Canada's Disgrace?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

In recent times, we are all shocked to learn that the Canadian government, over a period of about a hundred years, removed children from indigenous peoples' homes - sometimes forcibly - and placed them in residential facilities primarily run by the Catholic Church. In these institutions they were taught to speak, read and write English, and other customary academic subjects, as well as - presumably - learned Catholic doctrine and practice. And as the numbers would dictate for this number of children and for this amount of time, some were abused, exploited, and subjected to who-knows-what. (Which they also would have been at home, although no one would admit that).

And we all thought Canadians were nice people.

But why would the Canadian government, a subject of the English crown no less, do such a thing, as a matter of government policy?

It is not difficult to understand. They wanted these children to get a good education, become fully assimilated into Canadian life, and to lead long, healthy, productive lives in a fully-integrated Canadian society. What better way to do this than to place them in a loving, caring, respectful environment, facilitated by the Catholic Church - the only institution with the size and scope to accomplish the mission.

The current outrage about a few hundred unmarked graves is chicken shit. Out of 150,000 children, thousands would certainly die of various diseases and accidents, and under the circumstances some of them would have come from families that the Authorities could not locate, thus they were buried in unmarked graves. So what? The comparison of deaths with childhood deaths in the general Canadian population is B.S.; the appropriate comparison would be with children in indigenous populations, and one suspects that the institutionalized kids were better off, health wise, than those living in the primitive encampments from which they were taken.

It is a Leftist conceit that all cultures are equal, none better than any other, but this is preposterous and demonstrably false. These children were taken from hunter-gatherer cultures where disease, malnutrition, extreme poverty, and alcoholism were endemic, and where the average life expectancy was in the 40's, so placing them in an "institution" was, in most respects, a step up in the world. The institutionalized ones would reach 18 years old literate, healthy, and reasonably educated - able to be gainfully employed in any number of venues, when compared with those who remained in indigenous society, who were...none of the above at age 18.

Aside from the personal heartache, the 19th and 20th century Canadian officials who devised and continued this program were doing a Good Thing, for which the Left is - as usual - rewriting history to excoriate posthumously those with whom they disagree philosophically. Shame on their pantywaist Prime Minister for lacking the balls to defend his predecessors. And no credit to the Catholic Church which never even attempts to bring rational rebuttals when confronted by the anecdotal slanders. No doubt there were HUNDREDS of Catholic priests, nuns, and brothers who dedicated their adult lives to educating and caring for these indigenous yoots, and yet there is no one alive who is willing to speak for them.

In recent times, we are all shocked to learn that the Canadian government, over a period of about a hundred years, removed children from indigenous peoples' homes - sometimes forcibly - and placed them in residential facilities primarily run by the Catholic Church. In these institutions they were taught to speak, read and write English, and other customary academic subjects, as well as - presumably - learned Catholic doctrine and practice. And as the numbers would dictate for this number of children and for this amount of time, some were abused, exploited, and subjected to who-knows-what. (Which they also would have been at home, although no one would admit that).

And we all thought Canadians were nice people.

But why would the Canadian government, a subject of the English crown no less, do such a thing, as a matter of government policy?

It is not difficult to understand. They wanted these children to get a good education, become fully assimilated into Canadian life, and to lead long, healthy, productive lives in a fully-integrated Canadian society. What better way to do this than to place them in a loving, caring, respectful environment, facilitated by the Catholic Church - the only institution with the size and scope to accomplish the mission.

The current outrage about a few hundred unmarked graves is chicken shit. Out of 150,000 children, thousands would certainly die of various diseases and accidents, and under the circumstances some of them would have come from families that the Authorities could not locate, thus they were buried in unmarked graves. So what? The comparison of deaths with childhood deaths in the general Canadian population is B.S.; the appropriate comparison would be with children in indigenous populations, and one suspects that the institutionalized kids were better off, health wise, than those living in the primitive encampments from which they were taken.

It is a Leftist conceit that all cultures are equal, none better than any other, but this is preposterous and demonstrably false. These children were taken from hunter-gatherer cultures where disease, malnutrition, extreme poverty, and alcoholism were endemic, and where the average life expectancy was in the 40's, so placing them in an "institution" was, in most respects, a step up in the world. The institutionalized ones would reach 18 years old literate, healthy, and reasonably educated - able to be gainfully employed in any number of venues, when compared with those who remained in indigenous society, who were...none of the above at age 18.

