Caravan migrant army attacks Mexican cops, provisions itself robbing Mexican markets

speaking of which------be not naïve------the crowd includes a considerable
number of glorious MUJAHADIN (sorry-----I doubt that a single jooo is taking
Someone will explain how this is a Jewish conspiracy. I guarantee it.
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Ah....we are starting to get answers and actually SEEING what kind of people they are, and WHO THEY WILL BE if allowed into America....Are we really this suiccsui, or just the DemonRSTS will do ANYTHING FOR VOTES?

To hear the left tell it, the vast Honduran migrant caravan, as many as 10,000-strong now, crawling up to the U.S. border to illegally enter the U.S. couldn't possibly have criminals in its ranks.

Get a load of this exchange between President Trump and a mainstream media minion, as reported by the Daily Mail:

At one point during the briefing, Emily Cochrane, a reporter for The New York Times, asked Trump: ‘What evidence do you have that these are hardened criminals that are coming to the United States?’

Trump appeared agitated.

'Oh please. Please, don’t be a baby, OK,’ the president said. ‘Take a look, just take a look, look at what’s happening, look at the Mexican soldiers that are laying on the ground.

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Hondurans are a violent people. Mexico doesn't put up with shit. Maybe they'll treat them like an invading army.

uhm......... I grew up sans Hispanics------but then MOVED into an Hispanic rich
town (here---where I now live) Over the years-----I have learned-----there is no
RESENTMENT ----quite so HOT (kinda like a hot tamale) as the hot tamale
resentment for ----ONE HISPANIC TO ANOTHER
Put the armed National Guard on the border. Back them up with water cannons. Shooting these people will only create a leftist backlash, which is just what progressives want.

no----form a coalition with Mexico for control of the mob-----It seems to me
that Trump is trying to do it. Assume that there are many criminals in the
mob-------but also lots of innocents
Unfortunately there are many innocent people in that mob. I'm not sure a "coalition" with Mexico would prove effective.
They have already dropped the ball.
speaking of which------be not naïve------the crowd includes a considerable
number of glorious MUJAHADIN (sorry-----I doubt that a single jooo is taking
Someone will explain how 5his is a Jewish conspiracy. I guarantee it.

one could even HOLD ONE's BREATH------until it happens-----and survive----
--and then there is the Zionist Khashoggi atrocity which is the theme of next
Put the armed National Guard on the border. Back them up with water cannons. Shooting these people will only create a leftist backlash, which is just what progressives want.

no----form a coalition with Mexico for control of the mob-----It seems to me
that Trump is trying to do it. Assume that there are many criminals in the
mob-------but also lots of innocents

Lets do both.
Ah....we are starting to get answers and actually SEEING what kind of people they are, and WHO THEY WILL BE if allowed into America....Are we really this suiccsui, or just the DemonRSTS will do ANYTHING FOR VOTES?

To hear the left tell it, the vast Honduran migrant caravan, as many as 10,000-strong now, crawling up to the U.S. border to illegally enter the U.S. couldn't possibly have criminals in its ranks.

Get a load of this exchange between President Trump and a mainstream media minion, as reported by the Daily Mail:

At one point during the briefing, Emily Cochrane, a reporter for The New York Times, asked Trump: ‘What evidence do you have that these are hardened criminals that are coming to the United States?’

Trump appeared agitated.

'Oh please. Please, don’t be a baby, OK,’ the president said. ‘Take a look, just take a look, look at what’s happening, look at the Mexican soldiers that are laying on the ground.

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Trump has had 2 years to implement his border plan to handle this and any other issue. If he hasn't yet that's his own fault.
Put the armed National Guard on the border. Back them up with water cannons. Shooting these people will only create a leftist backlash, which is just what progressives want.

no----form a coalition with Mexico for control of the mob-----It seems to me
that Trump is trying to do it. Assume that there are many criminals in the
mob-------but also lots of innocents

Lets do both.
A tempting thought. Shooting some of the alpha invaders would send a real message to the rest.
But the political backlash would be great. We have to look at the big picture.
Ah....we are starting to get answers and actually SEEING what kind of people they are, and WHO THEY WILL BE if allowed into America....Are we really this suiccsui, or just the DemonRSTS will do ANYTHING FOR VOTES?

