CDC Busted for inflating death numbers

No way!

Why would the CDC want to inflate numbers?

Nationalfile is junk source with zero jounalistic integrity.

Having said that, If Covid death numbers really are inflated then whats killing all the Americans abvove and boyond what we've seen in years before the pandemic?


I would say its Democrat governors.

You would be wrong because places with Republican governors still have high excess deaths.

Go ahead and click places like Indiana instead of United States. we are seeing 40-50% more deaths than usual in the last month.
Indiana has 10,05 deaths to 629,903 cases that is a 1.5% mortality rate. Compare that to NY or NJ. And Indiana is 19th in the US in testing per capita so they test their population well.

Indiana is seeing it's people die by 40% higher than usual.

Whats killing them if not Corona and not their not-existant Democrat Governor.

Don't give me bullshit irrelant statistics, give me an actual answer.
All I can do is give stats, not made up libber garbage. Indiana has a Covid mortality rate below the US average, NY has one twice the US average.

You CAN give me an obvious answer. COVID IS KILLING THEM YOU FUCKING MORON.
Covid actually doesn't kill anyone

Nutbag, then whats killing all the people in America and specifically Indiana?

You keep being unable to answer. We know it ain't Democrat governors, because Indiana doesn't have that, so whats the explanation?
Again, the idiot Dem governors have killed far more of their individuals per capita than governors of red whatever means the Covid death count is being captured. The virus itself rarely kills anyone. And I have already given you the facts from Indiana, where the mortality rate is below the US average. Do you know what statistics are?

You have giving bullshit that does not actually answer the fact of excessive deaths in Indiana.

1.5% of confirmed Covid infections leading to death SUPPORTS, not contradicts, excessive deaths in that state,
1.5% is below the US average and well below the global average. 3% is ABOVE the US and global is the 3.1% of New Jersey....and other idiot Dem led states. Go whine about your own ilk lemming.


New Jersey and other frequently traveled palces like the rest of Tri-State area obviously got hit first, while bumble-fuck Indiana got slammed in the second half of the year and by this time treatment methods have improved.

1.5% dead from Covid IS NOT dead from Covid, because it was worse elsewhere before? Is that you retarded argument?

Treatments have no improved

Doctors jsut stopped offing people with ventilators

You were better off being just left alone than with a ventilator in the vast majority of cases. They were using ventilators on fucking children who had no need for it. And everyone else too
3% culture rate at 35
That’s cool. So? The virus would not be present in sufficient numbers to give a result had the person not been previously infected.

Just because they’re not able to be cultured does not mean they have never had COVID.

It means that the threshold is way too fuckign high and a positive at 35 is meaningless

that's exactly what that means

"it might really be 10% of them htat had the rona"

Ok? Still should be vastly lower retard. And totally explains why our numbers are so much higher. Our techs like you are dipshits and have no idea what is going on
It doesn’t mean that at all. Those people almost certainly were infected within the recent weeks or months and the test reflects that.

Simply put, it’s not a false positive as you claim.

Yes they are

Overwhelmingly false positive at 35

Fart could set it off.

As the culture rates show.

Why not jack it up to 50?" False positives don't exist amirite?

More fucking stupidity
And you think people are farting on these swabs before sticking them in noses?

No way!

Why would the CDC want to inflate numbers?

Nationalfile is junk source with zero jounalistic integrity.

Having said that, If Covid death numbers really are inflated then whats killing all the Americans abvove and boyond what we've seen in years before the pandemic?


I would say its Democrat governors.

You would be wrong because places with Republican governors still have high excess deaths.

Go ahead and click places like Indiana instead of United States. we are seeing 40-50% more deaths than usual in the last month.
Indiana has 10,05 deaths to 629,903 cases that is a 1.5% mortality rate. Compare that to NY or NJ. And Indiana is 19th in the US in testing per capita so they test their population well.

Indiana is seeing it's people die by 40% higher than usual.

Whats killing them if not Corona and not their not-existant Democrat Governor.

Don't give me bullshit irrelant statistics, give me an actual answer.
All I can do is give stats, not made up libber garbage. Indiana has a Covid mortality rate below the US average, NY has one twice the US average.

You CAN give me an obvious answer. COVID IS KILLING THEM YOU FUCKING MORON.
Covid actually doesn't kill anyone

Nutbag, then whats killing all the people in America and specifically Indiana?

You keep being unable to answer. We know it ain't Democrat governors, because Indiana doesn't have that, so whats the explanation?
Again, the idiot Dem governors have killed far more of their individuals per capita than governors of red whatever means the Covid death count is being captured. The virus itself rarely kills anyone. And I have already given you the facts from Indiana, where the mortality rate is below the US average. Do you know what statistics are?

You have giving bullshit that does not actually answer the fact of excessive deaths in Indiana.

1.5% of confirmed Covid infections leading to death SUPPORTS, not contradicts, excessive deaths in that state,
1.5% is below the US average and well below the global average. 3% is ABOVE the US and global is the 3.1% of New Jersey....and other idiot Dem led states. Go whine about your own ilk lemming.


New Jersey and other frequently traveled palces like the rest of Tri-State area obviously got hit first, while bumble-fuck Indiana got slammed in the second half of the year and by this time treatment methods have improved.

1.5% dead from Covid IS NOT dead from Covid, because it was worse elsewhere before? Is that you retarded argument?

Treatments have no improved

Doctors jsut stopped offing people with ventilators

You were better off being just left alone than with a ventilator
Good lord. Another idiot who thinks that ventilators were killing people.
I didn't say you should die--least of all for being rational.
I was clearly replying to a different poster who did indeed say I deserve to die because my opinion on PCR cycle counts does not align with theirs.

Deserve to die

Not threat, it's good that you've learned the difference after i'm sure a mod told you to shut teh fuck up

Can't even read and talking about medical expertise....Hahahaha
Why would a mod tell me to do anything?

Either way, you’re not demonstrating a stable mental state. This isn’t how normal people talk.

Because you complained about "death threats"? lol

How dense are you?

You don't have a fucking masters you pleb. If you do you are certainly autistic. The fuck?
Look how angry you’re getting. Over what exactly?

I didn’t complain about death threats to anyone, just noting that people tossing around their hopes to see other people die isn’t exactly normal behavior. Do you agree or disagree?

Your ignorance and the part your industry has played in all this.

It's one thing to be a citizen and let this shit go

But some one like you who has access to all this information? What the fuck is wrong with you? What kind of hippy lies to save his job when lives and freedoms are at stake/
No way!

Why would the CDC want to inflate numbers?

Nationalfile is junk source with zero jounalistic integrity.

