Californians complaining that American flag on police cars is too "aggressive".

It's pretty fucking pathetic. The list of things these tissue paper tigers are scared silly about is ridiculous as some beefy twat in a skirt insisting he can pee with little girls.

I can't even wrap my head around being such an arrogant applehole bit of frightened fuckery to be threatened or intimidated by the colors of my nations own flag.

If I WAS such a helpless, hopeless drooling cry machine as these limp wristed bobble heads, I sure as hell ain't letting that particular cat out of the bag.

Now They're Offended By Images Of
The American National Flag

Laguna Beach Council to Consider Police Logo Design

"... This group of hippies and political extremists didn't like the car because they said it looked too mean, aggressive and militaristic," Blake said.

"They didn't like the flag because it was too patriotic and too nationalistic. And when they couldn't get away with that they said
the letters `ice' in police were too obvious and would scare illegal immigrants."

Laguna Beach might tone down the American flag graphic on its police cars

“Some of the words people used was that they felt it was threatening, intimidating, harassing and a symbol of racism,” Dicterow said.

"...lettering on the doors will return to the City Council Tuesday after some residents deemed it unfit for the artists’ community."

View attachment 256226
Time to deport the America haters citizens or not and import immigrants who appreciate liberty.
LoneLaugher said:
What EXACTLY did the person voicing opposition to the design say? All of it. In context.
Query ABC And LATimes
These Are Their Reports

Are You Calling ABC And LATimes "Fake News" ??
Now They're Offended By Images Of
The American National Flag

Laguna Beach Council to Consider Police Logo Design

"... This group of hippies and political extremists didn't like the car because they said it looked too mean, aggressive and militaristic," Blake said.

"They didn't like the flag because it was too patriotic and too nationalistic. And when they couldn't get away with that they said
the letters `ice' in police were too obvious and would scare illegal immigrants."

Laguna Beach might tone down the American flag graphic on its police cars

“Some of the words people used was that they felt it was threatening, intimidating, harassing and a symbol of racism,” Dicterow said.

"...lettering on the doors will return to the City Council Tuesday after some residents deemed it unfit for the artists’ community."

View attachment 256226
Ain't it pathetic. It's about time to start dropping these assholes.
Per the OP's attached article it is a matter of art, not patriotism. Based on photos presented, I do find the tone down version (which is what council had approved) more clearly identifies the vehicle as the police. I do like bolder look, but in style vs function I narrowly go with function on this one.
Per the OP's attached article it is a matter of art, not patriotism..
That Was ONE Explanation
Both Articles Cover More
I Used 2 MSM Sources
Wouldn't Want Any 'Bias' Or Anything....

Of Course
You Can Quick Google For Yourself
And Present What You Find
Now They're Offended By Images Of
The American National Flag

Laguna Beach Council to Consider Police Logo Design

"... This group of hippies and political extremists didn't like the car because they said it looked too mean, aggressive and militaristic," Blake said.

"They didn't like the flag because it was too patriotic and too nationalistic. And when they couldn't get away with that they said
the letters `ice' in police were too obvious and would scare illegal immigrants."

Laguna Beach might tone down the American flag graphic on its police cars

“Some of the words people used was that they felt it was threatening, intimidating, harassing and a symbol of racism,” Dicterow said.

"...lettering on the doors will return to the City Council Tuesday after some residents deemed it unfit for the artists’ community."

View attachment 256226
Time to deport the America haters citizens or not and import immigrants who appreciate liberty.

That's a good idea!
Again, the town council and police should have just said. "Thanks for your input, we're not changing anything". End of controversy, end of story. Bending to these far left nut jobs has to stop. Give and inch and they take a mile. Next it will be saying things like Make America Great Again will be seen as hostile, nationalistic, aggressive, and threatening. OH wait...…….
Now They're Offended By Images Of
The American National Flag

Laguna Beach Council to Consider Police Logo Design

"... This group of hippies and political extremists didn't like the car because they said it looked too mean, aggressive and militaristic," Blake said.

"They didn't like the flag because it was too patriotic and too nationalistic. And when they couldn't get away with that they said
the letters `ice' in police were too obvious and would scare illegal immigrants."

Laguna Beach might tone down the American flag graphic on its police cars

“Some of the words people used was that they felt it was threatening, intimidating, harassing and a symbol of racism,” Dicterow said.

"...lettering on the doors will return to the City Council Tuesday after some residents deemed it unfit for the artists’ community."

View attachment 256226
Fortunately the people and city of Laguna Beach told the Commies to shove it where the sun don’t shine.

American flags will stay on police cars in Laguna Beach

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