Can Senator Feinstein be charged with obstruction of justice?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
THEY love to throw those obstruction of justice charges around, but what about actual events unfolding that has obstructed?
Did Feinstein ever hand over that original letter by Ford or is she obstructing us from seeing the wording proving this circus is tactical staged? DELAYING the letter only makes it obviously suspicious, as there would be no reason to not hand it over otherwise.
Secondly Feinstein is obstructing through the leak and through the vote delay through known false charges thus also guilty of other illegal acts like being a conspirator to false charges. Defamation of character is something that can be tagged in a civil case after, since her net worth is at least $42 million I would sue for her full net worth.
(go figure Comcast,Time Warner who's MSNBC and CNN benefit from this circus are donators to Feinstein)
Since there is no criminal investigation to!
THEY love to throw those obstruction of justice charges around, but what about actual events unfolding that has obstructed?
Did Feinstein ever hand over that original letter by Ford or is she obstructing us from seeing the wording proving this circus is tactical staged? DELAYING the letter only makes it obviously suspicious, as there would be no reason to not hand it over otherwise.
Secondly Feinstein is obstructing through the leak and through the vote delay through known false charges thus also guilty of other illegal acts like being a conspirator to false charges. Defamation of character is something that can be tagged in a civil case after, since her net worth is at least $42 million I would sue for her full net worth.
(go figure Comcast,Time Warner who's MSNBC and CNN benefit from this circus are donators to Feinstein)
Go right ahead and report her to the FBI.....maybe they can finally do the investigation that needs to be done.
not like this no. but what i find funny is it wasn't sent to feinstein initially but another who sent it to her. sending it directly to DiFi would have made her more "responsible" for the accuracy if she presented it.

it was all politically done. not done in a search for justice.
That would be worse than charging Capone for taxes.

Feinstein is a top 10 all time traitor. She made up hundreds of reasons to invade Iraq, gave the speech right before the vote, claimed she was "duped" by George Tenet only to appear at the ADL's lifetime award ceremony for Tenet....

Her hubby Richard Blum made over $100 billion on 911....
Since there is no criminal investigation to!

There was an alleged crime, however.

Her actions seem to be obstructing an alleged sex pervert to justice.

No. The senate is not a criminal court. The alleged crime is not being investigated or prosecuted criminally.

Not technically, perhaps.

But the jeopardy the Judge Kavanaugh is in due to the charges, where he might lose his career, his reputation , his livelihood and family, is greater than the jeopardy most technically criminal defendants are in.
Since there is no criminal investigation to!

There was an alleged crime, however.

Her actions seem to be obstructing an alleged sex pervert to justice.

No. The senate is not a criminal court. The alleged crime is not being investigated or prosecuted criminally.

Not technically, perhaps.

But the jeopardy the Judge Kavanaugh is in due to the charges, where he might lose his career, his reputation , his livelihood and family, is greater than the jeopardy most technically criminal defendants are in.
True.... but a charge of obstruction is a very technical matter.
Since there is no criminal investigation to!
Ummmm it's implied that justice is in the
"judicial" vote and position as Judge (*L*)- that she's trying desperately to obstruct, enough so that she's willing to commit criminal acts in doing so .

When the Dems called for wasting more Gov't money and FBI resources it became a
"false charges" issue.
Forget withholding an unsubstantiated written rumor she desperately and despicably released to try to block / delay the Confirmation!

She and her husband climbed into bed with the President and leaders of the ChiComm government decades ago, used her position to award govt contract to ChiComm govt businesses through her husband for decades while making MILLIONS from the treasonous relationship, and she harbored a Chinese spy / facilitated Chinese espionage FOR 20 YEARS....AND NEVER GOT SO MUCH AS AN OFFICIAL INVESTIGATION LAUNCHED TO LOOK INTO IT.
- The Democrats did not / do not have any evidence against Trump but have had an on-going with hunt for 2 years.

