Can We Be Honest About BLM? Black Lives do not Matter to them, Only Power Does


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Black Lives Matter is a Marxist movement, and has gained way too much influence in the USA

The Reason it has gained so much influence is because the Democrats are trying to use them to fan the flames of racial bigotry in the US so they can counter the inroads Trump has made in minority communities.

This is nothing more than that, the same thing they have done every four years since the late 1970's.

But this time, the Democrats have picked the wrong tiger to ride, and they dont realize it is now killing them and their party.


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let's see here : how many fucks given by BLM IN Chicago last week when 100 blacks where hurt and 10 confirmed deaths? Somewhere between ZERO and NONE. Call me skeptical, just a tad, but BLM is a black male ego driven poor excuse for a civil rights activists. They don't give a shit about blacks or Quarks or albino yetis.
Poor butthurt whites crying about the eradication of white supremacist symbols. More whites killed each other than blacks did according to the latest published information in the UCR. Maybe you concern yourself with white/white murders nationwide instead of pretending Chicago is the only city or town in America.
Black lives that they can use for political advantage matter to them other's not so much.
Black Lives don't matter AT ALL to this group of anti-Americans frauds. They rose to power on lies surrounding Michael Brown's death and the Ferguson Riots. Remember "Hands Up Don't Shoot"? Total lie, but they needed an emotional phrase that would paint Police as monsters.

That is when Obama gave them his Presidential endorsement. They have been slowly gaining power but when the Floyd video went viral they knew that this was their chance and they are fully exploiting it.
Well, of course all lives matter. Yeah. Black lives matter, sounds like bad sales pitch by a used car salesman of ambiguous racial background...somebody has a either guilt or inferiority complex can't tell the difference.
Poor butthurt whites crying about the eradication of white supremacist symbols. More whites killed each other than blacks did according to the latest published information in the UCR. Maybe you concern yourself with white/white murders nationwide instead of pretending Chicago is the only city or town in America.
Poor butthurt whites crying about the eradication of white supremacist symbols. More whites killed each other than blacks did according to the latest published information in the UCR. Maybe you concern yourself with white/white murders nationwide instead of pretending Chicago is the only city or town in America.
Um, I gotta admit you got chutzpah, girlfriend. Black lies, er lives matter only when white cops are involved. They (whomever THEY are) give zero fucks when blacks slaughter each other. That's a tad off message, you have to admit. But we know how that works, its racism somehow...wait for it...wait......
Poor butthurt whites crying about the eradication of white supremacist symbols. More whites killed each other than blacks did according to the latest published information in the UCR. Maybe you concern yourself with white/white murders nationwide instead of pretending Chicago is the only city or town in America.
maybe that's cuz there's more crackers than AA's einstein.
Poor butthurt whites crying about the eradication of white supremacist symbols. More whites killed each other than blacks did according to the latest published information in the UCR. Maybe you concern yourself with white/white murders nationwide instead of pretending Chicago is the only city or town in America.
Um, I gotta admit you got chutzpah, girlfriend. Black lies, er lives matter only when white cops are involved. They (whomever THEY are) give zero fucks when blacks slaughter each other. That's a tad off message, you have to admit. But we know how that works, its racism somehow...wait for it...wait......
You're wrong. First off, I am a man. And it seems like you don't value white lives. Again, in the last recorded UCR, more whites killed each other than blacks killed each other. 81 percent of whites who are killed are killed by another white. You ignore this to keep carnival barking about blacks. So shut up and do something about white on white killing.
BLM supporters are a mixed bag.

1. Some sincerely feel that the police are out to mistreat certain young men.
2. Some want to use the police as a scapegoat for the horrific violence committed by a large percentage of certain young men.
3. Some are bored and want something to do in the streets.
4. Some want to be seen on TV. The media are unscrupulous abettors who are only interested in attracting viewers, not the well-being of our country. If the media ignored those "protesters" with the contempt that they deserve, BLM would wither away.
5. Some love seeing Dem politicians making fools of themselves by kneeling in penance.
Poor butthurt whites crying about the eradication of white supremacist symbols. More whites killed each other than blacks did according to the latest published information in the UCR. Maybe you concern yourself with white/white murders nationwide instead of pretending Chicago is the only city or town in America.
what do white on white deaths have to do with it???!!!!!
whites 5 times the population of blacks
white on black murders 234
black on white murders 500

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