Can You Hear That Great Sucking Sound?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
ITs three things;

1) Jobs already coming back to the US

2) the vacuum created by all the Dimocrats fleeing a Trump led USA.

3) the sound of millions upon millions of liberal sphincters tightening up across the landscape.


Ah, the sound of sweet victory!
ITs three things;

1) Jobs already coming back to the US

2) the vacuum created by all the Dimocrats fleeing a Trump led USA.

3) the sound of millions upon millions of liberal sphincters tightening up across the landscape.


Ah, the sound of sweet victory!

Who is this a picture of Jim? Transgender I think perhaps, but don't know who that is.

ITs three things;

1) Jobs already coming back to the US

2) the vacuum created by all the Dimocrats fleeing a Trump led USA.

3) the sound of millions upon millions of liberal sphincters tightening up across the landscape.


Ah, the sound of sweet victory!

Who is this a picture of Jim? Transgender I think perhaps, but don't know who that is.


CNN's Rachel MadCow, err, I mean Maddow.
4- The sound coming from Obama's office when hillary crawls in asking for a pardon....
4- The sound coming from Obama's office when hillary crawls in asking for a pardon....

I think that is already a done deal.

The biggest danger there is the sudden formation of a criminality singularity.
4- The sound coming from Obama's office when hillary crawls in asking for a pardon....

I think that is already a done deal.

The biggest danger there is the sudden formation of a criminality singularity.

Could well be, as nothing would surprise me after 8 years of watching this administration crap on the law.
Could well be, as nothing would surprise me after 8 years of watching this administration crap on the law.

Another flaw with Obama's Rule by EO is that it is easily undone by the next unfriendly administration by similar edict.
Could well be, as nothing would surprise me after 8 years of watching this administration crap on the law.

Another flaw with Obama's Rule by EO is that it is easily undone by the next unfriendly administration by similar edict.

yep, the left never thought the next administration would be unfriendly.

a week or so ago they were prognosticating about taking the senate, possibly the house and certainly packing the supreme court for a generation. at that point they enshrine all of those EO's into actual laws and keep right on truckin' with their agenda.

this election is a gigantic bucket of icewater out of a clear blue sky for these people. never saw it coming and still can't believe it.

man, it sucks to be a lib right now. LOL.
Obama's legacy:
+ Destroyed our national sovereignty

+ Destroyed healthcare

+ Destroyed the sanctity of marriage

+ Turned race relations back 100 years

+ Attacked the Police and Praised Criminals

+ Quadrupled the number of people on food stamps

+ Restarted the Cold War

+ Destroyed our Allies and Supported our Enemies

+ Turned our Military into a gay bath house

+ Reverted the middle east back into the middle ages
It's madcow disease. It was funny watching her break down the other night.
Yeah, I saw the video on that and I kept thinking, "What a shame this person believes all the political agitprop and she THINKS IT IS REALITY."

My Gawd, how did she become a journalist being that naive?
It's madcow disease. It was funny watching her break down the other night.
Yeah, I saw the video on that and I kept thinking, "What a shame this person believes all the political agitprop and she THINKS IT IS REALITY."

My Gawd, how did she become a journalist being that naive?

Apparently, they all live in this insulated bubble and have no idea of reality. After calling the voters rednecks, racists, prejudiced, and every other awful name, they still cant figure out what happened and why the voter was pissed.

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