California Father guilty of murder for throwing daughter off cliff

This is just as disgusting as abortion is. Killing an innocent child for selfish self centered reasons.
Ah, this is a great deal worse. She was aware of life, fetuses are not.

One is abortion, this is murder.
Both are murder. Both feel/felt pain when they were murdered.Both thing happen/happened because of selfish,self centered,lazy "parents"
To feel pain you need a nervous system, something most aborted fetuses don't have. Those that do can be dealt with humanely.

You can't be serious? PP is cutting up dead babies and providing parts for research and you think the baby has no nervous system among those hearts, livers, kidneys' etc.? What are you, a science denier?
One, not babies. Two, read up on fetal development: Fetal development MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

Fetus is a development stage just like elderly, still a living human. Science.......use it.
This is just as disgusting as abortion is. Killing an innocent child for selfish self centered reasons.
Ah, this is a great deal worse. She was aware of life, fetuses are not.

One is abortion, this is murder.
Both are murder. Both feel/felt pain when they were murdered.Both thing happen/happened because of selfish,self centered,lazy "parents"
To feel pain you need a nervous system, something most aborted fetuses don't have. Those that do can be dealt with humanely.

"Can be"....but are they? The baby's bones are hardening at 16 weeks. They feel pain no later that 20 weeks. So, when they're CRUSHING the bones of a 20 wk fetus, it's feeling extreme pain. They are murdering a live human being in the cruelest way.

• “At 20 weeks, the fetal brain has the full complement of brain cells present in adulthood, ready and waiting to receive pain signals from the body, and their electrical activity can be recorded by standard electroencephalography (EEG).”
— Dr. Paul Ranalli, neurologist, University of Toronto

• An unborn baby at 20 weeks gestation “is fully capable of experiencing pain. … Without question, [abortion] is a dreadfully painful experience for any infant subjected to such a surgical procedure.”
— Robert J. White, M.D., PhD., professor of neurosurgery, Case Western University

Unborn babies have heightened sensitivitiesUnborn babies at 20 weeks development actually feel pain more intensely than adults. This is a “uniquely vulnerable time, since the pain system is fully established, yet the higher level pain-modifying system has barely begun to develop,” according to Dr. Ranalli.

“Having administered anesthesia for fetal surgery, I know that on occasion we need to administer anesthesia directly to the fetus, because even at these early gestational ages the fetus moves away from the pain of the stimulation,” stated David Birnbach, M.D., president of the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology and self-described as “pro-choice,” in testimony before the U.S. Congress.
Unborn babies can feel pain during abortion
Yeah, not an unbiased source but regardless, if proven true, we have drugs for that eh?

Perhaps it's not to late for you to be aborted as you seem to not serve any useful purpose.
Actually that's common sense, which is why you don't get it. You are dogmatic, I am rational.
You are cold, cruel, evil, and a death cultist. None of that makes you rational.
As I said, you are dogmatic, not rational. That's normal in people who believe in God.
People who believe in God cherish human life. You are motivated by Satan.
If you cherished life you wouldn't be pro-war and pro-capital punishment.
I'm neither. And even if I was, executing a ruthless killer is not the same as murdering babies and toddlers. Only an evil asshole would do that.
Not true. Just about every couple that got a late term abortion were good people. If you can afford and want to raise a mongaloid go for it. But when I look at you I feel sorry for you. So if anyone that would do that is evil, there are a lot of evil people in this world.

But you think even a early abortion is evil right?

How about the morning after pill? Are all those women murderers?
At his Sentencing Hearing, he should be sentenced to Death by Throwing Off a Cliff.

Trouble is, being that this is the People's Democratic Socialist Republic of Kalipornia, the guy will probably get 5 to Life, a well-appointed private cell, time-off for good behavior, early parole, a gubner's pardon, book and movie rights, and a cushy State job in Sacramento, making $100,000 per year to monitor the Napa Valley polar bear population.

Bad People seem to thrive in the Land of Fruits and Nuts.

Listening to the voices in your head again?

