Charlottesville - My Take (FWIW)


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
(A) First, there are a number of legitimate reasons why right-minded citizens might want to protest the movement and/or destruction of Civil War monuments, honoring Confederate icons. One should never forget that none of the Confederates - including Jefferson Davis - was ever charged with treason, and for a good reason: the question of whether states had the RIGHT to secede from the Union was never finally adjudicated in court, and it is a toss-up which viewpoint would prevail. Lincoln was petrified of a USSC decision concluding that the rebels were exercising their Constitutional rights. Which is why he quickly granted amnesty to all.

(B) Demonstrations do not "turn violent." This expression promotes a Narrative and not the truth. The counter-protesters provoked the violence; they could have peacefully protested, or staged their own demonstration (after obtain permits, etc) at the time of their choosing. THEY chose to make this a "violent" incident, not the original demonstrators.

(C) One whack-job in a Challenger is not representative of anything but that person's motives and action. He did not speak or act for anyone but himself. To believe or suppose or say that he was representative of the original demonstrators is nonsense.

(D) We cannot have a society where any public edifice is subject to removal or destruction if ANYONE is offended by it, no matter how pure or heartfelt the sentiment may be. We DO live in a society where taking offense is the new national sport, after all. For example, here in my hometown of Pittsburgh we have a "Rachel Carson" bridge. She of the "Silent Spring" narrative, which ultimately resulted in millions of people in the third world being ravaged and killed by malaria. Tear down the bridge? No. Live with it and communicate your unhappiness in productive ways.

(E) Calling for a temporary halt to immigration, or to immigration from hotbeds of Islamic violence does not make one a "racist" or a "bigot," or a "hater." Same for immigration from Central and/or South America.

(F) No matter what the President's response was, the Left was going to use it to attack the President for SOMETHING. In this case, they have attacked him for what he DIDN'T say. If you can't see this idiocy for what it is, they you are the idiot.
The libtards are engaged in ethnic cleansing against southern heritage. Some protesters come to protest that, a libtard mob assaults them, police stand down, and the media blames the legal protesters.

That's not just my take, that's the stone-cold truth.
(A) First, there are a number of legitimate reasons why right-minded citizens might want to protest the movement and/or destruction of Civil War monuments, honoring Confederate icons. One should never forget that none of the Confederates - including Jefferson Davis - was ever charged with treason, and for a good reason: the question of whether states had the RIGHT to secede from the Union was never finally adjudicated in court, and it is a toss-up which viewpoint would prevail. Lincoln was petrified of a USSC decision concluding that the rebels were exercising their Constitutional rights. Which is why he quickly granted amnesty to all.

That was a bad decision made at the time. They were traitors. They fought for a truly evil cause. And it's never too late to correct the record.

(B) Demonstrations do not "turn violent." This expression promotes a Narrative and not the truth. The counter-protesters provoked the violence; they could have peacefully protested, or staged their own demonstration (after obtain permits, etc) at the time of their choosing. THEY chose to make this a "violent" incident, not the original demonstrators.

Well, there's a lot of disagreement on who threw the first punch... but never mind. Both sides came ready for a fight.

(C) One whack-job in a Challenger is not representative of anything but that person's motives and action. He did not speak or act for anyone but himself. To believe or suppose or say that he was representative of the original demonstrators is nonsense.

Earlier that day, he was all chummy with the other Alt-Right nuts.

(D) We cannot have a society where any public edifice is subject to removal or destruction if ANYONE is offended by it, no matter how pure or heartfelt the sentiment may be. We DO live in a society where taking offense is the new national sport, after all. For example, here in my hometown of Pittsburgh we have a "Rachel Carson" bridge. She of the "Silent Spring" narrative, which ultimately resulted in millions of people in the third world being ravaged and killed by malaria. Tear down the bridge? No. Live with it and communicate your unhappiness in productive ways.

Well, besides blaming Rachel Carson for something she had nothing to do with (She never called for a ban on DDT, governments did that and the company stopped making it, but the bugs were developing immunities to it anyway.) There should be a point where we can say, "This person really doesn't deserve to be honored, given what we know about him now. I think that it is a disgrace that FBI Headquarters is still named in honor of J. Edgar Hoover, a man who routinely violated civil rights.

(E) Calling for a temporary halt to immigration, or to immigration from hotbeds of Islamic violence does not make one a "racist" or a "bigot," or a "hater." Same for immigration from Central and/or South America.

Yeah, it kind of does, when it's not done in a logical way. If Trump were serious about it, he would ban travel from Saudi Arabia (which is the seat of Whabbism and where most of the terrorist from 9/11 came from).. but he has business dealings in Saudi Arabia... So he picks on Yemen instead.

(F) No matter what the President's response was, the Left was going to use it to attack the President for SOMETHING. In this case, they have attacked him for what he DIDN'T say. If you can't see this idiocy for what it is, they you are the idiot.

Except Trump's response was so off key, even Republicans felt the need to diss it.
A bunch of neo-nazis showed up protesting a decision made by the people of Charlottesville. They came with shields, combat helmets, and clubs. Some even had guns. That is not preparation for a peaceful demonstration. And you parade down my street with the flag of the Nazi Party, I will react violently. I know all that flag stands for.
Of course secession was legal. Nothing in the US Constitution said otherwise. Our country was born of secession from England. Furthermore, the 10th Amendment said that anything not specified in the Constitution is left up the the States, or the people...
(C) One whack-job in a Challenger is not representative of anything but that person's motives and action. He did not speak or act for anyone but himself. To believe or suppose or say that he was representative of the original demonstrators is nonsense.

Then let's see Richard Spencer and David Duke tweet how sorry they are about the death of Heather Heyer and how James Fields in no way represents what they stand for.
People who are against Confederate statues, sure are ignorant about the facts of slavery in America. To hate the Confederates because one blames them on slavery is absurd. Do Northern/Union schools not teach about Northern slavery? They sure had slaves. And they had the ships to run to Africa and get slaves.
The Confederacy only existed for 4 years.

The USA had slavery for 89 years.

When the Civil War was over the USA still had slavery.

The Confederacy fought a war to preserve it.

Just a few years before the war, the US Supreme Court and US Congress had both ruled pro slavery in different landmark decisions.

So like, hello, slavery was legal and OK. It was up to the States. 10th Amendment right? Some Northern states did not vote to free their slaves.
Just a few years before the war, the US Supreme Court and US Congress had both ruled pro slavery in different landmark decisions.

So like, hello, slavery was legal and OK. It was up to the States. 10th Amendment right? Some Northern states did not vote to free their slaves.

Completely irrelevent. Once an open abolitionist got elected, that's what provoked the south to secede. The slave states that didn't had only minimal amounts of slaves to start with.
People who are against Confederate statues, sure are ignorant about the facts of slavery in America. To hate the Confederates because one blames them on slavery is absurd. Do Northern/Union schools not teach about Northern slavery? They sure had slaves. And they had the ships to run to Africa and get slaves.

The North didn't go to war to preserve slavery. The South did.
People who are against Confederate statues, sure are ignorant about the facts of slavery in America. To hate the Confederates because one blames them on slavery is absurd. Do Northern/Union schools not teach about Northern slavery? They sure had slaves. And they had the ships to run to Africa and get slaves.

The North didn't go to war to preserve slavery. The South did.
What did the North go to war for?

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