Campaign flyer tells blacks in Alabama to vote or face the honoring of ‘klansmen’

So you believe the GOP is actually the best party for poor, middle class and rich people? REALLY? Are you really that brainwashed?

The Democrats actually create an environment where the poor can become middle class and the middle class can become rich. The GOP create an environment where it is harder for the poor to become middle class and harder for the middle class to become rich but BOY are they the party for people who are already rich.

Great example, my dad worked for Ford and had a union job. He worked for 30 years and now he has hundreds of thousands of dollars saved, a pension, ss and 2 homes.

Jobs like this don't exist anymore. No one working in a factory today and for the next 30 years will ever accomplish what he accomplished. That middle class is gone. No longer exists. So do you expect the young factory worker today to have what my dad had after they work 30 years? They won't have a dime saved, no pension, ss and medicare will be drastically cut.

Welcome to the new America where the "middle class" is really one month away from losing everything.

The New America:

Traditional finance advice dictates that every family should have enough money saved to cover at least six months of expenses. Some experts even suggest having enough in the bank to cover expenses for a full year, according to Despite these recommendations, many American families have relatively little saved or are living without a financial cushion

The average savings account balance in the U.S. was $5,923 in 2011, according to a 2012 report by Pitney Bowes, a document-management services company. This represented an increase of just under 3 percent from the $5,753 balance in 2010.

Actually this is better than I thought. But wait!

The average US household credit card debt stands at $15,252

So the average home is actually $10K in debt.

Now it is time for you to blame the workers who today only make $10 hr.


"The Democrats actually create an environment where the poor can become middle class and the middle class can become rich. The GOP create an environment where it is harder for the poor to become middle class and harder for the middle class to become rich but BOY are they the party for people who are already rich. "

Horse shit, the Dems create a system that caps you at whatever level they decide is "fair".
Your position is pure fucking disgusting, Repubs believe people "can" , Dems believe people "can't" and therefore need help from Daddy Gov.

"Jobs like this don't exist anymore. No one working in a factory today and for the next 30 years will ever accomplish what he accomplished. That middle class is gone. No longer exists. So do you expect the young factory worker today to have what my dad had after they work 30 years? They won't have a dime saved, no pension, ss and medicare will be drastically cut. "

I AM the middle class you dipshit and I want more or need more I do whatever needs to be done to get it.

A lot of you think you are middle class but you are actually lower middle class. How much do you make?

(smile) My 6 figures suit me fine.....I don't begrudge any man his money.....just admit you are a puke who lives on envy and coveting.

No matter what you have you always want at least one more dollar.
Preferably you want the Gov to take it from someone and give it to you...and you think that THAT is "fair"

I don't want the government to take money from the rich and give it to me. I want them to give it to us. It takes taxes to run a country you idiot.

And when they don't tax the rich, they tax you and me more, you dope. You think 6 figures makes you one of them? I hate Republicans like you. You are comfortable enough to think you are one of them but in reality you are one of us.

Trust me, the Democrats aren't taxing you any more than the GOP and even if you did make enough to get taxed more, it isn't shit so stop crying. people who don't understand that they only pay marginal tax rates on the extra dollars they earn above taxation thresholds. "This isn't true, of course. Obama is only proposing to raise tax rates on income over $250,000, so if your income goes up to $251,000, you only pay the higher rate on the extra $1,000. The tax bill on your first $250,000 stays exactly the same."

Do you make over $250K? Then don't worry about it.

"I don't want the government to take money from the rich and give it to me. I want them to give it to us. It takes taxes to run a country you idiot. "

EARN what you want dipshit, it really is NOT a hard concept.

"And when they don't tax the rich, they tax you and me more, you dope. You think 6 figures makes you one of them? I hate Republicans like you. You are comfortable enough to think you are one of them but in reality you are one of us."

And there it is.
Class Warfare.

I don't want or need to one of anybody.
I am content being me and I am content with what I have. IF I need more I go out and EARN it.
You are quite sick kid.

I'll make it simple even a dummy like you can understand. The rich got the GOP to change the tax code and economic policies so that we went from them having 75% of the wealth and us 25% to them having 90% and us 10%. So you want me to go earn what I can out of the 10% available to me? You are so nice. Nice and dumb.

See, the Government is the referee in the game of business. There is no such thing as a free market. Governments set the rules. We all know without rules there is kaos. So if the rich took over our government and fucked things up, it is up to us and our government to fix what the rich and the GOP broke.

I'm sure this will be an issue leading up to the 2016 elections. If the middle class is ok with paying more so the rich can pay less, they'll vote for Romney, Jeb, Christy, Paul Ryan or whoever the fuck you guys nominate.
Us haves? HA! As if you are one of them and not one of us. Fucking liar. In fact I bet you are a broke ass just talking shit on the net. Dummy.

Sorry sir, I come from an upper middle class background and married a rich girl. It is what it is.

At least you admit it.

So just don't try to tell us people who have to work for a living how to vote as if you know what it is like being one of us. You don't.

And unfortunately some people who went from poor to rich become arrogant so even if one of your buddies on USMB says he or she made it from nothing, I would suggest they have forgotten where they came from.

That's why I love most people who came from nothing and are now rich. They are usually less greedy than people like you who were born into it or lucked into it. They don't mind paying higher taxes. Its the rich who feel entitled I can't stand. The ones who forgot all the help they got along the way.

One quick great example is a guy who went to a good public school and is now a success, but he wants to cut public school funding because now he sends his little prick kids to private schools. LOL.

First of all sir. I served 26 years in the Army because when I felt like I owed the country that provided us such good fortune deserved that sacrifice from me.

Second of all, just because I'm fairly well of doesn't mean I'm greedy. I am far from greedy. I recognize that I have a responsibility to those "beneath me" and I try to do right by them, but at the same time, there is a difference between doing right by someone and financially ruining myself to help someone else.

Truth be told, my wife and I probably gave more to charity than you earned last year, and we don't begrudge it one bit, we can afford it. I'm not one of those rich assholes that needs 40 cars and 12 houses to prove to the world that I have money. I drive a Ford truck for God sakes (okay it's a 2015 Ford F350 crew cab dually 4x4 but still)

I'm not your enemy simply because I have money.

Don't bother. You're dealing with a hateful Moocher whiner. Pure ignorance. Nice try though. :)

Not a moocher to want a fair wage.

And it was you guys who whined for 6 years now that Obama sucks and his economic recovery sucks but it has been GREAT for the rich. That is what proves you aren't really one of them. You don't have any business voting GOP if you are complaining about the economy because the economy is great for anyone who isn't poor or middle class. Yet you guys have been crying about unemployment and wages. Why all the double talk?

You guys did this same thing when Bush was president. Do you even realize you are doing it? You said when Bush was POTUS that if you are complaining about the economy then either you need to start a business or go back to school. But the fucking minute Obama got into office, you guys started complaining about his handling of the economy. Now you are going back to your original argument?

This is why I stay away from politics until it is an election year. See you idiots again in 2015. LATE 2015. Like maybe October. BITCHES!

"And it was you guys who whined for 6 years now that Obama sucks and his economic recovery sucks but it has been GREAT for the rich. "

You DO know that Obama quadrupled Bush's QE and pumped it directly to the infamous "1%" right?
Us haves? HA! As if you are one of them and not one of us. Fucking liar. In fact I bet you are a broke ass just talking shit on the net. Dummy.

Sorry sir, I come from an upper middle class background and married a rich girl. It is what it is.

At least you admit it.

