CDZ CDC Violated Law to Inflate COVID Cases and Fatalities


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2016
My mother passed this to me today, think it's pretty good. Constructive feedback welcome.

  • Dr. Henry Ealy and his team started looking at CDC data on COVID-19 cases and fatalities in mid-March 2020, quickly realizing the agency was vastly exaggerating fatalities
  • Over-reporting of fatalities was enabled by a March 2020 change in how cause of death is reported on death certificates. Rather than listing COVID-19 as a contributing cause in cases where people died from other underlying conditions, it was to be listed as the primary cause
  • As of August 23, 2020, the CDC reported 161,392 fatalities caused by COVID-19. Had the long-standing, original guidelines for death reporting been used, there would have only been 9,684 total fatalities due to COVID-19
  • The CDC violated federal law, as the Paperwork Reduction Act requires data collection and publication to be overseen by the Office of Management and Budget. Proposed changes must be published in the Federal Register and be open to public comment. None of these transparency rules were followed
  • We don’t yet know who was responsible for altering the reporting rules in violation of federal law. To identify the culprits, formal grand jury investigation petitions have been sent to all U.S. attorneys and the U.S. Department of Justice, requesting a thorough, independent and transparent investigation; a direct public effort to gather signatures also commenced on the one-year anniversary of the CDC reporting change

Full article here:
Nobody knows how many deaths have been from C-19. For obvious reasons, coroners and medical examiners simply do not want to perform autopsies on suspected cases of C-19/China virus. It's hazardous.

From samples taken from the deceased patients, we may learn after a couple of years of lab research.
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My mother passed this to me today, think it's pretty good. Constructive feedback welcome.

  • Dr. Henry Ealy and his team started looking at CDC data on COVID-19 cases and fatalities in mid-March 2020, quickly realizing the agency was vastly exaggerating fatalities
  • Over-reporting of fatalities was enabled by a March 2020 change in how cause of death is reported on death certificates. Rather than listing COVID-19 as a contributing cause in cases where people died from other underlying conditions, it was to be listed as the primary cause
  • As of August 23, 2020, the CDC reported 161,392 fatalities caused by COVID-19. Had the long-standing, original guidelines for death reporting been used, there would have only been 9,684 total fatalities due to COVID-19
  • The CDC violated federal law, as the Paperwork Reduction Act requires data collection and publication to be overseen by the Office of Management and Budget. Proposed changes must be published in the Federal Register and be open to public comment. None of these transparency rules were followed
  • We don’t yet know who was responsible for altering the reporting rules in violation of federal law. To identify the culprits, formal grand jury investigation petitions have been sent to all U.S. attorneys and the U.S. Department of Justice, requesting a thorough, independent and transparent investigation; a direct public effort to gather signatures also commenced on the one-year anniversary of the CDC reporting change

Full article here:

This is all conspiracy theory and worse-than-conjecture. Doesn't belong in a clean debate folder.
Nothing constructive for feedback here. If people didn't get COVID. They'd still be alive.
This is all conspiracy theory and worse-than-conjecture.

Did you actually read the article?

Yes. And my comments still stand. Dr. Mercola is considered "a quack" amongst many of his "peers".
The people who contracted COVID, would still be alive if they hadn't gotten it..despite their underlying conditions.
Trump's administration was one of the most corrupt ever.
The CDC likely lowballed the numbers of Covid deaths however.
Trump's administration was one of the most corrupt ever.
The CDC likely lowballed the numbers of Covid deaths however.

I'm guessing you didn't read the full article :p. I know that some people have issues with creating a free account, so I'll quote a bit from it:
Special Rules for COVID-19 Fatalities Were Implemented
Importantly, in March 2020, there was a significant change made to the definition of what a COVID-19 fatality was. As explained by Henele, there's a handbook on death reporting, which has been in use since 2003. There are two key sections on a death certificate. In the first part, the cause of death is detailed. In the second part, contributing factors are listed.

Contributing factors are not necessarily statistically recorded. It's the first part, the actual cause of death, that is most important for statistical accounting. March 24, 2020, the NVSS updated its guidelines on how to report and track COVID-19-related deaths.

