Can Zionism be compared to Nazism?

Well, of course Zionism can be compared to Naziism.

I can't think of a better way for anybody to display that they are both retarded and hateful.
As I am sure you know... I am NOT a holocaust denier nor supporter of ISIS/Hamas or any other terrorist organisation!

Unfortunately, history does prove that Hitler was pretty instrumental in the creation of the State of Israel.

Funny, considering 'Palestinian' leaders at the time supported him....

As did the Zionist leaders

Here's an interesting read, if you are interested. 51 Documents Lenni Brenner 9781569804339 Books

"With the Nazi era being one of the most discussed periods in history, there are still many people who are unaware of collaboration between Zionism and the fascist regimes of Hitler and Mussolini. Now in paperback and featuring an updated article on the ''Iron Wall'' by Vladimir Jabotinsky, 51 Documents brings to light the immense disservice the Zionists did to many other Jews during this period."

"...We find German Zionists seeing National Socialism as a kindred ideology to their own. We find SS officers visiting Palestine at the invitation of mainstream Zionist organisations in order to help facilitate Jewish emigration to Palestine, including Adolf Eichmann who would record his admiration for Zionist politics. We find the SS producing a commemorative medal with the Zionist star on one side and the SS insignia on the other. We find a Zionist agent in the pay of the Gestapo with the full knowledge and approval of his superiors as he betrays anti-Nazis..."

We find a pack of lies written by a NAZI JEW HATER and posted as gospel by an ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDIST

So, no rational response to offer, just the usual invective from Phoney, who is clearly off his meds again, hey ho. Next?

Very rational, in fact more rational than your constant claims of hasbara when the truth about Islamic violence is posted.
Less than 5% of the worlds Jewish population

Like this perhaps

How many members does the anti-Zionism organization of Jews in America have - Quora

[T]here is an extremely fringe group numbering (and this is my educated estimation) between 50 and 150 "Ultra Orthodox" individuals who belong to groups like Neturei Karta (for an image see Omer Zach's answer). They are the ones that tend to be loud and radical in their opposition, and due to the "man bites dog" nature of any news story showing very religious Jews opposing the Jewish state and siding with the Palestinian cause, make quite a stir.

...and you think the ADL is an unbiased source? Please! :cuckoo:

So you did not bother reading past the first reply, I think this reply sums it up very well

Very few. 150 (max) demonstators in the whole US. Maybe 10 times that exist to breed and support the others.
Ever hear of the black members of the KKK? They outnumber these folks.

That puts the figure at 1500 to breed and 150 to be loud and aggressive in the USA, So less than 1% it seems at the end of the day.
Funny, considering 'Palestinian' leaders at the time supported him....

As did the Zionist leaders

Here's an interesting read, if you are interested. 51 Documents Lenni Brenner 9781569804339 Books

"With the Nazi era being one of the most discussed periods in history, there are still many people who are unaware of collaboration between Zionism and the fascist regimes of Hitler and Mussolini. Now in paperback and featuring an updated article on the ''Iron Wall'' by Vladimir Jabotinsky, 51 Documents brings to light the immense disservice the Zionists did to many other Jews during this period."

"...We find German Zionists seeing National Socialism as a kindred ideology to their own. We find SS officers visiting Palestine at the invitation of mainstream Zionist organisations in order to help facilitate Jewish emigration to Palestine, including Adolf Eichmann who would record his admiration for Zionist politics. We find the SS producing a commemorative medal with the Zionist star on one side and the SS insignia on the other. We find a Zionist agent in the pay of the Gestapo with the full knowledge and approval of his superiors as he betrays anti-Nazis..."

We find a pack of lies written by a NAZI JEW HATER and posted as gospel by an ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDIST

So, no rational response to offer, just the usual invective from Phoney, who is clearly off his meds again, hey ho. Next?

Very rational, in fact more rational than your constant claims of hasbara when the truth about Islamic violence is posted.

....says the rabid Hasbarat.
Less than 5% of the worlds Jewish population

Like this perhaps

How many members does the anti-Zionism organization of Jews in America have - Quora

[T]here is an extremely fringe group numbering (and this is my educated estimation) between 50 and 150 "Ultra Orthodox" individuals who belong to groups like Neturei Karta (for an image see Omer Zach's answer). They are the ones that tend to be loud and radical in their opposition, and due to the "man bites dog" nature of any news story showing very religious Jews opposing the Jewish state and siding with the Palestinian cause, make quite a stir.