So just don't try to tell us people who have to work for a living how to vote as if you know what it is like being one of us. You don't.

And unfortunately some people who went from poor to rich become arrogant so even if one of your buddies on USMB says he or she made it from nothing, I would suggest they have forgotten where they came from.

That's why I love most people who came from nothing and are now rich. They are usually less greedy than people like you who were born into it or lucked into it. They don't mind paying higher taxes. Its the rich who feel entitled I can't stand. The ones who forgot all the help they got along the way.

One quick great example is a guy who went to a good public school and is now a success, but he wants to cut public school funding because now he sends his little prick kids to private schools. LOL.

First of all sir. I served 26 years in the Army because when I felt like I owed the country that provided us such good fortune deserved that sacrifice from me.

Second of all, just because I'm fairly well of doesn't mean I'm greedy. I am far from greedy. I recognize that I have a responsibility to those "beneath me" and I try to do right by them, but at the same time, there is a difference between doing right by someone and financially ruining myself to help someone else.

Truth be told, my wife and I probably gave more to charity than you earned last year, and we don't begrudge it one bit, we can afford it. I'm not one of those rich assholes that needs 40 cars and 12 houses to prove to the world that I have money. I drive a Ford truck for God sakes (okay it's a 2015 Ford F350 crew cab dually 4x4 but still)

I'm not your enemy simply because I have money.

Don't bother. You're dealing with a hateful Moocher whiner. Pure ignorance. Nice try though. :)

Not a moocher to want a fair wage.

And it was you guys who whined for 6 years now that Obama sucks and his economic recovery sucks but it has been GREAT for the rich. That is what proves you aren't really one of them. You don't have any business voting GOP if you are complaining about the economy because the economy is great for anyone who isn't poor or middle class. Yet you guys have been crying about unemployment and wages. Why all the double talk?

You guys did this same thing when Bush was president. Do you even realize you are doing it? You said when Bush was POTUS that if you are complaining about the economy then either you need to start a business or go back to school. But the fucking minute Obama got into office, you guys started complaining about his handling of the economy. Now you are going back to your original argument?

This is why I stay away from politics until it is an election year. See you idiots again in 2015. LATE 2015. Like maybe October. BITCHES!

Read around Sparky I'm not on of those "grrrr, I hate Democrats" posters
Again, I'm sorry that you think it's so awful that I'm wealthy, but I can't help that. If and when the day comes that you write a six figure check to the IRS you won't be all "the "rich" don't pay their fair share" I promise you that.

You know though. You've inspired me. I promise you this. If ANY of my restaurant's employee's owe the IRS even 1/10th of what I owe this year, I'll pay the entire amount.

How about you, if one my employee's has a tax bill that is 1/10th of mine for 2014 will you pay their bill?
At least they aren't voting against their own pocket books. Do you realize that rich blacks vote GOP? They too are voting correctly. For example, Herman Cain should be voting GOP. So poor and middle class blacks are smart and rich people are voting correctly it is just you stupid poor and middle class whites that are dumb.

And come to think about it, how come only 55% white people vote GOP? Why don't the rest of us vote GOP? Is there also something wrong with half of the poor and middle class whites who vote Democratic too?

You sound like Romney asshole. Everyone who doesn't agree with your rich spoiled arrogant ass is a taker and or commy socialist?

In general, African American Democrats are hateful, racist, and ignorant. Sorry to be so blunt, but it is the truth. On the other hand, African American Republicans are intelligent non-bigoted people. When African Americans get their shit together, more of em will abandon the Democratic Party and become Republicans.

Most African Americans have virtually nothing in common with Communist/Progressive wankers. For the most part, they're good Church-going Conservatives. The Republican Party better-represents their values. I truly do believe a shift will happen at some point. More African Americans will become Republicans in the future.

No offense, but fuck you because I'm sure if you feel that way about blacks then you probably feel that way about anybody who votes Democratic.

Blacks that vote GOP have forgotten where they came from. They are no different than greedy selfish whites who vote GOP.

But I can't argue that when people in general become successful, they become arrogant and they forget that the tax system they hate today is the same tax system we had back when they were trying to become successful.

Why is that shitty of them? Because what they are advocating for today is to cut their taxes and shift the tax burden onto the poor. But that isn't the way things worked when they were climbing the ladder of success. Get it? So for them to say change the rules now because now they are successful, makes them assholes. Assholes come in all colors.

Do you know the history of why/when blacks left the GOP? Google the Great Mississippi flood and read about how the GOP shit on blacks and that's when they left the party. They weren't always Democrats.

Also the Southern Strategy is racist. The GOP came up with the strategy to win over white southern voters. So why would any black go along?

Yeah, but you would say that. You are an African American Democrat, no? I think i covered that in my earlier post. You're hateful, racist, and ignorant. Your incoherent rant proved that for me. Nice job. Thanks.

White, 43 years old, have plenty saved, will inherit enough I'll be able to retire at 62 and never worry for money, condo paid off, car paid off. Living the dream actually.

I just know things could be better. And for me to want better for the middle class and myself doesn't make me or us takers, just like the GOP aren't "takers" when they lobby our government to lower their taxes. I don't even blame them for trying. I blame you for letting them get away with it. Even if you do make 6 figures, which I doubt, you still aren't rich enough to be one of them. Just rich enough to afford to be ignorant.

Fortunately I never argue with guys like you. I don't blame you for voting the way you do. I blame the poor and lower middle class fools who vote with you or don't show up.

Did you fucking hear voter turn out this week was less than in 2010? Americans. You SUCK! You don't deserve this country.

Nah, you're just a hateful Moocher whiner. You guys make up much of the Democratic Party Base. It is what it is.

That's exactly what the auto industry said about the workers just before they organized into unions. America wouldn't be as great as it WAS if unions and the New Deal didn't happen.

But I don't care if young Americans and Blacks are getting fucked. They deserve it. They didn't show up to vote yesterday. So, fuck them. I'm done caring. They either have to revolt, vote, organize, unionize or whatever. They need to stand up for themselves. They had the right idea when they did the Wallstreet 99%ers protests but then they disappeared and didn't show up on Tuesday. So, fuck em. They can pay off their $100K loans and never save enough to retire. I graduated in the 90's with a $1500 student loan and I was freaking out about paying any interest. LOL. I can't imagine graduating with a $40K loan and this job market.
In general, African American Democrats are hateful, racist, and ignorant. Sorry to be so blunt, but it is the truth. On the other hand, African American Republicans are intelligent non-bigoted people. When African Americans get their shit together, more of em will abandon the Democratic Party and become Republicans.

Most African Americans have virtually nothing in common with Communist/Progressive wankers. For the most part, they're good Church-going Conservatives. The Republican Party better-represents their values. I truly do believe a shift will happen at some point. More African Americans will become Republicans in the future.

No offense, but fuck you because I'm sure if you feel that way about blacks then you probably feel that way about anybody who votes Democratic.

Blacks that vote GOP have forgotten where they came from. They are no different than greedy selfish whites who vote GOP.

But I can't argue that when people in general become successful, they become arrogant and they forget that the tax system they hate today is the same tax system we had back when they were trying to become successful.

Why is that shitty of them? Because what they are advocating for today is to cut their taxes and shift the tax burden onto the poor. But that isn't the way things worked when they were climbing the ladder of success. Get it? So for them to say change the rules now because now they are successful, makes them assholes. Assholes come in all colors.

Do you know the history of why/when blacks left the GOP? Google the Great Mississippi flood and read about how the GOP shit on blacks and that's when they left the party. They weren't always Democrats.

