Tungsten/Glass Member
A new study shows that cats not only understand and differentiate between their owner's voice and that of other people, but respond only to that speech when it is directed at them, and through association, get the gist of the meaning and a recognition of what words mean through actions associated with those words.
Of course, if you asked any cat owner, they could have already told you that, but now scientists have positive proof to back it up.
Of course, if you asked any cat owner, they could have already told you that, but now scientists have positive proof to back it up.
Cats distinguish between speech directed at them and humans
A small study has found that cats may change their behavior when they hear their owner's voice talking in a tone directed to them, the cats, but not when hearing the voice of a stranger or their owner's voice directed at another person. The study of 16 cats is published in the journal Animal...