CDC Director Walensky Says Child Masking Policy “Doesn’t Really Change with Time” – Obviously Not For FACTS / Evidence, Either


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The science is settled.


'Yeah...we really don't care.'

'In late January the Cochrane Study was released. This was one of the largest and most comprehensive studies on masking that found masks do almost nothing to prevent the spread of respiratory diseases.'

The CDC is the only national and international organization that demands masking of 2-year-old children.

This is abuse - abuse of power and child abuse.

The science is settled.

View attachment 757126
'Yeah...we really don't care.'

'In late January the Cochrane Study was released. This was one of the largest and most comprehensive studies on masking that found masks do almost nothing to prevent the spread of respiratory diseases.'

The CDC is the only national and international organization that demands masking of 2-year-old children.

This is abuse - abuse of power and child abuse.

Right. The science is settled. Some kids need a mask.
The minority exception does not justify the draconian mandating of the wearing of useless masks for every child.
I'm in Tennessee and just can't see it in the city I live or towns I pass through. If your state is still on lockdowns and requiring masks, I hate it for ya, but obviously you failed to convince your fellow citizens or state officials.
I'm in Tennessee and just can't see it in the city I live or towns I pass through. If your state is still on lockdowns and requiring masks, I hate it for ya, but obviously you failed to convince your fellow citizens or state officials.
When the FBI / Govt is censoring / silencing doctors, scientists, and anyone telling the truth while spreading disinformation IOT maintain control it is hard to get the word out and convince anyone.
I'm in Tennessee and just can't see it in the city I live or towns I pass through. If your state is still on lockdowns and requiring masks, I hate it for ya, but obviously you failed to convince your fellow citizens or state officials.
Why can't you say you are opposed to it? Are you afraid that any admission of wrongdoing will cause your progressive house of cards to fall?
The science is settled.

View attachment 757126
'Yeah...we really don't care.'

'In late January the Cochrane Study was released. This was one of the largest and most comprehensive studies on masking that found masks do almost nothing to prevent the spread of respiratory diseases.'

The CDC is the only national and international organization that demands masking of 2-year-old children.

This is abuse - abuse of power and child abuse.

fk her and her evil tactics of punishing humans. I wish she knew that masks don't work and science says so.

Her version of abortion.
I'm in Tennessee and just can't see it in the city I live or towns I pass through. If your state is still on lockdowns and requiring masks, I hate it for ya, but obviously you failed to convince your fellow citizens or state officials.
it's inhumane. And, lockdowns don't work, and masks don't stop viruses. (science tells us)

Lockdowns increase suicides and masks create more sick people who might die. Amazing how little value life is to a demofk.
When the FBI / Govt is censoring / silencing doctors, scientists, and anyone telling the truth while spreading disinformation IOT maintain control it is hard to get the word out and convince anyone.
again, demofks hate human life and will interfere in business to create chaos. They own the phrase,"never let a good crisis go to waste"
We know masks do not work…mandating the masking of 2 year olds is straight up torture. How disgusting.

We have some real fascists in our permanent bureaucracy.

And it would be worse if they did work because it would delay and impact the natural development of a child's immune system.
Why can't you say you are opposed to it? Are you afraid that any admission of wrongdoing will cause your progressive house of cards to fall?
Probably because, I simply do not care. It does not affect me. It is not in place here. We are on this thread at about post 13, and I still don't know where it is in place. No babies are in my life, at the moment.
Probably because, I simply do not care. It does not affect me. It is not in place here. We are on this thread at about post 13, and I still don't know where it is in place. No babies are in my life, at the moment.

So the issue for you 'should' be unjustified authoritarian mandates being imposed primarily for / as a means of govt control.

The more such un-Constitutional acts by the federal govt that can be challenged and denied the better.

Federal politicians have managed to assume power and control over decades by completely ignoring several fundamental Constitutional truths and by being able to condition citizens over time just to accept them:

1. Federal politicians are 'servants' of the people, not their 'masters'.

2. The power of the federal govt and politicians is limited to EXACTLY what it specifically states in the Constitution - all other powers and responsibilities are delegated to the STATES.

3. Federal politicians are subject to ALL provisions within the US Constitution and EVERY US LAW that is passed.
-- Pelosi's repeated crimes of Insider Trading and repeated claims that 1) she 'did not know' this law applied to her followed by her 2nd incident where she was caught then falsely claimed the kaw does NOT aply to her is BULLSHIT.

The 'frog slow boil' technique has been successfully perpetrated on the American people to rhe point now where the govt as the Founding Fathers created it is nearly unrecognizable, as is the bastardized, 2-tiered, partisan weopanized, Soros-funded/manipulated Justice System - a result of the country being anesthetized and dragged WAY off course to the left.
So the issue for you 'should' be unjustified authoritarian mandates being imposed primarily for / as a means of govt control.

The more such un-Constitutional acts by the federal govt that can be challenged and denied the better.

Federal politicians have managed to assume power and control over decades by completely ignoring several fundamental Constitutional truths and by being able to condition citizens over time just to accept them:

1. Federal politicians are 'servants' of the people, not their 'masters'.

2. The power of the federal govt and politicians is limited to EXACTLY what it specifically states in the Constitution - all other powers and responsibilities are delegated to the STATES.

3. Federal politicians are subject to ALL provisions within the US Constitution and EVERY US LAW that is passed.
-- Pelosi's repeated crimes of Insider Trading and repeated claims that 1) she 'did not know' this law applied to her followed by her 2nd incident where she was caught then falsely claimed the kaw does NOT aply to her is BULLSHIT.

The 'frog slow boil' technique has been successfully perpetrated on the American people to rhe point now where the govt as the Founding Fathers created it is nearly unrecognizable, as is the bastardized, 2-tiered, partisan weopanized, Soros-funded/manipulated Justice System - a result of the country being anesthetized and dragged WAY off course to the left.
I don't care if they set it as an advisable policy. It is simply not being followed here, and I don't know anywhere it is being followed or if it is being followed. The whole thread could be much ado about nothing, as far as I know.

They advise against smoking too, as it causes cancer, emphysema and a host of other things that will kill you. I have smoked a long time and still do, but I still get to bicycle significant distances, kayak on plus 50 mile trips, as well as ocean kayaking, and snow ski at altitude. They recommend against marijuana, but I enjoyed some just two weeks ago in free-man state, on my last ski trip. I never heard them come out against the military, but I have gobs of friends that have been injured or disabled due to their service, and of course have had several friends die while in uniform and seen them die right in front of me, as combat arms isn't the healthiest career choice by any means. I eat a southern diet, with plenty of fried foods, meat, including pork, and love fast foods when on the go or just as comfort food. That's hardly anything the CDC would recommend, yet, I still have low to normal blood pressure, and my cholesterol is within normal range, passed my full cardiac work up including stress test and full body circulatory ultrasound check, like somebody in their 40s or 50s, take no daily medications or supplements, and I don't even have to watch my weight.

So, I listen to CDC, read and make my own choices and decisions as to what is best for me, based on circumstance and my own metabolism, and it seems to have worked out. I don't do many causes, and it is unlikely you will win me to yours, no offense. It simply doesn't affect me.
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