Also the Southern Strategy is racist. The GOP came up with the strategy to win over white southern voters. So why would any black go along?

Yeah, but you would say that. You are an African American Democrat, no? I think i covered that in my earlier post. You're hateful, racist, and ignorant. Your incoherent rant proved that for me. Nice job. Thanks.

White, 43 years old, have plenty saved, will inherit enough I'll be able to retire at 62 and never worry for money, condo paid off, car paid off. Living the dream actually.

I just know things could be better. And for me to want better for the middle class and myself doesn't make me or us takers, just like the GOP aren't "takers" when they lobby our government to lower their taxes. I don't even blame them for trying. I blame you for letting them get away with it. Even if you do make 6 figures, which I doubt, you still aren't rich enough to be one of them. Just rich enough to afford to be ignorant.

Fortunately I never argue with guys like you. I don't blame you for voting the way you do. I blame the poor and lower middle class fools who vote with you or don't show up.

Did you fucking hear voter turn out this week was less than in 2010? Americans. You SUCK! You don't deserve this country.

Nah, you're just a hateful Moocher whiner. You guys make up much of the Democratic Party Base. It is what it is.

That's exactly what the auto industry said about the workers just before they organized into unions. America wouldn't be as great as it WAS if unions and the New Deal didn't happen.

But I don't care if young Americans and Blacks are getting fucked. They deserve it. They didn't show up to vote yesterday. So, fuck them. I'm done caring. They either have to revolt, vote, organize, unionize or whatever. They need to stand up for themselves. They had the right idea when they did the Wallstreet 99%ers protests but then they disappeared and didn't show up on Tuesday. So, fuck em. They can pay off their $100K loans and never save enough to retire. I graduated in the 90's with a $1500 student loan and I was freaking out about paying any interest. LOL. I can't imagine graduating with a $40K loan and this job market.

Ah, stop being so butthurt. You Moocher whiners and Felons lost yesterday. But it's not the end of the world. There will be other Elections. So chill out.
Sorry sir, I come from an upper middle class background and married a rich girl. It is what it is.

At least you admit it.

So just don't try to tell us people who have to work for a living how to vote as if you know what it is like being one of us. You don't.

And unfortunately some people who went from poor to rich become arrogant so even if one of your buddies on USMB says he or she made it from nothing, I would suggest they have forgotten where they came from.

That's why I love most people who came from nothing and are now rich. They are usually less greedy than people like you who were born into it or lucked into it. They don't mind paying higher taxes. Its the rich who feel entitled I can't stand. The ones who forgot all the help they got along the way.

One quick great example is a guy who went to a good public school and is now a success, but he wants to cut public school funding because now he sends his little prick kids to private schools. LOL.

First of all sir. I served 26 years in the Army because when I felt like I owed the country that provided us such good fortune deserved that sacrifice from me.

Second of all, just because I'm fairly well of doesn't mean I'm greedy. I am far from greedy. I recognize that I have a responsibility to those "beneath me" and I try to do right by them, but at the same time, there is a difference between doing right by someone and financially ruining myself to help someone else.

Truth be told, my wife and I probably gave more to charity than you earned last year, and we don't begrudge it one bit, we can afford it. I'm not one of those rich assholes that needs 40 cars and 12 houses to prove to the world that I have money. I drive a Ford truck for God sakes (okay it's a 2015 Ford F350 crew cab dually 4x4 but still)

I'm not your enemy simply because I have money.

Don't bother. You're dealing with a hateful Moocher whiner. Pure ignorance. Nice try though. :)

Not a moocher to want a fair wage.

And it was you guys who whined for 6 years now that Obama sucks and his economic recovery sucks but it has been GREAT for the rich. That is what proves you aren't really one of them. You don't have any business voting GOP if you are complaining about the economy because the economy is great for anyone who isn't poor or middle class. Yet you guys have been crying about unemployment and wages. Why all the double talk?

You guys did this same thing when Bush was president. Do you even realize you are doing it? You said when Bush was POTUS that if you are complaining about the economy then either you need to start a business or go back to school. But the fucking minute Obama got into office, you guys started complaining about his handling of the economy. Now you are going back to your original argument?

This is why I stay away from politics until it is an election year. See you idiots again in 2015. LATE 2015. Like maybe October. BITCHES!

Read around Sparky I'm not on of those "grrrr, I hate Democrats" posters
Again, I'm sorry that you think it's so awful that I'm wealthy, but I can't help that. If and when the day comes that you write a six figure check to the IRS you won't be all "the "rich" don't pay their fair share" I promise you that.

You know though. You've inspired me. I promise you this. If ANY of my restaurant's employee's owe the IRS even 1/10th of what I owe this year, I'll pay the entire amount.

How about you, if one my employee's has a tax bill that is 1/10th of mine for 2014 will you pay their bill?

I made 6 figures in the 90's. There were two camps at that company. The guys who said, "I can't believe I make this much" and the guys who say, "can you believe how much they taxed me..."

You are a whiner, not me. Good nite.
In general, African American Democrats are hateful, racist, and ignorant. Sorry to be so blunt, but it is the truth. On the other hand, African American Republicans are intelligent non-bigoted people. When African Americans get their shit together, more of em will abandon the Democratic Party and become Republicans.

Most African Americans have virtually nothing in common with Communist/Progressive wankers. For the most part, they're good Church-going Conservatives. The Republican Party better-represents their values. I truly do believe a shift will happen at some point. More African Americans will become Republicans in the future.

No offense, but fuck you because I'm sure if you feel that way about blacks then you probably feel that way about anybody who votes Democratic.

Blacks that vote GOP have forgotten where they came from. They are no different than greedy selfish whites who vote GOP.

But I can't argue that when people in general become successful, they become arrogant and they forget that the tax system they hate today is the same tax system we had back when they were trying to become successful.

Why is that shitty of them? Because what they are advocating for today is to cut their taxes and shift the tax burden onto the poor. But that isn't the way things worked when they were climbing the ladder of success. Get it? So for them to say change the rules now because now they are successful, makes them assholes. Assholes come in all colors.

Do you know the history of why/when blacks left the GOP? Google the Great Mississippi flood and read about how the GOP shit on blacks and that's when they left the party. They weren't always Democrats.

Also the Southern Strategy is racist. The GOP came up with the strategy to win over white southern voters. So why would any black go along?

Yeah, but you would say that. You are an African American Democrat, no? I think i covered that in my earlier post. You're hateful, racist, and ignorant. Your incoherent rant proved that for me. Nice job. Thanks.

White, 43 years old, have plenty saved, will inherit enough I'll be able to retire at 62 and never worry for money, condo paid off, car paid off. Living the dream actually.

I just know things could be better. And for me to want better for the middle class and myself doesn't make me or us takers, just like the GOP aren't "takers" when they lobby our government to lower their taxes. I don't even blame them for trying. I blame you for letting them get away with it. Even if you do make 6 figures, which I doubt, you still aren't rich enough to be one of them. Just rich enough to afford to be ignorant.

Fortunately I never argue with guys like you. I don't blame you for voting the way you do. I blame the poor and lower middle class fools who vote with you or don't show up.

Did you fucking hear voter turn out this week was less than in 2010? Americans. You SUCK! You don't deserve this country.

Nah, you're just a hateful Moocher whiner. You guys make up much of the Democratic Party Base. It is what it is.

That's exactly what the auto industry said about the workers just before they organized into unions. America wouldn't be as great as it WAS if unions and the New Deal didn't happen.

