Captured American Weapons When Vietnam Fell


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2018
In another time there was another war that the democRats stuck their tail between their legs leaving tens of thousands of people to die. They left behind:
430 huey helicopters
36 CH 47 26+helicopters Many of all the helicopers were armed with the M-134 minigun
73 F-5E jet fighters they used when they invaded Cambodia in 78. Lack of spare parts grounded them but still may be stashed somewhere! At the time it was a top fighter that was just put into service. The Soviet Union took a few of them.
36 A-1 Ground Attack planes
10 C-130 Hercules
40 C-119
36 C-47 Cargo planes, they ran out of parts faster and all set in museums as North Korea prides the Pablo
300 M-41 Light tanks
250 M-48 Medium tanks most were also used to invade Cambodia
1,200 Armoured Personnel Carrier M-3
300 M113 APC with one .50 and two .30 caliber machine guns
791,000 M-16
50,000 M-6O
47,000 M-79 Grenade Launcher, Cong fell in love with these and tried to make some more with the M-16 they had but most of our advanced equipment is still setting in warehouses in reserve and rust
63,000 light anti-tank weapons Any one that has used one will tell you 'most of these tubes would only go off only in your dreams.
850,000 other rifles and carbines
1,330 assorted artillery pieces
From the Pleiku air base alone
15,000 tons of ammunition
100 tons of bombs

At the time the equipment was worth 2 billion. Today it's worth 9.6 billion but still a drop in the bucket to China Joe's 83 billion and they didn't use them to kill us or given a list to find us.
But during that time democRats were just as dirty, treasonous, and evil. When trying to cost us another war in Iraq John Kerry said "They said there would be a lot of deaths in Vietnam when we pulled out too but it never happened." Then he repeated himself, "never happened".

30 thousand died in malaria infested re-education camps. In the democRats hurry to pull out they left a list with another 30 thousand on it who had worked on the Phoenix Project. Those list sure make it easy for the enemy in wars the democrats lose. The French told us every one of them was hunted down and killed. After they got a bunch of cash to rebuild their country from America first. They Tthen rounded up all South Vietnam military officers, blindfolded them, tied there hands behind their backs, then loaded them on to US Army 2 1/2 ton trucks, drove to a remote place and pulled them out for a smoke break. Only one escaped the machine guns. NEVER HAPPENED!?
430 huey helicopters
36 CH 47 26+helicopters Many of all the helicopers were armed with the M-134 minigun

And ignoring the rest of the list, but that is a good start.

Those were not "American Weapons", those were Vietnamese. Already handed over to them long before.

Just like all those "Helicopters" seen in the videos being pitched off the side of the USS Okinawa? Those were all Vietnamese helicopters. That is why the Navy had no problem doing it.

That would be like saying that the F-14 and other aircraft that Iraq destroyed in the Iran-Iraq war were "American Airplanes". Uh, no. They were Iranian, we just made them.
In another time there was another war that the democRats stuck their tail between their legs leaving tens of thousands of people to die. They left behind:
430 huey helicopters
36 CH 47 26+helicopters Many of all the helicopers were armed with the M-134 minigun
73 F-5E jet fighters they used when they invaded Cambodia in 78. Lack of spare parts grounded them but still may be stashed somewhere! At the time it was a top fighter that was just put into service. The Soviet Union took a few of
36 A-1 Ground Attack planes
10 C-130 Hercules
40 C-119
36 C-47 Cargo planes, they ran out of parts faster and all set in museums as North Korea prides the Pablo
300 M-41 Light tanks
250 M-48 Medium tanks most were also used to invade Cambodia
1,200 Armoured Personnel Carrier M-3
300 M113 APC with one .50 and two .30 caliber machine guns
791,000 M-16
50,000 M-6O
47,000 M-79 Grenade Launcher, Cong fell in love with these and tried to make some more with the M-16 they had but most of our advanced equipment is still setting in warehouses in reserve and rust
63,000 light anti-tank weapons Any one that has used one will tell you 'most of these tubes would only go off only in your dreams.
850,000 other rifles and carbines
1,330 assorted artillery pieces
From the Pleiku air base alone
15,000 tons of ammunition
100 tons of bombs

At the time the equipment was worth 2 billion. Today it's worth 9.6 billion but still a drop in the bucket to China Joe's 83 billion and they didn't use them to kill us or given a list to find us.
But during that time democRats were just as dirty, treasonous, and evil. When trying to cost us another war in Iraq John Kerry said "They said there would be a lot of deaths in Vietnam when we pulled out too but it never happened." Then he repeated himself, "never happened".