"They were saying that COVID-19 should be listed in Part 1 for statistical tracking, but [only] in cases where it is proven to have caused death, or was assumed to have caused death," Henele explains.
"What was really concerning about this document was that it specifically stated that any preexisting conditions should be moved from Part 1, where it has been put for 17 years, into Part 2.
So, it was basically taking this and saying, 'We're going to create exclusive rules for COVID-19 and we're going to do a 180 for this single disease …' The big problem with that is that now you remove the ability for a medical examiner, a coroner, a physician, to interpret [the cause of death] based upon the collective health history of that patient …
You remove their expertise, and you say, 'You have to count this as COVID-19.' That takes on an added measure when you incentivize it financially, and that's what we saw with some of the Medicare and Medicaid payouts …"
Violating laws means nothing to Democrats who think their position represents the greater good. To Democrats, opinions are more important than laws.

I consider myself left wing myself. I think that any upstanding citizen, left or right, would not be happy with what the CDC did here.
Trump's administration was one of the most corrupt ever.
The CDC likely lowballed the numbers of Covid deaths however.
Trump's administration was one of the most corrupt ever.
The CDC likely lowballed the numbers of Covid deaths however.

I'm guessing you didn't read the full article :p. I know that some people have issues with creating a free account, so I'll quote a bit from it:
Special Rules for COVID-19 Fatalities Were Implemented
Importantly, in March 2020, there was a significant change made to the definition of what a COVID-19 fatality was. As explained by Henele, there's a handbook on death reporting, which has been in use since 2003. There are two key sections on a death certificate. In the first part, the cause of death is detailed. In the second part, contributing factors are listed.

Contributing factors are not necessarily statistically recorded. It's the first part, the actual cause of death, that is most important for statistical accounting. March 24, 2020, the NVSS updated its guidelines on how to report and track COVID-19-related deaths.

"They were saying that COVID-19 should be listed in Part 1 for statistical tracking, but [only] in cases where it is proven to have caused death, or was assumed to have caused death," Henele explains.
"What was really concerning about this document was that it specifically stated that any preexisting conditions should be moved from Part 1, where it has been put for 17 years, into Part 2.
So, it was basically taking this and saying, 'We're going to create exclusive rules for COVID-19 and we're going to do a 180 for this single disease …' The big problem with that is that now you remove the ability for a medical examiner, a coroner, a physician, to interpret [the cause of death] based upon the collective health history of that patient …
You remove their expertise, and you say, 'You have to count this as COVID-19.' That takes on an added measure when you incentivize it financially, and that's what we saw with some of the Medicare and Medicaid payouts …"
Its opinion.
Nobody knows how many deaths have been from C-19.

Sure, but based on the article in the OP, it looks like the numbers have been greatly exaggerated.
If a president comes in to drain the swamp, the deep state fights back hard. Without productive people's tax dollars they would be nothing but homeless bums.
Trump's administration was one of the most corrupt ever.
The CDC likely lowballed the numbers of Covid deaths however.
Trump's administration was one of the most corrupt ever.
The CDC likely lowballed the numbers of Covid deaths however.

I'm guessing you didn't read the full article :p. I know that some people have issues with creating a free account, so I'll quote a bit from it:
Special Rules for COVID-19 Fatalities Were Implemented
Importantly, in March 2020, there was a significant change made to the definition of what a COVID-19 fatality was. As explained by Henele, there's a handbook on death reporting, which has been in use since 2003. There are two key sections on a death certificate. In the first part, the cause of death is detailed. In the second part, contributing factors are listed.

Contributing factors are not necessarily statistically recorded. It's the first part, the actual cause of death, that is most important for statistical accounting. March 24, 2020, the NVSS updated its guidelines on how to report and track COVID-19-related deaths.

"They were saying that COVID-19 should be listed in Part 1 for statistical tracking, but [only] in cases where it is proven to have caused death, or was assumed to have caused death," Henele explains.
"What was really concerning about this document was that it specifically stated that any preexisting conditions should be moved from Part 1, where it has been put for 17 years, into Part 2.
So, it was basically taking this and saying, 'We're going to create exclusive rules for COVID-19 and we're going to do a 180 for this single disease …' The big problem with that is that now you remove the ability for a medical examiner, a coroner, a physician, to interpret [the cause of death] based upon the collective health history of that patient …
You remove their expertise, and you say, 'You have to count this as COVID-19.' That takes on an added measure when you incentivize it financially, and that's what we saw with some of the Medicare and Medicaid payouts …"
Its opinion.