Having said that, If Covid death numbers really are inflated then whats killing all the Americans abvove and boyond what we've seen in years before the pandemic?


I would say its Democrat governors.

You would be wrong because places with Republican governors still have high excess deaths.

Go ahead and click places like Indiana instead of United States. we are seeing 40-50% more deaths than usual in the last month.
Indiana has 10,05 deaths to 629,903 cases that is a 1.5% mortality rate. Compare that to NY or NJ. And Indiana is 19th in the US in testing per capita so they test their population well.

Indiana is seeing it's people die by 40% higher than usual.

Whats killing them if not Corona and not their not-existant Democrat Governor.

Don't give me bullshit irrelant statistics, give me an actual answer.
All I can do is give stats, not made up libber garbage. Indiana has a Covid mortality rate below the US average, NY has one twice the US average.

You CAN give me an obvious answer. COVID IS KILLING THEM YOU FUCKING MORON.
Covid actually doesn't kill anyone

Nutbag, then whats killing all the people in America and specifically Indiana?

You keep being unable to answer. We know it ain't Democrat governors, because Indiana doesn't have that, so whats the explanation?
Again, the idiot Dem governors have killed far more of their individuals per capita than governors of red whatever means the Covid death count is being captured. The virus itself rarely kills anyone. And I have already given you the facts from Indiana, where the mortality rate is below the US average. Do you know what statistics are?

You have giving bullshit that does not actually answer the fact of excessive deaths in Indiana.

1.5% of confirmed Covid infections leading to death SUPPORTS, not contradicts, excessive deaths in that state,
1.5% is below the US average and well below the global average. 3% is ABOVE the US and global is the 3.1% of New Jersey....and other idiot Dem led states. Go whine about your own ilk lemming.


New Jersey and other frequently traveled palces like the rest of Tri-State area obviously got hit first, while bumble-fuck Indiana got slammed in the second half of the year and by this time treatment methods have improved.

1.5% dead from Covid IS NOT dead from Covid, because it was worse elsewhere before? Is that you retarded argument?

Treatments have no improved

Doctors jsut stopped offing people with ventilators

You were better off being just left alone than with a ventilator
Good lord. Another idiot who thinks that ventilators were killing people.

They were offing people

And we were getting media stories about how covid destroyed lungs...No ventilators destroy lungs

We were talking about producing millions of ventilators, all that talk stopped.

Because they stopped giving them out like candy. Ventilators are a last resort. You do not want to go on one unless you 99% will not survive the night without it.

And jsut to reiterate i have ivy league trained doctors as kin. Yea i get a bit better opinoin than whatever you're getting. Not that an appeal to an authority matters. But if i'm going to trust a doctor i'm going to pick one who could make it into an elite school.
No way!

Why would the CDC want to inflate numbers?

Nationalfile is junk source with zero jounalistic integrity.

Having said that, If Covid death numbers really are inflated then whats killing all the Americans abvove and boyond what we've seen in years before the pandemic?


I would say its Democrat governors.

You would be wrong because places with Republican governors still have high excess deaths.

Go ahead and click places like Indiana instead of United States. we are seeing 40-50% more deaths than usual in the last month.
Indiana has 10,05 deaths to 629,903 cases that is a 1.5% mortality rate. Compare that to NY or NJ. And Indiana is 19th in the US in testing per capita so they test their population well.

Indiana is seeing it's people die by 40% higher than usual.

Whats killing them if not Corona and not their not-existant Democrat Governor.

Don't give me bullshit irrelant statistics, give me an actual answer.
All I can do is give stats, not made up libber garbage. Indiana has a Covid mortality rate below the US average, NY has one twice the US average.

You CAN give me an obvious answer. COVID IS KILLING THEM YOU FUCKING MORON.
Covid actually doesn't kill anyone

Nutbag, then whats killing all the people in America and specifically Indiana?

You keep being unable to answer. We know it ain't Democrat governors, because Indiana doesn't have that, so whats the explanation?
Again, the idiot Dem governors have killed far more of their individuals per capita than governors of red whatever means the Covid death count is being captured. The virus itself rarely kills anyone. And I have already given you the facts from Indiana, where the mortality rate is below the US average. Do you know what statistics are?

You have giving bullshit that does not actually answer the fact of excessive deaths in Indiana.

1.5% of confirmed Covid infections leading to death SUPPORTS, not contradicts, excessive deaths in that state,
1.5% is below the US average and well below the global average. 3% is ABOVE the US and global is the 3.1% of New Jersey....and other idiot Dem led states. Go whine about your own ilk lemming.


New Jersey and other frequently traveled palces like the rest of Tri-State area obviously got hit first, while bumble-fuck Indiana got slammed in the second half of the year and by this time treatment methods have improved.

1.5% dead from Covid IS NOT dead from Covid, because it was worse elsewhere before? Is that you retarded argument?

Treatments have no improved

Doctors jsut stopped offing people with ventilators

Sounds like an improvement in treatment dumb-dumb.
No way!

Why would the CDC want to inflate numbers?

Nationalfile is junk source with zero jounalistic integrity.

Having said that, If Covid death numbers really are inflated then whats killing all the Americans abvove and boyond what we've seen in years before the pandemic?


I would say its Democrat governors.

You would be wrong because places with Republican governors still have high excess deaths.

Go ahead and click places like Indiana instead of United States. we are seeing 40-50% more deaths than usual in the last month.
Indiana has 10,05 deaths to 629,903 cases that is a 1.5% mortality rate. Compare that to NY or NJ. And Indiana is 19th in the US in testing per capita so they test their population well.

Indiana is seeing it's people die by 40% higher than usual.

Whats killing them if not Corona and not their not-existant Democrat Governor.

Don't give me bullshit irrelant statistics, give me an actual answer.
All I can do is give stats, not made up libber garbage. Indiana has a Covid mortality rate below the US average, NY has one twice the US average.

You CAN give me an obvious answer. COVID IS KILLING THEM YOU FUCKING MORON.
Covid actually doesn't kill anyone

Nutbag, then whats killing all the people in America and specifically Indiana?

You keep being unable to answer. We know it ain't Democrat governors, because Indiana doesn't have that, so whats the explanation?
Again, the idiot Dem governors have killed far more of their individuals per capita than governors of red whatever means the Covid death count is being captured. The virus itself rarely kills anyone. And I have already given you the facts from Indiana, where the mortality rate is below the US average. Do you know what statistics are?

You have giving bullshit that does not actually answer the fact of excessive deaths in Indiana.