30 thousand died in malaria infested re-education camps. In the democRats hurry to pull out they left a list with another 30 thousand on it who had worked on the Phoenix Project. Those list sure make it easy for the enemy in wars the democrats lose. The French told us every one of them was hunted down and killed. After they got a bunch of cash to rebuild their country from America first. They Tthen rounded up all South Vietnam military officers, blindfolded them, tied there hands behind their backs, then loaded them on to US Army 2 1/2 ton trucks, drove to a remote place and pulled them out for a smoke break. Only one escaped the machine guns. NEVER HAPPENED!?
President Ford presided over the Fall of Vietnam in April/May of 1975. Prior to that Richard Nixon was President. All of course, Republican.
We signed a treaty in 1972--so we were, at least technically, not at war with the North, when the country fell.
The dubious anecdote you relate..if it happened, happened under Republican auspices

You are an idiot..just think that Democrats were at fault for the fall of Vietnam and the treasure left behind.
In another time there was another war that the democRats stuck their tail between their legs leaving tens of thousands of people to die. They left behind:
430 huey helicopters
36 CH 47 26+helicopters Many of all the helicopers were armed with the M-134 minigun
73 F-5E jet fighters they used when they invaded Cambodia in 78. Lack of spare parts grounded them but still may be stashed somewhere! At the time it was a top fighter that was just put into service. The Soviet Union took a few of them.
36 A-1 Ground Attack planes
10 C-130 Hercules
40 C-119
36 C-47 Cargo planes, they ran out of parts faster and all set in museums as North Korea prides the Pablo
300 M-41 Light tanks
250 M-48 Medium tanks most were also used to invade Cambodia
1,200 Armoured Personnel Carrier M-3
300 M113 APC with one .50 and two .30 caliber machine guns
791,000 M-16
50,000 M-6O
47,000 M-79 Grenade Launcher, Cong fell in love with these and tried to make some more with the M-16 they had but most of our advanced equipment is still setting in warehouses in reserve and rust
63,000 light anti-tank weapons Any one that has used one will tell you 'most of these tubes would only go off only in your dreams.
850,000 other rifles and carbines
1,330 assorted artillery pieces
From the Pleiku air base alone
15,000 tons of ammunition
100 tons of bombs

At the time the equipment was worth 2 billion. Today it's worth 9.6 billion but still a drop in the bucket to China Joe's 83 billion and they didn't use them to kill us or given a list to find us.
But during that time democRats were just as dirty, treasonous, and evil. When trying to cost us another war in Iraq John Kerry said "They said there would be a lot of deaths in Vietnam when we pulled out too but it never happened." Then he repeated himself, "never happened".

30 thousand died in malaria infested re-education camps. In the democRats hurry to pull out they left a list with another 30 thousand on it who had worked on the Phoenix Project. Those list sure make it easy for the enemy in wars the democrats lose. The French told us every one of them was hunted down and killed. After they got a bunch of cash to rebuild their country from America first. They Tthen rounded up all South Vietnam military officers, blindfolded them, tied there hands behind their backs, then loaded them on to US Army 2 1/2 ton trucks, drove to a remote place and pulled them out for a smoke break. Only one escaped the machine guns. NEVER HAPPENED!?

Big difference between then and now. The Vietnamese were never going to come after us on our own soil. They were never going to commit terror attacks in the US, and against non-combatants. like al Qaeda, ISIS and the Taliban.

Vietnam today has flourishing capitalist industries and a manufacturing base. They export clothing and other items, which can sometimes be found at Walmart.

Afghanistan living under the rule of radical Islam, will never achieve anything like that. 46 years from now, they will be the same under-developed shithole they have been for centuries, whose primary exports are heroin and terrorism.
In another time there was another war that the democRats stuck their tail between their legs leaving tens of thousands of people to die. They left behind:
430 huey helicopters
36 CH 47 26+helicopters Many of all the helicopers were armed with the M-134 minigun
73 F-5E jet fighters they used when they invaded Cambodia in 78. Lack of spare parts grounded them but still may be stashed somewhere! At the time it was a top fighter that was just put into service. The Soviet Union took a few of them.
36 A-1 Ground Attack planes
10 C-130 Hercules
40 C-119
36 C-47 Cargo planes, they ran out of parts faster and all set in museums as North Korea prides the Pablo
300 M-41 Light tanks
250 M-48 Medium tanks most were also used to invade Cambodia
1,200 Armoured Personnel Carrier M-3
300 M113 APC with one .50 and two .30 caliber machine guns
791,000 M-16
50,000 M-6O
47,000 M-79 Grenade Launcher, Cong fell in love with these and tried to make some more with the M-16 they had but most of our advanced equipment is still setting in warehouses in reserve and rust
63,000 light anti-tank weapons Any one that has used one will tell you 'most of these tubes would only go off only in your dreams.
850,000 other rifles and carbines
1,330 assorted artillery pieces
From the Pleiku air base alone
15,000 tons of ammunition
100 tons of bombs