No, it's not. These things really happened.
Nobody knows how many deaths have been from C-19.

Sure, but based on the article in the OP, it looks like the numbers have been greatly exaggerated.
If a president comes in to drain the swamp, the deep state fights back hard. Without productive people's tax dollars they would be nothing but homeless bums.

I should point out that I have -never- liked Trump. That being said, I don't think Trump had anything to do with what the CDC did here. If an investigation were launched, we could find out the details of who was responsible though.
My mother passed this to me today, think it's pretty good. Constructive feedback welcome.

  • Dr. Henry Ealy and his team started looking at CDC data on COVID-19 cases and fatalities in mid-March 2020, quickly realizing the agency was vastly exaggerating fatalities
  • Over-reporting of fatalities was enabled by a March 2020 change in how cause of death is reported on death certificates. Rather than listing COVID-19 as a contributing cause in cases where people died from other underlying conditions, it was to be listed as the primary cause
  • As of August 23, 2020, the CDC reported 161,392 fatalities caused by COVID-19. Had the long-standing, original guidelines for death reporting been used, there would have only been 9,684 total fatalities due to COVID-19
  • The CDC violated federal law, as the Paperwork Reduction Act requires data collection and publication to be overseen by the Office of Management and Budget. Proposed changes must be published in the Federal Register and be open to public comment. None of these transparency rules were followed
  • We don’t yet know who was responsible for altering the reporting rules in violation of federal law. To identify the culprits, formal grand jury investigation petitions have been sent to all U.S. attorneys and the U.S. Department of Justice, requesting a thorough, independent and transparent investigation; a direct public effort to gather signatures also commenced on the one-year anniversary of the CDC reporting change

Full article here:

This is all conspiracy theory and worse-than-conjecture. Doesn't belong in a clean debate folder.
Nothing constructive for feedback here. If people didn't get COVID. They'd still be alive.
There are a couple mods who will move this to whatever subforum you want this moved to if you are a lefty. If you want this thread politically earmarked as conspiracy, just report it and tell them you are a lefty and you want this to be moved to conspiracy.
Trump's administration was one of the most corrupt ever.
The CDC likely lowballed the numbers of Covid deaths however.
Trump's administration was one of the most corrupt ever.
The CDC likely lowballed the numbers of Covid deaths however.

I'm guessing you didn't read the full article :p. I know that some people have issues with creating a free account, so I'll quote a bit from it:
Special Rules for COVID-19 Fatalities Were Implemented
Importantly, in March 2020, there was a significant change made to the definition of what a COVID-19 fatality was. As explained by Henele, there's a handbook on death reporting, which has been in use since 2003. There are two key sections on a death certificate. In the first part, the cause of death is detailed. In the second part, contributing factors are listed.

Contributing factors are not necessarily statistically recorded. It's the first part, the actual cause of death, that is most important for statistical accounting. March 24, 2020, the NVSS updated its guidelines on how to report and track COVID-19-related deaths.

"They were saying that COVID-19 should be listed in Part 1 for statistical tracking, but [only] in cases where it is proven to have caused death, or was assumed to have caused death," Henele explains.
"What was really concerning about this document was that it specifically stated that any preexisting conditions should be moved from Part 1, where it has been put for 17 years, into Part 2.
So, it was basically taking this and saying, 'We're going to create exclusive rules for COVID-19 and we're going to do a 180 for this single disease …' The big problem with that is that now you remove the ability for a medical examiner, a coroner, a physician, to interpret [the cause of death] based upon the collective health history of that patient …
You remove their expertise, and you say, 'You have to count this as COVID-19.' That takes on an added measure when you incentivize it financially, and that's what we saw with some of the Medicare and Medicaid payouts …"
Thanks for posting some of that article. I've noticed what appear to be over reporting problems the whole time.
My mother passed this to me today, think it's pretty good. Constructive feedback welcome.

