Captain Marvel ...

And if you thought you might join in a discussion of this train wreck of a movie and give an honest review....remember the purpose of the movie and who owns the means of objecting.

Here's the thing... the reason why Rotten Tomatoes had to change it was because the Toxic Masculinity crowd was posting bad reviews on a movie that they hadn't seen.

This was something they never should have been doing to start with. How can you know if a movie is going to be any good or not if you haven't seen it. I haven't seen this movie. I might see it today, haven't decided for sure yet. But I'm not going to posit an opinion on it based on whatever dumb thing the actress starring in it might have said.

We're subverting the genre in a lot of ways and breaking new ground and we're doing it in a way that feels really natural...On top of that, they said they wanted to make the biggest feminist movie of all time."
Brie Larson

Um, okay.... Not sure why a female superhero (superheroine) has you guys so upset.

I checked out of the MCU some time ago... I think after the Civil War movie because although I thought it was okay, I'm just not that invested in this universe where i have to watch all the movies to know what is going on.

Well you’ve lied to defend raw power before. Why should this time be any different? And you never ever vary from the party line by so much as a word.
Rotten Tomatoes had a “want to see” section. Always worked fine. And a comment section for people discussing upcoming movies. Those are what were disabled.
To no avail. The movie scored pitifully on opening. So at 1 PM rotten tomatoes purged 7000 bad reviews to try and get the score up above a sad 33%. After the purge the new score for this train wreck was 35%.
Before you leap in and say “they are angels and of course they should purge bad reviews” let me save you the embarrassment. Their excuse? “Rotten Tomatoes explained in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter that a glitch was responsible...”

On IMBD the reviews were an abysmal 6.6. Can’t have that for “the biggest feminist push Disney has ever attempted “.

So IMBD instituted filters. "Although we accept and consider all votes received by users, not all votes have the same impact (or 'weight') on the final rating. Various filters are applied to the raw data in order to eliminate and reduce attempts at vote stuffing by people more interested in changing the current rating of a movie than giving their true opinion of it."

This is not something that would bother you. You’ve already expressed your feelings about people’s opinions being vetted by experts.

You will be happy to know, btw, that Disney has hired a team of 40 to AstroTurf the internet and get the score up.
I understand her message perfectly well. It's the same rhetoric that the left has been browbeating us white guys with for over a decade now. "You don't matter, step aside, shut up" Here's what she said about "A wrinkle in Time"

“[Audiences] are not allowed enough chances to read public discourse on these films by the people that the films were made for. I do not need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work for him about ‘[A] Wrinkle in Time.’ It wasn’t made for him. I want to know what it meant to women of color, to biracial women, to teen women of color, to teens that are biracial.”

I read and loved that book as a child having no idea that it was meant exclusively for biracial trans teens.

No... again that isn't what she said AT ALL, but who on this board would think that a self-proclaimed "hater" like yourself would read any other type of message out of it?


She is stating the obvious, that when most film critics are the decision-makers for the industry and they help decide what movies actually end up getting made, how much is spent for advertising for, and other aspects... not all movies are made to please that specific demographic, and the inclusion of a more diverse set of people that are influential in the business is needed to give everyone a voice. Like I said, you think empowering new groups of people means YOU lose power, when that isn't the case, at all.

Your personal politics influences the way you interpret her comments. That's why you're white knighting for a movie you haven't even seen. Believe it or not, not everyone has strong political leanings like you and I and just wants to watch a movie based on something they enjoyed as a child, and in the case of A Wrinkle in Time or the Ghostbusters reboot, ends up being browbeaten with a politically correct bastardization.

Captain Marvel is only the latest in a long list of geeky properties to be screwed with in this fashion and fans like me are getting sick of it and want to send a message. Maybe the movie itself contains no overt political message but maybe she should have kept her mouth shut on the press tour and we wouldn't even be having this conversation.

These people destroy everything they touch as they coopt it. None of them can create a Marcel Universe. Or start an IBM. Or found a Harvard. They thrive by calling inside institutions and eating them from within.

“We are subverting the genre...”
Brie Larson

Wow you are so ignorant of the comic book genre it is amazing! :abgg2q.jpg:

The things done through Marvel and DC were done by the creators long before the time of PC culture and people like you and others in this thread that feel threatened by a female lead in a comic book movie.

Do you know who Shatterstar and Rictor are? Did you know Superman was created by two poor Jewish boys? Do you realize that the whole idea behind the X-men and guys like Magneto are based on the same ideology as fighting racism? You guys act like this stuff is just now being addressed today in comic book movies, when in fact this shit has been a part of comics already from the very beginning, as creators strived to make the characters more relate-able to everyday life.

Let me take a guess. You are the President of the Basement Living Nerd Club? you still are.
And if you thought you might join in a discussion of this train wreck of a movie and give an honest review....remember the purpose of the movie and who owns the means of objecting.

Here's the thing... the reason why Rotten Tomatoes had to change it was because the Toxic Masculinity crowd was posting bad reviews on a movie that they hadn't seen.

This was something they never should have been doing to start with. How can you know if a movie is going to be any good or not if you haven't seen it. I haven't seen this movie. I might see it today, haven't decided for sure yet. But I'm not going to posit an opinion on it based on whatever dumb thing the actress starring in it might have said.

We're subverting the genre in a lot of ways and breaking new ground and we're doing it in a way that feels really natural...On top of that, they said they wanted to make the biggest feminist movie of all time."
Brie Larson

Um, okay.... Not sure why a female superhero (superheroine) has you guys so upset.

I checked out of the MCU some time ago... I think after the Civil War movie because although I thought it was okay, I'm just not that invested in this universe where i have to watch all the movies to know what is going on.