Aside from the personal heartache, the 19th and 20th century Canadian officials who devised and continued this program were doing a Good Thing, for which the Left is - as usual - rewriting history to excoriate posthumously those with whom they disagree philosophically. Shame on their pantywaist Prime Minister for lacking the balls to defend his predecessors. And no credit to the Catholic Church which never even attempts to bring rational rebuttals when confronted by the anecdotal slanders. No doubt there were HUNDREDS of Catholic priests, nuns, and brothers who dedicated their adult lives to educating and caring for these indigenous yoots, and yet there is no one alive who is willing to speak for them.

751 MORE graves are found, the vast majority of which were children, and your logic is "Canada was doing a good thing"?

I'm sure the Native Canadians are telling Canada "don't do me any favours pal". Kids stripped from the arms of their mothers and left to die in some random, unmarked grave. That is not progress. There are right ways and wrong ways to find common ground among citizens, and the problem with Canada is that this false belief that the centralized government and it's tenacles knows what is best for individuals is well and alive today. Your rights and dignity have no value in Canada and we are going to lose on the global stage.

These graves, and there will be many more, a reminder of who Canada was, even as I remind allies, organizations and global citizens what Canada IS. The covert Toronto Police, OPP and RCMP have proven to be a National Security (among others). Keeping out economy and society in the Stone Ages, a place for Americans and Europeans to avoid and for talented Canadians to willingly and wisely leave. It's why our foreign investment has tanked.

It's also why I have a new found respect for agencies such as CSIS, I realize they are fighting an uphill battle to save our nation against self serving police patsies and covert traitors, who are far too often in authority, decimating our reputation. They have too little support, as Canada is clearly in sharp decline.

I sure hope some other benevolent culture will doesn't come to Canadas shores to "educate and "save us" in the same manner the Native Canadians. They would be wise to start with the agencies and the backers who have most hurt our country...
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These children were put in institutions - some of them forcibly. Think about that. Most of them...NOT forcibly.

So say they find a thousand bodies of kids who died in unmarked graves. The Leftist bastards are already calling these kids "murder victims." On what basis?

Of that 150k kids no doubt several thousand died while in this program. They got sick. They were in accidents. They had congenital birth defects. They died in unmarked graves because their parents could not be identified or found. If those very same kids had remained at home, how many would have died? Probably more, given the prevailing living conditions.

Would these indigenous kids have been better off being educated and nurtured by the Church, or at home? Your answer says more about you than it does about the program.

Leftists are evil.
These children were put in institutions - some of them forcibly. Think about that. Most of them...NOT forcibly.

So say they find a thousand bodies of kids who died in unmarked graves. The Leftist bastards are already calling these kids "murder victims." On what basis?

Of that 150k kids no doubt several thousand died while in this program. They got sick. They were in accidents. They had congenital birth defects. They died in unmarked graves because their parents could not be identified or found. If those very same kids had remained at home, how many would have died? Probably more, given the prevailing living conditions.

Would these indigenous kids have been better off being educated and nurtured by the Church, or at home? Your answer says more about you than it does about the program.

Leftists are evil.

It wasn't a left or right issue, it was a systemic forced kidnapping and encampment of indigenous children in Canada. Not unlike what some are accusing Communists of doing today.

When our nation (Canada) has such a low starting point in regards to basic human rights, dignity, individual liberty and the exploitation of children, there is no wonder why we are are still many decades behind the rest of the West. The policing in Canada represent some of the worst National Security threats in a globally competitive world.

I get the feeling you don't appreciate the history of Canadian Residential School system. As such, there is no need to discuss this further.
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These children were put in institutions - some of them forcibly. Think about that. Most of them...NOT forcibly.

So say they find a thousand bodies of kids who died in unmarked graves. The Leftist bastards are already calling these kids "murder victims." On what basis?

Of that 150k kids no doubt several thousand died while in this program. They got sick. They were in accidents. They had congenital birth defects. They died in unmarked graves because their parents could not be identified or found. If those very same kids had remained at home, how many would have died? Probably more, given the prevailing living conditions.

Would these indigenous kids have been better off being educated and nurtured by the Church, or at home? Your answer says more about you than it does about the program.

Leftists are evil.
They had congenital birth defects. They died in unmarked graves because their parents could not be identified or found.
- either of those lines were reasons to bury them in unmarked graves ... they did not have the temerity to even mark the cemetery - a single cross. your reasons for why they were there in the first place reeks of impropriety.