To hear the left tell it, the vast Honduran migrant caravan, as many as 10,000-strong now, crawling up to the U.S. border to illegally enter the U.S. couldn't possibly have criminals in its ranks.

Get a load of this exchange between President Trump and a mainstream media minion, as reported by the Daily Mail:

At one point during the briefing, Emily Cochrane, a reporter for The New York Times, asked Trump: ‘What evidence do you have that these are hardened criminals that are coming to the United States?’

Trump appeared agitated.

'Oh please. Please, don’t be a baby, OK,’ the president said. ‘Take a look, just take a look, look at what’s happening, look at the Mexican soldiers that are laying on the ground.

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Trump has had 2 years to implement his border plan to handle this and any other issue. If he hasn't yet that's his own fault.

Actually its the wusses who haven't gotten on the Trump train yet. I'm hoping we the people yell "all aboard" and oust such pussies shortly.
Put the armed National Guard on the border. Back them up with water cannons. Shooting these people will only create a leftist backlash, which is just what progressives want.

no----form a coalition with Mexico for control of the mob-----It seems to me
that Trump is trying to do it. Assume that there are many criminals in the
mob-------but also lots of innocents

Lets do both.
A tempting thought. Shooting some of the alpha invaders would send a real message to the rest.
But the political backlash would be great. We have to look at the big picture.

I lean more toward iRosie's apt suggestion that shooting them would play into the progressives hand (though as a real liberal I call them regressives.)

Water cannons are fine for this kind of rabble.
Fortify and arm the border...the vermin have no rights to enter
Not an attack, but just looking for some clarification.
While your stance of creating a border that follows the US immigration laws is fair, I don’t understand why you refer to these folks as “vermin”. Regardless of their nation of origin, I think we can agree that they are humans. Either argument of whether or not they should be allowed entrance into the US is not effected by this simple acknowledgement.
I only bring this up because you are clearly an intelligent and thoughtful person who does not arrive at your conclusions without some deliberation. So could it be possible, that if you ratchet down the rhetoric, you may find that your views are able to be understood and even incorporated by those who disagree with you?

They're beating up cops and looting stores....vermin.
Fortify and arm the border...the vermin have no rights to enter
Not an attack, but just looking for some clarification.
While your stance of creating a border that follows the US immigration laws is fair, I don’t understand why you refer to these folks as “vermin”. Regardless of their nation of origin, I think we can agree that they are humans. Either argument of whether or not they should be allowed entrance into the US is not effected by this simple acknowledgement.
I only bring this up because you are clearly an intelligent and thoughtful person who does not arrive at your conclusions without some deliberation. So could it be possible, that if you ratchet down the rhetoric, you may find that your views are able to be understood and even incorporated by those who disagree with you?

They're beating up cops and looting stores....vermin.
Their cops are criminals too. I really don't care, but I hope they put a stop to it.
Fortify and arm the border...the vermin have no rights to enter
We have policy to accept those seeking asylum or safety from oppression, no? Doesnt matter if you disagree with it.
There is no policy that says we must take in everyone that wants to move to a better nation than they currently live in.
Such a policy would be idiocy.
Put the National Guard at the border.
Ah....we are starting to get answers and actually SEEING what kind of people they are, and WHO THEY WILL BE if allowed into America....Are we really this suiccsui, or just the DemonRSTS will do ANYTHING FOR VOTES?

To hear the left tell it, the vast Honduran migrant caravan, as many as 10,000-strong now, crawling up to the U.S. border to illegally enter the U.S. couldn't possibly have criminals in its ranks.

Get a load of this exchange between President Trump and a mainstream media minion, as reported by the Daily Mail:

At one point during the briefing, Emily Cochrane, a reporter for The New York Times, asked Trump: ‘What evidence do you have that these are hardened criminals that are coming to the United States?’

Trump appeared agitated.