But I don't care if young Americans and Blacks are getting fucked. They deserve it. They didn't show up to vote yesterday. So, fuck them. I'm done caring. They either have to revolt, vote, organize, unionize or whatever. They need to stand up for themselves. They had the right idea when they did the Wallstreet 99%ers protests but then they disappeared and didn't show up on Tuesday. So, fuck em. They can pay off their $100K loans and never save enough to retire. I graduated in the 90's with a $1500 student loan and I was freaking out about paying any interest. LOL. I can't imagine graduating with a $40K loan and this job market.

Hey assbite, my Son Graduated in 2010 with 20 Grand in Loans.
He made his last payment last month and he did it with middle class pay.

You see you are no more than an ignorant whiny prick with a chip on his shoulder.
No offense, but fuck you because I'm sure if you feel that way about blacks then you probably feel that way about anybody who votes Democratic.

Blacks that vote GOP have forgotten where they came from. They are no different than greedy selfish whites who vote GOP.

But I can't argue that when people in general become successful, they become arrogant and they forget that the tax system they hate today is the same tax system we had back when they were trying to become successful.

Why is that shitty of them? Because what they are advocating for today is to cut their taxes and shift the tax burden onto the poor. But that isn't the way things worked when they were climbing the ladder of success. Get it? So for them to say change the rules now because now they are successful, makes them assholes. Assholes come in all colors.

Do you know the history of why/when blacks left the GOP? Google the Great Mississippi flood and read about how the GOP shit on blacks and that's when they left the party. They weren't always Democrats.

Also the Southern Strategy is racist. The GOP came up with the strategy to win over white southern voters. So why would any black go along?

Yeah, but you would say that. You are an African American Democrat, no? I think i covered that in my earlier post. You're hateful, racist, and ignorant. Your incoherent rant proved that for me. Nice job. Thanks.

White, 43 years old, have plenty saved, will inherit enough I'll be able to retire at 62 and never worry for money, condo paid off, car paid off. Living the dream actually.

I just know things could be better. And for me to want better for the middle class and myself doesn't make me or us takers, just like the GOP aren't "takers" when they lobby our government to lower their taxes. I don't even blame them for trying. I blame you for letting them get away with it. Even if you do make 6 figures, which I doubt, you still aren't rich enough to be one of them. Just rich enough to afford to be ignorant.

Fortunately I never argue with guys like you. I don't blame you for voting the way you do. I blame the poor and lower middle class fools who vote with you or don't show up.

Did you fucking hear voter turn out this week was less than in 2010? Americans. You SUCK! You don't deserve this country.

Nah, you're just a hateful Moocher whiner. You guys make up much of the Democratic Party Base. It is what it is.

That's exactly what the auto industry said about the workers just before they organized into unions. America wouldn't be as great as it WAS if unions and the New Deal didn't happen.

But I don't care if young Americans and Blacks are getting fucked. They deserve it. They didn't show up to vote yesterday. So, fuck them. I'm done caring. They either have to revolt, vote, organize, unionize or whatever. They need to stand up for themselves. They had the right idea when they did the Wallstreet 99%ers protests but then they disappeared and didn't show up on Tuesday. So, fuck em. They can pay off their $100K loans and never save enough to retire. I graduated in the 90's with a $1500 student loan and I was freaking out about paying any interest. LOL. I can't imagine graduating with a $40K loan and this job market.

Hey assbite, my Son Graduated in 2010 with 20 Grand in Loans.
He made his last payment last month and he did it with middle class pay.

You see you are no more than an ignorant whiny prick with a chip on his shoulder.

Ah, cut him some slack. Yesterday was a horrifically bad day for Democrat Moocher whiners and Felons. So much butthurt. Just enjoy the butthurt entertainment. It'll get even funnier. Stay tuned.
So you believe the GOP is actually the best party for poor, middle class and rich people? REALLY? Are you really that brainwashed?

The Democrats actually create an environment where the poor can become middle class and the middle class can become rich. The GOP create an environment where it is harder for the poor to become middle class and harder for the middle class to become rich but BOY are they the party for people who are already rich.

Great example, my dad worked for Ford and had a union job. He worked for 30 years and now he has hundreds of thousands of dollars saved, a pension, ss and 2 homes.

Jobs like this don't exist anymore. No one working in a factory today and for the next 30 years will ever accomplish what he accomplished. That middle class is gone. No longer exists. So do you expect the young factory worker today to have what my dad had after they work 30 years? They won't have a dime saved, no pension, ss and medicare will be drastically cut.

Welcome to the new America where the "middle class" is really one month away from losing everything.

The New America:

Traditional finance advice dictates that every family should have enough money saved to cover at least six months of expenses. Some experts even suggest having enough in the bank to cover expenses for a full year, according to Despite these recommendations, many American families have relatively little saved or are living without a financial cushion

The average savings account balance in the U.S. was $5,923 in 2011, according to a 2012 report by Pitney Bowes, a document-management services company. This represented an increase of just under 3 percent from the $5,753 balance in 2010.

Actually this is better than I thought. But wait!

The average US household credit card debt stands at $15,252

So the average home is actually $10K in debt.

Now it is time for you to blame the workers who today only make $10 hr.


"The Democrats actually create an environment where the poor can become middle class and the middle class can become rich. The GOP create an environment where it is harder for the poor to become middle class and harder for the middle class to become rich but BOY are they the party for people who are already rich. "

Horse shit, the Dems create a system that caps you at whatever level they decide is "fair".
Your position is pure fucking disgusting, Repubs believe people "can" , Dems believe people "can't" and therefore need help from Daddy Gov.

"Jobs like this don't exist anymore. No one working in a factory today and for the next 30 years will ever accomplish what he accomplished. That middle class is gone. No longer exists. So do you expect the young factory worker today to have what my dad had after they work 30 years? They won't have a dime saved, no pension, ss and medicare will be drastically cut. "

I AM the middle class you dipshit and I want more or need more I do whatever needs to be done to get it.

A lot of you think you are middle class but you are actually lower middle class. How much do you make?

(smile) My 6 figures suit me fine.....I don't begrudge any man his money.....just admit you are a puke who lives on envy and coveting.

No matter what you have you always want at least one more dollar.
Preferably you want the Gov to take it from someone and give it to you...and you think that THAT is "fair"

I don't want the government to take money from the rich and give it to me. I want them to give it to us. It takes taxes to run a country you idiot.

And when they don't tax the rich, they tax you and me more, you dope. You think 6 figures makes you one of them? I hate Republicans like you. You are comfortable enough to think you are one of them but in reality you are one of us.

Trust me, the Democrats aren't taxing you any more than the GOP and even if you did make enough to get taxed more, it isn't shit so stop crying. people who don't understand that they only pay marginal tax rates on the extra dollars they earn above taxation thresholds. "This isn't true, of course. Obama is only proposing to raise tax rates on income over $250,000, so if your income goes up to $251,000, you only pay the higher rate on the extra $1,000. The tax bill on your first $250,000 stays exactly the same."

Do you make over $250K? Then don't worry about it.

I paid $106 THOUSAND in federal income tax last year, there is no way in hell you can convince me that that isn't MORE than my share of the bill.
How much did you pay?

You're damn right I us every loophole there is to pay as little as I can. I bet you do the same. I bet you didn't pay 10% of what I paid, maybe not even 1%. Did you only use 1% of the government services that I used? I doubt that.

You're being unreasonable.

