Can you simultaneously colonize your neighbors and still claim you want peace?

I think the question is straightforward enough. I would really like to know if this is possible, and if so, how?

The Chinese seem to manage it.

Their claim seems to be based around "if we go to war, it's your fault, we want peace, and peace is us getting what we want!"
Despite the legal ramifications of settlement-building, of which Shusha knows more about, appearances also count. It doesn't show good faith in negotiations and appears disingenuous. It's true that there's no reason for the West Bank to be Judenrein, but it also eats away at a future Palestinian state.
Like 20 % muslims do in the current Israeli state? Like that?
He won't define any of his terms. Loaded questions are boring and precdictable and remind me of Louie.

And this fella is claiming to be a jew, despite his new angle that jews are now racists. Talk about serious inner conflicts...
I found only the word "Jewish". This is the race?
I would say no, but many Jews in Israel claim exactly that. Why don't you try googling the demographics of those four cities and see what you come up with? Odd that wiki wouldn't have it, no?
I found only the word "Jewish". This is the race?
I would say no, but many Jews in Israel claim exactly that. Why don't you try googling the demographics of those four cities and see what you come up with? Odd that wiki wouldn't have it, no?
Rubbish, many Jews in israel don't claim that in the slightest. Judaism is passed on by the mother's religion and not according to race. The muslims and jews in any event are not of different races, so your argument is ridiculous, unless you are ascribing to Nazi type racial classifications.
It is impossible to answer this question without defining "colonize".

Post #3 suggests a number of possibilities.
  • Arabs are not permitted to live here (insert territory definition).
  • Jews are not permitted to live here (insert territory definition).
  • Nationals of (insert State) are not permitted to live here (insert territory definition).
  • People with white skin are not permitted to live here (insert territory definition).
  • People who speak Russian are not permitted to live here (insert territory definition).
  • People who light Hanukkah candles are not permitted to live here (insert).
  • People who claim "Allahu Akbar" are not permitted to live here (insert).
  • People whose parents were born in Egypt are not permitted to live here (insert).

Really, I could go on and on. Without a definition of "colonize", the question is rather pointless. Just another "Jews are bad" thread.
It is impossible to answer this question without defining "colonize".

Post #3 suggests a number of possibilities.
  • Arabs are not permitted to live here (insert territory definition).
  • Jews are not permitted to live here (insert territory definition).
  • Nationals of (insert State) are not permitted to live here (insert territory definition).
  • People with white skin are not permitted to live here (insert territory definition).
  • People who speak Russian are not permitted to live here (insert territory definition).
  • People who light Hanukkah candles are not permitted to live here (insert).
  • People who claim "Allahu Akbar" are not permitted to live here (insert).
  • People whose parents were born in Egypt are not permitted to live here (insert).

Really, I could go on and on. Without a definition of "colonize", the question is rather pointless. Just another "Jews are bad" thread.
Move onto post 7 if you are that confused. Click any of the four links for more info.
It is impossible to answer this question without defining "colonize".

Post #3 suggests a number of possibilities.
  • Arabs are not permitted to live here (insert territory definition).
  • Jews are not permitted to live here (insert territory definition).
  • Nationals of (insert State) are not permitted to live here (insert territory definition).
  • People with white skin are not permitted to live here (insert territory definition).
  • People who speak Russian are not permitted to live here (insert territory definition).
  • People who light Hanukkah candles are not permitted to live here (insert).
  • People who claim "Allahu Akbar" are not permitted to live here (insert).
  • People whose parents were born in Egypt are not permitted to live here (insert).

Really, I could go on and on. Without a definition of "colonize", the question is rather pointless. Just another "Jews are bad" thread.
Move onto post 7 if you are that confused. Click any of the four links for more info.

Post #7 links to Wiki pages for four cities/areas. What was the point you wanted to draw attention to? That Jews live there?

Were you trying to make the point that there are places in the world where Jews must not be permitted to live? That sounds know. Are Jews permitted to live in NYC? How about Toronto? What about Paris? Berlin?

So I refer you back to that definition you refuse to provide.
Further, I implore you to respond to the person who asked after Gaza City, and Ramallah and Susya and Umm al-Fahm.
Post #7 links to Wiki pages for four cities/areas. What was the point you wanted to draw attention to? That Jews live there?
No, I was showing what you wanted, actual colonies to clear up your confusion.

Were you trying to make the point that there are places in the world where Jews must not be permitted to live? That sounds know. Are Jews permitted to live in NYC? How about Toronto? What about Paris? Berlin?
This has nothing to do with Jews. This is about zionists demolishing homes to build illegal settlements... and then claiming to want peace.

It is not possible. That is why not one person has answered the question.
No, I was showing what you wanted, actual colonies to clear up your confusion.

How can you tell those four particular places are colonies, abi? What makes them colonies? What's the criteria?
That is how you would respond to colonization?

More like this ...

How can you tell those four particular places are colonies, abi? What makes them colonies? What's the criteria?
plural noun: colonies

  1. a country or area under the full or partial political control of another country, typically a distant one, and occupied by settlers from that country.
    synonyms: settlement, dependency, protectorate, satellite, territory, outpost, province

  2. a group of people of one nationality or ethnic group living in a foreign city or country.
    I have trouble believing that an expert like you does not even know the most basic definitions of these topics.

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