At the time the equipment was worth 2 billion. Today it's worth 9.6 billion but still a drop in the bucket to China Joe's 83 billion and they didn't use them to kill us or given a list to find us.
But during that time democRats were just as dirty, treasonous, and evil. When trying to cost us another war in Iraq John Kerry said "They said there would be a lot of deaths in Vietnam when we pulled out too but it never happened." Then he repeated himself, "never happened".

30 thousand died in malaria infested re-education camps. In the democRats hurry to pull out they left a list with another 30 thousand on it who had worked on the Phoenix Project. Those list sure make it easy for the enemy in wars the democrats lose. The French told us every one of them was hunted down and killed. After they got a bunch of cash to rebuild their country from America first. They Tthen rounded up all South Vietnam military officers, blindfolded them, tied there hands behind their backs, then loaded them on to US Army 2 1/2 ton trucks, drove to a remote place and pulled them out for a smoke break. Only one escaped the machine guns. NEVER HAPPENED!?
You forever war fuckers need to find some hobbies. There's more to life than sending Americans to die for absolutely nothing just to get your rocks off.
And ignoring the rest of the list, but that is a good start.

Those were not "American Weapons", those were Vietnamese. Already handed over to them long before.

Just like all those "Helicopters" seen in the videos being pitched off the side of the USS Okinawa? Those were all Vietnamese helicopters. That is why the Navy had no problem doing it.

That would be like saying that the F-14 and other aircraft that Iraq destroyed in the Iran-Iraq war were "American Airplanes". Uh, no. They were Iranian, we just made them.
We didn't sell them to Vietnam. They didn't pay a dime for any of it. And I suppose we wanted the Soviets to get a hold of those F-5E Fighters. Democrats started that war but as soon as a republican became president it was all the repugs fault and they did what they did to Vietnam just like they did to Afghanistan. Screw them in the worst way possible and tried to do in Iran. , Lie and lie some more The Tet Offensive we lost 900 Americans but we didn't lose the battle as Walter Cronkite told the American people "We had lost the battle and could never win the War". The Viet Cong were wiped out The NVA had 55,000 killed or wounded. North generals later said they were ready to call it quits but the Congressional, Military, Industrial Complex couldn't make money if there was no war so just like all the battles we won then pulled back giving the North a chance to build back up. At a time Kerry was lying his ass off to Congress under oath what baby killers Americans were. The Baby Killers he called Brother in Arms when running for president but unlike democRats vets remember and cost him the election. Kerry was also showing up at meetings under the North Vietnam flag. If he had an honorable discharge he would have been in the reserves guilty of Treason but since he didn't have an honorable discharge till 20 years after the fact by Bill Clinton,another mass killer he hadn't committed treason but a typical democRat that lied and lied some more to screw the troops, screw the people of Vietnam and still lies today . But the liberal piece of shit democrat Jane Fonda did when she sat on a North anti aircraft gun and said "I wish I had one of those suckers in my sight right now". Sucker being an American airman . But just another day of anti American bull shit from a democRat who don't give a rats ass for country. Just like every war since LBJ helped kill JFK. There is a reason they are called democRats. You own that war as you own this one. These low lifes are all respected leaders in the democRat party showing just what wastes of good dirt these fucks are and how crazed and pathetic there voting base is. THE BALLS IN YOUR COURT SO TELL MORE BULL SHIT ABOUT A GROUP THAT WOULD NEED TO BE HUNG TWICE BEFORE JUSTICE WOULD BE CLOSE TO BEING SERVED. That goes for all you delusional mentally ill slugs. The slogan 'ASK NOT WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR COUNTRY But what you can DO your country for'.
You forever war fuckers need to find some hobbies. There's more to life than sending Americans to die for absolutely nothing just to get your rocks off.
wow let me answer your brainless remark. YOU WILL FOREVER BE A LITTLE MAN NEVER GIVING TO THE COUNTRY YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF,. If it weren't for people as my father, my grand father and me you would be marching to the goose step instead of dancing with your boy friend at the corner splooge bar
And I suppose we wanted the Soviets to get a hold of those F-5E Fighters.