1.5% of confirmed Covid infections leading to death SUPPORTS, not contradicts, excessive deaths in that state,
1.5% is below the US average and well below the global average. 3% is ABOVE the US and global is the 3.1% of New Jersey....and other idiot Dem led states. Go whine about your own ilk lemming.


New Jersey and other frequently traveled palces like the rest of Tri-State area obviously got hit first, while bumble-fuck Indiana got slammed in the second half of the year and by this time treatment methods have improved.

1.5% dead from Covid IS NOT dead from Covid, because it was worse elsewhere before? Is that you retarded argument?

Treatments have no improved

Doctors jsut stopped offing people with ventilators

You were better off being just left alone than with a ventilator
Good lord. Another idiot who thinks that ventilators were killing people.

They were offing people

You are fucking nuts.

Wish you'd come down to my hospital and tell it to all the doc treating Covid Patients...they would probably make an exception to off you.
No way!

Why would the CDC want to inflate numbers?
Are you sure it is not right wingers simply making up their own facts only get them dismissed in open Court?
No way!

Why would the CDC want to inflate numbers?

Nationalfile is junk source with zero jounalistic integrity.

Having said that, If Covid death numbers really are inflated then whats killing all the Americans abvove and boyond what we've seen in years before the pandemic?


I would say its Democrat governors.

You would be wrong because places with Republican governors still have high excess deaths.

Go ahead and click places like Indiana instead of United States. we are seeing 40-50% more deaths than usual in the last month.
Indiana has 10,05 deaths to 629,903 cases that is a 1.5% mortality rate. Compare that to NY or NJ. And Indiana is 19th in the US in testing per capita so they test their population well.

Indiana is seeing it's people die by 40% higher than usual.

Whats killing them if not Corona and not their not-existant Democrat Governor.

Don't give me bullshit irrelant statistics, give me an actual answer.
All I can do is give stats, not made up libber garbage. Indiana has a Covid mortality rate below the US average, NY has one twice the US average.

You CAN give me an obvious answer. COVID IS KILLING THEM YOU FUCKING MORON.
Covid actually doesn't kill anyone

Nutbag, then whats killing all the people in America and specifically Indiana?

You keep being unable to answer. We know it ain't Democrat governors, because Indiana doesn't have that, so whats the explanation?
Again, the idiot Dem governors have killed far more of their individuals per capita than governors of red whatever means the Covid death count is being captured. The virus itself rarely kills anyone. And I have already given you the facts from Indiana, where the mortality rate is below the US average. Do you know what statistics are?

You have giving bullshit that does not actually answer the fact of excessive deaths in Indiana.

1.5% of confirmed Covid infections leading to death SUPPORTS, not contradicts, excessive deaths in that state,
1.5% is below the US average and well below the global average. 3% is ABOVE the US and global is the 3.1% of New Jersey....and other idiot Dem led states. Go whine about your own ilk lemming.


New Jersey and other frequently traveled palces like the rest of Tri-State area obviously got hit first, while bumble-fuck Indiana got slammed in the second half of the year and by this time treatment methods have improved.

1.5% dead from Covid IS NOT dead from Covid, because it was worse elsewhere before? Is that you retarded argument?

Treatments have no improved

Doctors jsut stopped offing people with ventilators

Sounds like an improvement in treatment dumb-dumb.

If doing nothing improves the treatment.....Again that's not improving the treatment

That's stopping irrational treatments

It probably has slightly improved. But the real problem in Italy and NY was the ventilators.
No way!

Why would the CDC want to inflate numbers?

Nationalfile is junk source with zero jounalistic integrity.

Having said that, If Covid death numbers really are inflated then whats killing all the Americans abvove and boyond what we've seen in years before the pandemic?


I would say its Democrat governors.

You would be wrong because places with Republican governors still have high excess deaths.

Go ahead and click places like Indiana instead of United States. we are seeing 40-50% more deaths than usual in the last month.
Indiana has 10,05 deaths to 629,903 cases that is a 1.5% mortality rate. Compare that to NY or NJ. And Indiana is 19th in the US in testing per capita so they test their population well.

Indiana is seeing it's people die by 40% higher than usual.

Whats killing them if not Corona and not their not-existant Democrat Governor.

Don't give me bullshit irrelant statistics, give me an actual answer.
All I can do is give stats, not made up libber garbage. Indiana has a Covid mortality rate below the US average, NY has one twice the US average.

You CAN give me an obvious answer. COVID IS KILLING THEM YOU FUCKING MORON.
Covid actually doesn't kill anyone

Nutbag, then whats killing all the people in America and specifically Indiana?

You keep being unable to answer. We know it ain't Democrat governors, because Indiana doesn't have that, so whats the explanation?
Again, the idiot Dem governors have killed far more of their individuals per capita than governors of red whatever means the Covid death count is being captured. The virus itself rarely kills anyone. And I have already given you the facts from Indiana, where the mortality rate is below the US average. Do you know what statistics are?

You have giving bullshit that does not actually answer the fact of excessive deaths in Indiana.

1.5% of confirmed Covid infections leading to death SUPPORTS, not contradicts, excessive deaths in that state,
1.5% is below the US average and well below the global average. 3% is ABOVE the US and global is the 3.1% of New Jersey....and other idiot Dem led states. Go whine about your own ilk lemming.


New Jersey and other frequently traveled palces like the rest of Tri-State area obviously got hit first, while bumble-fuck Indiana got slammed in the second half of the year and by this time treatment methods have improved.

1.5% dead from Covid IS NOT dead from Covid, because it was worse elsewhere before? Is that you retarded argument?

Treatments have no improved

Doctors jsut stopped offing people with ventilators

Sounds like an improvement in treatment dumb-dumb.

If doing nothing improves the treatment.....Again that's not improving the treatment

That's stopping irrational treatments

It probably has slightly improved. But the real problem in Italy and NY was the ventilators.

Treatment is what patient gets.

By your own words, what patients got has improved. Stop posting nonsence.
No way!

Why would the CDC want to inflate numbers?

Nationalfile is junk source with zero jounalistic integrity.

Having said that, If Covid death numbers really are inflated then whats killing all the Americans abvove and boyond what we've seen in years before the pandemic?


I would say its Democrat governors.

You would be wrong because places with Republican governors still have high excess deaths.

Go ahead and click places like Indiana instead of United States. we are seeing 40-50% more deaths than usual in the last month.
Indiana has 10,05 deaths to 629,903 cases that is a 1.5% mortality rate. Compare that to NY or NJ. And Indiana is 19th in the US in testing per capita so they test their population well.

Indiana is seeing it's people die by 40% higher than usual.