Well you’ve lied to defend raw power before. Why should this time be any different? And you never ever vary from the party line by so much as a word.
Rotten Tomatoes had a “want to see” section. Always worked fine. And a comment section for people discussing upcoming movies. Those are what were disabled.
To no avail. The movie scored pitifully on opening. So at 1 PM rotten tomatoes purged 7000 bad reviews to try and get the score up above a sad 33%. After the purge the new score for this train wreck was 35%.
Before you leap in and say “they are angels and of course they should purge bad reviews” let me save you the embarrassment. Their excuse? “Rotten Tomatoes explained in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter that a glitch was responsible...”

On IMBD the reviews were an abysmal 6.6. Can’t have that for “the biggest feminist push Disney has ever attempted “.

So IMBD instituted filters. "Although we accept and consider all votes received by users, not all votes have the same impact (or 'weight') on the final rating. Various filters are applied to the raw data in order to eliminate and reduce attempts at vote stuffing by people more interested in changing the current rating of a movie than giving their true opinion of it."

This is not something that would bother you. You’ve already expressed your feelings about people’s opinions being vetted by experts.

You will be happy to know, btw, that Disney has hired a team of 40 to AstroTurf the internet and get the score up.

So it sounds like a lot of people are trying to manipulate the system on RT and IMDB, considering not that many people could have possibly seen this movie, yet.

the InCel crowd losing its shit over a movie is kind of fun to watch, but we probably need to stop letting these angry trolls ruin stuff for the rest of us because they can't get laid.
ROCKED! One of Marvel's better origin story set in the retro '90s (which I wouldn't normally consider to be retro).

It opens a couple of plot holes in the Marvel Universe, but hey ... it still rocked.

I won't waste a dime on it. Sick of this effort to feminize everything replacing guys putting women in power roles not needing men in roles that were created for guys. If women want to be in a power role, fine, let them go out and create their own new, original ones for themselves; Captain Marvel was created to be a GUY. Disney, get an imagination and write original stuff, quit stealing from old characters written to be a guy, trying to REPLACE US.

It is quite revealing when people who obviously don’t know the background of this character whining about it being cast with a woman in the role of a female character. It is pretty hard not to see the intimidated little boys if not flat out closet cases losing their shit over the fact that this female character is being portrayed by a female. This character has been female for a long time. You little boys need to grow a couple and grow up and get over it. Now, if you want to get irate about something, you can look at how they made Thor into a female in the comic books. That is pretty much flat out pandering. The larger point that leftists have ruined classic characters by injecting their politics into them is only somewhat valid. The writers of the stories since the very beginning have often been pretty damn far left anyway. However, in their new iterations there are aspects of their characterization that reflect more ideology than is necessary. However in the case of captain Marvel being a woman, that’s just what the character is, so go cry to your mommies and get over it.
Last edited:
ROCKED! One of Marvel's better origin story set in the retro '90s (which I wouldn't normally consider to be retro).

It opens a couple of plot holes in the Marvel Universe, but hey ... it still rocked.

I won't waste a dime on it. Sick of this effort to feminize everything replacing guys putting women in power roles not needing men in roles that were created for guys. If women want to be in a power role, fine, let them go out and create their own new, original ones for themselves; Captain Marvel was created to be a GUY. Disney, get an imagination and write original stuff, quit stealing from old characters written to be a guy, trying to REPLACE US.

It is quite revealing when people who obviously don’t know the background of this character whining about it being cast with a woman in the role of a female character. It is pretty hard not to see the intimidated little boys if not flat out closet cases losing their shit over the fact that this female character is being portrayed by a female. This character is been female for a long time. You little boys need to grow a couple and grow up and get over it. Now, if you want to get irate about something, you can look at how they made Thor into a female in the comic books. That is pretty much flat out pandering. The larger point that leftists have ruined classic characters by injecting their politics into them is only somewhat valid. The writers of the stories since the very beginning have often been pretty damn far left anyway. However, in their new iterations there are aspects of their characterization that reflect more ideology that is necessary. However in the case of captain Marvel being a woman, that’s just what the character is, so go cry to your mommy‘s and get over it.

Or maybe, Jackass, instead of reading a whole lot of bullshit into something that isn't there, it is simply a case of a guy thinking of comic characters as the only way he ever knew them, when he was a boy in the 1960s. Was there even a girl superhero back then? I never knew a girl to have any interest in comics. Try watching Big Bang Theory. Haven't read many comic books since a kid. And frankly, was never any fan of Captain Marvel, Captain America and others much anyway. I was more a Fantastic Four, Batman, Superman person. You know, the good stuff.

ROCKED! One of Marvel's better origin story set in the retro '90s (which I wouldn't normally consider to be retro).

It opens a couple of plot holes in the Marvel Universe, but hey ... it still rocked.

I won't waste a dime on it. Sick of this effort to feminize everything replacing guys putting women in power roles not needing men in roles that were created for guys. If women want to be in a power role, fine, let them go out and create their own new, original ones for themselves; Captain Marvel was created to be a GUY. Disney, get an imagination and write original stuff, quit stealing from old characters written to be a guy, trying to REPLACE US.

It is quite revealing when people who obviously don’t know the background of this character whining about it being cast with a woman in the role of a female character. It is pretty hard not to see the intimidated little boys if not flat out closet cases losing their shit over the fact that this female character is being portrayed by a female. This character is been female for a long time. You little boys need to grow a couple and grow up and get over it. Now, if you want to get irate about something, you can look at how they made Thor into a female in the comic books. That is pretty much flat out pandering. The larger point that leftists have ruined classic characters by injecting their politics into them is only somewhat valid. The writers of the stories since the very beginning have often been pretty damn far left anyway. However, in their new iterations there are aspects of their characterization that reflect more ideology that is necessary. However in the case of captain Marvel being a woman, that’s just what the character is, so go cry to your mommy‘s and get over it.