California has over 700 inmates on Death row- yes- death row inmates are held in solitaire in 4' x 9' cells.

I look forward to this guy joining the party.
Just throwing rocks at Disneyland, so, lighten up, Francis...
At his Sentencing Hearing, he should be sentenced to Death by Throwing Off a Cliff.

Trouble is, being that this is the People's Democratic Socialist Republic of Kalipornia, the guy will probably get 5 to Life, a well-appointed private cell, time-off for good behavior, early parole, a gubner's pardon, book and movie rights, and a cushy State job in Sacramento, making $100,000 per year to monitor the Napa Valley polar bear population.

Bad People seem to thrive in the Land of Fruits and Nuts.
and they dont thrive in the other States too?....geezus who the fuck screwed your head up?...
Calm yourself, Princess...
cant answer the question?...i wonder why?.....
At his Sentencing Hearing, he should be sentenced to Death by Throwing Off a Cliff.

Trouble is, being that this is the People's Democratic Socialist Republic of Kalipornia, the guy will probably get 5 to Life, a well-appointed private cell, time-off for good behavior, early parole, a gubner's pardon, book and movie rights, and a cushy State job in Sacramento, making $100,000 per year to monitor the Napa Valley polar bear population.

Bad People seem to thrive in the Land of Fruits and Nuts.
and they dont thrive in the other States too?....geezus who the fuck screwed your head up?...
Calm yourself, Princess...
cant answer the question?...i wonder why?.....
Oh, give it a rest...

But, it was great fun, watching a couple of Kalipornia denizens rushing-in to defend the Honor of the Land of Fruits and Nuts...
At his Sentencing Hearing, he should be sentenced to Death by Throwing Off a Cliff.

Trouble is, being that this is the People's Democratic Socialist Republic of Kalipornia, the guy will probably get 5 to Life, a well-appointed private cell, time-off for good behavior, early parole, a gubner's pardon, book and movie rights, and a cushy State job in Sacramento, making $100,000 per year to monitor the Napa Valley polar bear population.

Bad People seem to thrive in the Land of Fruits and Nuts.

Listening to the voices in your head again?

California has over 700 inmates on Death row- yes- death row inmates are held in solitaire in 4' x 9' cells.

I look forward to this guy joining the party.
Just throwing rocks at Disneyland, so, lighten up, Francis...

Oh I knew you were just trolling.
Ah, this is a great deal worse. She was aware of life, fetuses are not.

One is abortion, this is murder.
Both are murder. Both feel/felt pain when they were murdered.Both thing happen/happened because of selfish,self centered,lazy "parents"
To feel pain you need a nervous system, something most aborted fetuses don't have. Those that do can be dealt with humanely.

"Can be"....but are they? The baby's bones are hardening at 16 weeks. They feel pain no later that 20 weeks. So, when they're CRUSHING the bones of a 20 wk fetus, it's feeling extreme pain. They are murdering a live human being in the cruelest way.

• “At 20 weeks, the fetal brain has the full complement of brain cells present in adulthood, ready and waiting to receive pain signals from the body, and their electrical activity can be recorded by standard electroencephalography (EEG).”
— Dr. Paul Ranalli, neurologist, University of Toronto

• An unborn baby at 20 weeks gestation “is fully capable of experiencing pain. … Without question, [abortion] is a dreadfully painful experience for any infant subjected to such a surgical procedure.”
— Robert J. White, M.D., PhD., professor of neurosurgery, Case Western University

Unborn babies have heightened sensitivitiesUnborn babies at 20 weeks development actually feel pain more intensely than adults. This is a “uniquely vulnerable time, since the pain system is fully established, yet the higher level pain-modifying system has barely begun to develop,” according to Dr. Ranalli.

“Having administered anesthesia for fetal surgery, I know that on occasion we need to administer anesthesia directly to the fetus, because even at these early gestational ages the fetus moves away from the pain of the stimulation,” stated David Birnbach, M.D., president of the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology and self-described as “pro-choice,” in testimony before the U.S. Congress.
Unborn babies can feel pain during abortion
Yeah, not an unbiased source but regardless, if proven true, we have drugs for that eh?