The F-5 was never a big secret. It was a cheap fighter made specifically for export to third world countries. Like the Mirage or MiG-23. There was never anything "secret" in those aircraft. Heck, the fact that it was never used in an operational US fighter wing should tell you exactly how "critical" that fighter was.

The Soviets already had the F-5 by then, and Vietnam sold off most of theirs, only using them for about 2 years until they were replaced by MiG-23s.

But the Soviets had their hands on the F-5 long before South Vietnam fell. Primarily from Libya who handed several over after the 1969 coup. And then Ethiopia, who handed over several in 1974 after the revolution. Plus they had learned almost all that was needed from studying crashed versions.

Being worried about the Soviets getting their hands on an F-5, is about as critical as their getting their hands on an EM60A Pershing Tank. The thing was made for export to other countries, nothing critical inside.
The F-5 was never a big secret. It was a cheap fighter made specifically for export to third world countries. Like the Mirage or MiG-23. There was never anything "secret" in those aircraft. Heck, the fact that it was never used in an operational US fighter wing should tell you exactly how "critical" that fighter was.

The Soviets already had the F-5 by then, and Vietnam sold off most of theirs, only using them for about 2 years until they were replaced by MiG-23s.

But the Soviets had their hands on the F-5 long before South Vietnam fell. Primarily from Libya who handed several over after the 1969 coup. And then Ethiopia, who handed over several in 1974 after the revolution. Plus they had learned almost all that was needed from studying crashed versions.

Being worried about the Soviets getting their hands on an F-5, is about as critical as their getting their hands on an EM60A Pershing Tank. The thing was made for export to other countries, nothing critical inside.
The F-5 was a low tech conversion of the T-38 trainer. It was designed as a second line fighter for countries that either couldn't afford first line fighters like F-100s or F-4s, or didn't have the tech base to support the more complicated aircraft. There were no secrets in it, it was limited to guns and Sidewinders. It was the US iteration of a MiG 21
President Ford presided over the Fall of Vietnam in April/May of 1975. Prior to that Richard Nixon was President. All of course, Republican.
We signed a treaty in 1972--so we were, at least technically, not at war with the North, when the country fell.
The dubious anecdote you relate..if it happened, happened under Republican auspices

You are an idiot..just think that Democrats were at fault for the fall of Vietnam and the treasure left behind.

The Democrats who had overwhelming control of Congress.

1) refused to support renewed U.S. air strikes against the invading North Vietnamese Army. Something the U.S. had sworn to the South Vietnamese that we would do if the North Vietnamese broke the cease fire.

2) refused to authorize military aid to South Vietnam.
The Democrats who had overwhelming control of Congress.

1) refused to support renewed U.S. air strikes against the invading North Vietnamese Army. Something the U.S. had sworn to the South Vietnamese that we would do if the North Vietnamese broke the cease fire.

2) refused to authorize military aid to South Vietnam.

But, if you remember, we, as a people, were done with Vietnam. There was no will for a renewed fight, none.
In this case, the Congress reflected the will of the vast majority of Americans.

As the South Vietnamese economy collapsed under the weight of inflation caused by the Arab oil shock and rampant corruption, by the summer of 1974 the U.S. embassy reported that morale in the ARVN had fallen to dangerously low levels and it was uncertain how much more longer South Vietnam would last.[139] Widespread protests against corruption that broke out in the summer of 1974 with the protesters accusing Thiệu and his family of corruption indicated that the South Vietnamese regime had lost popular support.[148] In August 1974, Congress passed a bill limiting American aid to South Vietnam to $700 million annually.[149] By November 1974, fearing the worse for South Vietnam as the ARVN continued to lose, Kissinger during the Vladivostok summit lobbied Brezhnev to end Soviet military aid to North Vietnam.[150] The same month, he also lobbied Mao and Zhou to end Chinese military aid to North Vietnam during a visit to Beijing.[150]
On 1 March 1975 the PAVN began an offensive that saw them overrun the Central Highlands and by 25 March Hue had fallen.[151] Thiệu was slow to withdraw his divisions and by 30 March when Danang fell, the ARVN's best divisions were lost.[152] With the road to Saigon wide open, it became imperative for the North Vietnamese to take the capital before the monsoons began in May, leading to a rapid march on Saigon.[153] Kissinger resisted pressure from the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Defense Secretary, James Schlesinger, to withdraw American civilians from South Vietnam, saying it would damage South Vietnamese morale.[154] He advised President Ford to not have the U.S. Air Force bomb the advancing PAVN forces, saying "If you do that, the American people will take to the streets again".[155] He expressed little sympathy with South Vietnam, saying: "Why don't those people die faster? The worse thing that could happen would be for them to linger on".[155]