  • Dr. Henry Ealy and his team started looking at CDC data on COVID-19 cases and fatalities in mid-March 2020, quickly realizing the agency was vastly exaggerating fatalities
  • Over-reporting of fatalities was enabled by a March 2020 change in how cause of death is reported on death certificates. Rather than listing COVID-19 as a contributing cause in cases where people died from other underlying conditions, it was to be listed as the primary cause
  • As of August 23, 2020, the CDC reported 161,392 fatalities caused by COVID-19. Had the long-standing, original guidelines for death reporting been used, there would have only been 9,684 total fatalities due to COVID-19
  • The CDC violated federal law, as the Paperwork Reduction Act requires data collection and publication to be overseen by the Office of Management and Budget. Proposed changes must be published in the Federal Register and be open to public comment. None of these transparency rules were followed
  • We don’t yet know who was responsible for altering the reporting rules in violation of federal law. To identify the culprits, formal grand jury investigation petitions have been sent to all U.S. attorneys and the U.S. Department of Justice, requesting a thorough, independent and transparent investigation; a direct public effort to gather signatures also commenced on the one-year anniversary of the CDC reporting change

Full article here:

This is all conspiracy theory and worse-than-conjecture. Doesn't belong in a clean debate folder.
Nothing constructive for feedback here. If people didn't get COVID. They'd still be alive.

So you can't dispute the claim ?
My mother passed this to me today, think it's pretty good. Constructive feedback welcome.

  • Dr. Henry Ealy and his team started looking at CDC data on COVID-19 cases and fatalities in mid-March 2020, quickly realizing the agency was vastly exaggerating fatalities
  • Over-reporting of fatalities was enabled by a March 2020 change in how cause of death is reported on death certificates. Rather than listing COVID-19 as a contributing cause in cases where people died from other underlying conditions, it was to be listed as the primary cause
  • As of August 23, 2020, the CDC reported 161,392 fatalities caused by COVID-19. Had the long-standing, original guidelines for death reporting been used, there would have only been 9,684 total fatalities due to COVID-19
  • The CDC violated federal law, as the Paperwork Reduction Act requires data collection and publication to be overseen by the Office of Management and Budget. Proposed changes must be published in the Federal Register and be open to public comment. None of these transparency rules were followed
  • We don’t yet know who was responsible for altering the reporting rules in violation of federal law. To identify the culprits, formal grand jury investigation petitions have been sent to all U.S. attorneys and the U.S. Department of Justice, requesting a thorough, independent and transparent investigation; a direct public effort to gather signatures also commenced on the one-year anniversary of the CDC reporting change

Full article here:

This is all conspiracy theory and worse-than-conjecture. Doesn't belong in a clean debate folder.
Nothing constructive for feedback here. If people didn't get COVID. They'd still be alive.

All rebuttles to these claims come from the CDC.

I would think we would need someone else to look things over since the CDC is at the center of the allegations.
My mother passed this to me today, think it's pretty good. Constructive feedback welcome.

  • Dr. Henry Ealy and his team started looking at CDC data on COVID-19 cases and fatalities in mid-March 2020, quickly realizing the agency was vastly exaggerating fatalities
  • Over-reporting of fatalities was enabled by a March 2020 change in how cause of death is reported on death certificates. Rather than listing COVID-19 as a contributing cause in cases where people died from other underlying conditions, it was to be listed as the primary cause
  • As of August 23, 2020, the CDC reported 161,392 fatalities caused by COVID-19. Had the long-standing, original guidelines for death reporting been used, there would have only been 9,684 total fatalities due to COVID-19
  • The CDC violated federal law, as the Paperwork Reduction Act requires data collection and publication to be overseen by the Office of Management and Budget. Proposed changes must be published in the Federal Register and be open to public comment. None of these transparency rules were followed
  • We don’t yet know who was responsible for altering the reporting rules in violation of federal law. To identify the culprits, formal grand jury investigation petitions have been sent to all U.S. attorneys and the U.S. Department of Justice, requesting a thorough, independent and transparent investigation; a direct public effort to gather signatures also commenced on the one-year anniversary of the CDC reporting change

Full article here:

This is all conspiracy theory and worse-than-conjecture. Doesn't belong in a clean debate folder.
Nothing constructive for feedback here. If people didn't get COVID. They'd still be alive.

So you can't dispute the claim ?

I've disputed ALL of them. With one post. Points 1, 3 and 4 are all conjecture and speculation. Point 2 is straight up misdirection. If they contracted COVID, they died from it. Even if they had underlying conditions.

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