Canadian Forces top-heavy with generals as rank and file shrinks


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Canada. A throwback to the 1980s Soviet Union.

Canada’s military has become increasingly top-heavy in recent decades, with the number of rank-and-file soldiers significantly shrinking and the number of generals remaining about the same, new documents reveal.

As of March 31 this year, the regular force had dropped to 65,644 and was commanded by 129 generals and admirals, according to Canadian Forces figures released under the Access to Information law. That is in contrast to statistics from 1991, when the Canadian military’s regular force was 85,977 personnel commanded by 137 general officers.

The documents show that the significant drop in personnel was absorbed by the rank and file.

The number of privates and their naval equivalents in 1991 was 16,677. In 2021, that was 9,263. Corporals and master corporals and their naval equivalents numbered 32,265 in 1991. By 2021 that number dropped to 26,009. The number of sergeants and naval equivalents dropped from 10,211 to 6,804. In 1991, there were 8,625 warrant officers, master warrant officers and chief warrant officers and their naval equivalents. By 2021, that figure dropped to 6,376.
Canada. A throwback to the 1980s Soviet Union.

Canada’s military has become increasingly top-heavy in recent decades, with the number of rank-and-file soldiers significantly shrinking and the number of generals remaining about the same, new documents reveal.

As of March 31 this year, the regular force had dropped to 65,644 and was commanded by 129 generals and admirals, according to Canadian Forces figures released under the Access to Information law. That is in contrast to statistics from 1991, when the Canadian military’s regular force was 85,977 personnel commanded by 137 general officers.

The documents show that the significant drop in personnel was absorbed by the rank and file.

The number of privates and their naval equivalents in 1991 was 16,677. In 2021, that was 9,263. Corporals and master corporals and their naval equivalents numbered 32,265 in 1991. By 2021 that number dropped to 26,009. The number of sergeants and naval equivalents dropped from 10,211 to 6,804. In 1991, there were 8,625 warrant officers, master warrant officers and chief warrant officers and their naval equivalents. By 2021, that figure dropped to 6,376.
Many Canadians are of the opinion that lowering the military ranks is a positive development.
We have no enemies from which to defend and there are none on the horizon.

You've become much to involved with the US model and that's nto a defensive military.

If the US starts a war with China or Russia, we can just relax in our lawn chairs and watch the ballistic missile contrails as they fly by in all directions.

A larger military that concentrates on offense would just invite trouble. Bad enough that the US military already has nuclear subs with nuclear warheads within 15 miles of my home in B.C.
Many Canadians are of the opinion that lowering the military ranks is a positive development.
We have no enemies from which to defend and there are none on the horizon.

You've become much to involved with the US model and that's nto a defensive military.

If the US starts a war with China or Russia, we can just relax in our lawn chairs and watch the ballistic missile contrails as they fly by in all directions.

A larger military that concentrates on offense would just invite trouble. Bad enough that the US military already has nuclear subs with nuclear warheads within 15 miles of my home in B.C.

I've not become too involved in the U.S model. I want a strong, supported Canadian military for a number of reasons and steep salary cuts to the domestic security apparatus, in particular the creepy plain clothed cops.

America represents civil liberties and democratic principles. Canada represents unaccountable abuses of people like myself.
What are the retirement options? In the US armed forces, you can get a nice pension after 20 years, which increases gradually to 30 years, then increases very slowly...they kinda want you out at that point.

But few people resign after ten years. They stay in for the 20-year pension.

I've heard but never confirmed that when a person is promoted to Regular Army General, they do not retire; they are deactivated with full pay.

In my view, there should be a military draft in the U.S., with no deferments. The service obligation should be 30 months with another year on ready reserve. Of course, there should be some have to be able to walk and chew bubble gum at the same time.
Many Canadians are of the opinion that lowering the military ranks is a positive development.
We have no enemies from which to defend and there are none on the horizon.

You've become much to involved with the US model and that's nto a defensive military.

If the US starts a war with China or Russia, we can just relax in our lawn chairs and watch the ballistic missile contrails as they fly by in all directions.