'Oh please. Please, don’t be a baby, OK,’ the president said. ‘Take a look, just take a look, look at what’s happening, look at the Mexican soldiers that are laying on the ground.

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Hondurans are a violent people. Mexico doesn't put up with shit. Maybe they'll treat them like an invading army.

I agree. If they were robbing and attacking Mexican shop owners the Mexican police would be all over them like stink on shit.

I'm surprised the 2000 cops and others Mexico sent South didn't stop these idiots.
Fortify and arm the border...the vermin have no rights to enter
Not an attack, but just looking for some clarification.
While your stance of creating a border that follows the US immigration laws is fair, I don’t understand why you refer to these folks as “vermin”. Regardless of their nation of origin, I think we can agree that they are humans. Either argument of whether or not they should be allowed entrance into the US is not effected by this simple acknowledgement.
I only bring this up because you are clearly an intelligent and thoughtful person who does not arrive at your conclusions without some deliberation. So could it be possible, that if you ratchet down the rhetoric, you may find that your views are able to be understood and even incorporated by those who disagree with you?

They're beating up cops and looting stores....vermin.
Their cops are criminals too. I really don't care, but I hope they put a stop to it.

I agree and if they don't, hurricane Willa going right across the Middle of Mexico just might.
Yes, asylum policy.

Every year people come to the United States seeking protection because they have suffered persecution or fear that they will suffer persecution due to:

  • Race
  • Religion
  • Nationality
  • Membership in a particular social group
  • Political opinion
If you are eligible for asylum you may be permitted to remain in the United States.

"Affirmative asylum applicants are rarely detained by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). You may live in the United States while your application is pending before USCIS. If you are found ineligible, you can remain in the United States while your application is pending with the Immigration Judge. Most asylum applicants are not authorized to work." [** Note - You cannot apply for permission to work (employment authorization) in the United States at the same time you apply for asylum. You may only apply for employment authorization if: 150 days have passed since you filed your complete asylum application, excluding any delays caused by you (such as a request to reschedule your interview) AND no decision has been made on your application.]

"Defensive asylum: Were caught by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) trying to enter the United States without proper documentation, were placed in the expedited removal process, and were found to have a credible fear of persecution or torture by an Asylum Officer. See Questions & Answers: Credible Fear Screenings for more information on the Credible Fear Process.

Immigration Judges hear defensive asylum cases in adversarial (courtroom-like) proceedings. The judge will hear arguments from both of the following parties:
  • The individual (and his or her attorney, if represented)·
  • The U.S. Government, which is represented by an attorney from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)
The Immigration Judge then decides whether the individual is eligible for asylum. If found eligible, the Immigration Judge will order asylum to be granted. If found ineligible for asylum, the Immigration Judge will determine whether the individual is eligible for any other forms of relief from removal. If found ineligible for other forms of relief, the Immigration Judge will order the individual to be removed from the United States."
Put the National Guard at the border.
Ah....we are starting to get answers and actually SEEING what kind of people they are, and WHO THEY WILL BE if allowed into America....Are we really this suiccsui, or just the DemonRSTS will do ANYTHING FOR VOTES?

To hear the left tell it, the vast Honduran migrant caravan, as many as 10,000-strong now, crawling up to the U.S. border to illegally enter the U.S. couldn't possibly have criminals in its ranks.

Get a load of this exchange between President Trump and a mainstream media minion, as reported by the Daily Mail:

At one point during the briefing, Emily Cochrane, a reporter for The New York Times, asked Trump: ‘What evidence do you have that these are hardened criminals that are coming to the United States?’

Trump appeared agitated.

'Oh please. Please, don’t be a baby, OK,’ the president said. ‘Take a look, just take a look, look at what’s happening, look at the Mexican soldiers that are laying on the ground.

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Hondurans are a violent people. Mexico doesn't put up with shit. Maybe they'll treat them like an invading army.

I agree. If they were robbing and attacking Mexican shop owners the Mexican police would be all over them like stink on shit.

I'm surprised the 2000 cops and others Mexico sent South didn't stop these idiots.
2000 cops against 7000 invaders. It's not hard to figure out. What would 7000 violent invaders do to your city?