...and you think the ADL is an unbiased source? Please! :cuckoo:

So you did not bother reading past the first reply, I think this reply sums it up very well

Very few. 150 (max) demonstators in the whole US. Maybe 10 times that exist to breed and support the others.
Ever hear of the black members of the KKK? They outnumber these folks.

That puts the figure at 1500 to breed and 150 to be loud and aggressive in the USA, So less than 1% it seems at the end of the day.

Unsubstantiated opinions from anonnymous "Quora Users" can be ignored, at least the first one cited a source.
Maybe you should and produce the evidence of these alleged facts being true

No Phoney... Not my article and the author provided a lot of links to back up his findings... Something that you could learn from!

If you challenge these facts then, rather than SHOUTING BS all the time, back them up with links... Because when you don't you just sound like a liar!

Stealing land that has never once been proven

The occupied territories are, well, stolen aren't they. Thats what makes them occupied, as recognised by the whole of the international community.

Where is the concentration camp in gaza as the Palestinians are free to leave at any time.

I think you will find that Gaza is pretty much recognised as an open air prison and freedom of movement is not exactly as easy as you suggest.

I did but then you screeched your usual hasbara call.
But the links provided in the report are not non partisan and all support the authors POV.

No they are not stolen, unless you want to class the forcible eviction of 1 million Jews from their homes and property in 1948/1949 as land theft. The land was occupied in 1967 as a result of a war instigated by the arab muslims, which they lost and ended up having Jewish troops on their borders. The land was Jewish before the nakba and will remain Jewish until the sun goes out. There are also treaties in place with the Palestinians that grant the Jews the right to build settlements in the west bank. The whole of the International community recognise the right of Israel to occupy the west bank for matters of defence and have not once officially stated any policy on the occupation.

If gaza is an open air prison then it is so because of hamas and not Israel. It is hamas that closes the only crossing out of gaza, it is hamas that stops Palestinians from moving about freely, it is hamas that rules with an iron fist. According to hamas officials gaza is not occupied and has not been since August 2005 so Israel exerts no control over the day to day affairs inside gaza. What it does control is the entry of weapons and the means to make weapons, so that hamas terrorists cant mass murder Israeli children.
As did the Zionist leaders

Here's an interesting read, if you are interested. 51 Documents Lenni Brenner 9781569804339 Books

"With the Nazi era being one of the most discussed periods in history, there are still many people who are unaware of collaboration between Zionism and the fascist regimes of Hitler and Mussolini. Now in paperback and featuring an updated article on the ''Iron Wall'' by Vladimir Jabotinsky, 51 Documents brings to light the immense disservice the Zionists did to many other Jews during this period."

"...We find German Zionists seeing National Socialism as a kindred ideology to their own. We find SS officers visiting Palestine at the invitation of mainstream Zionist organisations in order to help facilitate Jewish emigration to Palestine, including Adolf Eichmann who would record his admiration for Zionist politics. We find the SS producing a commemorative medal with the Zionist star on one side and the SS insignia on the other. We find a Zionist agent in the pay of the Gestapo with the full knowledge and approval of his superiors as he betrays anti-Nazis..."

We find a pack of lies written by a NAZI JEW HATER and posted as gospel by an ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDIST

So, no rational response to offer, just the usual invective from Phoney, who is clearly off his meds again, hey ho. Next?

Very rational, in fact more rational than your constant claims of hasbara when the truth about Islamic violence is posted.

....says the rabid Hasbarat.

Coming from an ISLAMONAZO PROPAGANDIST STOOGE this is rich..............
Less than 5% of the worlds Jewish population

Like this perhaps

How many members does the anti-Zionism organization of Jews in America have - Quora

[T]here is an extremely fringe group numbering (and this is my educated estimation) between 50 and 150 "Ultra Orthodox" individuals who belong to groups like Neturei Karta (for an image see Omer Zach's answer). They are the ones that tend to be loud and radical in their opposition, and due to the "man bites dog" nature of any news story showing very religious Jews opposing the Jewish state and siding with the Palestinian cause, make quite a stir.

...and you think the ADL is an unbiased source? Please! :cuckoo:

So you did not bother reading past the first reply, I think this reply sums it up very well

Very few. 150 (max) demonstators in the whole US. Maybe 10 times that exist to breed and support the others.
Ever hear of the black members of the KKK? They outnumber these folks.

