Cain is not able


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

On Lawrence O’Donnell’s show Cain dodged every question he was asked. Blacks are not as “brainwashed” (stupid) as the thinks. They got his number after about 15 minutes and they are not calling him. Dodged just like the dodged the civil right movement and the Vietnam war. If I had one question to ask Cain it would be “did your dad participate in the civil right’s movement?” He considered the “civil right protestors” as “trouble makers” as his dad taught him to stay out of trouble. Rosie Parks refusal to sat in the back of the bus “making trouble?” I know Cain’s kind of Negroes. Cowards.
His comment that 75% of Blacks have been “brainwashed” must have went over big with T-Baggers who love to here Blacks putting other Blacks down. Like Cosby and West.
I did not need a tutor to understand what Cain was about. After listening to him for 15 minutes I know I did not want him anywhere near the White House.
He called civil right protestors “trouble makers?” His dad must have been every white man’s uncle in Atlanta. I bet his dad “brainwashed” him not to act Black.
what I think is funny is that cain has zero dirty political history to try and not trip over, and still cant not look like an idiot. while Romney and Perry cant take 3 steps without tripping over each others flip flops.

Well gee Rick, which Perry am I talking to tonight
well gosh Mitt, which Romney is here tonight

It gives me great satisfaction watching those 3 corporate lap dogs destroy themselves, and burn all that money from big business in the process.

On Lawrence O’Donnell’s show Cain dodged every question he was asked. Blacks are not as “brainwashed” (stupid) as the thinks. They got his number after about 15 minutes and they are not calling him. Dodged just like the dodged the civil right movement and the Vietnam war. If I had one question to ask Cain it would be “did your dad participate in the civil right’s movement?” He considered the “civil right protestors” as “trouble makers” as his dad taught him to stay out of trouble. Rosie Parks refusal to sat in the back of the bus “making trouble?” I know Cain’s kind of Negroes. Cowards.
His comment that 75% of Blacks have been “brainwashed” must have went over big with T-Baggers who love to here Blacks putting other Blacks down. Like Cosby and West.
I did not need a tutor to understand what Cain was about. After listening to him for 15 minutes I know I did not want him anywhere near the White House.
He called civil right protestors “trouble makers?” His dad must have been every white man’s uncle in Atlanta. I bet his dad “brainwashed” him not to act Black.

Amen to that. I also watched the Lawrence O'Donnell interview. Cain is a buffoon!
I think Herman Cain's main problem is he has yet to figure out how to cope with the unfathomable scenario, i.e.,

that his publicity stunt campaign actually ended up having some success.
I think Herman Cain's main problem is he has yet to figure out how to cope with the unfathomable scenario, i.e.,

that his publicity stunt campaign actually ended up having some success.

Yes, he failed to realize the pile of assorted turnips on the right that might take him seriously.

On Lawrence O’Donnell’s show Cain dodged every question he was asked. Blacks are not as “brainwashed” (stupid) as the thinks. They got his number after about 15 minutes and they are not calling him. Dodged just like the dodged the civil right movement and the Vietnam war. If I had one question to ask Cain it would be “did your dad participate in the civil right’s movement?” He considered the “civil right protestors” as “trouble makers” as his dad taught him to stay out of trouble. Rosie Parks refusal to sat in the back of the bus “making trouble?” I know Cain’s kind of Negroes. Cowards.
His comment that 75% of Blacks have been “brainwashed” must have went over big with T-Baggers who love to here Blacks putting other Blacks down. Like Cosby and West.
I did not need a tutor to understand what Cain was about. After listening to him for 15 minutes I know I did not want him anywhere near the White House.
He called civil right protestors “trouble makers?” His dad must have been every white man’s uncle in Atlanta. I bet his dad “brainwashed” him not to act Black.

Yeah?..Isn't it nice when people can think for themselves insead of blindly following the liberal BS? Maybe you should try it sometime. It doesn't take much courage to fall in line with your kind if you're African American. Thank G-d there are still people like Cain ,West ,Crosby. I'll put any of them up against Obama and the libs.

