I dunno....
Seems like Carville, John Stewart, and Bill Maher types just have no where else to go.
Much like many of us who oppose global collectivism and kinda have to embrace the republicrats because defeating the democrooks is the top priority. Many of us hate a lot of republicrats because they're RINOs, unreliable or corrupt, and are no better when it comes to reducing federal power along with insane levels of spending than a neo-bolshevik with vodka for blood like Nanzi Pillousy.
A lot of democrook drone voters still believe FDR and big government "solved" the Great Depression, and that "Big Business Republicans" promote low wages (and they do when they refuse to secure the border), aren't interested in the environment at the expense of industrial pollution (although most outdoor recreational enthusiasts and hunters are GOP voters and leftist environazi's are urban bed wetters who have never caught and eaten a fish). Plenty of democrook voters actually oppose new gun laws, even the ones democrook political whores insist their constituents demand get passed.
So the problem for "the right" is that republicrats fail to reduce government and the corruption of the institutions.
The problem leftist Schmucks like Carville have is that the party is being dragged so far left that their own wealth is being threatened, the party looks more and more like circus freaks that escaped their cages.
That is actually what happened when you think about it. The left created hordes of mindless, lazy, servile drones who believe they're entitled to free shit and shouldn't have to show up somewhere for work, ON TIME, with proper hygiene, not stoned, and be productive while not looking like an obese repulsive clown with a shitty attitude.
Now these little monsters have escaped their cages, lunatics like Bernie and AOC are gaining power, and the billionaire donor class has to suppress them in order to make sure they're not cannibalized by what pretty much amounts to their own fecal matter.