If you paid that much in taxes, you make a hell of a lot of money pal. Be happy. If running this country means you pay that much in taxes, cry us po folk a river.

So I guess it all depends on what you made. Tell us how much you made in order to pay out that much in taxes. I bet no one here will think you should get a tax break and we should each pay $100 more. I bet when you put it to the masses that way they'd say you're paying your fair share and if we need more, maybe you should pay a little more. Boo hoo you poor rich man. Waaah! Whiner.

I would use every loophole too. That's why our government needs to close them. Government is the referee. Unfortunately your side has paid off the refs so the game is rigged.
No offense, but fuck you because I'm sure if you feel that way about blacks then you probably feel that way about anybody who votes Democratic.

Blacks that vote GOP have forgotten where they came from. They are no different than greedy selfish whites who vote GOP.

But I can't argue that when people in general become successful, they become arrogant and they forget that the tax system they hate today is the same tax system we had back when they were trying to become successful.

Why is that shitty of them? Because what they are advocating for today is to cut their taxes and shift the tax burden onto the poor. But that isn't the way things worked when they were climbing the ladder of success. Get it? So for them to say change the rules now because now they are successful, makes them assholes. Assholes come in all colors.

Do you know the history of why/when blacks left the GOP? Google the Great Mississippi flood and read about how the GOP shit on blacks and that's when they left the party. They weren't always Democrats.

Also the Southern Strategy is racist. The GOP came up with the strategy to win over white southern voters. So why would any black go along?

Yeah, but you would say that. You are an African American Democrat, no? I think i covered that in my earlier post. You're hateful, racist, and ignorant. Your incoherent rant proved that for me. Nice job. Thanks.

White, 43 years old, have plenty saved, will inherit enough I'll be able to retire at 62 and never worry for money, condo paid off, car paid off. Living the dream actually.

I just know things could be better. And for me to want better for the middle class and myself doesn't make me or us takers, just like the GOP aren't "takers" when they lobby our government to lower their taxes. I don't even blame them for trying. I blame you for letting them get away with it. Even if you do make 6 figures, which I doubt, you still aren't rich enough to be one of them. Just rich enough to afford to be ignorant.

Fortunately I never argue with guys like you. I don't blame you for voting the way you do. I blame the poor and lower middle class fools who vote with you or don't show up.

Did you fucking hear voter turn out this week was less than in 2010? Americans. You SUCK! You don't deserve this country.

Nah, you're just a hateful Moocher whiner. You guys make up much of the Democratic Party Base. It is what it is.

That's exactly what the auto industry said about the workers just before they organized into unions. America wouldn't be as great as it WAS if unions and the New Deal didn't happen.

But I don't care if young Americans and Blacks are getting fucked. They deserve it. They didn't show up to vote yesterday. So, fuck them. I'm done caring. They either have to revolt, vote, organize, unionize or whatever. They need to stand up for themselves. They had the right idea when they did the Wallstreet 99%ers protests but then they disappeared and didn't show up on Tuesday. So, fuck em. They can pay off their $100K loans and never save enough to retire. I graduated in the 90's with a $1500 student loan and I was freaking out about paying any interest. LOL. I can't imagine graduating with a $40K loan and this job market.

Hey assbite, my Son Graduated in 2010 with 20 Grand in Loans.
He made his last payment last month and he did it with middle class pay.

You see you are no more than an ignorant whiny prick with a chip on his shoulder.

Did he have scholarships? Did he live at home? What degree does he have? I would have to know all the details to either admit ignorance or point out how lucky your spoiled little brat was, and even you. I would need to know your history too. Are you like John McCain's wife or Romney's wife who hasn't a clue what the real world is like?
Not at all. I'm a 43 year old white male. Who do you think is wrong in this scenario, a KKKlansman, the black who speaks out against him or the white who agrees with the black guy?

By the way, I am done caring about poor black people. Herman Cain doesn't care about them and from the turnout numbers in Detroit yesterday, blacks clearly don't care about themselves so why should I? If they can't even bother to vote, why should I give one shit about their pathetic circumstances?

I bet if the Democrat running for Governor was black they would have showed up. Pathetic!

False dichotomy.

There was no Klan involved and it was a pathetic ploy to play to the lowest common denominator.

They counted on the Race card to motivate uneducated blacks into voting against a mythical problem.

So you believe the GOP is actually the best party for poor, middle class and rich people? REALLY? Are you really that brainwashed?

The Democrats actually create an environment where the poor can become middle class and the middle class can become rich. The GOP create an environment where it is harder for the poor to become middle class and harder for the middle class to become rich but BOY are they the party for people who are already rich.

Great example, my dad worked for Ford and had a union job. He worked for 30 years and now he has hundreds of thousands of dollars saved, a pension, ss and 2 homes.

Jobs like this don't exist anymore. No one working in a factory today and for the next 30 years will ever accomplish what he accomplished. That middle class is gone. No longer exists. So do you expect the young factory worker today to have what my dad had after they work 30 years? They won't have a dime saved, no pension, ss and medicare will be drastically cut.

Welcome to the new America where the "middle class" is really one month away from losing everything.

The New America:

Traditional finance advice dictates that every family should have enough money saved to cover at least six months of expenses. Some experts even suggest having enough in the bank to cover expenses for a full year, according to Despite these recommendations, many American families have relatively little saved or are living without a financial cushion

The average savings account balance in the U.S. was $5,923 in 2011, according to a 2012 report by Pitney Bowes, a document-management services company. This represented an increase of just under 3 percent from the $5,753 balance in 2010.

Actually this is better than I thought. But wait!

The average US household credit card debt stands at $15,252

So the average home is actually $10K in debt.

Now it is time for you to blame the workers who today only make $10 hr.


"The Democrats actually create an environment where the poor can become middle class and the middle class can become rich. The GOP create an environment where it is harder for the poor to become middle class and harder for the middle class to become rich but BOY are they the party for people who are already rich. "

Horse shit, the Dems create a system that caps you at whatever level they decide is "fair".
Your position is pure fucking disgusting, Repubs believe people "can" , Dems believe people "can't" and therefore need help from Daddy Gov.

"Jobs like this don't exist anymore. No one working in a factory today and for the next 30 years will ever accomplish what he accomplished. That middle class is gone. No longer exists. So do you expect the young factory worker today to have what my dad had after they work 30 years? They won't have a dime saved, no pension, ss and medicare will be drastically cut. "

I AM the middle class you dipshit and I want more or need more I do whatever needs to be done to get it.

A lot of you think you are middle class but you are actually lower middle class. How much do you make?

(smile) My 6 figures suit me fine.....I don't begrudge any man his money.....just admit you are a puke who lives on envy and coveting.

No matter what you have you always want at least one more dollar.
Preferably you want the Gov to take it from someone and give it to you...and you think that THAT is "fair"

How are we going to get along in politics when that is what your side thinks of our side?

I bet you that is the first thing Mitch McConnell said to Obama when Obama called him. Mitch said, ".just admit you are a puke who lives on envy and coveting".

And Obama says, "Yes Mr. McConnell". Then Mitch says, "say it louder so John Boehner can hear you!" YES MR MCCONNELL says Obama. LOL.

Fuck you prick.
No offense, but fuck you because I'm sure if you feel that way about blacks then you probably feel that way about anybody who votes Democratic.

Blacks that vote GOP have forgotten where they came from. They are no different than greedy selfish whites who vote GOP.

But I can't argue that when people in general become successful, they become arrogant and they forget that the tax system they hate today is the same tax system we had back when they were trying to become successful.