... I was more a Fantastic Four, Batman, Superman person. You know, the good stuff.

All of which had female super heroes. Did they frighten you back then?

There has been a female Captain Marvel since 197-fucking-7. Hardly some threatening new development. Get the fuck over it.
I understand her message perfectly well. It's the same rhetoric that the left has been browbeating us white guys with for over a decade now. "You don't matter, step aside, shut up" Here's what she said about "A wrinkle in Time"

“[Audiences] are not allowed enough chances to read public discourse on these films by the people that the films were made for. I do not need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work for him about ‘[A] Wrinkle in Time.’ It wasn’t made for him. I want to know what it meant to women of color, to biracial women, to teen women of color, to teens that are biracial.”

I read and loved that book as a child having no idea that it was meant exclusively for biracial trans teens.

No... again that isn't what she said AT ALL, but who on this board would think that a self-proclaimed "hater" like yourself would read any other type of message out of it?


She is stating the obvious, that when most film critics are the decision-makers for the industry and they help decide what movies actually end up getting made, how much is spent for advertising for, and other aspects... not all movies are made to please that specific demographic, and the inclusion of a more diverse set of people that are influential in the business is needed to give everyone a voice. Like I said, you think empowering new groups of people means YOU lose power, when that isn't the case, at all.

Your personal politics influences the way you interpret her comments. That's why you're white knighting for a movie you haven't even seen. Believe it or not, not everyone has strong political leanings like you and I and just wants to watch a movie based on something they enjoyed as a child, and in the case of A Wrinkle in Time or the Ghostbusters reboot, ends up being browbeaten with a politically correct bastardization.

Captain Marvel is only the latest in a long list of geeky properties to be screwed with in this fashion and fans like me are getting sick of it and want to send a message. Maybe the movie itself contains no overt political message but maybe she should have kept her mouth shut on the press tour and we wouldn't even be having this conversation.

These people destroy everything they touch as they coopt it. None of them can create a Marcel Universe. Or start an IBM. Or found a Harvard. They thrive by calling inside institutions and eating them from within.

“We are subverting the genre...”
Brie Larson

Wow you are so ignorant of the comic book genre it is amazing! :abgg2q.jpg:

The things done through Marvel and DC were done by the creators long before the time of PC culture and people like you and others in this thread that feel threatened by a female lead in a comic book movie.

Do you know who Shatterstar and Rictor are? Did you know Superman was created by two poor Jewish boys? Do you realize that the whole idea behind the X-men and guys like Magneto are based on the same ideology as fighting racism? You guys act like this stuff is just now being addressed today in comic book movies, when in fact this shit has been a part of comics already from the very beginning, as creators strived to make the characters more relate-able to everyday life.

Let me take a guess. You are the President of the Basement Living Nerd Club?

No, I make money off of comics and have read them since I was a kid. So instead of spending all my days like you trying to troll people and basically being a waste of oxygen, I use my time much more constructively. Maybe if you had read comics as a kid you would have better manners and not be a douche nozzle.

They got my $20 ... and it was well worth the ride. I really thought it was one the better Marvel origins.

Stan Lee's reading the script to "Mallrats" -- I nearly pissed myself.
Twenty dollars!

Ho Li Fuk. No movie is worth that.

I'll wait until the price becomes much more reasonable. Free. Then I'll see it.
Movies here are under 8.00 if you go before noon. 10.00 after. 20.00 could be for two people? Dunno seems high.
And if you thought you might join in a discussion of this train wreck of a movie and give an honest review....remember the purpose of the movie and who owns the means of objecting.

Here's the thing... the reason why Rotten Tomatoes had to change it was because the Toxic Masculinity crowd was posting bad reviews on a movie that they hadn't seen.

This was something they never should have been doing to start with. How can you know if a movie is going to be any good or not if you haven't seen it. I haven't seen this movie. I might see it today, haven't decided for sure yet. But I'm not going to posit an opinion on it based on whatever dumb thing the actress starring in it might have said.

We're subverting the genre in a lot of ways and breaking new ground and we're doing it in a way that feels really natural...On top of that, they said they wanted to make the biggest feminist movie of all time."
Brie Larson

Um, okay.... Not sure why a female superhero (superheroine) has you guys so upset.

I checked out of the MCU some time ago... I think after the Civil War movie because although I thought it was okay, I'm just not that invested in this universe where i have to watch all the movies to know what is going on.

Well you’ve lied to defend raw power before. Why should this time be any different? And you never ever vary from the party line by so much as a word.
Rotten Tomatoes had a “want to see” section. Always worked fine. And a comment section for people discussing upcoming movies. Those are what were disabled.
To no avail. The movie scored pitifully on opening. So at 1 PM rotten tomatoes purged 7000 bad reviews to try and get the score up above a sad 33%. After the purge the new score for this train wreck was 35%.
Before you leap in and say “they are angels and of course they should purge bad reviews” let me save you the embarrassment. Their excuse? “Rotten Tomatoes explained in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter that a glitch was responsible...”

On IMBD the reviews were an abysmal 6.6. Can’t have that for “the biggest feminist push Disney has ever attempted “.

So IMBD instituted filters. "Although we accept and consider all votes received by users, not all votes have the same impact (or 'weight') on the final rating. Various filters are applied to the raw data in order to eliminate and reduce attempts at vote stuffing by people more interested in changing the current rating of a movie than giving their true opinion of it."

This is not something that would bother you. You’ve already expressed your feelings about people’s opinions being vetted by experts.

You will be happy to know, btw, that Disney has hired a team of 40 to AstroTurf the internet and get the score up.

