Celebrities step around their heavily gun armed security to donate to kids against guns...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The list of Celebrities giving money to the kids marching to take away our Rights is becoming longer....

Of course, in order to give their donations to the kids marching against the guns that would have stopped the shooter.......they have to step around their tight cordon of heavily armed private security....you know, the private security the celebrities all use to keep them safe....the private security that is armed to the teeth with guns........

The celebrities who make movies and television shows glorifying the criminal use of guns...while they sit in their homes protected by heavily armed private security....private security armed to the teeth with guns.....

Meanwhile...those kids protesting against guns...will return to their gun free zone schools....that will not have heavily armed private security armed to the teeth with guns...

Everyone involved in trying to take guns away from law abiding citizens has private security...except for the kids they are using as props....those kids won't have armed security when the next killer enters their gun free school zones....

But.....those celebrities and politicians...they need dead kids....dead kids are gold to the anti gun movement......you can't pay enough for dead kids that you can drag in front of cameras....while you sit behind your private security, armed to the teeth with guns....

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