Why is that shitty of them? Because what they are advocating for today is to cut their taxes and shift the tax burden onto the poor. But that isn't the way things worked when they were climbing the ladder of success. Get it? So for them to say change the rules now because now they are successful, makes them assholes. Assholes come in all colors.

Do you know the history of why/when blacks left the GOP? Google the Great Mississippi flood and read about how the GOP shit on blacks and that's when they left the party. They weren't always Democrats.

Also the Southern Strategy is racist. The GOP came up with the strategy to win over white southern voters. So why would any black go along?

^ Jealous of us haves.

Us haves? HA! As if you are one of them and not one of us. Fucking liar. In fact I bet you are a broke ass just talking shit on the net. Dummy.

Sorry sir, I come from an upper middle class background and married a rich girl. It is what it is.

At least you admit it.

So just don't try to tell us people who have to work for a living how to vote as if you know what it is like being one of us. You don't.

And unfortunately some people who went from poor to rich become arrogant so even if one of your buddies on USMB says he or she made it from nothing, I would suggest they have forgotten where they came from.

That's why I love most people who came from nothing and are now rich. They are usually less greedy than people like you who were born into it or lucked into it. They don't mind paying higher taxes. Its the rich who feel entitled I can't stand. The ones who forgot all the help they got along the way.

One quick great example is a guy who went to a good public school and is now a success, but he wants to cut public school funding because now he sends his little prick kids to private schools. LOL.

First of all sir. I served 26 years in the Army because when I felt like I owed the country that provided us such good fortune deserved that sacrifice from me.

Second of all, just because I'm fairly well of doesn't mean I'm greedy. I am far from greedy. I recognize that I have a responsibility to those "beneath me" and I try to do right by them, but at the same time, there is a difference between doing right by someone and financially ruining myself to help someone else.

Truth be told, my wife and I probably gave more to charity than you earned last year, and we don't begrudge it one bit, we can afford it. I'm not one of those rich assholes that needs 40 cars and 12 houses to prove to the world that I have money. I drive a Ford truck for God sakes (okay it's a 2015 Ford F350 crew cab dually 4x4 but still)

I'm not your enemy simply because I have money.

Is that what was happening before the Bush tax cuts? Was the amount you were paying in the 90's really financially ruining you?

And no one said that because you are rich you are greedy. There are lots of rich people who are not greedy republicans. They get that they need to pay a little more because the poor don't pay any and the middle class already pay too much.

Plus all we really are talking about is taxing everything above $250,000. So you make an extra $1000 then you pay the additional tax on the $1000, not the $250K.

You guys got your tax breaks by whining about what's fair. WHATS FAIR? How about what works? Were you not rich enough in the 90's? And how the hell did you serve 26 years in the service and become so rich? Love to hear your story.
No offense, but fuck you because I'm sure if you feel that way about blacks then you probably feel that way about anybody who votes Democratic.

Blacks that vote GOP have forgotten where they came from. They are no different than greedy selfish whites who vote GOP.

But I can't argue that when people in general become successful, they become arrogant and they forget that the tax system they hate today is the same tax system we had back when they were trying to become successful.

Why is that shitty of them? Because what they are advocating for today is to cut their taxes and shift the tax burden onto the poor. But that isn't the way things worked when they were climbing the ladder of success. Get it? So for them to say change the rules now because now they are successful, makes them assholes. Assholes come in all colors.

Do you know the history of why/when blacks left the GOP? Google the Great Mississippi flood and read about how the GOP shit on blacks and that's when they left the party. They weren't always Democrats.

Also the Southern Strategy is racist. The GOP came up with the strategy to win over white southern voters. So why would any black go along?

^ Jealous of us haves.

Us haves? HA! As if you are one of them and not one of us. Fucking liar. In fact I bet you are a broke ass just talking shit on the net. Dummy.

Sorry sir, I come from an upper middle class background and married a rich girl. It is what it is.

At least you admit it.

So just don't try to tell us people who have to work for a living how to vote as if you know what it is like being one of us. You don't.

And unfortunately some people who went from poor to rich become arrogant so even if one of your buddies on USMB says he or she made it from nothing, I would suggest they have forgotten where they came from.

That's why I love most people who came from nothing and are now rich. They are usually less greedy than people like you who were born into it or lucked into it. They don't mind paying higher taxes. Its the rich who feel entitled I can't stand. The ones who forgot all the help they got along the way.

One quick great example is a guy who went to a good public school and is now a success, but he wants to cut public school funding because now he sends his little prick kids to private schools. LOL.

First of all sir. I served 26 years in the Army because when I felt like I owed the country that provided us such good fortune deserved that sacrifice from me.

Second of all, just because I'm fairly well of doesn't mean I'm greedy. I am far from greedy. I recognize that I have a responsibility to those "beneath me" and I try to do right by them, but at the same time, there is a difference between doing right by someone and financially ruining myself to help someone else.

Truth be told, my wife and I probably gave more to charity than you earned last year, and we don't begrudge it one bit, we can afford it. I'm not one of those rich assholes that needs 40 cars and 12 houses to prove to the world that I have money. I drive a Ford truck for God sakes (okay it's a 2015 Ford F350 crew cab dually 4x4 but still)

I'm not your enemy simply because I have money.

Were you guys paying too much in the 90's? I don't think so. I just think you guys are always pushing to maximize your profits so you want more and more tax breaks. Its human nature. You said it too. That if i were that rich, I would want the tax breaks too. Not so sure of that but I'd have to be in that situation to know. My brother got that rich and he turned to the dark side. He was once liberal.

Great example of how your side lies.

99 Profit Sharing at Ford Averages 8 000 - New York Times

In the 2000's when jobs were leaving America, you said jobs went out of the country because union workers made too much. The companies couldn't survive. But here we see in 1999 the employees and the companies were both enjoying record profits. What's wrong with that? Nothing, but the corporations didn't like paying so much, so they rigged the game. AND Bush gave them tax breaks while they were leaving the country.

I don't know your singular particular story. Nor do I care. All I care about is what works. Roll back the Bush tax cuts. Stop shifting the tax burden on to people who make under $100,000. Sure it looks like you pay a lot in taxes to someone who doesn't even make what you pay in taxes, but it's not enough. We need more. Do your patriotic duty.

If you want us to spend so much on defense because we need to fund a military that will protect your investments in Coca cola and Shell overseas, pay more in taxes.
No offense, but fuck you because I'm sure if you feel that way about blacks then you probably feel that way about anybody who votes Democratic.

Blacks that vote GOP have forgotten where they came from. They are no different than greedy selfish whites who vote GOP.

But I can't argue that when people in general become successful, they become arrogant and they forget that the tax system they hate today is the same tax system we had back when they were trying to become successful.

Why is that shitty of them? Because what they are advocating for today is to cut their taxes and shift the tax burden onto the poor. But that isn't the way things worked when they were climbing the ladder of success. Get it? So for them to say change the rules now because now they are successful, makes them assholes. Assholes come in all colors.

Do you know the history of why/when blacks left the GOP? Google the Great Mississippi flood and read about how the GOP shit on blacks and that's when they left the party. They weren't always Democrats.

Also the Southern Strategy is racist. The GOP came up with the strategy to win over white southern voters. So why would any black go along?

^ Jealous of us haves.

Us haves? HA! As if you are one of them and not one of us. Fucking liar. In fact I bet you are a broke ass just talking shit on the net. Dummy.

Sorry sir, I come from an upper middle class background and married a rich girl. It is what it is.

At least you admit it.