Rotten Tomatoes purged the scores because people were just being trolls. If you knew anything about the comic book community you'd know there are 4 groups of people: Marvel fanboys, DC fanboys, Indie Comic Fanboys, and people that just like comics and don't have to hate on certain companies to get a thrill by being a troll.
I'd bet money on the low RT score having nothing do do with DC fans and everything to do with Brie Larson's big fat SJW mouth.

You don't even understand her message... and what she said has nothing to do with hating on old white men... it has to do with the need for a better representation of ALL people within the entertainment community.

See people like you look at her message as this zero-sum game where in order for others to get more representation in some segment of society means YOU, YOURSELF has to lose something in return for that to happen. That's not the case, and in fact as a society we ALL gain from more inclusion of other people.

That's what happens when you view everything through a lens of hate... You assume everyone else uses the same world-view as you do because you are too small-minded to understand otherwise.

I understand her message perfectly well. It's the same rhetoric that the left has been browbeating us white guys with for over a decade now. "You don't matter, step aside, shut up" Here's what she said about "A wrinkle in Time"

“[Audiences] are not allowed enough chances to read public discourse on these films by the people that the films were made for. I do not need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work for him about ‘[A] Wrinkle in Time.’ It wasn’t made for him. I want to know what it meant to women of color, to biracial women, to teen women of color, to teens that are biracial.”

I read and loved that book as a child having no idea that it was meant exclusively for biracial trans teens.

No... again that isn't what she said AT ALL, but who on this board would think that a self-proclaimed "hater" like yourself would read any other type of message out of it?


She is stating the obvious, that when most film critics are the decision-makers for the industry and they help decide what movies actually end up getting made, how much is spent for advertising for, and other aspects... not all movies are made to please that specific demographic, and the inclusion of a more diverse set of people that are influential in the business is needed to give everyone a voice. Like I said, you think empowering new groups of people means YOU lose power, when that isn't the case, at all.

Your personal politics influences the way you interpret her comments. That's why you're white knighting for a movie you haven't even seen. Believe it or not, not everyone has strong political leanings like you and I and just wants to watch a movie based on something they enjoyed as a child, and in the case of A Wrinkle in Time or the Ghostbusters reboot, ends up being browbeaten with a politically correct bastardization.

Captain Marvel is only the latest in a long list of geeky properties to be screwed with in this fashion and fans like me are getting sick of it and want to send a message. Maybe the movie itself contains no overt political message but maybe she should have kept her mouth shut on the press tour and we wouldn't even be having this conversation.

These people destroy everything they touch as they coopt it. None of them can create a Marcel Universe. Or start an IBM. Or found a Harvard. They thrive by calling inside institutions and eating them from within.

“We are subverting the genre...”
Brie Larson

If they were only intent on ruining nerdy movies, I might not even notice as I'm not a big movie buff.

The SJW crowd has also went after heavy metal music. They attack distribution labels for publishing content that offends their tender sensibilities, leaning on paypal and other online payment services to revoke their accounts and put them out of business. Concerts are cancelled after antifa phones in death threats and music streaming services are pressured to remove artists from their service.

Videogames have been a favorite target of theirs for a while. Big name developers are crapping out subpar sequels to long running franchises thanks in large part to their new "diverse" development teams (more women, more blue hair) who can't resist shoehorning a trendy political agenda into games about exploring dungeons, shooting aliens or kicking people in the face.

And when fans notice and complain about it, this is the reaction: "Aw what's wrong INCEL? Don't like women taking over your nerdy misogynistic hobbies? Aw, well maybe you should get out of mommy's basement and get a girlfriend LOL"

it's like they're trying to provoke conflict.
ROCKED! One of Marvel's better origin story set in the retro '90s (which I wouldn't normally consider to be retro).

It opens a couple of plot holes in the Marvel Universe, but hey ... it still rocked.

I won't waste a dime on it. Sick of this effort to feminize everything replacing guys putting women in power roles not needing men in roles that were created for guys. If women want to be in a power role, fine, let them go out and create their own new, original ones for themselves; Captain Marvel was created to be a GUY. Disney, get an imagination and write original stuff, quit stealing from old characters written to be a guy, trying to REPLACE US.

It is quite revealing when people who obviously don’t know the background of this character whining about it being cast with a woman in the role of a female character. It is pretty hard not to see the intimidated little boys if not flat out closet cases losing their shit over the fact that this female character is being portrayed by a female. This character is been female for a long time. You little boys need to grow a couple and grow up and get over it. Now, if you want to get irate about something, you can look at how they made Thor into a female in the comic books. That is pretty much flat out pandering. The larger point that leftists have ruined classic characters by injecting their politics into them is only somewhat valid. The writers of the stories since the very beginning have often been pretty damn far left anyway. However, in their new iterations there are aspects of their characterization that reflect more ideology that is necessary. However in the case of captain Marvel being a woman, that’s just what the character is, so go cry to your mommy‘s and get over it.

... I was more a Fantastic Four, Batman, Superman person. You know, the good stuff.

All of which had female super heroes. Did they frighten you back then?

There has been a female Captain Marvel since 197-fucking-7. Hardly some threatening new development. Get the fuck over it.

I'm not the one making an issue out of it, you are. I never read The Fantastic Female, Supergirl or Batgirl. Maybe they were YOUR heroes, shit-picker? I'm pretty sure there were some few Supergirl comics, but was there ever any Batgirl comics? Or was that merely a creation of 1960s TV. Obviously you spent a LOT more time obsessing over comic books maybe to this day than I ever did. Whether or not they existed, we know it was mostly out of PC pressure and maybe a desire to draw and look at girl's bodies (all comic girls were well-endowed) and never sold very well. Collector value: 0.
You don't even understand her message... and what she said has nothing to do with hating on old white men... it has to do with the need for a better representation of ALL people within the entertainment community.

