California Dreaming- Obama's approval rating falls in California


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Man, when you talk leftist, liberals and other loons and nut jobs you don't have to go much further than California. That also includes a state in the past that is teamed with Obama apologist and loyalist.

The poll is almost 6 months old and I'm sure has continued it's decent into the bowels of the crapper.

Want some cheese with that fine California wine?


Obama's approval rating falls in California

Obama's approval rating falls in California - SFGate

President Obama's job performance rating has plummeted 10 points in solidly blue California since February, an across-the-board decline that is steepest among his most fervent backers, according to the latest survey by the Field Poll.

A bare majority of California voters, just 52 percent, now approve of Obama's record in office, with 35 percent disapproving and 13 percent holding no opinion, according to the poll of 846 registered voters in the state.

The poll shows Obama has suffered the biggest erosion in support among grassroots groups including women, whose approval of the president has dropped a whopping 15 percentage points in the last five months.

Similarly, Obama's job approval ratings among registered Democrats, under-40 voters, and college graduates have declined 14 points, white non-Hispanics are down 13 points, nonpartisan voters declined 12 points, and Latinos are seven points lower in their support, the poll shows.

"Look at the constituencies that have fallen off most. ... They've basically changed their views over the last few months" regarding the president's performance, said Mark DiCamillo, director of the Field Poll.

While the majority of these reliably Democratic voter groups in California are still not in the disapproval camp, they are now sitting "on the fence" with regard to their views of Obama's performance in the wake of several difficult political months, said DiCamillo.

The poll didn't specifically track the issues that have contributed to the decline, but DiCamillo suggested headlines about "the intrusions of government" through aggressive e-mail and telephone surveillance programs probably contributed to the drop in support, particularly among younger voters.

The latest poll showed:

-- A majority of Californians - 57 percent - still view Obama in a favorable light, a figure that has remained steady since February.

-- The president's approval rating in the Bay Area, one of the strongest Democratic bastions in the country, is down nine points to 60 percent.

-- Among African American and Asian voters, support for the president remains steady at 65 percent.

The poll was taken June 26-July 21 by Field Research. The margin of error is plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

Carla Marinucci is senior political writer for The San Francisco Chronicle. E-mail: [email protected] Twitter: @cmarinucci

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