The Florida School for Boys, also known as the Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys (AGDS), was a reform school operated by the state of Florida in the panhandle town of Marianna from January 1, 1900, to June 30, 2011.[1][2] A second campus was opened in the town of Okeechobee in 1955. For a time, it was the largest juvenile reform institution in the United States.[3]

Throughout its 111-year history, the school gained a reputation for abuse, beatings, rapes, torture, and even murder of students by staff. Despite periodic investigations, changes of leadership, and promises to improve, the allegations of cruelty and abuse continued.

history is replete with the same occurrences world wide and most by fundamental religious institutions.
loving, caring, respectful environment, facilitated by the Catholic Church
Maybe that was the problem. We all know what loving and caring for kids means when it comes to the Catholic church...
That's just like you to define the rule by exception, TN.

I've come to expect that from you.
That's just like you to define the rule by exception, TN.
what exception -

Since the Boston Globe’s spotlight team ran more than 600 stories, in 2002, revealing that the Catholic Church had buried thousands of children’s sexual-abuse allegations against hundreds of priests, child molestation within the Church has become a major ongoing scandal. However, per a new bombshell investigation in BuzzFeed News, there exists another accusation of systemic abuse against the Church, one that is equally dark but less-known.

For decades now, countless adults who moved through the American orphanage system have been trying to speak out about the gut-wrenching conditions they endured in the now-defunct traditional system. Among other horrifying claims, they say that nuns regularly forced children to eat their own vomit, dangled them upside down out windows, and even murdered minors in their care by pushing them out of windows or leaving them to drown. To this day, though, the allegations have not fully come under the national spotlight.

christians simply deny their role, uninterrupted since the 4th century of being at the forefront of persecution and victimization of the innocent as the o p demonstrates pleading a case of innocents no one other than those congregations could possibly take seriously - the masked indignation for their own guilt.

as the same for the other desert religions. will clarity for their cause ever be revealed. what is their purpose.
loving, caring, respectful environment, facilitated by the Catholic Church
Maybe that was the problem. We all know what loving and caring for kids means when it comes to the Catholic church...
That's just like you to define the rule by exception, TN.

I've come to expect that from you.
That's just like you to define the rule by exception, TN.
what exception -

Since the Boston Globe’s spotlight team ran more than 600 stories, in 2002, revealing that the Catholic Church had buried thousands of children’s sexual-abuse allegations against hundreds of priests, child molestation within the Church has become a major ongoing scandal. However, per a new bombshell investigation in BuzzFeed News, there exists another accusation of systemic abuse against the Church, one that is equally dark but less-known.

For decades now, countless adults who moved through the American orphanage system have been trying to speak out about the gut-wrenching conditions they endured in the now-defunct traditional system. Among other horrifying claims, they say that nuns regularly forced children to eat their own vomit, dangled them upside down out windows, and even murdered minors in their care by pushing them out of windows or leaving them to drown. To this day, though, the allegations have not fully come under the national spotlight.

christians simply deny their role, uninterrupted since the 4th century of being at the forefront of persecution and victimization of the innocent as the o p demonstrates pleading a case of innocents no one other than those congregations could possibly take seriously - the masked indignation for their own guilt.

as the same for the other desert religions. will clarity for their cause ever be revealed. what is their purpose.
Of course you and TN see it as the rule. It doesn't surprise me one bit.
loving, caring, respectful environment, facilitated by the Catholic Church
Maybe that was the problem. We all know what loving and caring for kids means when it comes to the Catholic church...
That's just like you to define the rule by exception, TN.

I've come to expect that from you.
That's just like you to define the rule by exception, TN.
what exception -

Since the Boston Globe’s spotlight team ran more than 600 stories, in 2002, revealing that the Catholic Church had buried thousands of children’s sexual-abuse allegations against hundreds of priests, child molestation within the Church has become a major ongoing scandal. However, per a new bombshell investigation in BuzzFeed News, there exists another accusation of systemic abuse against the Church, one that is equally dark but less-known.