That puts the figure at 1500 to breed and 150 to be loud and aggressive in the USA, So less than 1% it seems at the end of the day.

Unsubstantiated opinions from anonnymous "Quora Users" can be ignored, at least the first one cited a source.

So unsubstantiated opinions from a NAZI JEW HATER can also be ignored, as can the unsubstantiated opinions of ISLAMONAZI STOOGES.
Maybe you should and produce the evidence of these alleged facts being true

No Phoney... Not my article and the author provided a lot of links to back up his findings... Something that you could learn from!

If you challenge these facts then, rather than SHOUTING BS all the time, back them up with links... Because when you don't you just sound like a liar!

Stealing land that has never once been proven

The occupied territories are, well, stolen aren't they. Thats what makes them occupied, as recognised by the whole of the international community.

Where is the concentration camp in gaza as the Palestinians are free to leave at any time.

I think you will find that Gaza is pretty much recognised as an open air prison and freedom of movement is not exactly as easy as you suggest.

I did but then you screeched your usual hasbara call.
But the links provided in the report are not non partisan and all support the authors POV.

No they are not stolen, unless you want to class the forcible eviction of 1 million Jews from their homes and property in 1948/1949 as land theft. The land was occupied in 1967 as a result of a war instigated by the arab muslims, which they lost and ended up having Jewish troops on their borders. The land was Jewish before the nakba and will remain Jewish until the sun goes out. There are also treaties in place with the Palestinians that grant the Jews the right to build settlements in the west bank. The whole of the International community recognise the right of Israel to occupy the west bank for matters of defence and have not once officially stated any policy on the occupation.

If gaza is an open air prison then it is so because of hamas and not Israel. It is hamas that closes the only crossing out of gaza, it is hamas that stops Palestinians from moving about freely, it is hamas that rules with an iron fist. According to hamas officials gaza is not occupied and has not been since August 2005 so Israel exerts no control over the day to day affairs inside gaza. What it does control is the entry of weapons and the means to make weapons, so that hamas terrorists cant mass murder Israeli children.

So Phoney....

1) Occupied land, as recognised by the international community, equals stolen land.

There are also treaties in place with the Palestinians that grant the Jews the right to build settlements in the west bank.


The whole of the International community recognise the right of Israel to occupy the west bank for matters of defence and have not once officially stated any policy on the occupation.


If gaza is an open air prison then it is so because of hamas and not Israel. It is hamas that closes the only crossing out of gaza, it is hamas that stops Palestinians from moving about freely, it is hamas that rules with an iron fist. According to hamas officials gaza is not occupied and has not been since August 2005 so Israel exerts no control over the day to day affairs inside gaza. What it does control is the entry of weapons and the means to make weapons, so that hamas terrorists cant mass murder Israeli children.

This one has to be one of your classics Phoney...

Israel controls the movement of goods, materials and people in and out of Gaza. Israel controls the skies over Gaza and the sea...

Now tell me again...
Israel exerts no control over the day to day affairs inside gaza
Less than 5% of the worlds Jewish population

Like this perhaps

How many members does the anti-Zionism organization of Jews in America have - Quora

[T]here is an extremely fringe group numbering (and this is my educated estimation) between 50 and 150 "Ultra Orthodox" individuals who belong to groups like Neturei Karta (for an image see Omer Zach's answer). They are the ones that tend to be loud and radical in their opposition, and due to the "man bites dog" nature of any news story showing very religious Jews opposing the Jewish state and siding with the Palestinian cause, make quite a stir.

Funny little link that one...

I think you didn't read it properly....

"There are probably fewer than 100 actual Neturei Karta activists (the ones carrying placards and speaking at anti-Israel rallies), but the total number of people who would identify themselves as Neturei Karta in New York, England and Israel could be as many as a few thousand. Neturei Karta members often claim that tens or even hundreds of thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews and Hassidim share their beliefs, but this is patently false."

So, "probably" and "could be" are hardly accurate indications of fact from a reliable(?) source are they!

To then finish off with "patently false"... REALLY?!

How so? Where is the supporting documentary evidence to prove that? Pure conjecture!
Maybe you should and produce the evidence of these alleged facts being true

No Phoney... Not my article and the author provided a lot of links to back up his findings... Something that you could learn from!