Whats killing them if not Corona and not their not-existant Democrat Governor.

Don't give me bullshit irrelant statistics, give me an actual answer.
All I can do is give stats, not made up libber garbage. Indiana has a Covid mortality rate below the US average, NY has one twice the US average.

You CAN give me an obvious answer. COVID IS KILLING THEM YOU FUCKING MORON.
Covid actually doesn't kill anyone

Nutbag, then whats killing all the people in America and specifically Indiana?

You keep being unable to answer. We know it ain't Democrat governors, because Indiana doesn't have that, so whats the explanation?
Again, the idiot Dem governors have killed far more of their individuals per capita than governors of red whatever means the Covid death count is being captured. The virus itself rarely kills anyone. And I have already given you the facts from Indiana, where the mortality rate is below the US average. Do you know what statistics are?

You have giving bullshit that does not actually answer the fact of excessive deaths in Indiana.

1.5% of confirmed Covid infections leading to death SUPPORTS, not contradicts, excessive deaths in that state,
1.5% is below the US average and well below the global average. 3% is ABOVE the US and global is the 3.1% of New Jersey....and other idiot Dem led states. Go whine about your own ilk lemming.


New Jersey and other frequently traveled palces like the rest of Tri-State area obviously got hit first, while bumble-fuck Indiana got slammed in the second half of the year and by this time treatment methods have improved.

1.5% dead from Covid IS NOT dead from Covid, because it was worse elsewhere before? Is that you retarded argument?

Treatments have no improved

Doctors jsut stopped offing people with ventilators

Sounds like an improvement in treatment dumb-dumb.

If doing nothing improves the treatment.....Again that's not improving the treatment

That's stopping irrational treatments

It probably has slightly improved. But the real problem in Italy and NY was the ventilators.

Treatment is what patient gets.

By your own words, what patients got has improved. Stop posting nonsence.

If the patient isn't getting anything it's not a treatment

*big brain*

"they improved teh treatment they just send you home after doing nothing"

No way!

Why would the CDC want to inflate numbers?

Nationalfile is junk source with zero jounalistic integrity.

Having said that, If Covid death numbers really are inflated then whats killing all the Americans abvove and boyond what we've seen in years before the pandemic?


I would say its Democrat governors.

You would be wrong because places with Republican governors still have high excess deaths.

Go ahead and click places like Indiana instead of United States. we are seeing 40-50% more deaths than usual in the last month.
Indiana has 10,05 deaths to 629,903 cases that is a 1.5% mortality rate. Compare that to NY or NJ. And Indiana is 19th in the US in testing per capita so they test their population well.

Indiana is seeing it's people die by 40% higher than usual.

Whats killing them if not Corona and not their not-existant Democrat Governor.

Don't give me bullshit irrelant statistics, give me an actual answer.
All I can do is give stats, not made up libber garbage. Indiana has a Covid mortality rate below the US average, NY has one twice the US average.

You CAN give me an obvious answer. COVID IS KILLING THEM YOU FUCKING MORON.
Covid actually doesn't kill anyone

Nutbag, then whats killing all the people in America and specifically Indiana?

You keep being unable to answer. We know it ain't Democrat governors, because Indiana doesn't have that, so whats the explanation?
Again, the idiot Dem governors have killed far more of their individuals per capita than governors of red whatever means the Covid death count is being captured. The virus itself rarely kills anyone. And I have already given you the facts from Indiana, where the mortality rate is below the US average. Do you know what statistics are?

You have giving bullshit that does not actually answer the fact of excessive deaths in Indiana.

1.5% of confirmed Covid infections leading to death SUPPORTS, not contradicts, excessive deaths in that state,
1.5% is below the US average and well below the global average. 3% is ABOVE the US and global is the 3.1% of New Jersey....and other idiot Dem led states. Go whine about your own ilk lemming.


New Jersey and other frequently traveled palces like the rest of Tri-State area obviously got hit first, while bumble-fuck Indiana got slammed in the second half of the year and by this time treatment methods have improved.

1.5% dead from Covid IS NOT dead from Covid, because it was worse elsewhere before? Is that you retarded argument?

Treatments have no improved

Doctors jsut stopped offing people with ventilators

Sounds like an improvement in treatment dumb-dumb.

If doing nothing improves the treatment.....Again that's not improving the treatment

That's stopping irrational treatments

It probably has slightly improved. But the real problem in Italy and NY was the ventilators.

Treatment is what patient gets.

By your own words, what patients got has improved. Stop posting nonsence.

If the patient isn't getting anything it's not a treatment

*big brain*

"they improved teh treatment they just send you home"


Oh so now getting offed is nothing?

Look moron, stick to whatever it is that you occupy yourself with normally, stop mouthing off crazy conspiracies about Covid patient treatment, and leave medicine to the doctors.
No way!

Why would the CDC want to inflate numbers?

Nationalfile is junk source with zero jounalistic integrity.

Having said that, If Covid death numbers really are inflated then whats killing all the Americans abvove and boyond what we've seen in years before the pandemic?


I would say its Democrat governors.

You would be wrong because places with Republican governors still have high excess deaths.

Go ahead and click places like Indiana instead of United States. we are seeing 40-50% more deaths than usual in the last month.
Indiana has 10,05 deaths to 629,903 cases that is a 1.5% mortality rate. Compare that to NY or NJ. And Indiana is 19th in the US in testing per capita so they test their population well.

Indiana is seeing it's people die by 40% higher than usual.

Whats killing them if not Corona and not their not-existant Democrat Governor.

Don't give me bullshit irrelant statistics, give me an actual answer.
All I can do is give stats, not made up libber garbage. Indiana has a Covid mortality rate below the US average, NY has one twice the US average.

You CAN give me an obvious answer. COVID IS KILLING THEM YOU FUCKING MORON.
Covid actually doesn't kill anyone

Nutbag, then whats killing all the people in America and specifically Indiana?

You keep being unable to answer. We know it ain't Democrat governors, because Indiana doesn't have that, so whats the explanation?
Again, the idiot Dem governors have killed far more of their individuals per capita than governors of red whatever means the Covid death count is being captured. The virus itself rarely kills anyone. And I have already given you the facts from Indiana, where the mortality rate is below the US average. Do you know what statistics are?

You have giving bullshit that does not actually answer the fact of excessive deaths in Indiana.

1.5% of confirmed Covid infections leading to death SUPPORTS, not contradicts, excessive deaths in that state,
1.5% is below the US average and well below the global average. 3% is ABOVE the US and global is the 3.1% of New Jersey....and other idiot Dem led states. Go whine about your own ilk lemming.