Perhaps it's not to late for you to be aborted as you seem to not serve any useful purpose.
He supports himself therefore he has his own purpose. What is the purpose of making me wheelchair Steven Hawkins around the rest of my life?
At his Sentencing Hearing, he should be sentenced to Death by Throwing Off a Cliff.

Trouble is, being that this is the People's Democratic Socialist Republic of Kalipornia, the guy will probably get 5 to Life, a well-appointed private cell, time-off for good behavior, early parole, a gubner's pardon, book and movie rights, and a cushy State job in Sacramento, making $100,000 per year to monitor the Napa Valley polar bear population.

Bad People seem to thrive in the Land of Fruits and Nuts.
Even Scott Peterson was a heart throb in that wacky state.

I find it funny golden state warriors won before the clippers.
Ah, this is a great deal worse. She was aware of life, fetuses are not.

One is abortion, this is murder.
Both are murder. Both feel/felt pain when they were murdered.Both thing happen/happened because of selfish,self centered,lazy "parents"
To feel pain you need a nervous system, something most aborted fetuses don't have. Those that do can be dealt with humanely.

You can't be serious? PP is cutting up dead babies and providing parts for research and you think the baby has no nervous system among those hearts, livers, kidneys' etc.? What are you, a science denier?
One, not babies. Two, read up on fetal development: Fetal development MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

Fetus is a development stage just like elderly, still a living human. Science.......use it.
I do use science. That's why I don't confuse cake with cake batter.
Ah, this is a great deal worse. She was aware of life, fetuses are not.

One is abortion, this is murder.
Both are murder. Both feel/felt pain when they were murdered.Both thing happen/happened because of selfish,self centered,lazy "parents"
To feel pain you need a nervous system, something most aborted fetuses don't have. Those that do can be dealt with humanely.

"Can be"....but are they? The baby's bones are hardening at 16 weeks. They feel pain no later that 20 weeks. So, when they're CRUSHING the bones of a 20 wk fetus, it's feeling extreme pain. They are murdering a live human being in the cruelest way.

• “At 20 weeks, the fetal brain has the full complement of brain cells present in adulthood, ready and waiting to receive pain signals from the body, and their electrical activity can be recorded by standard electroencephalography (EEG).”
— Dr. Paul Ranalli, neurologist, University of Toronto

• An unborn baby at 20 weeks gestation “is fully capable of experiencing pain. … Without question, [abortion] is a dreadfully painful experience for any infant subjected to such a surgical procedure.”
— Robert J. White, M.D., PhD., professor of neurosurgery, Case Western University

Unborn babies have heightened sensitivitiesUnborn babies at 20 weeks development actually feel pain more intensely than adults. This is a “uniquely vulnerable time, since the pain system is fully established, yet the higher level pain-modifying system has barely begun to develop,” according to Dr. Ranalli.

“Having administered anesthesia for fetal surgery, I know that on occasion we need to administer anesthesia directly to the fetus, because even at these early gestational ages the fetus moves away from the pain of the stimulation,” stated David Birnbach, M.D., president of the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology and self-described as “pro-choice,” in testimony before the U.S. Congress.
Unborn babies can feel pain during abortion
Yeah, not an unbiased source but regardless, if proven true, we have drugs for that eh?

Perhaps it's not to late for you to be aborted as you seem to not serve any useful purpose.
Another Pro-Lifer I see...
At his Sentencing Hearing, he should be sentenced to Death by Throwing Off a Cliff.

Trouble is, being that this is the People's Democratic Socialist Republic of Kalipornia, the guy will probably get 5 to Life, a well-appointed private cell, time-off for good behavior, early parole, a gubner's pardon, book and movie rights, and a cushy State job in Sacramento, making $100,000 per year to monitor the Napa Valley polar bear population.

Bad People seem to thrive in the Land of Fruits and Nuts.'re doing well here?
Whatever makes you think I'm a Bad Person? That my opinions differ from your own, regarding sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality)? Tough.'re doing well here?
For his punishment, and where WE don't have to pay for HIS support while in prison...I say toss him off a cliff. A very tall one.
At his Sentencing Hearing, he should be sentenced to Death by Throwing Off a Cliff.