See people like you look at her message as this zero-sum game where in order for others to get more representation in some segment of society means YOU, YOURSELF has to lose something in return for that to happen. That's not the case, and in fact as a society we ALL gain from more inclusion of other people.

That's what happens when you view everything through a lens of hate... You assume everyone else uses the same world-view as you do because you are too small-minded to understand otherwise.

I understand her message perfectly well. It's the same rhetoric that the left has been browbeating us white guys with for over a decade now. "You don't matter, step aside, shut up" Here's what she said about "A wrinkle in Time"

“[Audiences] are not allowed enough chances to read public discourse on these films by the people that the films were made for. I do not need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work for him about ‘[A] Wrinkle in Time.’ It wasn’t made for him. I want to know what it meant to women of color, to biracial women, to teen women of color, to teens that are biracial.”

I read and loved that book as a child having no idea that it was meant exclusively for biracial trans teens.

No... again that isn't what she said AT ALL, but who on this board would think that a self-proclaimed "hater" like yourself would read any other type of message out of it?


She is stating the obvious, that when most film critics are the decision-makers for the industry and they help decide what movies actually end up getting made, how much is spent for advertising for, and other aspects... not all movies are made to please that specific demographic, and the inclusion of a more diverse set of people that are influential in the business is needed to give everyone a voice. Like I said, you think empowering new groups of people means YOU lose power, when that isn't the case, at all.

Your personal politics influences the way you interpret her comments. That's why you're white knighting for a movie you haven't even seen. Believe it or not, not everyone has strong political leanings like you and I and just wants to watch a movie based on something they enjoyed as a child, and in the case of A Wrinkle in Time or the Ghostbusters reboot, ends up being browbeaten with a politically correct bastardization.

Captain Marvel is only the latest in a long list of geeky properties to be screwed with in this fashion and fans like me are getting sick of it and want to send a message. Maybe the movie itself contains no overt political message but maybe she should have kept her mouth shut on the press tour and we wouldn't even be having this conversation.

These people destroy everything they touch as they coopt it. None of them can create a Marcel Universe. Or start an IBM. Or found a Harvard. They thrive by calling inside institutions and eating them from within.

“We are subverting the genre...”
Brie Larson

If they were only intent on ruining nerdy movies, I might not even notice as I'm not a big movie buff.

The SJW crowd has also went after heavy metal music. They attack distribution labels for publishing content that offends their tender sensibilities, leaning on paypal and other online payment services to revoke their accounts and put them out of business. Concerts are cancelled after antifa phones in death threats and music streaming services are pressured to remove artists from their service.

Videogames have been a favorite target of theirs for a while. Big name developers are crapping out subpar sequels to long running franchises thanks in large part to their new "diverse" development teams (more women, more blue hair) who can't resist shoehorning a trendy political agenda into games about exploring dungeons, shooting aliens or kicking people in the face.

And when fans notice and complain about it, this is the reaction: "Aw what's wrong INCEL? Don't like women taking over your nerdy misogynistic hobbies? Aw, well maybe you should get out of mommy's basement and get a girlfriend LOL"

it's like they're trying to provoke conflict.

You sure like to take the smallest group of people and make it out like they are a norm... they aren't.
ROCKED! One of Marvel's better origin story set in the retro '90s (which I wouldn't normally consider to be retro).

It opens a couple of plot holes in the Marvel Universe, but hey ... it still rocked.

I won't waste a dime on it. Sick of this effort to feminize everything replacing guys putting women in power roles not needing men in roles that were created for guys. If women want to be in a power role, fine, let them go out and create their own new, original ones for themselves; Captain Marvel was created to be a GUY. Disney, get an imagination and write original stuff, quit stealing from old characters written to be a guy, trying to REPLACE US.

It is quite revealing when people who obviously don’t know the background of this character whining about it being cast with a woman in the role of a female character. It is pretty hard not to see the intimidated little boys if not flat out closet cases losing their shit over the fact that this female character is being portrayed by a female. This character has been female for a long time. You little boys need to grow a couple and grow up and get over it. Now, if you want to get irate about something, you can look at how they made Thor into a female in the comic books. That is pretty much flat out pandering. The larger point that leftists have ruined classic characters by injecting their politics into them is only somewhat valid. The writers of the stories since the very beginning have often been pretty damn far left anyway. However, in their new iterations there are aspects of their characterization that reflect more ideology than is necessary. However in the case of captain Marvel being a woman, that’s just what the character is, so go cry to your mommies and get over it.

Then why did the writer claim it was a move for feminist empowerment?
I understand her message perfectly well. It's the same rhetoric that the left has been browbeating us white guys with for over a decade now. "You don't matter, step aside, shut up" Here's what she said about "A wrinkle in Time"

“[Audiences] are not allowed enough chances to read public discourse on these films by the people that the films were made for. I do not need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work for him about ‘[A] Wrinkle in Time.’ It wasn’t made for him. I want to know what it meant to women of color, to biracial women, to teen women of color, to teens that are biracial.”

I read and loved that book as a child having no idea that it was meant exclusively for biracial trans teens.

No... again that isn't what she said AT ALL, but who on this board would think that a self-proclaimed "hater" like yourself would read any other type of message out of it?


She is stating the obvious, that when most film critics are the decision-makers for the industry and they help decide what movies actually end up getting made, how much is spent for advertising for, and other aspects... not all movies are made to please that specific demographic, and the inclusion of a more diverse set of people that are influential in the business is needed to give everyone a voice. Like I said, you think empowering new groups of people means YOU lose power, when that isn't the case, at all.

