Can mass deportation work?

He's pretty f-ing dumb! I guess he thinks all of those photos of border wall we put up are AI generated. He also does not read very well for comprehension. He is almost as bad as your typical liberal. He just suffers from TDS.
450 miles or 20%. Looked it up since that appears hard.

This is your truly great border wall.

450 miles or 20%. Looked it up since that appears hard.

This is your truly great border wall.

Yeah, it's damaged because Biden took all the money for upkeep and maintenance and spent it to house and transport illegals. BTW, those are flood gates in the lower picture. Remember, the newest border wall is almost 4 years old.

Also BTW, the upper wall looks to be many miles in length, don't you think? How many miles did you erroneously say they actually put up?
In his defense, you only need one illegal that speaks English. I hired a roofing company a few years back that had an entire crew of Mexicans. The boss only spoke English so his crew leader spoke both. No one else spoke a word of English but understood most of it.
For Health & Safety reasons, clear communication in English is paramount for the safety of workers, so I only sub-contract to English tradesmen that have English workers to avoid accidents.
If you don't hire them, there's no incentive to be in America. So what you do is, bankrupt and jail those Americans who hire them.
For Health & Safety reasons, clear communication in English is paramount for the safety of workers, so I only sub-contract to English tradesmen that have English workers to avoid accidents.
But you don't have a significant portion of your population that speaks Spanish.
Good for you, but that doesn't apply here. Everyone in my family speaks and understands a great deal of Spanish.
Especially factories, they advertise jobs that speaking Polish is a must. A large contractor who I did work for was asked to do work at such a factory. They asked me to quote converting two toilets/rest rooms. I declined and dumped the contractor.
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