California Governor Gavin Newsom wins recall election in a landslide!

WTF are you even talking about?

So it did shrink, first time since at least 1900? I'll stand by my prior post, thanks.

Last year, California’s population decreased for the first time in recorded history and it lost a congressional seat. The state is starting to develop a two-tiered society, with higher-income, educated tech workers clustering in the major coastal cities while lower-income, less-educated workers are relegated to the interior of the state or forced out altogether. Now, a new study finds that business headquarters are also leaving the state at a record pace.

om 2000 to 2020, California experienced a net loss of 2.6 million people to other U.S. states.
ts total population was propped up by natural population increases and strong foreign immigration, but in 2020 foreign immigration decreased and the state’s birth rate continued its steady decline. As a result, California’s total population fell by 182,000 people.

More worrying for California than the actual number is the trend. There were more relocations in the first half of 2021—74—than in all of 2018 or 2020, and the monthly average in 2021 so far—12—is double the overall average of six. So, while reported relocations slowed down during the pandemic, they are accelerating as the economy reopens. It’s unclear whether this is the new normal, but it’s not a good sign for California.

California is gentrifying. They are experiencing "brain gain" (opposite of "brain drain"), as educated and successful people are formed in and flood into the State, and as less educated people leave. That being the case, it makes perfect sense that California is getting more blue.

Similarly, Texas is experiencing "brain gain", while not coincidentally trending more blue.

And the red States are experiencing "brain drain", as the more educated residents flee. Naturally, those State get more red as this happens.

So it's shaping up more and more to be a two party system, where one party represents the more educated people in society, while the other grabs up the less educated among us. The divide is growing...
LOLOL a brain gain heh? These more intelligent their own estimation, ruin a state in no time at all. Do ya think by bringing in the illegals that tha BRAIN GAIN can get their lawns mowed? their houses cleaned? Their kids taken care of? 'Cause what can these Brain Gainers do in the way of maintaining their homes and yards and kids. Are they going to legislate a $15 an hour wage for their slave labor? Raise the taxes on themselves. Put their kids in marxist schools? how long do you expect they can maintain their freedom and liberty or if they even care.
Republicans really screwed up, couldn't leave well enough alone, had to make it about vaccines and masks.
To tell you how dumb Americans have become, the chaos since Biden has been potentate is incredible. And they want more of it. States can price themselves out of a lot of things if they are not careful. We see the rust belt and areas of the Northeast where manufacturing and warehouses have been diminished over the last half century.
What happens in California doesn't affect the rest of the nation. 99.999999 percent of people do not care. Eat that.
We’ve known for a couple of weeks now that Newsom was going to win. The polls shifted heavily in his favor once it seemed certain Elder would be his replacement
Will this teach the Repubs not to push Trumpers in a blue state? Because it doesn't seem to have worked very well.
California is gentrifying. They are experiencing "brain gain" (opposite of "brain drain"), as educated and successful people are formed in and flood into the State, and as less educated people leave. That being the case, it makes perfect sense that California is getting more blue.

Similarly, Texas is experiencing "brain gain", while not coincidentally trending more blue.

And the red States are experiencing "brain drain", as the more educated residents flee. Naturally, those State get more red as this happens.

So it's shaping up more and more to be a two party system, where one party represents the more educated people in society, while the other grabs up the less educated among us. The divide is growing...
With all those illegals coming across the border and staying in the sanctuary cities.
Yeah, you go with the brain dead leaving. :laughing0301:
Yes, as it turns out, the actual data doesn't match your racist fantasies. Again. As usual. One would think you would be used to this by now.
You're talking out your ass, FFI. let me reiterate for you

Last year, California’s population decreased for the first time in recorded history and it lost a congressional seat. The state is starting to develop a two-tiered society, with higher-income, educated tech workers clustering in the major coastal cities while lower-income, less-educated workers are relegated to the interior of the state or forced out altogether. Now, a new study finds that business headquarters are also leaving the state at a record pace.

om 2000 to 2020, California experienced a net loss of 2.6 million people to other U.S. states.

Last year, California’s population decreased for the first time in recorded history and it lost a congressional seat. The state is starting to develop a two-tiered society, with higher-income, educated tech workers clustering in the major coastal cities while lower-income, less-educated workers are relegated to the interior of the state or forced out altogether. Now, a new study finds that business headquarters are also leaving the state at a record pace.

om 2000 to 2020, California experienced a net loss of 2.6 million people to other U.S. states.
ts total population was propped up by natural population increases and strong foreign immigration, but in 2020 foreign immigration decreased and the state’s birth rate continued its steady decline. As a result, California’s total population fell by 182,000 people.

More worrying for California than the actual number is the trend. There were more relocations in the first half of 2021—74—than in all of 2018 or 2020, and the monthly average in 2021 so far—12—is double the overall average of six. So, while reported relocations slowed down during the pandemic, they are accelerating as the economy reopens. It’s unclear whether this is the new normal, but it’s not a good sign for California.

You can spin it however you want, it doesn't change the FACTS.


Newsom ran on tying his opponent to Trump, and on supporting COVID mandates. That resulted in a landslide win, far bigger than anyone predicted.

No wonder the Trump cultists here are stunned. The two issues that their cult told them were big winners for them were actually big losers for them. The Democrats have a winning formula, and there's nothing they can do about it.

Needless to say, the MSM is crying as well. They so love their "Democrats are doomed!" stories. They've had to switch to "Well ... okay, he won in a landslide, but he still has problems!" narrative.

There actually is a third issue. Undoubtedly the Texas abortion bill did not help Republicans either.
If you think that's the reason run with it.
A lot of people have moved to Idaho and Texas, not making them any bluer, Happy. They just had enough of the taxes with the ones I talk to up here.

They may be rethinking that given Texas' drift to the far right. says they will relocate employees who want to leave. Many companies in Texas are wondering if they will be able to recruit people to move to Texas given Texas is a fascist state and it is the capitol of the Nazi States of America.

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