Can Randy Quaid Save Trump And America??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"President Donald Trump went on a laser-focused Twitter frenzy Tuesday morning, retweeting a number of absurdly insane (or is it insanely absurd) tweets from actor Randy Quaid alleging that the 2020 general election was stolen. The tweets ranged from calling out the Republican Party, to mocking the recent dip in Fox News ratings (and promoting more pro-Trump outlets like OAN and Newsmax), to a rather stunning call out for a “an in-person-only-paper ballot re-vote, especially in the States where flagrant irregularities have occurred.”

After losing court case after court case, after states like Michigan and Georgia certifying the election results for Biden, after the GSA admin officially kicked off the transition process -- perhaps Randy Quaid is America's final hope to overturn the election....After all, he saved the world in Independence Day....

His idea to do the election over again and this time force everyone to vote in person and only via paper-ballot (especially those sneaky blacks) maybe the best shot Trump has -- however, since the Dems, Soros and the CIA are so powerful, can we really trust any election?? Best thing to do is just declare Trump president for life -- that is the only remedy our Constitution provides, voting and elections are for communists...

"President Donald Trump went on a laser-focused Twitter frenzy Tuesday morning, retweeting a number of absurdly insane (or is it insanely absurd) tweets from actor Randy Quaid alleging that the 2020 general election was stolen. The tweets ranged from calling out the Republican Party, to mocking the recent dip in Fox News ratings (and promoting more pro-Trump outlets like OAN and Newsmax), to a rather stunning call out for a “an in-person-only-paper ballot re-vote, especially in the States where flagrant irregularities have occurred.”

After losing court case after court case, after states like Michigan and Georgia certifying the election results for Biden, after the GSA admin officially kicked off the transition process -- perhaps Randy Quaid is America's final hope to overturn the election....After all, he saved the world in Independence Day....

His idea to do the election over again and this time force everyone to vote in person and only via paper-ballot (especially those sneaky blacks) maybe the best shot Trump has -- however, since the Dems, Soros and the CIA are so powerful, can we really trust any election?? Best thing to do is just declare Trump president for life -- that is the only remedy our Constitution provides, voting and elections are for communists...

I don't know, but I'm going to go out on a limb and assume Randy has been dabbling into more than just the odd shot of whiskey.

"President Donald Trump went on a laser-focused Twitter frenzy Tuesday morning, retweeting a number of absurdly insane (or is it insanely absurd) tweets from actor Randy Quaid alleging that the 2020 general election was stolen. The tweets ranged from calling out the Republican Party, to mocking the recent dip in Fox News ratings (and promoting more pro-Trump outlets like OAN and Newsmax), to a rather stunning call out for a “an in-person-only-paper ballot re-vote, especially in the States where flagrant irregularities have occurred.”

After losing court case after court case, after states like Michigan and Georgia certifying the election results for Biden, after the GSA admin officially kicked off the transition process -- perhaps Randy Quaid is America's final hope to overturn the election....After all, he saved the world in Independence Day....

His idea to do the election over again and this time force everyone to vote in person and only via paper-ballot (especially those sneaky blacks) maybe the best shot Trump has -- however, since the Dems, Soros and the CIA are so powerful, can we really trust any election?? Best thing to do is just declare Trump president for life -- that is the only remedy our Constitution provides, voting and elections are for communists...

The ratings started going down when they canceled Married with Children. Until then, they were working on becoming a fantastic network. But they destroyed themselves by going full tilt ultrarightwingnutcase. It's going to be a long road back for Fox.
Is there anything Randy Quaid can't do? :dunno:

I heard he once crashed his fighter jet into the alien mother ship on Independence Day.

Couldn't he do the same to the Democrats?
Depends on if he will have permission to leave their state -- since technically -- they are still subject to arrest.....

But since most Hollywood types are above the law, I am sure he will be fine....
Is there anything Randy Quaid can't do? :dunno:

I heard he once crashed his fighter jet into the alien mother ship on Independence Day.

Couldn't he do the same to the Democrats?

Only if he can do it from Canada.

Oh ok. I forgot. Canada doesn't have an air force.

We don't need an Air Force, we have an Air Farce. Comedy TV! Even Tommy Chong goes on once in awhile.

Look up some of the videos on Randy Quaid on YouTube. When I said he was crazy as a shithouse rat, I may have been being generous to him.

The fact that anyone thinks Randy Quaid may save Trump and America shows a level of desperation that is truly comical.

"President Donald Trump went on a laser-focused Twitter frenzy Tuesday morning, retweeting a number of absurdly insane (or is it insanely absurd) tweets from actor Randy Quaid alleging that the 2020 general election was stolen. The tweets ranged from calling out the Republican Party, to mocking the recent dip in Fox News ratings (and promoting more pro-Trump outlets like OAN and Newsmax), to a rather stunning call out for a “an in-person-only-paper ballot re-vote, especially in the States where flagrant irregularities have occurred.”

After losing court case after court case, after states like Michigan and Georgia certifying the election results for Biden, after the GSA admin officially kicked off the transition process -- perhaps Randy Quaid is America's final hope to overturn the election....After all, he saved the world in Independence Day....

His idea to do the election over again and this time force everyone to vote in person and only via paper-ballot (especially those sneaky blacks) maybe the best shot Trump has -- however, since the Dems, Soros and the CIA are so powerful, can we really trust any election?? Best thing to do is just declare Trump president for life -- that is the only remedy our Constitution provides, voting and elections are for communists...