So just don't try to tell us people who have to work for a living how to vote as if you know what it is like being one of us. You don't.

And unfortunately some people who went from poor to rich become arrogant so even if one of your buddies on USMB says he or she made it from nothing, I would suggest they have forgotten where they came from.

That's why I love most people who came from nothing and are now rich. They are usually less greedy than people like you who were born into it or lucked into it. They don't mind paying higher taxes. Its the rich who feel entitled I can't stand. The ones who forgot all the help they got along the way.

One quick great example is a guy who went to a good public school and is now a success, but he wants to cut public school funding because now he sends his little prick kids to private schools. LOL.

First of all sir. I served 26 years in the Army because when I felt like I owed the country that provided us such good fortune deserved that sacrifice from me.

Second of all, just because I'm fairly well of doesn't mean I'm greedy. I am far from greedy. I recognize that I have a responsibility to those "beneath me" and I try to do right by them, but at the same time, there is a difference between doing right by someone and financially ruining myself to help someone else.

Truth be told, my wife and I probably gave more to charity than you earned last year, and we don't begrudge it one bit, we can afford it. I'm not one of those rich assholes that needs 40 cars and 12 houses to prove to the world that I have money. I drive a Ford truck for God sakes (okay it's a 2015 Ford F350 crew cab dually 4x4 but still)

I'm not your enemy simply because I have money.

It is following tradition as well as necessity, if Government strives to put idle money and idle men to work, to increase our public wealth and to build up the health and strength of the people—and to help our system of private enterprise to function.

"I want to make it clear that we do not believe that we can get an adequate rise in national income merely by investing, lending or spending public funds. It is essential in our economy that private funds be put to work and all of us recognize that such funds are entitled to a fair profit."

The Government contribution of land that we once made to business was the land of all the people. And the Government contribution of money which we now make to business ultimately comes out of the labor of all the people. It is, therefore, only sound morality, as well as a sound distribution of buying power, that the benefits of the prosperity coming from this use of the money of all the people should be distributed among all the people- at the bottom as well as at the top. Consequently I am again expressing my hope that the Congress will enact at this session a wage and hour bill putting a floor under industrial wages and a limit on working hours—to ensure a better distribution of our prosperity, a better distribution of available work, and a sounder distribution of buying power.

Franklin D. Roosevelt Fireside Chat.
"Let us unanimously recognize the fact that the Federal debt, whether it be twenty-five billions or forty billions, can only be paid if the Nation obtains a vastly increased citizen income. I repeat that if this citizen income can be raised to eighty billion dollars a year the national Government and the overwhelming majority of State and local governments will be 'out of the red.' The higher the national income goes the faster shall we be able to reduce the total of Federal and state and local debts. Viewed from every angle, today's purchasing power—the citizens' income of today—is not sufficient to drive the economic system at higher speed.

In other words, the GOP way, the Bush tax breaks, didn't work. They changed things so that instead of the rich having 75% of all the $ and us having 25%, they now have 90% and us 10%. Capitalism doesn't work this way. So the government has to do something to put things back to right. However we take it, we need that money back the rich stole from us when they put Bush in power and he passed those bad tax breaks. I know it's gonna hurt but trust us it'll pay off in the long run and you rich babies will still be rich.
Yeah, but you would say that. You are an African American Democrat, no? I think i covered that in my earlier post. You're hateful, racist, and ignorant. Your incoherent rant proved that for me. Nice job. Thanks.

White, 43 years old, have plenty saved, will inherit enough I'll be able to retire at 62 and never worry for money, condo paid off, car paid off. Living the dream actually.

I just know things could be better. And for me to want better for the middle class and myself doesn't make me or us takers, just like the GOP aren't "takers" when they lobby our government to lower their taxes. I don't even blame them for trying. I blame you for letting them get away with it. Even if you do make 6 figures, which I doubt, you still aren't rich enough to be one of them. Just rich enough to afford to be ignorant.

Fortunately I never argue with guys like you. I don't blame you for voting the way you do. I blame the poor and lower middle class fools who vote with you or don't show up.

Did you fucking hear voter turn out this week was less than in 2010? Americans. You SUCK! You don't deserve this country.

Nah, you're just a hateful Moocher whiner. You guys make up much of the Democratic Party Base. It is what it is.

That's exactly what the auto industry said about the workers just before they organized into unions. America wouldn't be as great as it WAS if unions and the New Deal didn't happen.

But I don't care if young Americans and Blacks are getting fucked. They deserve it. They didn't show up to vote yesterday. So, fuck them. I'm done caring. They either have to revolt, vote, organize, unionize or whatever. They need to stand up for themselves. They had the right idea when they did the Wallstreet 99%ers protests but then they disappeared and didn't show up on Tuesday. So, fuck em. They can pay off their $100K loans and never save enough to retire. I graduated in the 90's with a $1500 student loan and I was freaking out about paying any interest. LOL. I can't imagine graduating with a $40K loan and this job market.

Hey assbite, my Son Graduated in 2010 with 20 Grand in Loans.
He made his last payment last month and he did it with middle class pay.

You see you are no more than an ignorant whiny prick with a chip on his shoulder.

Ah, cut him some slack. Yesterday was a horrifically bad day for Democrat Moocher whiners and Felons. So much butthurt. Just enjoy the butthurt entertainment. It'll get even funnier. Stay tuned.

Yes I'm just getting it out of my system. You know what I love about the GOP having both houses and Obama having the veto pen? The GOP now have to own Congress. If they act badly people will see. This is their chance to either prove me wrong or prove me right.

See that's the difference between your side and my side. Your side never let Obama lead. They fought him every step of the way. But we gave Bush his tax breaks, let him go to war, passed all his other bad legislation, and look where it got us. Not only that, you guys didn't even accept responsibility for your failures. Well it was smart because 6 years later people have forgotten. Clearly they have. Look at how many seats you guys won the other day. Look at the economy! It's doing great! So why are people down on Obama?

Oh yea, ISIS. As if that's his fault. Just like he got blamed for BP oil spill in 2010 midterms.

Fact is, and you won't hear this from the media because it isn't liberal anymore, but this past election wasn't a mandate or referendum on Obama. Fact is, we had lower voter turnout this year than we did in 2010. The reason Republicans win every midterm is because independents only vote every 4 years. See you in 16 Hillary Bitches!
Yeah, but you would say that. You are an African American Democrat, no? I think i covered that in my earlier post. You're hateful, racist, and ignorant. Your incoherent rant proved that for me. Nice job. Thanks.

White, 43 years old, have plenty saved, will inherit enough I'll be able to retire at 62 and never worry for money, condo paid off, car paid off. Living the dream actually.

I just know things could be better. And for me to want better for the middle class and myself doesn't make me or us takers, just like the GOP aren't "takers" when they lobby our government to lower their taxes. I don't even blame them for trying. I blame you for letting them get away with it. Even if you do make 6 figures, which I doubt, you still aren't rich enough to be one of them. Just rich enough to afford to be ignorant.

Fortunately I never argue with guys like you. I don't blame you for voting the way you do. I blame the poor and lower middle class fools who vote with you or don't show up.

Did you fucking hear voter turn out this week was less than in 2010? Americans. You SUCK! You don't deserve this country.

Nah, you're just a hateful Moocher whiner. You guys make up much of the Democratic Party Base. It is what it is.

That's exactly what the auto industry said about the workers just before they organized into unions. America wouldn't be as great as it WAS if unions and the New Deal didn't happen.

