Canadian Government Attempting To Muzzle More Than Just Scientists

David Jeffrey Spetch

Senior Member
Nov 17, 2014
Canadian Government Attempting To Muzzle More Than Just Scientists

When have you ever heard the facts I share on the foundations of primary global issues I address which reveal how the public is being abused with lies and deceptions while the media continues to spin the lies and deceptions as a good thing and even deceive the country into supporting them while sympathising for their insanity by not information the public of primary facts to do with the very foundations of the issues I address which reveal government lies and deceptions.

The public deserves the whole story, the bigger picture the hidden side of what is going on here to be able to make a genuinely well informed non bias decision when voting. No they keep feeding you lies and deceptions to support the bias filth consisting within governing parties while making up legislation to try and muzzle people with brains and genuinely care about the well being of the future of current and future generations..

That's what politics is about, the political parties radical interest comes well before the interest of Canadian tax payer both on federal and provincial levels.

Like scientists, the governments have forced through a bunch of rhetoric to allow hundreds of sites to ban me for sharing facts which expose many for the liars and deceivers they prove to be. Our Governing bodies quite obviously pride themselves on lies and deceptions at the tax payers expense.

I empathise with scientists even though I have even bested many of you with the greatest of ease as well.

Go ahead and research me on-line. You will find many places where the bias low life's banned me for besting them on the foundation of each primary issue I address with simple demonstrations of fact. Then once I am banned they slander me when they know I am not able to respond because they like the government are that pathetic and weak the bunch of cowards.

I value Canadian citizens more than I value government lies and deceptions, don't you?

That's the government for you, throw their one sided crap at the public while hiding the rest of the picture to keep them from being exposed as they continue to damage the integrity of Canada as Canada continues to regress in days of now severely.

I can tell you that they are cowards because I have bested the lot of them as they continue to hide from contesting with so much as a shred of validity the facts I share which expose lies and deceptions that they push on the public. A thousand members of Federal and Provincial / Territorial governments annually for 15 years now and they steal credit for some of my work while never attributing my efforts to the public! Bunch of thieves too! I suspect scientists have suffered somewhat similar but no where near as much.

Huffington Post Canada - Canadian News Stories Breaking News Opinion


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

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