wont cover the costs of a "hospital medivac plane"
Actually airlines can supply you with whatever

Liter supply you need if they don't allow your device onboard

All at an extra cost, remembver I am in the UK and differnet rules/laws apply here


i dont understand why so many leftists here want to follow your shitty medical care model
Must be some strange fetish they have. I know Rosie is a health care profesional and has helped me out in the past with hints and tips, but then she is hardly a lefty. Nor is Aris who is also an old friend from over the years
Must be some strange fetish they have. I know Rosie is a health care professional and has helped me out in the past with hints and tips, but then she is hardly a lefty. Nor is Aris who is also an old friend from over the years

what does that have to do with anything that i posted about

why so many leftists want to adopt the UKs shitty health care model
Must be some strange fetish they have. I know Rosie is a health care professional and has helped me out in the past with hints and tips, but then she is hardly a lefty. Nor is Aris who is also an old friend from over the years

what does that have to do with anything that i posted about

why so many leftists want to adopt the UKs shitty health care model

The problem is two cultures seperated by a common language, what you say does not translate into English English .

Your health care model is the rich get the most benefits and live the longest, and they harvest the poor to do so. This is why crime is so worrying in the US as the cattle can become blighted and unusable. Your transplant rates are falling behind the rest of the world due to the underclass becoming drug addicts, carriers of disease and unfit for purpose. What good is a diseased liver to someone dying of liver disease, or a damaged heart to a terminal heart attack victim. For everything the UK model is the fairest system as the organs dont go to the highest bidder but to the best match. We dont pass the costs of unsustainable medication on to the whole population, we evaluate the benefits to everyone and expect them to fund partly for the treatment. With pharmacutecals getting more expensive because of the greed of the large companies the costs to the medical proffesion are rising out of control.. We have a choice do we fund Joe's cancer treatment or do we fund Mary's heart transplant as we cant afford to do both. Maybe you in the US could with your much larger population and so much larger pockets to draw on, but can you explain why there is a 3 tier health care system in place over there. Why those in most need are given scarcely any treatment, those on low incomes but generating the most get slightly more and the upper classes who do nothing get the best treatment ?
Must be some strange fetish they have. I know Rosie is a health care professional and has helped me out in the past with hints and tips, but then she is hardly a lefty. Nor is Aris who is also an old friend from over the years

what does that have to do with anything that i posted about

why so many leftists want to adopt the UKs shitty health care model

The problem is two cultures seperated by a common language, what you say does not translate into English English .

Your health care model is the rich get the most benefits and live the longest, and they harvest the poor to do so. This is why crime is so worrying in the US as the cattle can become blighted and unusable. Your transplant rates are falling behind the rest of the world due to the underclass becoming drug addicts, carriers of disease and unfit for purpose. What good is a diseased liver to someone dying of liver disease, or a damaged heart to a terminal heart attack victim. For everything the UK model is the fairest system as the organs dont go to the highest bidder but to the best match. We dont pass the costs of unsustainable medication on to the whole population, we evaluate the benefits to everyone and expect them to fund partly for the treatment. With pharmacutecals getting more expensive because of the greed of the large companies the costs to the medical proffesion are rising out of control.. We have a choice do we fund Joe's cancer treatment or do we fund Mary's heart transplant as we cant afford to do both. Maybe you in the US could with your much larger population and so much larger pockets to draw on, but can you explain why there is a 3 tier health care system in place over there. Why those in most need are given scarcely any treatment, those on low incomes but generating the most get slightly more and the upper classes who do nothing get the best treatment ?

the problem is you got a shitty health care model

the other problem is some leftards want to turn our "rich" model into your shitty model

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