Can Sanctuary City/State Leaders Be Arrested ?

It is the answer the question in your title dumbfuck.
NO it is NOT an answer, dipstick. An answer contains a reason why it is that answer. Just saying "No" is a meaningless waste of thread space, other than to indicate you have no idea if they can or cant be arrested.
You asked a question. It was a stupid question. The correct answer was and is no
It is a crime to engage in sanctuary city or state processes, that conceal, harbor or shield illegal aliens from detection. Under US Code 8, Section 1324, any person who does this, can be fined and sentenced to punishment, ranging from 5 years imprisonment to the death penalty, depending on the circumstances.

Why then have scores of public officials not been jailed for violation of this federal crime ? Joe Biden himself could be arrested with his ICE director Tae Johnson, for the order enacted Feb 18, protecting illegal aliens, and essentially making all of America a sanctuary country.

I have been told that the immunity laws are protecting public officials from arrest and prosecution, but I thought that immunity laws only applied to protection from civil suits. Are there any Republican lawyers here, who specialize in this type of law ? If so, chime in and shed some light on this.

Show us the express clause over the whole and entire concept of Immigration. Be legal to the (Constitutional) law, right wingers not simply hypocrites (unto God) upon the less fortunate.

We know y'all really don't care about natural rights except in abortion threads.
Which immigration are you talking about, legal or illegal? There's a difference you know.
Show us the express Clause regarding the whole and entire Concept of Immigration delegated to our federal Congress.

Our Tenth Amendment applies to limit Government.
Legal or illegal? That's the question, remember?
Show us the express Immigration clause in our federal Constitution to be legal to, right wingers or stop alleging y'all are for limited Government when y'all actually prefer your socialism on a national and international basis.
You're going to be ignored now because you're not dealing with the question at hand.
Show us the express Immigration clause in our federal Constitution to be legal to, right wingers or stop alleging y'all are for limited Government when y'all actually prefer your socialism on a national and international basis.
View attachment 479244
Why should anyone take right wingers seriously about the law? Y'all are just plain hypocrites harping on "illegals" when y'all can't obey the law yourself.
So it's a game of attrition eh ??? Otherwise the only way to win for justice is to balance the scales, and to see which party has been the most egregious violaters of the laws, and which party has been the most hypocritical in the situation. Yes, that's exactly what needs to go on. It's time to put up or shut up.

Might be time to purge Washington of it's bad, and restore the constitution to it's rightful place. Not sure who can do it anymore, but the constitution needs to be upheld. Law and order for the citizen's must prevail. Don't need violence, but just the restoration of our constitution and laws.
Not at all. That is just right wing drama queenery since they can't be legal to our own laws but can be just plain political hypocrites alleging morality in abortion threads.
Like I said, it's a game of attrition. The left won't win the game, although they have this last bit of hope found in a man who can't even finish a thought anymore, and in a vice that just bust out laughing over a question asked her about visiting the border.

Good luck with that.
It is a crime to engage in sanctuary city or state processes, that conceal, harbor or shield illegal aliens from detection. Under US Code 8, Section 1324, any person who does this, can be fined and sentenced to punishment, ranging from 5 years imprisonment to the death penalty, depending on the circumstances.

Why then have scores of public officials not been jailed for violation of this federal crime ? Joe Biden himself could be arrested with his ICE director Tae Johnson, for the order enacted Feb 18, protecting illegal aliens, and essentially making all of America a sanctuary country.

I have been told that the immunity laws are protecting public officials from arrest and prosecution, but I thought that immunity laws only applied to protection from civil suits. Are there any Republican lawyers here, who specialize in this type of law ? If so, chime in and shed some light on this.

Show us the express clause over the whole and entire concept of Immigration. Be legal to the (Constitutional) law, right wingers not simply hypocrites (unto God) upon the less fortunate.

We know y'all really don't care about natural rights except in abortion threads.
Which immigration are you talking about, legal or illegal? There's a difference you know.
Show us the express Clause regarding the whole and entire Concept of Immigration delegated to our federal Congress.

Our Tenth Amendment applies to limit Government.
Legal or illegal? That's the question, remember?
Show us the express Immigration clause in our federal Constitution to be legal to, right wingers or stop alleging y'all are for limited Government when y'all actually prefer your socialism on a national and international basis.
You're going to be ignored now because you're not dealing with the question at hand.
Hypocrite. Stop alleging morals in abortion threads.
Show us the express Immigration clause in our federal Constitution to be legal to, right wingers or stop alleging y'all are for limited Government when y'all actually prefer your socialism on a national and international basis.
View attachment 479244
Why should anyone take right wingers seriously about the law? Y'all are just plain hypocrites harping on "illegals" when y'all can't obey the law yourself.
So it's a game of attrition eh ??? Otherwise the only way to win for justice is to balance the scales, and to see which party has been the most egregious violaters of the laws, and which party has been the most hypocritical in the situation. Yes, that's exactly what needs to go on. It's time to put up or shut up.

Might be time to purge Washington of it's bad, and restore the constitution to it's rightful place. Not sure who can do it anymore, but the constitution needs to be upheld. Law and order for the citizen's must prevail. Don't need violence, but just the restoration of our constitution and laws.
Not at all. That is just right wing drama queenery since they can't be legal to our own laws but can be just plain political hypocrites alleging morality in abortion threads.
Like I said, it's a game of attrition. The left won't win the game, although they have this last bit of hope found in a man who can't even finish a thought anymore, and in a vice that just bust out laughing over a question asked her about visiting the border.