On 15 April 1975, Kissinger testified before the Senate Appropriations Committee, urging Congress to increase the military aid budget to South Vietnam by another $700 million to save the ARVN as the PAVN was rapidly advancing on Saigon, which was refused.[153]
We didn't sell them to Vietnam. They didn't pay a dime for any of it. And I suppose we wanted the Soviets to get a hold of those F-5E Fighters. Democrats started that war but as soon as a republican became president it was all the repugs fault and they did what they did to Vietnam just like they did to Afghanistan. Screw them in the worst way possible and tried to do in Iran. , Lie and lie some more The Tet Offensive we lost 900 Americans but we didn't lose the battle as Walter Cronkite told the American people "We had lost the battle and could never win the War". The Viet Cong were wiped out The NVA had 55,000 killed or wounded. North generals later said they were ready to call it quits but the Congressional, Military, Industrial Complex couldn't make money if there was no war so just like all the battles we won then pulled back giving the North a chance to build back up. At a time Kerry was lying his ass off to Congress under oath what baby killers Americans were. The Baby Killers he called Brother in Arms when running for president but unlike democRats vets remember and cost him the election. Kerry was also showing up at meetings under the North Vietnam flag. If he had an honorable discharge he would have been in the reserves guilty of Treason but since he didn't have an honorable discharge till 20 years after the fact by Bill Clinton,another mass killer he hadn't committed treason but a typical democRat that lied and lied some more to screw the troops, screw the people of Vietnam and still lies today . But the liberal piece of shit democrat Jane Fonda did when she sat on a North anti aircraft gun and said "I wish I had one of those suckers in my sight right now". Sucker being an American airman . But just another day of anti American bull shit from a democRat who don't give a rats ass for country. Just like every war since LBJ helped kill JFK. There is a reason they are called democRats. You own that war as you own this one. These low lifes are all respected leaders in the democRat party showing just what wastes of good dirt these fucks are and how crazed and pathetic there voting base is. THE BALLS IN YOUR COURT SO TELL MORE BULL SHIT ABOUT A GROUP THAT WOULD NEED TO BE HUNG TWICE BEFORE JUSTICE WOULD BE CLOSE TO BEING SERVED. That goes for all you delusional mentally ill slugs. The slogan 'ASK NOT WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR COUNTRY But what you can DO your country for'.
The F-5 is a basically a T-38 Talon. It's cheap but not a front line weapons system for the US Air Force. It saw limited service in Vietnam with the aircraft later transferred to South Vietnam's Air Force.

Kerry was in the Naval Reserve from 1970 until 1978. I don't know where you gathered that bullshit from. I don't like Kerry any more than syphilis, but why lie about him? The truth is bad enough.
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But, if you remember, we, as a people, were done with Vietnam. There was no will for a renewed fight, none.
In this case, the Congress reflected the will of the vast majority of Americans.
Who cares? True leadership means defying the will of the masses from time to time.
You forever war fuckers need to find some hobbies. There's more to life than sending Americans to die for absolutely nothing just to get your rocks off.
You forever flower fuckers need to find some hobbies. There's more to life than ALLOWING Americans to die for absolutely nothing just to get your rocks off.
President Ford presided over the Fall of Vietnam in April/May of 1975. Prior to that Richard Nixon was President. All of course, Republican.
We signed a treaty in 1972--so we were, at least technically, not at war with the North, when the country fell.
The dubious anecdote you relate..if it happened, happened under Republican auspices

You are an idiot..just think that Democrats were at fault for the fall of Vietnam and the treasure left behind.
that's what makes Bidumb a bigger idiot--he didn't learn from history
You forever flower fuckers need to find some hobbies. There's more to life than ALLOWING Americans to die for absolutely nothing just to get your rocks off.
Fine. I'm at 13 dead from the withdrawal. You're at 6,000 dead and tens of thousands maimed for love of forever war. Go fuck yourself with rusty knives, you reprehensible piece of shit.
Fine. I'm at 13 dead from the withdrawal. You're at 6,000 dead and tens of thousands maimed for love of forever war. Go fuck yourself with rusty knives, you reprehensible piece of shit.
but there were MANY more dead in are OK with terrorists murdering Americans --got HATE America and Americans --go fk yourself you Taliban raghead

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