If you challenge these facts then, rather than SHOUTING BS all the time, back them up with links... Because when you don't you just sound like a liar!

Stealing land that has never once been proven

The occupied territories are, well, stolen aren't they. Thats what makes them occupied, as recognised by the whole of the international community.

Where is the concentration camp in gaza as the Palestinians are free to leave at any time.

I think you will find that Gaza is pretty much recognised as an open air prison and freedom of movement is not exactly as easy as you suggest.

I did but then you screeched your usual hasbara call.
But the links provided in the report are not non partisan and all support the authors POV.

No they are not stolen, unless you want to class the forcible eviction of 1 million Jews from their homes and property in 1948/1949 as land theft. The land was occupied in 1967 as a result of a war instigated by the arab muslims, which they lost and ended up having Jewish troops on their borders. The land was Jewish before the nakba and will remain Jewish until the sun goes out. There are also treaties in place with the Palestinians that grant the Jews the right to build settlements in the west bank. The whole of the International community recognise the right of Israel to occupy the west bank for matters of defence and have not once officially stated any policy on the occupation.

If gaza is an open air prison then it is so because of hamas and not Israel. It is hamas that closes the only crossing out of gaza, it is hamas that stops Palestinians from moving about freely, it is hamas that rules with an iron fist. According to hamas officials gaza is not occupied and has not been since August 2005 so Israel exerts no control over the day to day affairs inside gaza. What it does control is the entry of weapons and the means to make weapons, so that hamas terrorists cant mass murder Israeli children.

So Phoney....

1) Occupied land, as recognised by the international community, equals stolen land.

There are also treaties in place with the Palestinians that grant the Jews the right to build settlements in the west bank.


The whole of the International community recognise the right of Israel to occupy the west bank for matters of defence and have not once officially stated any policy on the occupation.


If gaza is an open air prison then it is so because of hamas and not Israel. It is hamas that closes the only crossing out of gaza, it is hamas that stops Palestinians from moving about freely, it is hamas that rules with an iron fist. According to hamas officials gaza is not occupied and has not been since August 2005 so Israel exerts no control over the day to day affairs inside gaza. What it does control is the entry of weapons and the means to make weapons, so that hamas terrorists cant mass murder Israeli children.

This one has to be one of your classics Phoney...

Israel controls the movement of goods, materials and people in and out of Gaza. Israel controls the skies over Gaza and the sea...

Now tell me again...
Israel exerts no control over the day to day affairs inside gaza

Oslo Accords - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Geneva Conventions International Committee of the Red Cross

Governance of the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Less than 5% of the worlds Jewish population

Like this perhaps

How many members does the anti-Zionism organization of Jews in America have - Quora

[T]here is an extremely fringe group numbering (and this is my educated estimation) between 50 and 150 "Ultra Orthodox" individuals who belong to groups like Neturei Karta (for an image see Omer Zach's answer). They are the ones that tend to be loud and radical in their opposition, and due to the "man bites dog" nature of any news story showing very religious Jews opposing the Jewish state and siding with the Palestinian cause, make quite a stir.

Funny little link that one...

I think you didn't read it properly....

"There are probably fewer than 100 actual Neturei Karta activists (the ones carrying placards and speaking at anti-Israel rallies), but the total number of people who would identify themselves as Neturei Karta in New York, England and Israel could be as many as a few thousand. Neturei Karta members often claim that tens or even hundreds of thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews and Hassidim share their beliefs, but this is patently false."

So, "probably" and "could be" are hardly accurate indications of fact from a reliable(?) source are they!

To then finish off with "patently false"... REALLY?!

How so? Where is the supporting documentary evidence to prove that? Pure conjecture!

Same place your supporting documentary evidence is of course, and I am still waiting for any evidence from you to back up your claims.
Less than 5% of the worlds Jewish population

Like this perhaps

How many members does the anti-Zionism organization of Jews in America have - Quora

[T]here is an extremely fringe group numbering (and this is my educated estimation) between 50 and 150 "Ultra Orthodox" individuals who belong to groups like Neturei Karta (for an image see Omer Zach's answer). They are the ones that tend to be loud and radical in their opposition, and due to the "man bites dog" nature of any news story showing very religious Jews opposing the Jewish state and siding with the Palestinian cause, make quite a stir.

Funny little link that one...

I think you didn't read it properly....