New Jersey and other frequently traveled palces like the rest of Tri-State area obviously got hit first, while bumble-fuck Indiana got slammed in the second half of the year and by this time treatment methods have improved.

1.5% dead from Covid IS NOT dead from Covid, because it was worse elsewhere before? Is that you retarded argument?

Treatments have no improved

Doctors jsut stopped offing people with ventilators

Sounds like an improvement in treatment dumb-dumb.

If doing nothing improves the treatment.....Again that's not improving the treatment

That's stopping irrational treatments

It probably has slightly improved. But the real problem in Italy and NY was the ventilators.

Treatment is what patient gets.

By your own words, what patients got has improved. Stop posting nonsence.

If the patient isn't getting anything it's not a treatment

*big brain*

"they improved teh treatment they just send you home"


Oh so now getting offed is nothing?

What? Reread what i wrote. It's like you quoted the wrong post but i'm sure you didn't.

If they go from a treatment to no treatment that's not an improvement in treatment.

That's just realizing their treatments are killing people. They'd have to have some alternative strategy that works to say it's improved.
No way!

Why would the CDC want to inflate numbers?

Nationalfile is junk source with zero jounalistic integrity.

Having said that, If Covid death numbers really are inflated then whats killing all the Americans abvove and boyond what we've seen in years before the pandemic?


I would say its Democrat governors.

You would be wrong because places with Republican governors still have high excess deaths.

Go ahead and click places like Indiana instead of United States. we are seeing 40-50% more deaths than usual in the last month.
Indiana has 10,05 deaths to 629,903 cases that is a 1.5% mortality rate. Compare that to NY or NJ. And Indiana is 19th in the US in testing per capita so they test their population well.

Indiana is seeing it's people die by 40% higher than usual.

Whats killing them if not Corona and not their not-existant Democrat Governor.

Don't give me bullshit irrelant statistics, give me an actual answer.
All I can do is give stats, not made up libber garbage. Indiana has a Covid mortality rate below the US average, NY has one twice the US average.

You CAN give me an obvious answer. COVID IS KILLING THEM YOU FUCKING MORON.
Covid actually doesn't kill anyone

Nutbag, then whats killing all the people in America and specifically Indiana?

You keep being unable to answer. We know it ain't Democrat governors, because Indiana doesn't have that, so whats the explanation?
Again, the idiot Dem governors have killed far more of their individuals per capita than governors of red whatever means the Covid death count is being captured. The virus itself rarely kills anyone. And I have already given you the facts from Indiana, where the mortality rate is below the US average. Do you know what statistics are?

You have giving bullshit that does not actually answer the fact of excessive deaths in Indiana.

1.5% of confirmed Covid infections leading to death SUPPORTS, not contradicts, excessive deaths in that state,
1.5% is below the US average and well below the global average. 3% is ABOVE the US and global is the 3.1% of New Jersey....and other idiot Dem led states. Go whine about your own ilk lemming.


New Jersey and other frequently traveled palces like the rest of Tri-State area obviously got hit first, while bumble-fuck Indiana got slammed in the second half of the year and by this time treatment methods have improved.

1.5% dead from Covid IS NOT dead from Covid, because it was worse elsewhere before? Is that you retarded argument?

Treatments have no improved

Doctors jsut stopped offing people with ventilators

Sounds like an improvement in treatment dumb-dumb.

If doing nothing improves the treatment.....Again that's not improving the treatment

That's stopping irrational treatments

It probably has slightly improved. But the real problem in Italy and NY was the ventilators.

Treatment is what patient gets.

By your own words, what patients got has improved. Stop posting nonsence.

If the patient isn't getting anything it's not a treatment

*big brain*

"they improved teh treatment they just send you home"


Oh so now getting offed is nothing?

What? Reread what i wrote. It's like you quoted the wrong post but i'm sure you didn't.

If they go from a treatment to no treatment that's not an improvement in treatment.

That's just realizing their treatments are killing people. They'd have to have some alternative strategy that works to say it's improved.

So people with Covid do not need treatment and should not go to the hospital.

Chris Christy was a moron when he went to hospital and ended up in ICU for a week.

Trump was a moron, when he went to Walter Reed and got tons of Covid treatments.

Yep they are all idiots except you, who knows a dirty little secret that the Doc Cabal has - do nothing and you'll be fine.\

Lungs full of liqud and you are about to effectively drown? Don't worry about it, it will just pass, you don't need no stinking ventilator.
No way!

Why would the CDC want to inflate numbers?

Nationalfile is junk source with zero jounalistic integrity.

Having said that, If Covid death numbers really are inflated then whats killing all the Americans abvove and boyond what we've seen in years before the pandemic?


I would say its Democrat governors.

You would be wrong because places with Republican governors still have high excess deaths.

Go ahead and click places like Indiana instead of United States. we are seeing 40-50% more deaths than usual in the last month.
Indiana has 10,05 deaths to 629,903 cases that is a 1.5% mortality rate. Compare that to NY or NJ. And Indiana is 19th in the US in testing per capita so they test their population well.

Indiana is seeing it's people die by 40% higher than usual.

Whats killing them if not Corona and not their not-existant Democrat Governor.

Don't give me bullshit irrelant statistics, give me an actual answer.
All I can do is give stats, not made up libber garbage. Indiana has a Covid mortality rate below the US average, NY has one twice the US average.

You CAN give me an obvious answer. COVID IS KILLING THEM YOU FUCKING MORON.
Covid actually doesn't kill anyone

Nutbag, then whats killing all the people in America and specifically Indiana?

You keep being unable to answer. We know it ain't Democrat governors, because Indiana doesn't have that, so whats the explanation?
Again, the idiot Dem governors have killed far more of their individuals per capita than governors of red whatever means the Covid death count is being captured. The virus itself rarely kills anyone. And I have already given you the facts from Indiana, where the mortality rate is below the US average. Do you know what statistics are?

You have giving bullshit that does not actually answer the fact of excessive deaths in Indiana.

1.5% of confirmed Covid infections leading to death SUPPORTS, not contradicts, excessive deaths in that state,
1.5% is below the US average and well below the global average. 3% is ABOVE the US and global is the 3.1% of New Jersey....and other idiot Dem led states. Go whine about your own ilk lemming.


New Jersey and other frequently traveled palces like the rest of Tri-State area obviously got hit first, while bumble-fuck Indiana got slammed in the second half of the year and by this time treatment methods have improved.

1.5% dead from Covid IS NOT dead from Covid, because it was worse elsewhere before? Is that you retarded argument?

Treatments have no improved

Doctors jsut stopped offing people with ventilators

Sounds like an improvement in treatment dumb-dumb.