For decades now, countless adults who moved through the American orphanage system have been trying to speak out about the gut-wrenching conditions they endured in the now-defunct traditional system. Among other horrifying claims, they say that nuns regularly forced children to eat their own vomit, dangled them upside down out windows, and even murdered minors in their care by pushing them out of windows or leaving them to drown. To this day, though, the allegations have not fully come under the national spotlight.

christians simply deny their role, uninterrupted since the 4th century of being at the forefront of persecution and victimization of the innocent as the o p demonstrates pleading a case of innocents no one other than those congregations could possibly take seriously - the masked indignation for their own guilt.

as the same for the other desert religions. will clarity for their cause ever be revealed. what is their purpose.
Of course you and TN see it as the rule. It doesn't surprise me one bit.
Of course you and TN see it as the rule. It doesn't surprise me one bit.
nor the bleeding heart o p ...

their mode of convenience ...
It is a Leftist conceit that all cultures are equal, none better than any other, but this is preposterous and demonstrably false. These children were taken from hunter-gatherer cultures where disease, malnutrition, extreme poverty, and alcoholism were endemic, and where the average life expectancy was in the 40's, so placing them in an "institution" was, in most respects, a step up in the world.
of course, now they have their heads high and dry ... they did them a favor, who needs a marked grave anyway.
loving, caring, respectful environment, facilitated by the Catholic Church
Maybe that was the problem. We all know what loving and caring for kids means when it comes to the Catholic church...
That's just like you to define the rule by exception, TN.

I've come to expect that from you.
That's just like you to define the rule by exception, TN.
what exception -

Since the Boston Globe’s spotlight team ran more than 600 stories, in 2002, revealing that the Catholic Church had buried thousands of children’s sexual-abuse allegations against hundreds of priests, child molestation within the Church has become a major ongoing scandal. However, per a new bombshell investigation in BuzzFeed News, there exists another accusation of systemic abuse against the Church, one that is equally dark but less-known.

For decades now, countless adults who moved through the American orphanage system have been trying to speak out about the gut-wrenching conditions they endured in the now-defunct traditional system. Among other horrifying claims, they say that nuns regularly forced children to eat their own vomit, dangled them upside down out windows, and even murdered minors in their care by pushing them out of windows or leaving them to drown. To this day, though, the allegations have not fully come under the national spotlight.

christians simply deny their role, uninterrupted since the 4th century of being at the forefront of persecution and victimization of the innocent as the o p demonstrates pleading a case of innocents no one other than those congregations could possibly take seriously - the masked indignation for their own guilt.

as the same for the other desert religions. will clarity for their cause ever be revealed. what is their purpose.
Of course you and TN see it as the rule. It doesn't surprise me one bit.
Of course you and TN see it as the rule. It doesn't surprise me one bit.
nor the bleeding heart o p ...
View attachment 505629
their mode of convenience ...
It is a Leftist conceit that all cultures are equal, none better than any other, but this is preposterous and demonstrably false. These children were taken from hunter-gatherer cultures where disease, malnutrition, extreme poverty, and alcoholism were endemic, and where the average life expectancy was in the 40's, so placing them in an "institution" was, in most respects, a step up in the world.
of course, now they have their heads high and dry ... they did them a favor, who needs a marked grave anyway.
I'm not surprised you see it that way either.

In recent times, we are all shocked to learn that the Canadian government, over a period of about a hundred years, removed children from indigenous peoples' homes - sometimes forcibly - and placed them in residential facilities primarily run by the Catholic Church. In these institutions they were taught to speak, read and write English, and other customary academic subjects, as well as - presumably - learned Catholic doctrine and practice. And as the numbers would dictate for this number of children and for this amount of time, some were abused, exploited, and subjected to who-knows-what. (Which they also would have been at home, although no one would admit that).

And we all thought Canadians were nice people.

But why would the Canadian government, a subject of the English crown no less, do such a thing, as a matter of government policy?

It is not difficult to understand. They wanted these children to get a good education, become fully assimilated into Canadian life, and to lead long, healthy, productive lives in a fully-integrated Canadian society. What better way to do this than to place them in a loving, caring, respectful environment, facilitated by the Catholic Church - the only institution with the size and scope to accomplish the mission.

The current outrage about a few hundred unmarked graves is chicken shit. Out of 150,000 children, thousands would certainly die of various diseases and accidents, and under the circumstances some of them would have come from families that the Authorities could not locate, thus they were buried in unmarked graves. So what? The comparison of deaths with childhood deaths in the general Canadian population is B.S.; the appropriate comparison would be with children in indigenous populations, and one suspects that the institutionalized kids were better off, health wise, than those living in the primitive encampments from which they were taken.