Good luck with that.
Right wingers have no free market capitalism solutions only their usual socialism on a national and international basis.
They could (be arrested).
They should (be arrested).
But they won't.
The WILL be nominated for cabinet positions when the current crop washes out as insufficiently progressive.
Most people don't have an insane, or just stupid, perception of our normal reactions to illegal immigration and sanctuary cities. But I know it's irresitable to left loons to fling the race card and the hate card around.

Most people also are well aware of the massive damage done to the country and the American people by illegal immigration. Yes it is "really" bad, and the people who create it are the worst of all (Biden, the Democrats, Pro Sin Fronteras, George Soros, etc.) Simply to grab power and maintain it, these scum will let anything happen to the country, for their own selfish benefit.

What massive damage? They are doing the shit jobs Americans don't want to do. That's actually a good thing.

Funny thing. During this last crisis.... All the white people hid in their homes while the "illegals" were out there doing all the cleaning jobs making sure everything was wiped down.
Why should anyone take right wingers seriously about the law? Y'all are just plain hypocrites harping on "illegals" when y'all can't obey the law yourself.
Wildly flinging accusations around, without stating stating specifics, only makes you look like a fool.

And there is no reason to take anything seriously from Democrats who since the Russian collusion hoax, the impeachment clown show, the Kavanaugh hearings, and the 2020 election destruction, have shown they have zero credibility. I don't listen to anything that any leftist has to say. Period.
Not at all. That is just right wing drama queenery since they can't be legal to our own laws but can be just plain political hypocrites alleging morality in abortion threads.
Again, BASELESS charges. This is what gets people laughed out of courtrooms, and college classrooms.
Right wingers have no free market capitalism solutions only their usual socialism on a national and international basis.
Donald Trump is a right winger, and he presented many very successful free market capitalism solutions for 4 years, including the last quarter of 2020 having the highest GDP growth in US history. Highest stock market readings ever. You are simply wrong and ridiculous.
They could (be arrested).
They should (be arrested).
But they won't.
The WILL be nominated for cabinet positions when the current crop washes out as insufficiently progressive.
They Must Be Stopped.

You asked a question. It was a stupid question. The correct answer was and is no
Dumb and dumber. Repeating a comment that was just refuted/obliterated. No need to display your inability to post in USMB. We know it.

And we know what the correct answer is. And we know you don't know it, any more than you know if sanctuary city/state leaders can be arrested.
You asked a question. It was a stupid question. The correct answer was and is no
Dumb and dumber. Repeating a comment that was just refuted/obliterated. No need to display your inability to post in USMB. We know it.

And we know what the correct answer is. And we know you don't know it, any more than you know if sanctuary city/state leaders can be arrested.

Well, wake me up when they get arrested. Until then you're just boring us.
It is a crime to engage in sanctuary city or state processes, that conceal, harbor or shield illegal aliens from detection. Under US Code 8, Section 1324, any person who does this, can be fined and sentenced to punishment, ranging from 5 years imprisonment to the death penalty, depending on the circumstances.

Why then have scores of public officials not been jailed for violation of this federal crime ? Joe Biden himself could be arrested with his ICE director Tae Johnson, for the order enacted Feb 18, protecting illegal aliens, and essentially making all of America a sanctuary country.

I have been told that the immunity laws are protecting public officials from arrest and prosecution, but I thought that immunity laws only applied to protection from civil suits. Are there any Republican lawyers here, who specialize in this type of law ? If so, chime in and shed some light on this.

Show us the express clause over the whole and entire concept of Immigration. Be legal to the (Constitutional) law, right wingers not simply hypocrites (unto God) upon the less fortunate.

We know y'all really don't care about natural rights except in abortion threads.
Which immigration are you talking about, legal or illegal? There's a difference you know.
Show us the express Clause regarding the whole and entire Concept of Immigration delegated to our federal Congress.

Our Tenth Amendment applies to limit Government.
Legal or illegal? That's the question, remember?
Show us the express Immigration clause in our federal Constitution to be legal to, right wingers or stop alleging y'all are for limited Government when y'all actually prefer your socialism on a national and international basis.
You're going to be ignored now because you're not dealing with the question at hand.
Hypocrite. Stop alleging morals in abortion threads.
Most people don't have an insane, or just stupid, perception of our normal reactions to illegal immigration and sanctuary cities. But I know it's irresitable to left loons to fling the race card and the hate card around.

Most people also are well aware of the massive damage done to the country and the American people by illegal immigration. Yes it is "really" bad, and the people who create it are the worst of all (Biden, the Democrats, Pro Sin Fronteras, George Soros, etc.) Simply to grab power and maintain it, these scum will let anything happen to the country, for their own selfish benefit.

What massive damage? They are doing the shit jobs Americans don't want to do. That's actually a good thing.

Funny thing. During this last crisis.... All the white people hid in their homes while the "illegals" were out there doing all the cleaning jobs making sure everything was wiped down.
Oh so you are saying, that it's not really a white priveledge thing that we have going in this country, but it's rather an American priveledge problem this nation has eh ???

So you are ok with American Priveledge eh ?
Go ahead, right wingers, have them arrested. It may require self-interest from public servants for them to do the job they are getting paid for.

There is no express clause over the whole and entire concept of Immigration. Obey and be legal to the laws not just plain political hypocrites, right wingers.

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