But I don't care if young Americans and Blacks are getting fucked. They deserve it. They didn't show up to vote yesterday. So, fuck them. I'm done caring. They either have to revolt, vote, organize, unionize or whatever. They need to stand up for themselves. They had the right idea when they did the Wallstreet 99%ers protests but then they disappeared and didn't show up on Tuesday. So, fuck em. They can pay off their $100K loans and never save enough to retire. I graduated in the 90's with a $1500 student loan and I was freaking out about paying any interest. LOL. I can't imagine graduating with a $40K loan and this job market.

Hey assbite, my Son Graduated in 2010 with 20 Grand in Loans.
He made his last payment last month and he did it with middle class pay.

You see you are no more than an ignorant whiny prick with a chip on his shoulder.

Ah, cut him some slack. Yesterday was a horrifically bad day for Democrat Moocher whiners and Felons. So much butthurt. Just enjoy the butthurt entertainment. It'll get even funnier. Stay tuned.

So many little examples of how wrong you guys are and how you are being lied to AND how you fall for it. Some stupid righty said that low voter turn out benefits democrats. Was that person stupid or purposely being intellectually dishonest? I believe they believed what they were saying.

Just one small example of how the stupid American people are being lied to AND how the stupid American people don't vote.

I'm talking about Independents. They sit it out every midterm. They decide the general elections and they determine the midterms when they sit at home and don't vote. 40% of the voters showed up. The GOP won because their base was fired up and they vote every 2 years. We need more people showing up to vote. 60% or higher in midterms, 70% at least in general elections. What is wrong with Americans?
White, 43 years old, have plenty saved, will inherit enough I'll be able to retire at 62 and never worry for money, condo paid off, car paid off. Living the dream actually.

I just know things could be better. And for me to want better for the middle class and myself doesn't make me or us takers, just like the GOP aren't "takers" when they lobby our government to lower their taxes. I don't even blame them for trying. I blame you for letting them get away with it. Even if you do make 6 figures, which I doubt, you still aren't rich enough to be one of them. Just rich enough to afford to be ignorant.

Fortunately I never argue with guys like you. I don't blame you for voting the way you do. I blame the poor and lower middle class fools who vote with you or don't show up.

Did you fucking hear voter turn out this week was less than in 2010? Americans. You SUCK! You don't deserve this country.

Nah, you're just a hateful Moocher whiner. You guys make up much of the Democratic Party Base. It is what it is.

That's exactly what the auto industry said about the workers just before they organized into unions. America wouldn't be as great as it WAS if unions and the New Deal didn't happen.

But I don't care if young Americans and Blacks are getting fucked. They deserve it. They didn't show up to vote yesterday. So, fuck them. I'm done caring. They either have to revolt, vote, organize, unionize or whatever. They need to stand up for themselves. They had the right idea when they did the Wallstreet 99%ers protests but then they disappeared and didn't show up on Tuesday. So, fuck em. They can pay off their $100K loans and never save enough to retire. I graduated in the 90's with a $1500 student loan and I was freaking out about paying any interest. LOL. I can't imagine graduating with a $40K loan and this job market.

Hey assbite, my Son Graduated in 2010 with 20 Grand in Loans.
He made his last payment last month and he did it with middle class pay.

You see you are no more than an ignorant whiny prick with a chip on his shoulder.

Ah, cut him some slack. Yesterday was a horrifically bad day for Democrat Moocher whiners and Felons. So much butthurt. Just enjoy the butthurt entertainment. It'll get even funnier. Stay tuned.

So many little examples of how wrong you guys are and how you are being lied to AND how you fall for it. Some stupid righty said that low voter turn out benefits democrats. Was that person stupid or purposely being intellectually dishonest? I believe they believed what they were saying.

Just one small example of how the stupid American people are being lied to AND how the stupid American people don't vote.

I'm talking about Independents. They sit it out every midterm. They decide the general elections and they determine the midterms when they sit at home and don't vote. 40% of the voters showed up. The GOP won because their base was fired up and they vote every 2 years. We need more people showing up to vote. 60% or higher in midterms, 70% at least in general elections. What is wrong with Americans?

Dude, it was a shocking annihilation. The Republicans now have their biggest advantage in the House of Representatives in almost a 100yrs. They crushed you guys in Governorships and so many other Statewide Elections. I mean, they now even have Republicans Governors in Communist/Progressive strongholds like Illinois and Massachusetts. You guys got destroyed.

But don't sit around blaming us because your fellow Moocher whiners, Illegals, and Felons didn't show up to vote. That's on you guys. Take that up with your Dear Leader and Harry Reid. Not our problem. Oh and hey, how's your 'Republican Party is Dead' prediction working out?
Nah, you're just a hateful Moocher whiner. You guys make up much of the Democratic Party Base. It is what it is.

That's exactly what the auto industry said about the workers just before they organized into unions. America wouldn't be as great as it WAS if unions and the New Deal didn't happen.

But I don't care if young Americans and Blacks are getting fucked. They deserve it. They didn't show up to vote yesterday. So, fuck them. I'm done caring. They either have to revolt, vote, organize, unionize or whatever. They need to stand up for themselves. They had the right idea when they did the Wallstreet 99%ers protests but then they disappeared and didn't show up on Tuesday. So, fuck em. They can pay off their $100K loans and never save enough to retire. I graduated in the 90's with a $1500 student loan and I was freaking out about paying any interest. LOL. I can't imagine graduating with a $40K loan and this job market.

Hey assbite, my Son Graduated in 2010 with 20 Grand in Loans.
He made his last payment last month and he did it with middle class pay.

You see you are no more than an ignorant whiny prick with a chip on his shoulder.

Ah, cut him some slack. Yesterday was a horrifically bad day for Democrat Moocher whiners and Felons. So much butthurt. Just enjoy the butthurt entertainment. It'll get even funnier. Stay tuned.

So many little examples of how wrong you guys are and how you are being lied to AND how you fall for it. Some stupid righty said that low voter turn out benefits democrats. Was that person stupid or purposely being intellectually dishonest? I believe they believed what they were saying.

Just one small example of how the stupid American people are being lied to AND how the stupid American people don't vote.

I'm talking about Independents. They sit it out every midterm. They decide the general elections and they determine the midterms when they sit at home and don't vote. 40% of the voters showed up. The GOP won because their base was fired up and they vote every 2 years. We need more people showing up to vote. 60% or higher in midterms, 70% at least in general elections. What is wrong with Americans?

Dude, it was a shocking annihilation. The Republicans now have their biggest advantage in the House of Representatives in almost a 100yrs. They crushed you guys in Governorships and so many other Statewide Elections. I mean, they now even have Republicans Governors in Communist/Progressive strongholds like Illinois and Massachusetts. You guys got destroyed.

But don't sit around blaming us because your fellow Moocher whiners, Illegals, and Felons didn't show up to vote. That's on you guys. Take that up with your Dear Leader and Harry Reid. Not our problem. Oh yeah, and how's your 'Republican Party is Dead' prediction working out?

Can't argue with you there. And why do I care about the poor if they don't care about themselves?

Maybe it is elections like these that turn 43 year old white males into conservatives. I just need to look out for me. Fuck everyone else. If they care they'll vote, right? Why am I a bleeding heart?

The answer is I don't think the GOP way is good for America. In fact I know it is not. Just look at what they did from 2000-2006. Thank god we have the Obama veto and soon the Hillary veto pen.

Independents will show up in 2016. They just sit midterms out. They are STUPID! They think it doesn't matter!!!! You guys LOVE IT! LOL

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