If doing nothing improves the treatment.....Again that's not improving the treatment

That's stopping irrational treatments

It probably has slightly improved. But the real problem in Italy and NY was the ventilators.

Treatment is what patient gets.

By your own words, what patients got has improved. Stop posting nonsence.

If the patient isn't getting anything it's not a treatment

*big brain*

"they improved teh treatment they just send you home"


Oh so now getting offed is nothing?

What? Reread what i wrote. It's like you quoted the wrong post but i'm sure you didn't.

If they go from a treatment to no treatment that's not an improvement in treatment.

That's just realizing their treatments are killing people. They'd have to have some alternative strategy that works to say it's improved.

So people with Covid do not need treatment and should not go to the hospital.

Chris Christy was a moron when he went to hospital and ended up in ICU for a week.

Trump was a moron, when he went to Walter Reed and got tons of Covid treatments.

Yep they are all idiots except you, who knows a dirty little secret that the Doc Cabal has - do nothing and you'll be fine.

The only workable treatment we hvae is not approved by the FDA

The monocoloidal antibody, which they call a "convalescent serum'. What Trump got, but you need special approval doctors can't just prescribe you that.

Beyond that yea just stay hydrated and if you feel like you can't survive another minute, then go to the hospital. Until then they can do nothing rational for you.
No way!

Why would the CDC want to inflate numbers?

Nationalfile is junk source with zero jounalistic integrity.

Having said that, If Covid death numbers really are inflated then whats killing all the Americans abvove and boyond what we've seen in years before the pandemic?


I would say its Democrat governors.

You would be wrong because places with Republican governors still have high excess deaths.

Go ahead and click places like Indiana instead of United States. we are seeing 40-50% more deaths than usual in the last month.
Indiana has 10,05 deaths to 629,903 cases that is a 1.5% mortality rate. Compare that to NY or NJ. And Indiana is 19th in the US in testing per capita so they test their population well.

Indiana is seeing it's people die by 40% higher than usual.

Whats killing them if not Corona and not their not-existant Democrat Governor.

Don't give me bullshit irrelant statistics, give me an actual answer.
All I can do is give stats, not made up libber garbage. Indiana has a Covid mortality rate below the US average, NY has one twice the US average.

You CAN give me an obvious answer. COVID IS KILLING THEM YOU FUCKING MORON.
Covid actually doesn't kill anyone

Nutbag, then whats killing all the people in America and specifically Indiana?

You keep being unable to answer. We know it ain't Democrat governors, because Indiana doesn't have that, so whats the explanation?
Again, the idiot Dem governors have killed far more of their individuals per capita than governors of red whatever means the Covid death count is being captured. The virus itself rarely kills anyone. And I have already given you the facts from Indiana, where the mortality rate is below the US average. Do you know what statistics are?

You have giving bullshit that does not actually answer the fact of excessive deaths in Indiana.

1.5% of confirmed Covid infections leading to death SUPPORTS, not contradicts, excessive deaths in that state,
1.5% is below the US average and well below the global average. 3% is ABOVE the US and global is the 3.1% of New Jersey....and other idiot Dem led states. Go whine about your own ilk lemming.


New Jersey and other frequently traveled palces like the rest of Tri-State area obviously got hit first, while bumble-fuck Indiana got slammed in the second half of the year and by this time treatment methods have improved.

1.5% dead from Covid IS NOT dead from Covid, because it was worse elsewhere before? Is that you retarded argument?

Treatments have no improved

Doctors jsut stopped offing people with ventilators

Sounds like an improvement in treatment dumb-dumb.

If doing nothing improves the treatment.....Again that's not improving the treatment

That's stopping irrational treatments

It probably has slightly improved. But the real problem in Italy and NY was the ventilators.

Treatment is what patient gets.

By your own words, what patients got has improved. Stop posting nonsence.

If the patient isn't getting anything it's not a treatment

*big brain*

"they improved teh treatment they just send you home"


Oh so now getting offed is nothing?

What? Reread what i wrote. It's like you quoted the wrong post but i'm sure you didn't.

If they go from a treatment to no treatment that's not an improvement in treatment.

That's just realizing their treatments are killing people. They'd have to have some alternative strategy that works to say it's improved.

So people with Covid do not need treatment and should not go to the hospital.

Chris Christy was a moron when he went to hospital and ended up in ICU for a week.

Trump was a moron, when he went to Walter Reed and got tons of Covid treatments.

Yep they are all idiots except you, who knows a dirty little secret that the Doc Cabal has - do nothing and you'll be fine.

The only workable treatment we hvae is not approved by the FDA

The monocoloidal antibody, which they call a "convalescent seruM'

Beyond that yea just stay hydrated and if you feel like you can't survive another minute, then go to the hospital. Until then they can do nothing rational for you.

Well I just hope you don't listen to your own crackpot medical theories when you are sick, because guess what, if you call a min before you are dead that is an hour too late to TREAT you.
No way!

Why would the CDC want to inflate numbers?

Nationalfile is junk source with zero jounalistic integrity.

Having said that, If Covid death numbers really are inflated then whats killing all the Americans abvove and boyond what we've seen in years before the pandemic?


I would say its Democrat governors.

You would be wrong because places with Republican governors still have high excess deaths.

Go ahead and click places like Indiana instead of United States. we are seeing 40-50% more deaths than usual in the last month.
Indiana has 10,05 deaths to 629,903 cases that is a 1.5% mortality rate. Compare that to NY or NJ. And Indiana is 19th in the US in testing per capita so they test their population well.

Indiana is seeing it's people die by 40% higher than usual.

Whats killing them if not Corona and not their not-existant Democrat Governor.

Don't give me bullshit irrelant statistics, give me an actual answer.
All I can do is give stats, not made up libber garbage. Indiana has a Covid mortality rate below the US average, NY has one twice the US average.

You CAN give me an obvious answer. COVID IS KILLING THEM YOU FUCKING MORON.
Covid actually doesn't kill anyone

Nutbag, then whats killing all the people in America and specifically Indiana?

You keep being unable to answer. We know it ain't Democrat governors, because Indiana doesn't have that, so whats the explanation?
Again, the idiot Dem governors have killed far more of their individuals per capita than governors of red whatever means the Covid death count is being captured. The virus itself rarely kills anyone. And I have already given you the facts from Indiana, where the mortality rate is below the US average. Do you know what statistics are?

You have giving bullshit that does not actually answer the fact of excessive deaths in Indiana.