You sound stupid. First you like the dude that called Neil Degrasse Tyson a ******, then you make this asinine thread about crazy Randy Quaid?

"President Donald Trump went on a laser-focused Twitter frenzy Tuesday morning, retweeting a number of absurdly insane (or is it insanely absurd) tweets from actor Randy Quaid alleging that the 2020 general election was stolen. The tweets ranged from calling out the Republican Party, to mocking the recent dip in Fox News ratings (and promoting more pro-Trump outlets like OAN and Newsmax), to a rather stunning call out for a “an in-person-only-paper ballot re-vote, especially in the States where flagrant irregularities have occurred.”

After losing court case after court case, after states like Michigan and Georgia certifying the election results for Biden, after the GSA admin officially kicked off the transition process -- perhaps Randy Quaid is America's final hope to overturn the election....After all, he saved the world in Independence Day....

His idea to do the election over again and this time force everyone to vote in person and only via paper-ballot (especially those sneaky blacks) maybe the best shot Trump has -- however, since the Dems, Soros and the CIA are so powerful, can we really trust any election?? Best thing to do is just declare Trump president for life -- that is the only remedy our Constitution provides, voting and elections are for communists...

If Randy Quaid is your best hope to overturn the election.........then, goddamn.

"President Donald Trump went on a laser-focused Twitter frenzy Tuesday morning, retweeting a number of absurdly insane (or is it insanely absurd) tweets from actor Randy Quaid alleging that the 2020 general election was stolen. The tweets ranged from calling out the Republican Party, to mocking the recent dip in Fox News ratings (and promoting more pro-Trump outlets like OAN and Newsmax), to a rather stunning call out for a “an in-person-only-paper ballot re-vote, especially in the States where flagrant irregularities have occurred.”

After losing court case after court case, after states like Michigan and Georgia certifying the election results for Biden, after the GSA admin officially kicked off the transition process -- perhaps Randy Quaid is America's final hope to overturn the election....After all, he saved the world in Independence Day....

His idea to do the election over again and this time force everyone to vote in person and only via paper-ballot (especially those sneaky blacks) maybe the best shot Trump has -- however, since the Dems, Soros and the CIA are so powerful, can we really trust any election?? Best thing to do is just declare Trump president for life -- that is the only remedy our Constitution provides, voting and elections are for communists...

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Look up some of the videos on Randy Quaid on YouTube. When I said he was crazy as a shithouse rat, I may have been being generous to him.

The fact that anyone thinks Randy Quaid may save Trump and America shows a level of desperation that is truly comical.

Now, if only someone had the power to move this to the appropriate forum....

"President Donald Trump went on a laser-focused Twitter frenzy Tuesday morning, retweeting a number of absurdly insane (or is it insanely absurd) tweets from actor Randy Quaid alleging that the 2020 general election was stolen. The tweets ranged from calling out the Republican Party, to mocking the recent dip in Fox News ratings (and promoting more pro-Trump outlets like OAN and Newsmax), to a rather stunning call out for a “an in-person-only-paper ballot re-vote, especially in the States where flagrant irregularities have occurred.”

After losing court case after court case, after states like Michigan and Georgia certifying the election results for Biden, after the GSA admin officially kicked off the transition process -- perhaps Randy Quaid is America's final hope to overturn the election....After all, he saved the world in Independence Day....

His idea to do the election over again and this time force everyone to vote in person and only via paper-ballot (especially those sneaky blacks) maybe the best shot Trump has -- however, since the Dems, Soros and the CIA are so powerful, can we really trust any election?? Best thing to do is just declare Trump president for life -- that is the only remedy our Constitution provides, voting and elections are for communists...

You sound stupid. First you like the dude that called Neil Degrasse Tyson a ******, then you make this asinine thread about crazy Randy Quaid?

That person also exposed COVID as the jewish scam that it is...

Thought you Trumpers liked that type of racist demonizing

So why clutch your pearls over someone being called the N-word you bitch ass cuck

"President Donald Trump went on a laser-focused Twitter frenzy Tuesday morning, retweeting a number of absurdly insane (or is it insanely absurd) tweets from actor Randy Quaid alleging that the 2020 general election was stolen. The tweets ranged from calling out the Republican Party, to mocking the recent dip in Fox News ratings (and promoting more pro-Trump outlets like OAN and Newsmax), to a rather stunning call out for a “an in-person-only-paper ballot re-vote, especially in the States where flagrant irregularities have occurred.”

After losing court case after court case, after states like Michigan and Georgia certifying the election results for Biden, after the GSA admin officially kicked off the transition process -- perhaps Randy Quaid is America's final hope to overturn the election....After all, he saved the world in Independence Day....

His idea to do the election over again and this time force everyone to vote in person and only via paper-ballot (especially those sneaky blacks) maybe the best shot Trump has -- however, since the Dems, Soros and the CIA are so powerful, can we really trust any election?? Best thing to do is just declare Trump president for life -- that is the only remedy our Constitution provides, voting and elections are for communists...

You sound stupid. First you like the dude that called Neil Degrasse Tyson a ******, then you make this asinine thread about crazy Randy Quaid?

That person also exposed COVID as the jewish scam that it is...

Thought you Trumpers liked that type of racist demonizing

So why clutch your pearls over someone being called the N-word you bitch ass cuck

Trump supporters arent racist. We welcome all races to join us.

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