Your personal politics influences the way you interpret her comments. That's why you're white knighting for a movie you haven't even seen. Believe it or not, not everyone has strong political leanings like you and I and just wants to watch a movie based on something they enjoyed as a child, and in the case of A Wrinkle in Time or the Ghostbusters reboot, ends up being browbeaten with a politically correct bastardization.

Captain Marvel is only the latest in a long list of geeky properties to be screwed with in this fashion and fans like me are getting sick of it and want to send a message. Maybe the movie itself contains no overt political message but maybe she should have kept her mouth shut on the press tour and we wouldn't even be having this conversation.

These people destroy everything they touch as they coopt it. None of them can create a Marcel Universe. Or start an IBM. Or found a Harvard. They thrive by calling inside institutions and eating them from within.

“We are subverting the genre...”
Brie Larson

If they were only intent on ruining nerdy movies, I might not even notice as I'm not a big movie buff.

The SJW crowd has also went after heavy metal music. They attack distribution labels for publishing content that offends their tender sensibilities, leaning on paypal and other online payment services to revoke their accounts and put them out of business. Concerts are cancelled after antifa phones in death threats and music streaming services are pressured to remove artists from their service.

Videogames have been a favorite target of theirs for a while. Big name developers are crapping out subpar sequels to long running franchises thanks in large part to their new "diverse" development teams (more women, more blue hair) who can't resist shoehorning a trendy political agenda into games about exploring dungeons, shooting aliens or kicking people in the face.

And when fans notice and complain about it, this is the reaction: "Aw what's wrong INCEL? Don't like women taking over your nerdy misogynistic hobbies? Aw, well maybe you should get out of mommy's basement and get a girlfriend LOL"

it's like they're trying to provoke conflict.

You sure like to take the smallest group of people and make it out like they are a norm... they aren't.

What's that even supposed to mean? Should we wait until thought policing, censorship and political indoctrination reaches critical mass before speaking out against it? By then it will be too late.
ROCKED! One of Marvel's better origin story set in the retro '90s (which I wouldn't normally consider to be retro).

It opens a couple of plot holes in the Marvel Universe, but hey ... it still rocked.

I won't waste a dime on it. Sick of this effort to feminize everything replacing guys putting women in power roles not needing men in roles that were created for guys. If women want to be in a power role, fine, let them go out and create their own new, original ones for themselves; Captain Marvel was created to be a GUY. Disney, get an imagination and write original stuff, quit stealing from old characters written to be a guy, trying to REPLACE US.

It is quite revealing when people who obviously don’t know the background of this character whining about it being cast with a woman in the role of a female character. It is pretty hard not to see the intimidated little boys if not flat out closet cases losing their shit over the fact that this female character is being portrayed by a female. This character is been female for a long time. You little boys need to grow a couple and grow up and get over it. Now, if you want to get irate about something, you can look at how they made Thor into a female in the comic books. That is pretty much flat out pandering. The larger point that leftists have ruined classic characters by injecting their politics into them is only somewhat valid. The writers of the stories since the very beginning have often been pretty damn far left anyway. However, in their new iterations there are aspects of their characterization that reflect more ideology that is necessary. However in the case of captain Marvel being a woman, that’s just what the character is, so go cry to your mommy‘s and get over it.

... I was more a Fantastic Four, Batman, Superman person. You know, the good stuff.

All of which had female super heroes. Did they frighten you back then?

There has been a female Captain Marvel since 197-fucking-7. Hardly some threatening new development. Get the fuck over it.

I'm not the one making an issue out of it, you are. I never read The Fantastic Female, Supergirl or Batgirl. Maybe they were YOUR heroes, shit-picker? I'm pretty sure there were some few Supergirl comics, but was there ever any Batgirl comics? Or was that merely a creation of 1960s TV. Obviously you spent a LOT more time obsessing over comic books maybe to this day than I ever did. Whether or not they existed, we know it was mostly out of PC pressure and maybe a desire to draw and look at girl's bodies (all comic girls were well-endowed) and never sold very well. Collector value: 0.

The female Thor and Captain Marvel comics had some of the lowest sales figures in Marvels history. This is politics though. As I quoted the principals in a previous post. They set out by design to destroy yet another cultural institution.
And if you thought you might join in a discussion of this train wreck of a movie and give an honest review....remember the purpose of the movie and who owns the means of objecting.

Here's the thing... the reason why Rotten Tomatoes had to change it was because the Toxic Masculinity crowd was posting bad reviews on a movie that they hadn't seen.

This was something they never should have been doing to start with. How can you know if a movie is going to be any good or not if you haven't seen it. I haven't seen this movie. I might see it today, haven't decided for sure yet. But I'm not going to posit an opinion on it based on whatever dumb thing the actress starring in it might have said.

We're subverting the genre in a lot of ways and breaking new ground and we're doing it in a way that feels really natural...On top of that, they said they wanted to make the biggest feminist movie of all time."
Brie Larson

Um, okay.... Not sure why a female superhero (superheroine) has you guys so upset.

I checked out of the MCU some time ago... I think after the Civil War movie because although I thought it was okay, I'm just not that invested in this universe where i have to watch all the movies to know what is going on.

Well you’ve lied to defend raw power before. Why should this time be any different? And you never ever vary from the party line by so much as a word.
Rotten Tomatoes had a “want to see” section. Always worked fine. And a comment section for people discussing upcoming movies. Those are what were disabled.
To no avail. The movie scored pitifully on opening. So at 1 PM rotten tomatoes purged 7000 bad reviews to try and get the score up above a sad 33%. After the purge the new score for this train wreck was 35%.
Before you leap in and say “they are angels and of course they should purge bad reviews” let me save you the embarrassment. Their excuse? “Rotten Tomatoes explained in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter that a glitch was responsible...”