Trouble is, being that this is the People's Democratic Socialist Republic of Kalipornia, the guy will probably get 5 to Life, a well-appointed private cell, time-off for good behavior, early parole, a gubner's pardon, book and movie rights, and a cushy State job in Sacramento, making $100,000 per year to monitor the Napa Valley polar bear population.

Bad People seem to thrive in the Land of Fruits and Nuts.'re doing well here?
Whatever makes you think I'm a Bad Person? That my opinions differ from your own, regarding sexual deviancy and perversion (homosexuality)? Tough.'re doing well here?
Awwwwww... I don't think you like my position in the matter... well... given your own position... excellent... high praise, indeed... much obliged.
At his Sentencing Hearing, he should be sentenced to Death by Throwing Off a Cliff.

Trouble is, being that this is the People's Democratic Socialist Republic of Kalipornia, the guy will probably get 5 to Life, a well-appointed private cell, time-off for good behavior, early parole, a gubner's pardon, book and movie rights, and a cushy State job in Sacramento, making $100,000 per year to monitor the Napa Valley polar bear population.

Bad People seem to thrive in the Land of Fruits and Nuts.

Listening to the voices in your head again?

California has over 700 inmates on Death row- yes- death row inmates are held in solitaire in 4' x 9' cells.

I look forward to this guy joining the party.
Just throwing rocks at Disneyland, so, lighten up, Francis...

Oh I knew you were just trolling.
At his Sentencing Hearing, he should be sentenced to Death by Throwing Off a Cliff.

Trouble is, being that this is the People's Democratic Socialist Republic of Kalipornia, the guy will probably get 5 to Life, a well-appointed private cell, time-off for good behavior, early parole, a gubner's pardon, book and movie rights, and a cushy State job in Sacramento, making $100,000 per year to monitor the Napa Valley polar bear population.

Bad People seem to thrive in the Land of Fruits and Nuts.

Listening to the voices in your head again?

California has over 700 inmates on Death row- yes- death row inmates are held in solitaire in 4' x 9' cells.

I look forward to this guy joining the party.
Just throwing rocks at Disneyland, so, lighten up, Francis...

Oh I knew you were just trolling.

Can't think of a better place to throw rocks at, within Obama's 57 States, than the People's Republic out there...
After two mistrials, a jury Wednesday convicted a Los Angeles man of premeditated murder for throwing his 4-year-old daughter off a Pacific Ocean cliff to avoid paying child support.

Father guilty of murder for throwing daughter off cliff
I don't say humanity is a disease for no reason. He's just a more obvious example of the usual insanity.
if the kid was a down syndrome kid or had another handicap you would have applauded the guy...right asshole?...
I'm Greek. In sparta we would throw a down baby in the pit of death. Today we just get late term abortions. No reason why you should force someone to a life of raising a retard Harry.
what if the kid is already born bobo?....thats what im talking about....the asshole you are defending has said "Droolers", his term for down syndrome kids,and other handicapped kids,should be put down because they are a "waste of life" his words not mine....
Not a waste of life but a sad burden on their families. No one should live that way harry. I've seen wonderful families raise lovingly a retarded baby. God bless them harry. But if the doctor showed me a severely retarded baby I'd say put him or her out of our missery. No thanks sorry.

And many breeders can't afford to, especially with all the cuts in social programs.

Or is get a late term abortion.

Keep in mind those parents who got late term abortions went on to become loving parents to healthy children.
bobo read what i said.....this jerk is for putting the kids down after they are born,not before.....he implied he doesnt give a shit if they are 4,5 years old....can you do that?....and he never said only severely retarded,he said handicapped,which can mean physical as well as mental so ask the jerk were he draws the line....
At his Sentencing Hearing, he should be sentenced to Death by Throwing Off a Cliff.