It is a Leftist conceit that all cultures are equal, none better than any other, but this is preposterous and demonstrably false. These children were taken from hunter-gatherer cultures where disease, malnutrition, extreme poverty, and alcoholism were endemic, and where the average life expectancy was in the 40's, so placing them in an "institution" was, in most respects, a step up in the world. The institutionalized ones would reach 18 years old literate, healthy, and reasonably educated - able to be gainfully employed in any number of venues, when compared with those who remained in indigenous society, who were...none of the above at age 18.

Aside from the personal heartache, the 19th and 20th century Canadian officials who devised and continued this program were doing a Good Thing, for which the Left is - as usual - rewriting history to excoriate posthumously those with whom they disagree philosophically. Shame on their pantywaist Prime Minister for lacking the balls to defend his predecessors. And no credit to the Catholic Church which never even attempts to bring rational rebuttals when confronted by the anecdotal slanders. No doubt there were HUNDREDS of Catholic priests, nuns, and brothers who dedicated their adult lives to educating and caring for these indigenous yoots, and yet there is no one alive who is willing to speak for them.
That is one of the most scumbag, inhuman, democrat bullshit seen here in a while. What kind of soulless piece of shit would say something like that? Don't bother trying to look in a mirror. You won't see anything.

In recent times, we are all shocked to learn that the Canadian government, over a period of about a hundred years, removed children from indigenous peoples' homes - sometimes forcibly - and placed them in residential facilities primarily run by the Catholic Church. In these institutions they were taught to speak, read and write English, and other customary academic subjects, as well as - presumably - learned Catholic doctrine and practice. And as the numbers would dictate for this number of children and for this amount of time, some were abused, exploited, and subjected to who-knows-what. (Which they also would have been at home, although no one would admit that).

And we all thought Canadians were nice people.

But why would the Canadian government, a subject of the English crown no less, do such a thing, as a matter of government policy?

It is not difficult to understand. They wanted these children to get a good education, become fully assimilated into Canadian life, and to lead long, healthy, productive lives in a fully-integrated Canadian society. What better way to do this than to place them in a loving, caring, respectful environment, facilitated by the Catholic Church - the only institution with the size and scope to accomplish the mission.

The current outrage about a few hundred unmarked graves is chicken shit. Out of 150,000 children, thousands would certainly die of various diseases and accidents, and under the circumstances some of them would have come from families that the Authorities could not locate, thus they were buried in unmarked graves. So what? The comparison of deaths with childhood deaths in the general Canadian population is B.S.; the appropriate comparison would be with children in indigenous populations, and one suspects that the institutionalized kids were better off, health wise, than those living in the primitive encampments from which they were taken.

It is a Leftist conceit that all cultures are equal, none better than any other, but this is preposterous and demonstrably false. These children were taken from hunter-gatherer cultures where disease, malnutrition, extreme poverty, and alcoholism were endemic, and where the average life expectancy was in the 40's, so placing them in an "institution" was, in most respects, a step up in the world. The institutionalized ones would reach 18 years old literate, healthy, and reasonably educated - able to be gainfully employed in any number of venues, when compared with those who remained in indigenous society, who were...none of the above at age 18.

Aside from the personal heartache, the 19th and 20th century Canadian officials who devised and continued this program were doing a Good Thing, for which the Left is - as usual - rewriting history to excoriate posthumously those with whom they disagree philosophically. Shame on their pantywaist Prime Minister for lacking the balls to defend his predecessors. And no credit to the Catholic Church which never even attempts to bring rational rebuttals when confronted by the anecdotal slanders. No doubt there were HUNDREDS of Catholic priests, nuns, and brothers who dedicated their adult lives to educating and caring for these indigenous yoots, and yet there is no one alive who is willing to speak for them.

The left haven't weighed in on it at all.
You can't blame the PM for what happened and I'll bet it was a religious institution which did it. They always do.
Basically those kids were being groomed to be servants for wealthy religious people. It's not new.
loving, caring, respectful environment, facilitated by the Catholic Church
Maybe that was the problem. We all know what loving and caring for kids means when it comes to the Catholic church...
That's just like you to define the rule by exception, TN.

I've come to expect that from you.
Thousands of claims against them EVERY YEAR. Be their lackey. IDC :dunno:
Aaaaaaaand its not even the fact a disgustingly high percentage of priests are kid fuckers, the church actually tries to cover it up.