A larger military that concentrates on offense would just invite trouble. Bad enough that the US military already has nuclear subs with nuclear warheads within 15 miles of my home in B.C.
You really are paranoid, duck. The US wouldn't put a nuclear sub anywhere near the Canadian coast or US coast for that matter. Secondly, the Russians are looking for those subs 24/7 and have a very difficult time locating them--and you know exactly where they are--LMAO. You are a moron, duck.
I've not become too involved in the U.S model. I want a strong, supported Canadian military for a number of reasons and steep salary cuts to the domestic security apparatus, in particular the creepy plain clothed cops.

America represents civil liberties and democratic principles. Canada represents unaccountable abuses of people like myself.
The duck figures that you should wait until you are robbed or assaulted to worry about defense. Kind of like closing the barn door after the livestock is gone.
I've not become too involved in the U.S model. I want a strong, supported Canadian military for a number of reasons and steep salary cuts to the domestic security apparatus, in particular the creepy plain clothed cops.

America represents civil liberties and democratic principles. Canada represents unaccountable abuses of people like myself.
Yeah, I'm learning more about you each day. You've got yourself an aching hard-on for the law because you committed some crime that got you punished. Was it sexual molestation of a women?
Yeah, I'm learning more about you each day. You've got yourself an aching hard-on for the law because you committed some crime that got you punished. Was it sexual molestation of a women?
There's that superior canuck education again, eh duck? You write, "Was it sexual molestation of a women?" You might try learning proper English grammar before you post as well. I have hope for Canada knowing that they have fine citizens such as shockedcanadian. It leads me to believe that you are in the minority.
You really are paranoid, duck. The US wouldn't put a nuclear sub anywhere near the Canadian coast or US coast for that matter. Secondly, the Russians are looking for those subs 24/7 and have a very difficult time locating them--and you know exactly where they are--LMAO. You are a moron, duck.

Ignorant lying pissant.
Go quack yourself.

Ignorant lying pissant.
Go quack yourself.
Go back to school duck. Nowhere in that article does it say that any Trident ever entered that space. For crying out loud, it relates to a treaty between the US and Canada in 1965--a full sixteen years before the first Trident was ever put into service. The best you can offer is a statement by a criminal who, according to your article, has been arrested and is in custody. The one other statement is unsubstantiated. The third indicator of your ignorance is your choice of a politically charged leftist source--one of their first writers was Bob Geldof. You are still a moron, duck. Try again.
Yeah, I'm learning more about you each day. You've got yourself an aching hard-on for the law because you committed some crime that got you punished. Was it sexual molestation of a women?

Just like a Canadian to make an incendiary allegation, in the form of a question no less. The old "do you still beat your wife?" tactic.

Are you insinuating that these are the depths of the desperation that the Creepy Ones will go to try and destroy me above and beyond the illegal efforts and lies they have employed since I was a kid? Repeat that for effect, "since I was a f'king kid!" I have been learning about you too and I make my own assessments accordingly.

I have never molested or assaulted a woman. In fact, without sounding arrogant or belittling your disgusting comment, for various reasons, be it principle or otherwise; I have turned down several opportunities and advances that other men would not have.

To put your concerned mind at rest, I have openly emailed politicians and police agencies and invited them to arrest me if I have committed a crime. Not a very smart criminal am I? I offered to take a polygraph and face any allegations that they leveled.

The reasons I have not been taken up on that generous offer is because they know what I know about their lies, misrepresentation and cowardly methods exploited by cowardly agents. Thankfully, there are a few good, honest defenders who I believe have tried to do me right behind the scenes. The angels on my shoulder, so to speak.

What is especially problematic for the Creepy Ones is the duration over which these methods against me have been in play and it has caused immense damage to our reputation, economy and in some instances, the Interests of our allies, especially the U.S. That's the inconvenience with the internet today for police abusers, since Americans would know what I am and it doesn't jive with what some have painted me to be.

Like any good cult, all of their actions in order to defend some of their own abusers, since you raised such the subject.
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Just like a Canadian to make an incendiary allegation, in the form of a question no less. The old "do you still beat your wife?" tactic.

