Zone1 Can BLACKS be just as Racist as Whites?


Jan 11, 2016
Keep in mind that Dr. Lloyd Rudy is a White man (and so am I).

I must ask this question because I just read Dr. Lloyd Rudy's book on African-American
Near Death Experiences (I have linked the book below).

I picked up this book because I was curious about what Blacks experience during a near
death experience and did not expect it to be very different from what Whites have reported.

But to my shock -- several Blacks claimed that there's very few Whites in heaven. The
Blacks who went to hell said they saw lots of White people in hell, in fact, we were the
majority down there. But the ones who went to heaven said there was almost ZERO
Whites when they went to heaven.

Frankly, I don't believe such a thing could be true.

But I am interested to know -- do Black people think of this as RACIST on the part of
other Blacks? I have to say that I was offended and I felt like they were being racist.

I don't think GOD has a preference for people based on race.

GOOD CLEAN DARK by Dr. Lloyd Rudy
Blacks say the N word all the time but no one calls them racist for it, only us. You people who do that are sick.
Keep in mind that Dr. Lloyd Rudy is a White man (and so am I).

I must ask this question because I just read Dr. Lloyd Rudy's book on African-American
Near Death Experiences (I have linked the book below).

I picked up this book because I was curious about what Blacks experience during a near
death experience and did not expect it to be very different from what Whites have reported.

But to my shock -- several Blacks claimed that there's very few Whites in heaven. The
Blacks who went to hell said they saw lots of White people in hell, in fact, we were the
majority down there. But the ones who went to heaven said there was almost ZERO
Whites when they went to heaven.

Frankly, I don't believe such a thing could be true.

But I am interested to know -- do Black people think of this as RACIST on the part of
other Blacks? I have to say that I was offended and I felt like they were being racist.

I don't think GOD has a preference for people based on race.

GOOD CLEAN DARK by Dr. Lloyd Rudy
In the last twenty years, blacks have become far more racist than whites ever were. I would not be surprised if the blacks interviewed told the writer what they wanted him to think. I have never heard of "near death" experiences viewing heaven or hell. Most I've heard was that they looked down a long hallway with a bright light at the end.
Keep in mind that Dr. Lloyd Rudy is a White man (and so am I).

I must ask this question because I just read Dr. Lloyd Rudy's book on African-American
Near Death Experiences (I have linked the book below).

I picked up this book because I was curious about what Blacks experience during a near
death experience and did not expect it to be very different from what Whites have reported.

But to my shock -- several Blacks claimed that there's very few Whites in heaven. The
Blacks who went to hell said they saw lots of White people in hell, in fact, we were the
majority down there. But the ones who went to heaven said there was almost ZERO
Whites when they went to heaven.

Frankly, I don't believe such a thing could be true.

But I am interested to know -- do Black people think of this as RACIST on the part of
other Blacks? I have to say that I was offended and I felt like they were being racist.

I don't think GOD has a preference for people based on race.

GOOD CLEAN DARK by Dr. Lloyd Rudy
Africans are tribal. It's all they've ever known. As a group, they are by far the most racist people. They're that way to every race, even themselves (see Zone1 - Black Colorism). Negroes remain the source of racial discord in America.

White people are the most inclusive. America's Statue of Liberty has been a beacon for people of diverse races, ethnicities, religions and cultures who have been assimilated into American culture.
That's the problem--immigrants used to assimilate--now they want Americans to embrace their culture. If they wanted their culture, they should have stayed there.
Negroes call that "diversity." Their inability to measure up and assimilate like every one else now has them wanting to hate America and it be accepted.
But I am interested to know -- do Black people think
Yes siree Bob. Now dat's blowin' yer classic dogwhistle right chair! Was you equally shocked by how all dees here white racists came a runnin'?
I picked up this book because I was curious about what Blacks experience
So, being white, I read stuff from a white guy and was so shocked by what he wrote that I had to come to this very white MB brimming with supremacists and ask them about "what Blacks experience".. It's all so Shocking!
Just consider all those Asians who have been beaten or murdered by young gentlemen of the ethnicity under discussion.
Keep in mind that Dr. Lloyd Rudy is a White man (and so am I).

I must ask this question because I just read Dr. Lloyd Rudy's book on African-American
Near Death Experiences (I have linked the book below).

I picked up this book because I was curious about what Blacks experience during a near
death experience and did not expect it to be very different from what Whites have reported.

But to my shock -- several Blacks claimed that there's very few Whites in heaven. The
Blacks who went to hell said they saw lots of White people in hell, in fact, we were the
majority down there. But the ones who went to heaven said there was almost ZERO
Whites when they went to heaven.

Frankly, I don't believe such a thing could be true.

But I am interested to know -- do Black people think of this as RACIST on the part of
other Blacks? I have to say that I was offended and I felt like they were being racist.

I don't think GOD has a preference for people based on race.

GOOD CLEAN DARK by Dr. Lloyd Rudy
I would say this is racist. But I also question if this is true. Furthermore I'm tired of whites trying to look for racism in everybody else to excuse what whites have done.

So until you can find that blacks created a system based on black racial supremacy and denied whites rights overtly by written laws for 190 years, then after supposedly passing equal rights legislation, make every effort not to follow the law and now trying to overturn policies that created some form of a chance at equal opportunity, let's stop talking about black racism.
Just consider all those Asians who have been beaten or murdered by young gentlemen of the ethnicity under discussion.
How about considering the far larger number of Asians who have been beaten and killed by whites?
For the record, "racism" is the attitude and belief that non-racial characteristics can be presumed about a person simply because of his race. For example:

Black people like to eat chicken and watermelon,
Asians are terrible drivers,
Indians (from the Subcontinent) are all good at math,
"White" people enjoy oppressing everybody else,
and so on.

It should be noted that a racist idea can be positive, neutral, or harmful.
"Blacks are better at basketball than 'whites'."
"Blacks have longer arms and legs relative to the length of their torso's."
"There are no world-class Asian sprinters because of the way they squat down as children; it fucks up their knees."

Accordingly, anyone can be "racist."

But that begs the question once asked by the honorable HRC, to wit, "At this point, what difference does it make?"

The DIFFERENCE is the impact of racism on the target group. If it results in more Asians being hired to STEM positions because the hiring executives assume they are best suited for those positions... If it results in Blacks being accepted to colleges and programs for which they are not technically qualified... If it results in a disproportionate number of "white" women being hired as actresses and models...

Could we therefore say that ALL RACISM IS BAD? The answer is not obvious.

How about a refined term, "Insidious Racism"? Racism that may or may not appear harmless, but proves to be harmful in practice.

And of course Racism without power is empty and fairly meaningless. The homeless Black person who hates "Whitey"? Who gives a shit? Until he assaults a random "white" person (or Asian), then it becomes an issue.

Racism is ubiquitous. It is everywhere, in all races, ethnicities, and societies. It will never be wiped out. So as a matter of public policy, one can only be concerned with demonstrable, harmful racism, in real time (not 200 years ago), which should be dealt with quickly and definitively.

And for the record, to infer racism from "inequality" is logical, moral, and political bullshit. The reasons for inequality go far beyond demographics.

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