In recent times, we are all shocked to learn that the Canadian government, over a period of about a hundred years, removed children from indigenous peoples' homes - sometimes forcibly - and placed them in residential facilities primarily run by the Catholic Church. In these institutions they were taught to speak, read and write English, and other customary academic subjects, as well as - presumably - learned Catholic doctrine and practice. And as the numbers would dictate for this number of children and for this amount of time, some were abused, exploited, and subjected to who-knows-what. (Which they also would have been at home, although no one would admit that).

And we all thought Canadians were nice people.

But why would the Canadian government, a subject of the English crown no less, do such a thing, as a matter of government policy?

It is not difficult to understand. They wanted these children to get a good education, become fully assimilated into Canadian life, and to lead long, healthy, productive lives in a fully-integrated Canadian society. What better way to do this than to place them in a loving, caring, respectful environment, facilitated by the Catholic Church - the only institution with the size and scope to accomplish the mission.

The current outrage about a few hundred unmarked graves is chicken shit. Out of 150,000 children, thousands would certainly die of various diseases and accidents, and under the circumstances some of them would have come from families that the Authorities could not locate, thus they were buried in unmarked graves. So what? The comparison of deaths with childhood deaths in the general Canadian population is B.S.; the appropriate comparison would be with children in indigenous populations, and one suspects that the institutionalized kids were better off, health wise, than those living in the primitive encampments from which they were taken.

It is a Leftist conceit that all cultures are equal, none better than any other, but this is preposterous and demonstrably false. These children were taken from hunter-gatherer cultures where disease, malnutrition, extreme poverty, and alcoholism were endemic, and where the average life expectancy was in the 40's, so placing them in an "institution" was, in most respects, a step up in the world. The institutionalized ones would reach 18 years old literate, healthy, and reasonably educated - able to be gainfully employed in any number of venues, when compared with those who remained in indigenous society, who were...none of the above at age 18.

Aside from the personal heartache, the 19th and 20th century Canadian officials who devised and continued this program were doing a Good Thing, for which the Left is - as usual - rewriting history to excoriate posthumously those with whom they disagree philosophically. Shame on their pantywaist Prime Minister for lacking the balls to defend his predecessors. And no credit to the Catholic Church which never even attempts to bring rational rebuttals when confronted by the anecdotal slanders. No doubt there were HUNDREDS of Catholic priests, nuns, and brothers who dedicated their adult lives to educating and caring for these indigenous yoots, and yet there is no one alive who is willing to speak for them.
They were trying to assimilate the Indians, which I guess was better than giving them Anthrax blankets, like we did, lol.
loving, caring, respectful environment, facilitated by the Catholic Church
Maybe that was the problem. We all know what loving and caring for kids means when it comes to the Catholic church...
That's just like you to define the rule by exception, TN.

I've come to expect that from you.
Thousands of claims against them EVERY YEAR. Be their lackey. IDC :dunno:
Thousands of claims against them every year? Gee that makes it sounds like the problem is going on still today, right? So... can you prove that?

loving, caring, respectful environment, facilitated by the Catholic Church
Maybe that was the problem. We all know what loving and caring for kids means when it comes to the Catholic church...
That's just like you to define the rule by exception, TN.

I've come to expect that from you.
Thousands of claims against them EVERY YEAR. Be their lackey. IDC :dunno:
Thousands of claims against them every year? Gee that makes it sounds like the problem is going on still today, right? So... can you prove that?

From YOUR link
In July 2020, the U.S. Roman Catholic bishops said that 4,434 sex abuse allegations against clergy were filed in the 2018-19 audit year, triple the number seen the previous year, with much of the increase stemming from a wave of lawsuits and claims by survivors of decades-old molestation.
Many more recent claims outlined in your link. You should try reading it.
This is fucking Sad
A document obtained by The Associated Press shows Pope Benedict XVI laicized nearly 400 priests over just two years for sexually molesting children.[102]
These poor children get thrown in the church by their parents, just to get fucked by their priest :(
Aaaaaaaand its not even the fact a disgustingly high percentage of priests are kid fuckers, the church actually tries to cover it up.
Educate yourself, dupe.

Look at this shit
On 6 March 2020, a joint investigation conducted by Propublica and the Houston Chronicle was published which revealed that the Catholic Church transferred more than 50 credibly accused U.S. Catholic clergy to other countries after sex abuse accusations surfaced against them.[128]
Your link talks of many more cover ups. Thanks for posting that BTW

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