Are you insinuating that these are the depths of the desperation that the Creepy Ones will go to try and destroy me above and beyond the illegal efforts and lies they have employed since I was a kid? Repeat that for effect, "since I was a f'king kid!" I have been learning about you too and I make my own assessments accordingly.

I have never molested or assaulted a woman. In fact, without sounding arrogant or belittling your disgusting comment, for various reasons, be it principle or otherwise; I have turned down several opportunities and advances that other men would not have.

To put your concerned mind at rest, I have openly emailed politicians and police agencies and invited them to arrest me if I have committed a crime. Not a very smart criminal am I? I offered to take a polygraph and face any allegations that they leveled.

The reasons I have not been taken up on that generous offer is because they know what I know about their lies, misrepresentation and cowardly methods exploited by cowardly agents. Thankfully, there are a few good, honest defenders who I believe have tried to do me right behind the scenes. The angels on my shoulder, so to speak.

What is especially problematic for the Creepy Ones is the duration over which these methods against me have been in play and the damage it has caused immense damage to our reputation, economy and in some instances, the Interests of our allies, especially the U.S. That's the inconvenience with the internet today for police abusers, since Americans would know what I am and it doesn't jive with what some have painted me to be.

Like any good cult, all of their actions in ordr to defend some of their own abusers, since you raised such the subject.
I only asked if your crime was sexual molestation of a women? Or a man, whatever?

What is it that the police are accusing you of doing? lies? misrepresentations? cowardly methods?
I'm beginning to think you have a legitimate issue but I can't express any sympathy unless you tell me.

Is your anger justified?
To put your concerned mind at rest, I have openly emailed politicians and police agencies and invited them to arrest me if I have committed a crime. Not a very smart criminal am I? I offered to take a polygraph and face any allegations that they leveled.
Will you tell me why you offered to take a polygraph test? They must have accused you of something or at least hinted that you bear some kind of guilt.

Are you a first nations Canadian?
I only asked if your crime was sexual molestation of a women? Or a man, whatever?

What is it that the police are accusing you of doing? lies? misrepresentations? cowardly methods?
I'm beginning to think you have a legitimate issue but I can't express any sympathy unless you tell me.

Is your anger justified?
I don't recall him asking for sympathy, duck. Unlike you, I'm sure HE knows it is in the dictionary between shit and syphilis. BTW, it is "a woman" "women" is plural. moron
I only asked if your crime was sexual molestation of a women? Or a man, whatever?

What is it that the police are accusing you of doing? lies? misrepresentations? cowardly methods?
I'm beginning to think you have a legitimate issue but I can't express any sympathy unless you tell me.

Is your anger justified?

I tell you nothing more than this, "I don't have a criminal record nor any official allegations or court cases". I was told by a former CIA agent years ago an approach to use, it didn't work as I told him "they are accountable to no one since I don't have any crime I can seek a pardon from".

As an aside, I've been accused and cleared of having a gun in high school. Taken by surprise in class, searched, cleared and held in a room. Two of the people in this room with me oddly enough are both now cops today, both I presumed to be my friend. Coincidence eh? The TPS detective at that time apologized to me, as I believe now, many many years later that he was watching or listening to us as we sat in the room together, they were silent as I told them "who the hell would accuse me of this, I've never had a gun!".

That is one of a few abuses I've experienced. I've done my part to draw them out a few times and exposed them, my methods and confirmation I keep to myself, but they had me detained with my wife at the U.S border. I'm sure the U.S realized how full of shyte Canada was.

We have a common day Stasi mentality in Canada. A former Soviet domestic level of abuse against citizens that used to go unnoticed by other nations. These nations are far more sophisticated and involved in our affairs of the last few years, since all countries need to know how allies and enemies alike operate.

None of it bodes well for Canada.
I tell you nothing more than this, "I don't have a criminal record nor any official allegations or court cases". I was told by a former CIA agent years ago an approach to use, it didn't work as I told him "they are accountable to no one since I don't have any crime I can seek a pardon from".