Trouble is, being that this is the People's Democratic Socialist Republic of Kalipornia, the guy will probably get 5 to Life, a well-appointed private cell, time-off for good behavior, early parole, a gubner's pardon, book and movie rights, and a cushy State job in Sacramento, making $100,000 per year to monitor the Napa Valley polar bear population.

Bad People seem to thrive in the Land of Fruits and Nuts.
and they dont thrive in the other States too?....geezus who the fuck screwed your head up?...
Calm yourself, Princess...
cant answer the question?...i wonder why?.....
At his Sentencing Hearing, he should be sentenced to Death by Throwing Off a Cliff.

Trouble is, being that this is the People's Democratic Socialist Republic of Kalipornia, the guy will probably get 5 to Life, a well-appointed private cell, time-off for good behavior, early parole, a gubner's pardon, book and movie rights, and a cushy State job in Sacramento, making $100,000 per year to monitor the Napa Valley polar bear population.

Bad People seem to thrive in the Land of Fruits and Nuts.
and they dont thrive in the other States too?....geezus who the fuck screwed your head up?...
Calm yourself, Princess...
cant answer the question?...i wonder why?.....
Oh, give it a rest...

But, it was great fun, watching a couple of Kalipornia denizens rushing-in to defend the Honor of the Land of Fruits and Nuts...
its great fun watching illiknownothing denizens dance around that question...your fellow statesmen dean dances around questions too....are you people all alike?...
Both are murder. Both feel/felt pain when they were murdered.Both thing happen/happened because of selfish,self centered,lazy "parents"
To feel pain you need a nervous system, something most aborted fetuses don't have. Those that do can be dealt with humanely.

"Can be"....but are they? The baby's bones are hardening at 16 weeks. They feel pain no later that 20 weeks. So, when they're CRUSHING the bones of a 20 wk fetus, it's feeling extreme pain. They are murdering a live human being in the cruelest way.

• “At 20 weeks, the fetal brain has the full complement of brain cells present in adulthood, ready and waiting to receive pain signals from the body, and their electrical activity can be recorded by standard electroencephalography (EEG).”
— Dr. Paul Ranalli, neurologist, University of Toronto

• An unborn baby at 20 weeks gestation “is fully capable of experiencing pain. … Without question, [abortion] is a dreadfully painful experience for any infant subjected to such a surgical procedure.”
— Robert J. White, M.D., PhD., professor of neurosurgery, Case Western University

Unborn babies have heightened sensitivitiesUnborn babies at 20 weeks development actually feel pain more intensely than adults. This is a “uniquely vulnerable time, since the pain system is fully established, yet the higher level pain-modifying system has barely begun to develop,” according to Dr. Ranalli.

“Having administered anesthesia for fetal surgery, I know that on occasion we need to administer anesthesia directly to the fetus, because even at these early gestational ages the fetus moves away from the pain of the stimulation,” stated David Birnbach, M.D., president of the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology and self-described as “pro-choice,” in testimony before the U.S. Congress.
Unborn babies can feel pain during abortion
Yeah, not an unbiased source but regardless, if proven true, we have drugs for that eh?

Perhaps it's not to late for you to be aborted as you seem to not serve any useful purpose.
He supports himself therefore he has his own purpose. What is the purpose of making me wheelchair Steven Hawkins around the rest of my life?
so when this disease hit him you say put the guy down?...what if he objects?...
At his Sentencing Hearing, he should be sentenced to Death by Throwing Off a Cliff.

Trouble is, being that this is the People's Democratic Socialist Republic of Kalipornia, the guy will probably get 5 to Life, a well-appointed private cell, time-off for good behavior, early parole, a gubner's pardon, book and movie rights, and a cushy State job in Sacramento, making $100,000 per year to monitor the Napa Valley polar bear population.

Bad People seem to thrive in the Land of Fruits and Nuts.
Even Scott Peterson was a heart throb in that wacky state.

I find it funny golden state warriors won before the clippers.
i believe your state is considered wacky too sister in law has been living in remus for the last 2 years,she cant believe how primitive your medical system is compared to cals...1970's tech,and thats from her doctors mouth.....dont get a serious illness....

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