"There are probably fewer than 100 actual Neturei Karta activists (the ones carrying placards and speaking at anti-Israel rallies), but the total number of people who would identify themselves as Neturei Karta in New York, England and Israel could be as many as a few thousand. Neturei Karta members often claim that tens or even hundreds of thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews and Hassidim share their beliefs, but this is patently false."

So, "probably" and "could be" are hardly accurate indications of fact from a reliable(?) source are they!

To then finish off with "patently false"... REALLY?!

How so? Where is the supporting documentary evidence to prove that? Pure conjecture!

Same place your supporting documentary evidence is of course, and I am still waiting for any evidence from you to back up your claims.

Which claims Phoney?
Maybe you should and produce the evidence of these alleged facts being true

No Phoney... Not my article and the author provided a lot of links to back up his findings... Something that you could learn from!

If you challenge these facts then, rather than SHOUTING BS all the time, back them up with links... Because when you don't you just sound like a liar!

Stealing land that has never once been proven

The occupied territories are, well, stolen aren't they. Thats what makes them occupied, as recognised by the whole of the international community.

Where is the concentration camp in gaza as the Palestinians are free to leave at any time.

I think you will find that Gaza is pretty much recognised as an open air prison and freedom of movement is not exactly as easy as you suggest.

I did but then you screeched your usual hasbara call.
But the links provided in the report are not non partisan and all support the authors POV.

No they are not stolen, unless you want to class the forcible eviction of 1 million Jews from their homes and property in 1948/1949 as land theft. The land was occupied in 1967 as a result of a war instigated by the arab muslims, which they lost and ended up having Jewish troops on their borders. The land was Jewish before the nakba and will remain Jewish until the sun goes out. There are also treaties in place with the Palestinians that grant the Jews the right to build settlements in the west bank. The whole of the International community recognise the right of Israel to occupy the west bank for matters of defence and have not once officially stated any policy on the occupation.

If gaza is an open air prison then it is so because of hamas and not Israel. It is hamas that closes the only crossing out of gaza, it is hamas that stops Palestinians from moving about freely, it is hamas that rules with an iron fist. According to hamas officials gaza is not occupied and has not been since August 2005 so Israel exerts no control over the day to day affairs inside gaza. What it does control is the entry of weapons and the means to make weapons, so that hamas terrorists cant mass murder Israeli children.

So Phoney....

1) Occupied land, as recognised by the international community, equals stolen land.

There are also treaties in place with the Palestinians that grant the Jews the right to build settlements in the west bank.


The whole of the International community recognise the right of Israel to occupy the west bank for matters of defence and have not once officially stated any policy on the occupation.


If gaza is an open air prison then it is so because of hamas and not Israel. It is hamas that closes the only crossing out of gaza, it is hamas that stops Palestinians from moving about freely, it is hamas that rules with an iron fist. According to hamas officials gaza is not occupied and has not been since August 2005 so Israel exerts no control over the day to day affairs inside gaza. What it does control is the entry of weapons and the means to make weapons, so that hamas terrorists cant mass murder Israeli children.

This one has to be one of your classics Phoney...

Israel controls the movement of goods, materials and people in and out of Gaza. Israel controls the skies over Gaza and the sea...

Now tell me again...
Israel exerts no control over the day to day affairs inside gaza

Oslo Accords - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Geneva Conventions International Committee of the Red Cross

Governance of the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But Phoney, you keep telling us that Wikipedia is an unreliable, biased, source because everyone can edit it....:cool::D
But Phoney, you keep telling us that Wikipedia is an unreliable, biased, source because everyone can edit it....:cool::D
I like how he posts links and expects the reader to go hunt for the applicable comments to his claim?

It's an old tactic used by Hasbarats, the idea is to get you to waste time looking stuff up, which may or may not exist, in the links provided. by the time you find what you are looking for, the conversation has moved on. It's in the Hasbarat manual
But Phoney, you keep telling us that Wikipedia is an unreliable, biased, source because everyone can edit it....:cool::D
I like how he posts links and expects the reader to go hunt for the applicable comments to his claim?

It's an old tactic used by Hasbarats, the idea is to get you to waste time looking stuff up, which may or may not exist, in the links provided. by the time you find what you are looking for, the conversation has moved on. It's in the Hasbarat manual

What ?? You're such a liar. You know very that it's a pro Palestinian tactic.
So to conclude, Palestinians are the bastard children of the marriage between the Mufti and Hitler.



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