1.5% of confirmed Covid infections leading to death SUPPORTS, not contradicts, excessive deaths in that state,
1.5% is below the US average and well below the global average. 3% is ABOVE the US and global is the 3.1% of New Jersey....and other idiot Dem led states. Go whine about your own ilk lemming.


New Jersey and other frequently traveled palces like the rest of Tri-State area obviously got hit first, while bumble-fuck Indiana got slammed in the second half of the year and by this time treatment methods have improved.

1.5% dead from Covid IS NOT dead from Covid, because it was worse elsewhere before? Is that you retarded argument?

Treatments have no improved

Doctors jsut stopped offing people with ventilators

Sounds like an improvement in treatment dumb-dumb.

If doing nothing improves the treatment.....Again that's not improving the treatment

That's stopping irrational treatments

It probably has slightly improved. But the real problem in Italy and NY was the ventilators.

Treatment is what patient gets.

By your own words, what patients got has improved. Stop posting nonsence.

If the patient isn't getting anything it's not a treatment

*big brain*

"they improved teh treatment they just send you home"


Oh so now getting offed is nothing?

What? Reread what i wrote. It's like you quoted the wrong post but i'm sure you didn't.

If they go from a treatment to no treatment that's not an improvement in treatment.

That's just realizing their treatments are killing people. They'd have to have some alternative strategy that works to say it's improved.

So people with Covid do not need treatment and should not go to the hospital.

Chris Christy was a moron when he went to hospital and ended up in ICU for a week.

Trump was a moron, when he went to Walter Reed and got tons of Covid treatments.

Yep they are all idiots except you, who knows a dirty little secret that the Doc Cabal has - do nothing and you'll be fine.

The only workable treatment we hvae is not approved by the FDA

The monocoloidal antibody, which they call a "convalescent seruM'

Beyond that yea just stay hydrated and if you feel like you can't survive another minute, then go to the hospital. Until then they can do nothing rational for you.

Well I just hope you don't listen to your own crackpot medical theories when you are sick, because guess what, if you call a min before you are dead that is an hour too late to TREAT you.

If i get sick i'll call my ivy league educated kin and get their advice.

Trust me i'll be fine, lol the irony of some pleb worrying about what information i get.

No way!

Why would the CDC want to inflate numbers?

Nationalfile is junk source with zero jounalistic integrity.

Having said that, If Covid death numbers really are inflated then whats killing all the Americans abvove and boyond what we've seen in years before the pandemic?


I would say its Democrat governors.

You would be wrong because places with Republican governors still have high excess deaths.

Go ahead and click places like Indiana instead of United States. we are seeing 40-50% more deaths than usual in the last month.
Indiana has 10,05 deaths to 629,903 cases that is a 1.5% mortality rate. Compare that to NY or NJ. And Indiana is 19th in the US in testing per capita so they test their population well.

Indiana is seeing it's people die by 40% higher than usual.

Whats killing them if not Corona and not their not-existant Democrat Governor.

Don't give me bullshit irrelant statistics, give me an actual answer.
All I can do is give stats, not made up libber garbage. Indiana has a Covid mortality rate below the US average, NY has one twice the US average.

You CAN give me an obvious answer. COVID IS KILLING THEM YOU FUCKING MORON.
Covid actually doesn't kill anyone

Nutbag, then whats killing all the people in America and specifically Indiana?

You keep being unable to answer. We know it ain't Democrat governors, because Indiana doesn't have that, so whats the explanation?
Again, the idiot Dem governors have killed far more of their individuals per capita than governors of red whatever means the Covid death count is being captured. The virus itself rarely kills anyone. And I have already given you the facts from Indiana, where the mortality rate is below the US average. Do you know what statistics are?

You have giving bullshit that does not actually answer the fact of excessive deaths in Indiana.

1.5% of confirmed Covid infections leading to death SUPPORTS, not contradicts, excessive deaths in that state,
1.5% is below the US average and well below the global average. 3% is ABOVE the US and global is the 3.1% of New Jersey....and other idiot Dem led states. Go whine about your own ilk lemming.


New Jersey and other frequently traveled palces like the rest of Tri-State area obviously got hit first, while bumble-fuck Indiana got slammed in the second half of the year and by this time treatment methods have improved.

1.5% dead from Covid IS NOT dead from Covid, because it was worse elsewhere before? Is that you retarded argument?

Treatments have no improved

Doctors jsut stopped offing people with ventilators

Sounds like an improvement in treatment dumb-dumb.

If doing nothing improves the treatment.....Again that's not improving the treatment

That's stopping irrational treatments

It probably has slightly improved. But the real problem in Italy and NY was the ventilators.

Treatment is what patient gets.

By your own words, what patients got has improved. Stop posting nonsence.

If the patient isn't getting anything it's not a treatment

*big brain*

"they improved teh treatment they just send you home"


Oh so now getting offed is nothing?

What? Reread what i wrote. It's like you quoted the wrong post but i'm sure you didn't.

If they go from a treatment to no treatment that's not an improvement in treatment.

That's just realizing their treatments are killing people. They'd have to have some alternative strategy that works to say it's improved.

So people with Covid do not need treatment and should not go to the hospital.

Chris Christy was a moron when he went to hospital and ended up in ICU for a week.

Trump was a moron, when he went to Walter Reed and got tons of Covid treatments.

Yep they are all idiots except you, who knows a dirty little secret that the Doc Cabal has - do nothing and you'll be fine.

The only workable treatment we hvae is not approved by the FDA

The monocoloidal antibody, which they call a "convalescent seruM'

Beyond that yea just stay hydrated and if you feel like you can't survive another minute, then go to the hospital. Until then they can do nothing rational for you.

Well I just hope you don't listen to your own crackpot medical theories when you are sick, because guess what, if you call a min before you are dead that is an hour too late to TREAT you.

If i get sick i'll call my ivy league educated kin and get their advice.

Trust me i'll be fine, lol the irony of some pleb worrying about what information i get.


Their advice will be to go to a fucking hospital if you are having trouble breathing and not wait until last min. Duh.

You are probably the dumb one in the family am-I-right?
No way!

Why would the CDC want to inflate numbers?

Nationalfile is junk source with zero jounalistic integrity.

Having said that, If Covid death numbers really are inflated then whats killing all the Americans abvove and boyond what we've seen in years before the pandemic?


I would say its Democrat governors.

You would be wrong because places with Republican governors still have high excess deaths.

Go ahead and click places like Indiana instead of United States. we are seeing 40-50% more deaths than usual in the last month.
Indiana has 10,05 deaths to 629,903 cases that is a 1.5% mortality rate. Compare that to NY or NJ. And Indiana is 19th in the US in testing per capita so they test their population well.

