Capitol Rioter Ordered To Jail After Snubbing Bail Office

Just as I thought.

You have no proof.

Your keywords take me to articles about people who have been charged and I didn't see any that were denied bail.

You just make things up as you go.

I get it.

Just don't expect intelligent people to take you seriously.
Aaaand he's off like a prom dress.
Yes. They are. Of the 600 arrested only 60 are in jail. Attacking the capital is no small matter.

Why are they in jail? And, no. They didn't attack the Capitol. That's just idiotic. Your antifa brownshirts did 2 billion in damages and murdered 30 people.

THAT is an attack. These fools wandered through the Capitol. Which they OWN.

It's public property. It doesn't belong to the politicians. It belongs to US, WE the PEOPLE.
Why are they in jail? And, no. They didn't attack the Capitol. That's just idiotic. Your antifa brownshirts did 2 billion in damages and murdered 30 people.

THAT is an attack. These fools wandered through the Capitol. Which they OWN.

It's public property. It doesn't belong to the politicians. It belongs to US, WE the PEOPLE.
They “wandered through” the Capitol? Are you effing serious?!!
Why are they in jail?
For a variety of reasons. You have been shown more than one. Even though this was YOUR book report, this information had to be spoonfed to you. Gonna beg for information about your own points all night?
They “wandered through” the Capitol? Are you effing serious?!!

Yeah, did they tear down statues like your heroes?

Nope. Not a one. I can only find one video showing attacks on cops, how did so many supposedly get hurt?

You are either incredibly biased, or ridiculously stupid.

And I don’t think you're stupid.
For a variety of reasons. You have been shown more than one. Even though this was YOUR book report, this information had to be spoonfed to you. Gonna beg for information about your own points all night?

Show me video of them committing the crime. There are thousands of hours. Show it.
Maybe the insane ones representing themselves in court is not all that bad.... they could have been stuck with westwall as their lawyer. :auiqs.jpg:
I can’t argue with someone that is unable to acknowledge reality. No one is claiming there were no rioters during the Floyd protests. No one is claiming they are patriots either. No one is whining about them getting jail sentences. No is calling THEM political prisoners, nor should they. But the right is COMPLETELY untethered from reality and severed from any sort of moral compass when comes to a violent attack on OUR (like, mine too!) Capitol and an attempt to overthrow an election because their guy lost! People “wandering through“ DO NOT injure over 140 police, some with serious head and spinal injuries. Jesus Christ on a popsicle stick.
Ah yes, we only get charged with crimes if there is video of us committing the crime. And only if they run it by me first. Because fucking duuuuuhhh

Moron, there are thousands of hours of video that was filmed on the day. Why hasn't it been released?

A thinking person would want to know why.

You're clearly a drone, so CANNOT think.
there are thousands of hours of video that was filmed on the day. Why hasn't it been released?
Thousands of hours of video have been released. Do you think that is somehow a defense of criminal acts? Of course not. Just a desperate red herring that is going nowhere. Enjoy.
I can’t argue with someone that is unable to acknowledge reality. No one is claiming there were no rioters during the Floyd protests. No one is claiming they are patriots either. No one is whining about them getting jail sentences. No is calling THEM political prisoners, nor should they. But the right is COMPLETELY untethered from reality and severed from any sort of moral compass when comes to a violent attack on OUR (like, mine too!) Capitol and an attempt to overthrow an election because their guy lost! People “wandering through“ DO NOT injure over 140 police, some with serious head and spinal injuries. Jesus Christ on a popsicle stick.

You don't argue. You spew party line bullshit. I am a scientist. I require evidence before I make a claim.

All of you claimed Sicnik was killed by a blow to the head.

The medical examiner stipulated there was NO blunt force trauma of any kind and that he died of two rapid succession strokes.


So, who do I believe, idiots on here braying at the moon who have been caught lying....or a legal document filed by a medical expert?
Yeah, did they tear down statues like your heroes?
Deflection. No….didn’t tear down statues, they just smeared feces on the Capitol walls, broke a bunch of stuff and took home some “souvenirs” .
Nope. Not a one. I can only find one video showing attacks on cops, how did so many supposedly get hurt?

Seriously? You are saying you only found one? Come on dude! Google is your friend!
You are either incredibly biased, or ridiculously stupid.

And I don’t think you're stupid.
Neither. The evidence is out there easily googled. The injuries are real and documented.
You don't argue. You spew party line bullshit. I am a scientist. I require evidence before I make a claim.

All of you claimed Sicnik was killed by a blow to the head.

The medical examiner stipulated there was NO blunt force trauma of any kind and that he died of two rapid succession strokes.


So, who do I believe, idiots on here braying at the moon who have been caught lying....or a legal document filed by a medical expert?
Then use your idiotic logic about the vaccines and how people who get sick after them are obviously getting sick because of them.

Or did you just have a moment of clarity?
You don't argue. You spew party line bullshit. I am a scientist. I require evidence before I make a claim.

All of you claimed Sicnik was killed by a blow to the head.

The medical examiner stipulated there was NO blunt force trauma of any kind and that he died of two rapid succession strokes.


So, who do I believe, idiots on here braying at the moon who have been caught lying....or a legal document filed by a medical expert?
Forget Sicnic for now, there are plenty of others with documented injuries from the riot. Are you going to ignore that?
Forget Sicnic for now, there are plenty of others with documented injuries from the riot. Are you going to ignore that?

Why would I forget a lie? You ALL lied through your teeth. Even AFTER his actual cause of death was released.

You have ZERO credibility.

Remember Coyote, I am an Expert Witness and Officer of the Court.

The standard there is "once a liar, always a liar".

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