On Lawrence O’Donnell’s show Cain dodged every question he was asked. Blacks are not as “brainwashed” (stupid) as the thinks. They got his number after about 15 minutes and they are not calling him. Dodged just like the dodged the civil right movement and the Vietnam war. If I had one question to ask Cain it would be “did your dad participate in the civil right’s movement?” He considered the “civil right protestors” as “trouble makers” as his dad taught him to stay out of trouble. Rosie Parks refusal to sat in the back of the bus “making trouble?” I know Cain’s kind of Negroes. Cowards.
His comment that 75% of Blacks have been “brainwashed” must have went over big with T-Baggers who love to here Blacks putting other Blacks down. Like Cosby and West.
I did not need a tutor to understand what Cain was about. After listening to him for 15 minutes I know I did not want him anywhere near the White House.
He called civil right protestors “trouble makers?” His dad must have been every white man’s uncle in Atlanta. I bet his dad “brainwashed” him not to act Black.

You spoke out against a black man.

You're a don't count.

On Lawrence O’Donnell’s show Cain dodged every question he was asked. Blacks are not as “brainwashed” (stupid) as the thinks. They got his number after about 15 minutes and they are not calling him. Dodged just like the dodged the civil right movement and the Vietnam war. If I had one question to ask Cain it would be “did your dad participate in the civil right’s movement?” He considered the “civil right protestors” as “trouble makers” as his dad taught him to stay out of trouble. Rosie Parks refusal to sat in the back of the bus “making trouble?” I know Cain’s kind of Negroes. Cowards.
His comment that 75% of Blacks have been “brainwashed” must have went over big with T-Baggers who love to here Blacks putting other Blacks down. Like Cosby and West.
I did not need a tutor to understand what Cain was about. After listening to him for 15 minutes I know I did not want him anywhere near the White House.
He called civil right protestors “trouble makers?” His dad must have been every white man’s uncle in Atlanta. I bet his dad “brainwashed” him not to act Black.

Amen to that. I also watched the Lawrence O'Donnell interview. Cain is a buffoon!

This is one of the few times we will see eye to eye. I agree...The guy is a idiot.
Cain is an idiot.

He thinks he's a genius because he made money selling Americans bad food.
I bet his dad “brainwashed” him not to act Black.

That in itself is a race centric statement. You need to pour out that cup, those sorrows ain't yours.
Cain is horrible. Look at his bio! Clearly he's not an "authentic" black man.

Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics.
Master’s degree in Computer Science.
Mathematician for the Navy, where he worked on missile ballistics (making him a rocket scientist).
Computer systems analyst for Coca-Cola.
VP of Corporate Data Systems and Services for Pillsbury

All achieved before reaching the age of 35. Since he reached the top of the information systems world, he changed careers!

* Business Manager. Took charge of Pillsbury’s 400 Burger King restaurants in the Philadelphia area, which were the company’s poorest performers in the country.
* Spent the first nine months learning the business from the ground up, cooking hamburger and yes, cleaning toilets.
* After three years he had turned them into the company’s best performers.
* Godfather’s Pizza CEO. Was asked by Pillsbury to take charge of their Godfather’s Pizza chain
* (which was on the verge of bankruptcy). He made it profitable in 14 months.
* In 1988 he led a buyout of the Godfather’s Pizza chain from Pillsbury.
* He was now the owner of a restaurant chain. Again he reached the top of the ladder of another industry.
* He was also chairman of the National Restaurant Association during this time.
* This is a group that interacts with government on behalf of the restaurant industry,
* and it gave him political experience from the non-politician side.

Having reached the top of a second industry, he changed careers again!

* Adviser to the Federal Reserve System. Herman Cain went to work for the Federal Reserve Banking System
* advising them on how monetary policy changes would affect American businesses.
* Chairman of the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank.
* He worked his way up to the chairmanship of a regional Federal Reserve bank.
* This is only one step below the chairmanship of the entire Federal Reserve System (the top banking position in the country).
* This position allowed him to see how monetary policy is made from the inside, and understand the political forces that impact the monetary system.

After reaching the top of the banking industry, he changed careers for a fourth time!

* Writer and public speaker.
* He then started to write and speak on leadership.
* His books include Speak as a Leader, CEO of Self, Leadership is Common Sense, and They Think You’re Stupid.
* Radio Host. Around 2007—after a remarkable 40 year career
* he started hosting a radio show on WSB in Atlanta (the largest talk radio station in the country).

He did all this starting from rock bottom (his father was a chauffeur and his mother was a maid).
When you add up his accomplishments in his life—including reaching the top of three unrelated industries: information systems, business management, and banking
Herman Cain may have the most impressive resume of anyone that has run for the presidency in the last half century.