Indiana is seeing it's people die by 40% higher than usual.

Whats killing them if not Corona and not their not-existant Democrat Governor.

Don't give me bullshit irrelant statistics, give me an actual answer.
All I can do is give stats, not made up libber garbage. Indiana has a Covid mortality rate below the US average, NY has one twice the US average.

You CAN give me an obvious answer. COVID IS KILLING THEM YOU FUCKING MORON.
Covid actually doesn't kill anyone

Nutbag, then whats killing all the people in America and specifically Indiana?

You keep being unable to answer. We know it ain't Democrat governors, because Indiana doesn't have that, so whats the explanation?
Again, the idiot Dem governors have killed far more of their individuals per capita than governors of red whatever means the Covid death count is being captured. The virus itself rarely kills anyone. And I have already given you the facts from Indiana, where the mortality rate is below the US average. Do you know what statistics are?

You have giving bullshit that does not actually answer the fact of excessive deaths in Indiana.

1.5% of confirmed Covid infections leading to death SUPPORTS, not contradicts, excessive deaths in that state,
1.5% is below the US average and well below the global average. 3% is ABOVE the US and global is the 3.1% of New Jersey....and other idiot Dem led states. Go whine about your own ilk lemming.


New Jersey and other frequently traveled palces like the rest of Tri-State area obviously got hit first, while bumble-fuck Indiana got slammed in the second half of the year and by this time treatment methods have improved.

1.5% dead from Covid IS NOT dead from Covid, because it was worse elsewhere before? Is that you retarded argument?

Treatments have no improved

Doctors jsut stopped offing people with ventilators

Sounds like an improvement in treatment dumb-dumb.

If doing nothing improves the treatment.....Again that's not improving the treatment

That's stopping irrational treatments

It probably has slightly improved. But the real problem in Italy and NY was the ventilators.

Treatment is what patient gets.

By your own words, what patients got has improved. Stop posting nonsence.

If the patient isn't getting anything it's not a treatment

*big brain*

"they improved teh treatment they just send you home"


Oh so now getting offed is nothing?

What? Reread what i wrote. It's like you quoted the wrong post but i'm sure you didn't.

If they go from a treatment to no treatment that's not an improvement in treatment.

That's just realizing their treatments are killing people. They'd have to have some alternative strategy that works to say it's improved.

So people with Covid do not need treatment and should not go to the hospital.

Chris Christy was a moron when he went to hospital and ended up in ICU for a week.

Trump was a moron, when he went to Walter Reed and got tons of Covid treatments.

Yep they are all idiots except you, who knows a dirty little secret that the Doc Cabal has - do nothing and you'll be fine.

The only workable treatment we hvae is not approved by the FDA

The monocoloidal antibody, which they call a "convalescent seruM'

Beyond that yea just stay hydrated and if you feel like you can't survive another minute, then go to the hospital. Until then they can do nothing rational for you.

Well I just hope you don't listen to your own crackpot medical theories when you are sick, because guess what, if you call a min before you are dead that is an hour too late to TREAT you.

If i get sick i'll call my ivy league educated kin and get their advice.

Trust me i'll be fine, lol the irony of some pleb worrying about what information i get.


Their advice will be to go to a fucking hospital if you are having trouble breathing and not wait untill last second. Duh.

You are probably the dumb one in the family am-I-right?

No it won't, lol

My grandpa, their grandpa/father died during routine surgery.

Medical malpractice is also part of your risk profile, you don't go to the hospital for treatment if you know they have no treatment for what you have.

You're better off weathering it at home alone.

And i can just text them my charts it's 2020 yes they can get a very accurate view....If it was needed.
No way!

Why would the CDC want to inflate numbers?

Nationalfile is junk source with zero jounalistic integrity.

Having said that, If Covid death numbers really are inflated then whats killing all the Americans abvove and boyond what we've seen in years before the pandemic?


I would say its Democrat governors.

You would be wrong because places with Republican governors still have high excess deaths.

Go ahead and click places like Indiana instead of United States. we are seeing 40-50% more deaths than usual in the last month.
Indiana has 10,05 deaths to 629,903 cases that is a 1.5% mortality rate. Compare that to NY or NJ. And Indiana is 19th in the US in testing per capita so they test their population well.

Indiana is seeing it's people die by 40% higher than usual.

Whats killing them if not Corona and not their not-existant Democrat Governor.

Don't give me bullshit irrelant statistics, give me an actual answer.
All I can do is give stats, not made up libber garbage. Indiana has a Covid mortality rate below the US average, NY has one twice the US average.

You CAN give me an obvious answer. COVID IS KILLING THEM YOU FUCKING MORON.
Covid actually doesn't kill anyone

Nutbag, then whats killing all the people in America and specifically Indiana?

You keep being unable to answer. We know it ain't Democrat governors, because Indiana doesn't have that, so whats the explanation?
Again, the idiot Dem governors have killed far more of their individuals per capita than governors of red whatever means the Covid death count is being captured. The virus itself rarely kills anyone. And I have already given you the facts from Indiana, where the mortality rate is below the US average. Do you know what statistics are?

You have giving bullshit that does not actually answer the fact of excessive deaths in Indiana.

1.5% of confirmed Covid infections leading to death SUPPORTS, not contradicts, excessive deaths in that state,
1.5% is below the US average and well below the global average. 3% is ABOVE the US and global is the 3.1% of New Jersey....and other idiot Dem led states. Go whine about your own ilk lemming.


New Jersey and other frequently traveled palces like the rest of Tri-State area obviously got hit first, while bumble-fuck Indiana got slammed in the second half of the year and by this time treatment methods have improved.

1.5% dead from Covid IS NOT dead from Covid, because it was worse elsewhere before? Is that you retarded argument?

Treatments have no improved

Doctors jsut stopped offing people with ventilators

You were better off being just left alone than with a ventilator
Good lord. Another idiot who thinks that ventilators were killing people.

They were offing people

And we were getting media stories about how covid destroyed lungs...No ventilators destroy lungs

We were talking about producing millions of ventilators, all that talk stopped.

Because they stopped giving them out like candy. Ventilators are a last resort. You do not want to go on one unless you 99% will not survive the night without it.

And jsut to reiterate i have ivy league trained doctors as kin. Yea i get a bit better opinoin than whatever you're getting. Not that an appeal to an authority matters. But if i'm going to trust a doctor i'm going to pick one who could make it into an elite school.

The media does a terrible job at actually covering science and medicine. Just disgustingly awful.

Ventilators are not given out like candy. They're always a last resort.

Just go ahead and tell me how ventilators were killing people.


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