On IMBD the reviews were an abysmal 6.6. Can’t have that for “the biggest feminist push Disney has ever attempted “.

So IMBD instituted filters. "Although we accept and consider all votes received by users, not all votes have the same impact (or 'weight') on the final rating. Various filters are applied to the raw data in order to eliminate and reduce attempts at vote stuffing by people more interested in changing the current rating of a movie than giving their true opinion of it."

This is not something that would bother you. You’ve already expressed your feelings about people’s opinions being vetted by experts.

You will be happy to know, btw, that Disney has hired a team of 40 to AstroTurf the internet and get the score up.

Rotten Tomatoes purged the scores because people were just being trolls. If you knew anything about the comic book community you'd know there are 4 groups of people: Marvel fanboys, DC fanboys, Indie Comic Fanboys, and people that just like comics and don't have to hate on certain companies to get a thrill by being a troll.

That’s not what they said bitchboy. Rotten Tomatoes claims it was a “computer glitch”. Leaves you high and dry doesn’t it?
I understand her message perfectly well. It's the same rhetoric that the left has been browbeating us white guys with for over a decade now. "You don't matter, step aside, shut up" Here's what she said about "A wrinkle in Time"

“[Audiences] are not allowed enough chances to read public discourse on these films by the people that the films were made for. I do not need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work for him about ‘[A] Wrinkle in Time.’ It wasn’t made for him. I want to know what it meant to women of color, to biracial women, to teen women of color, to teens that are biracial.”

I read and loved that book as a child having no idea that it was meant exclusively for biracial trans teens.

No... again that isn't what she said AT ALL, but who on this board would think that a self-proclaimed "hater" like yourself would read any other type of message out of it?


She is stating the obvious, that when most film critics are the decision-makers for the industry and they help decide what movies actually end up getting made, how much is spent for advertising for, and other aspects... not all movies are made to please that specific demographic, and the inclusion of a more diverse set of people that are influential in the business is needed to give everyone a voice. Like I said, you think empowering new groups of people means YOU lose power, when that isn't the case, at all.

Your personal politics influences the way you interpret her comments. That's why you're white knighting for a movie you haven't even seen. Believe it or not, not everyone has strong political leanings like you and I and just wants to watch a movie based on something they enjoyed as a child, and in the case of A Wrinkle in Time or the Ghostbusters reboot, ends up being browbeaten with a politically correct bastardization.

Captain Marvel is only the latest in a long list of geeky properties to be screwed with in this fashion and fans like me are getting sick of it and want to send a message. Maybe the movie itself contains no overt political message but maybe she should have kept her mouth shut on the press tour and we wouldn't even be having this conversation.

These people destroy everything they touch as they coopt it. None of them can create a Marcel Universe. Or start an IBM. Or found a Harvard. They thrive by calling inside institutions and eating them from within.

“We are subverting the genre...”
Brie Larson

Wow you are so ignorant of the comic book genre it is amazing! :abgg2q.jpg:

The things done through Marvel and DC were done by the creators long before the time of PC culture and people like you and others in this thread that feel threatened by a female lead in a comic book movie.

Do you know who Shatterstar and Rictor are? Did you know Superman was created by two poor Jewish boys? Do you realize that the whole idea behind the X-men and guys like Magneto are based on the same ideology as fighting racism? You guys act like this stuff is just now being addressed today in comic book movies, when in fact this shit has been a part of comics already from the very beginning, as creators strived to make the characters more relate-able to everyday life.

Let me take a guess. You are the President of the Basement Living Nerd Club?

Let me take a guess. Your repeated referral to comic fans as living in their Mom's basement is because the neighborhood nerds wouldn't let you play because you weren't smart enough?
ROCKED! One of Marvel's better origin story set in the retro '90s (which I wouldn't normally consider to be retro).

It opens a couple of plot holes in the Marvel Universe, but hey ... it still rocked.

I won't waste a dime on it. Sick of this effort to feminize everything replacing guys putting women in power roles not needing men in roles that were created for guys. If women want to be in a power role, fine, let them go out and create their own new, original ones for themselves; Captain Marvel was created to be a GUY. Disney, get an imagination and write original stuff, quit stealing from old characters written to be a guy, trying to REPLACE US.

LMAO!! Created by a guy and the character was a woman how many times?
You don't even understand her message... and what she said has nothing to do with hating on old white men... it has to do with the need for a better representation of ALL people within the entertainment community.

See people like you look at her message as this zero-sum game where in order for others to get more representation in some segment of society means YOU, YOURSELF has to lose something in return for that to happen. That's not the case, and in fact as a society we ALL gain from more inclusion of other people.

That's what happens when you view everything through a lens of hate... You assume everyone else uses the same world-view as you do because you are too small-minded to understand otherwise.

I understand her message perfectly well. It's the same rhetoric that the left has been browbeating us white guys with for over a decade now. "You don't matter, step aside, shut up" Here's what she said about "A wrinkle in Time"

“[Audiences] are not allowed enough chances to read public discourse on these films by the people that the films were made for. I do not need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work for him about ‘[A] Wrinkle in Time.’ It wasn’t made for him. I want to know what it meant to women of color, to biracial women, to teen women of color, to teens that are biracial.”

I read and loved that book as a child having no idea that it was meant exclusively for biracial trans teens.

No... again that isn't what she said AT ALL, but who on this board would think that a self-proclaimed "hater" like yourself would read any other type of message out of it?


She is stating the obvious, that when most film critics are the decision-makers for the industry and they help decide what movies actually end up getting made, how much is spent for advertising for, and other aspects... not all movies are made to please that specific demographic, and the inclusion of a more diverse set of people that are influential in the business is needed to give everyone a voice. Like I said, you think empowering new groups of people means YOU lose power, when that isn't the case, at all.