As an aside, I've been accused and cleared of having a gun in high school. Taken by surprise in class, searched, cleared and held in a room. Two of the people in this room with me oddly enough are both now cops today, both I presumed to be my friend. Coincidence eh? The TPS detective at that time apologized to me, as I believe now, many many years later that he was watching or listening to us as we sat in the room together, they were silent as I told them "who the hell would accuse me of this, I've never had a gun!".

That is one of a few abuses I've experienced. I've done my part to draw them out a few times and exposed them, my methods and confirmation I keep to myself, but they had me detained with my wife at the U.S border. I'm sure the U.S realized how full of shyte Canada was.

We have a common day Stasi mentality in Canada. A former Soviet domestic level of abuse against citizens that used to go unnoticed by other nations. These nations are far more sophisticated and involved in our affairs of the last few years, since all countries need to know how allies and enemies alike operate.

None of it bodes well for Canada.
If you aren't guilty of anything then I can only conclude that you pose a danger to society in the minds of the police. Is that right?
Now tell me what that is? You're still hiding your issue from me for some reason.

Did you take a gun to school?
And I understand that's something you can't tell me here.
Will you tell me why you offered to take a polygraph test? They must have accused you of something or at least hinted that you bear some kind of guilt.

Are you a first nations Canadian?
I offered a polygraph for any UNKNOWN allegation they have made against me. I have pieced together some of what they MIGHT have accused me of as a teen, but I know they are full of shyte so I welcomed it. Other than that situation, I couldn't know nor did I care.

The offer was "lay your cards out and I will answer questions to whatever B.S you are trying to tie to me, whatever it takes for me to be free to move on with my Charter of Right protections which have been denied". On top of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which Canada spits on as well.

They are protecting themselves. I've caused them problems by naming names and their methods inside foreign corporations in Canada. Not a good look when we lecture other countries.
If you aren't guilty of anything then I can only conclude that you pose a danger to society in the minds of the police. Is that right?
Now tell me what that is? You're still hiding your issue from me for some reason.

Did you take a gun to school?
And I understand that's something you can't tell me here.

It is something I can tell you here, I have been emphatic that I have NEVER held a gun in my life.

That allegation caused great damage in my life as an 18 year old my dad was called by our principal who said to my dad, a former military man from a military family, "your son brought a gun to school today".

When I walked through the door my dad accused me and called me a liar when I said I never had one. I told him "if I had a gun, would I be standing here right now? Would the police just let me go home"? He went silent. A couple of months later I was thrown out of my house due to this false allegation. As a kid, I had to live on my own and work part time in high school, while getting marks to enter university.

What the police have done for me for a very long time deserves justice on my behalf. I know what methods they used to rope other agencies into targeting me. I receive further abuses because I know MUCH more about more than one police force. Including some very problematic criminal activity that I heard through the grapevine long after I had moved out of government housing that one of their C.I's was involved in, but for which two other guys took the fall (conveniently).

I'm not talking about a small-time allegation either...
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It is something I can tell you here, I have been emphatic that I have NEVER held a gun in my life.

That allegation caused great damage in my life as an 18 year old my dad was called by our principal who said to my dad, a former military man from a military family, "your son brought a gun to school today".

When I walked through the door my dad accused me and called me a liar when I said I never had one. I told him "if I had a gun, would I be standing here right now? Would the police just let me go home"? He went silent. A couple of months later I was thrown out of my house due to this false allegation. As a kid, I had to live on my own and work part time in high school, while getting marks to enter university.

What the police have done for me for a very long time deserves justice on my behalf. I know what methods they used to rope other agencies into targeting me. I receive further abuses because I know MUCH more about more than one police force. Including some very problematic criminal activity that I heard through the grapevine long after I had moved out of government housing that one of their C.I's was involved in, but for which two other guys took the fall (conveniently).

I'm not talking about a small-time allegation either...
I don't think this is a matter we can discuss here but I would recommend you get help to deal with your problem. I'll just say that it would be better for you to try to work out your differences with the parties you feel have treated you wrongly.

However, if you wish to contact me privately to discuss the matters more fully, please do and I will be happy to listen.

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