Can you Name Three Actual Facts about Darwinism


View attachment 624285

Based on actual factual fossil evidence clearly identifying each of these as current human ancestors.


Uh huh...
So a hydrogen atom in space bumps into another atom and they merge, they continue to merge more and more mass growing bigger and bigger until, it collapses under it's own mass and explodes into a star.

But simple things cannot become complex?

Nice theory but inaccurate even from a big bang view. The formation of galaxies and starts and planets are animal life objects. Are they. You conflated two different things. Again, there is no evidence that we are related to any of those smaller creatures. Here is a more accurate description.

That's right you can't. We both know I could go find the evidence that has convinced all of the educated people on the planet.
But we both know you will NEVER answer myq uestion.

Because it is designed to make frauds like you degenerate into quivering blobs and run away.

Works every time.
More nonsense. You can't find anything...
Well done.
You prove your ignorance and total lack of intellect with every post.
Seems your evolution stopped at poop throwing and butt sniffing.


Not as much as your own ignorance in believing that anything existed more than a nanosecond ago.

Can you prove anything existed prior to now or are we supposed to accept that on "faith"?

That latter doesn't sound very scientific... it sounds like a belief in God to me.


Three Facts of Evolution. Pick one and you'll finally be right.
1. It's a BIG lie.
2. It's a BIGGER lie.
3. It's the BIGGEST lie.
At least the fraud sockpuppet james bond has a pair and admits that no evidence could possibly convince him, and that when he asks for evidence, he is just being a childish, nauseating little troll.

Maybe Damaged Eagle and Cougarbear will grow a pair like James one day.

But I doubt it.
At least the fraud sockpuppet james bond has a pair and admits that no evidence could possibly convince him, and that when he asks for evidence, he is just being a childish, nauseating little troll.

Maybe Damaged Eagle and Cougarbear will grow a pair like James one day.

But I doubt it.


But then you've never had a pair otherwise you wouldn't keep lying about how you haven't been answered.


View attachment 624657

But then you've never had a pair otherwise you wouldn't keep lying about how you haven't been answered.



Oops, sissyboi dodged the question again. Funny that you would come to troll the science section, then just end up embarrassing yourself thoroughly.

Hey there Shaman Eagle the Sissy, what do you make of this? Just people imagining things?

Oops, sissyboi dodged the question again. Funny that you would come to troll the science section, then just end up embarrassing yourself thoroughly.

Hey there Shaman Eagle the Sissy, what do you make of this? Just people imagining things?

View attachment 624659


Is that one of those Rorschach pictures where I'm supposed to imagine things made by gas and water seepage?

You should talk to Hollie about it since she has a crystal ball.


Name three specific things about Darwinism that are true?

Not "it's all real!" or "only stupid people ask that question!" or some other nonsense.

Can you give me some true facts that we know about Darwinian evolution and how we know them?
At least the fraud sockpuppet james bond has a pair and admits that no evidence could possibly convince him, and that when he asks for evidence, he is just being a childish, nauseating little troll.

Maybe Damaged Eagle and Cougarbear will grow a pair like James one day.

But I doubt it.
The global flood changed everything on the Earth. Then your atheist scientists tried to explain it with Darwinism, evolution and long time. Of course, the Bible and global flood had already explained it correctly. However, Satan had to counter the Bible with Darwinism and evolution. We saw Darwinism led to social Darwinism, Nazism, Hitler and the Holocaust.

The future evolution is more difficult to explain in scientific terms. It isn't just arguing over creation science vs. evolution. The future evolution is supposed to lead to some future Antichrist occurrence and the end of the world. The evolution from natural selection will eventually fool the majority from creation science and Christianity to majority evolution. Then the Antichrist will enact the second abomination of desecration and cause the end of the world.

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