Your personal politics influences the way you interpret her comments. That's why you're white knighting for a movie you haven't even seen. Believe it or not, not everyone has strong political leanings like you and I and just wants to watch a movie based on something they enjoyed as a child, and in the case of A Wrinkle in Time or the Ghostbusters reboot, ends up being browbeaten with a politically correct bastardization.

Captain Marvel is only the latest in a long list of geeky properties to be screwed with in this fashion and fans like me are getting sick of it and want to send a message. Maybe the movie itself contains no overt political message but maybe she should have kept her mouth shut on the press tour and we wouldn't even be having this conversation.

These people destroy everything they touch as they coopt it. None of them can create a Marcel Universe. Or start an IBM. Or found a Harvard. They thrive by calling inside institutions and eating them from within.

“We are subverting the genre...”
Brie Larson

If they were only intent on ruining nerdy movies, I might not even notice as I'm not a big movie buff.

The SJW crowd has also went after heavy metal music. They attack distribution labels for publishing content that offends their tender sensibilities, leaning on paypal and other online payment services to revoke their accounts and put them out of business. Concerts are cancelled after antifa phones in death threats and music streaming services are pressured to remove artists from their service.

Videogames have been a favorite target of theirs for a while. Big name developers are crapping out subpar sequels to long running franchises thanks in large part to their new "diverse" development teams (more women, more blue hair) who can't resist shoehorning a trendy political agenda into games about exploring dungeons, shooting aliens or kicking people in the face.

And when fans notice and complain about it, this is the reaction: "Aw what's wrong INCEL? Don't like women taking over your nerdy misogynistic hobbies? Aw, well maybe you should get out of mommy's basement and get a girlfriend LOL"

it's like they're trying to provoke conflict.

It’s typical gaslighting. They will fill every interview with raptorous words about how a female character advances their agenda.
Then look puzzled and want to know why you care if it’s a female character.

They will swear, as Larson and Deconnick did, that they are “subverting” and undoing comic book culture which has always been by and for men...then make the claim women were always superheros and fans so what’s the big deal?
It isn’t expected to make sense. It’s just another example of gaslighting and cognitive dissonance.
Are liberals mentally ill and hoping the rest of us are? Or are they just evil?
I understand her message perfectly well. It's the same rhetoric that the left has been browbeating us white guys with for over a decade now. "You don't matter, step aside, shut up" Here's what she said about "A wrinkle in Time"

“[Audiences] are not allowed enough chances to read public discourse on these films by the people that the films were made for. I do not need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work for him about ‘[A] Wrinkle in Time.’ It wasn’t made for him. I want to know what it meant to women of color, to biracial women, to teen women of color, to teens that are biracial.”

I read and loved that book as a child having no idea that it was meant exclusively for biracial trans teens.

No... again that isn't what she said AT ALL, but who on this board would think that a self-proclaimed "hater" like yourself would read any other type of message out of it?


She is stating the obvious, that when most film critics are the decision-makers for the industry and they help decide what movies actually end up getting made, how much is spent for advertising for, and other aspects... not all movies are made to please that specific demographic, and the inclusion of a more diverse set of people that are influential in the business is needed to give everyone a voice. Like I said, you think empowering new groups of people means YOU lose power, when that isn't the case, at all.

Your personal politics influences the way you interpret her comments. That's why you're white knighting for a movie you haven't even seen. Believe it or not, not everyone has strong political leanings like you and I and just wants to watch a movie based on something they enjoyed as a child, and in the case of A Wrinkle in Time or the Ghostbusters reboot, ends up being browbeaten with a politically correct bastardization.

Captain Marvel is only the latest in a long list of geeky properties to be screwed with in this fashion and fans like me are getting sick of it and want to send a message. Maybe the movie itself contains no overt political message but maybe she should have kept her mouth shut on the press tour and we wouldn't even be having this conversation.

These people destroy everything they touch as they coopt it. None of them can create a Marcel Universe. Or start an IBM. Or found a Harvard. They thrive by calling inside institutions and eating them from within.

“We are subverting the genre...”
Brie Larson

If they were only intent on ruining nerdy movies, I might not even notice as I'm not a big movie buff.

The SJW crowd has also went after heavy metal music. They attack distribution labels for publishing content that offends their tender sensibilities, leaning on paypal and other online payment services to revoke their accounts and put them out of business. Concerts are cancelled after antifa phones in death threats and music streaming services are pressured to remove artists from their service.

Videogames have been a favorite target of theirs for a while. Big name developers are crapping out subpar sequels to long running franchises thanks in large part to their new "diverse" development teams (more women, more blue hair) who can't resist shoehorning a trendy political agenda into games about exploring dungeons, shooting aliens or kicking people in the face.

And when fans notice and complain about it, this is the reaction: "Aw what's wrong INCEL? Don't like women taking over your nerdy misogynistic hobbies? Aw, well maybe you should get out of mommy's basement and get a girlfriend LOL"

it's like they're trying to provoke conflict.

It’s typical gaslighting. They will fill every interview with raptorous words about how a female character advances their agenda.
Then look puzzled and want to know why you care if it’s a female character.

They will swear, as Larson and Deconnick did, that they are “subverting” and undoing comic book culture which has always been by and for men...then make the claim women were always superheros and fans so what’s the big deal?
It isn’t expected to make sense. It’s just another example of gaslighting and cognitive dissonance.
Are liberals mentally ill and hoping the rest of us are? Or are they just evil?

A bit of both. The truly evil ones play dumb when they're called out on their machinations but they know exactly what they're doing.

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