Feinstein is a traitor who should be sharing a cell with Hillary in a federal pen ... or in Gitmo .. right now.
Since there is no criminal investigation to!
Ummmm it's implied that justice is in the
"judicial" vote and position as Judge (*L*)- that she's trying desperately to obstruct, enough so that she's willing to commit criminal acts in doing so .

When the Dems called for wasting more Gov't money and FBI resources it became a
"false charges" issue.
Okay, go with that.
Once again dimocrats haven’t a clue how their scheme is really being seen and understood by folks, including good Democrats, outside the beltway, in flyover country, and everywhere else.

A mere forty-something days from an incredibly important election they’ve got all the Kavanaugh bullshit, growing economy, tax crumbs by the millions in voters’ pockets, best employment rates ever for blacks, Hispanics and others, soaring markets, foreign policy moves, etc., etc. headwinds to sail into on Election Day. Lots of luck.

Remember to fire up those DVRs for both CNN and MSNBC. I found in ‘16 recording their morning shows full of cockiness and whatnot and then the returns coverage at night provided the most enjoyable contrasts as well as a dose of schadenfreude on steroids. Great entertainment opportunities so don’t miss them.
not like this no. but what i find funny is it wasn't sent to feinstein initially but another who sent it to her. sending it directly to DiFi would have made her more "responsible" for the accuracy if she presented it.

it was all politically done. not done in a search for justice.
BINGO! Sent to her specifically for image sake and appearances are everything especially when wanting it to appear validated by a more distinguished elder who's less likely to be harshly criticized by it for fear of beating up on a grandma figure.
But not me, the sWord out of my mouth is an equal opportunity criticizer-judgement.
Anyone who takes money fom Comcast, Time Warner, and Wells Fargo is not so innocent as they like to appear.
THEY love to throw those obstruction of justice charges around, but what about actual events unfolding that has obstructed?
Did Feinstein ever hand over that original letter by Ford or is she obstructing us from seeing the wording proving this circus is tactical staged? DELAYING the letter only makes it obviously suspicious, as there would be no reason to not hand it over otherwise.
Secondly Feinstein is obstructing through the leak and through the vote delay through known false charges thus also guilty of other illegal acts like being a conspirator to false charges. Defamation of character is something that can be tagged in a civil case after, since her net worth is at least $42 million I would sue for her full net worth.
(go figure Comcast,Time Warner who's MSNBC and CNN benefit from this circus are donators to Feinstein)

Congressmen like Charley Rangel broke the mold when it comes to breaking the law and Congressional rules, yet he was reelected anyway.

So no, they are all bullet proof and they know it, hence the problem.
By calling for an FBI investigation out of their jurisdiction and without evidence the left proved their abuse of power to weaponize the depts like the FBI. They keep giving us more evidence for when the real trials begin.
THEY love to throw those obstruction of justice charges around, but what about actual events unfolding that has obstructed?
Did Feinstein ever hand over that original letter by Ford or is she obstructing us from seeing the wording proving this circus is tactical staged? DELAYING the letter only makes it obviously suspicious, as there would be no reason to not hand it over otherwise.
Secondly Feinstein is obstructing through the leak and through the vote delay through known false charges thus also guilty of other illegal acts like being a conspirator to false charges. Defamation of character is something that can be tagged in a civil case after, since her net worth is at least $42 million I would sue for her full net worth.
(go figure Comcast,Time Warner who's MSNBC and CNN benefit from this circus are donators to Feinstein)
Yes, conservatives are truly this stupid, partisan, and dishonest.
So you are saying Liberal Dems who couldn't accomplish the things Conservative Republicans did, therefore failed to compete with who they call stupid? Or is it a double negative, when those who are dumb call it bad to have lower taxes, lower unemployment, good economy, new peaceful relations lessened threats, revamped trade deals, Israel rights to a recognized capital, functioning gov't, & rule of law?

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