What a fucking loser!! What we need is a dilettante with no experience. How about a community organizer? :lol::lol::lol:
Cain is horrible. Look at his bio! Clearly he's not an "authentic" black man.

Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics.
Master’s degree in Computer Science.
Mathematician for the Navy, where he worked on missile ballistics (making him a rocket scientist).
Computer systems analyst for Coca-Cola.
VP of Corporate Data Systems and Services for Pillsbury

All achieved before reaching the age of 35. Since he reached the top of the information systems world, he changed careers!

* Business Manager. Took charge of Pillsbury’s 400 Burger King restaurants in the Philadelphia area, which were the company’s poorest performers in the country.
* Spent the first nine months learning the business from the ground up, cooking hamburger and yes, cleaning toilets.
* After three years he had turned them into the company’s best performers.
* Godfather’s Pizza CEO. Was asked by Pillsbury to take charge of their Godfather’s Pizza chain
* (which was on the verge of bankruptcy). He made it profitable in 14 months.
* In 1988 he led a buyout of the Godfather’s Pizza chain from Pillsbury.
* He was now the owner of a restaurant chain. Again he reached the top of the ladder of another industry.
* He was also chairman of the National Restaurant Association during this time.
* This is a group that interacts with government on behalf of the restaurant industry,
* and it gave him political experience from the non-politician side.

Having reached the top of a second industry, he changed careers again!

* Adviser to the Federal Reserve System. Herman Cain went to work for the Federal Reserve Banking System
* advising them on how monetary policy changes would affect American businesses.
* Chairman of the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank.
* He worked his way up to the chairmanship of a regional Federal Reserve bank.
* This is only one step below the chairmanship of the entire Federal Reserve System (the top banking position in the country).
* This position allowed him to see how monetary policy is made from the inside, and understand the political forces that impact the monetary system.

After reaching the top of the banking industry, he changed careers for a fourth time!

* Writer and public speaker.
* He then started to write and speak on leadership.
* His books include Speak as a Leader, CEO of Self, Leadership is Common Sense, and They Think You’re Stupid.
* Radio Host. Around 2007—after a remarkable 40 year career
* he started hosting a radio show on WSB in Atlanta (the largest talk radio station in the country).

He did all this starting from rock bottom (his father was a chauffeur and his mother was a maid).
When you add up his accomplishments in his life—including reaching the top of three unrelated industries: information systems, business management, and banking
Herman Cain may have the most impressive resume of anyone that has run for the presidency in the last half century.

What a fucking loser!! What we need is a dilettante with no experience. How about a community organizer? :lol::lol::lol:

Very Impressive actually,

You libs are losers for calling this guy a loser. Just read that Resume. You idiots.
Cain is horrible. Look at his bio! Clearly he's not an "authentic" black man.

Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics.
Master’s degree in Computer Science.
Mathematician for the Navy, where he worked on missile ballistics (making him a rocket scientist).
Computer systems analyst for Coca-Cola.
VP of Corporate Data Systems and Services for Pillsbury

All achieved before reaching the age of 35. Since he reached the top of the information systems world, he changed careers!

* Business Manager. Took charge of Pillsbury’s 400 Burger King restaurants in the Philadelphia area, which were the company’s poorest performers in the country.
* Spent the first nine months learning the business from the ground up, cooking hamburger and yes, cleaning toilets.
* After three years he had turned them into the company’s best performers.
* Godfather’s Pizza CEO. Was asked by Pillsbury to take charge of their Godfather’s Pizza chain
* (which was on the verge of bankruptcy). He made it profitable in 14 months.
* In 1988 he led a buyout of the Godfather’s Pizza chain from Pillsbury.
* He was now the owner of a restaurant chain. Again he reached the top of the ladder of another industry.
* He was also chairman of the National Restaurant Association during this time.
* This is a group that interacts with government on behalf of the restaurant industry,
* and it gave him political experience from the non-politician side.

Having reached the top of a second industry, he changed careers again!

* Adviser to the Federal Reserve System. Herman Cain went to work for the Federal Reserve Banking System
* advising them on how monetary policy changes would affect American businesses.
* Chairman of the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank.
* He worked his way up to the chairmanship of a regional Federal Reserve bank.
* This is only one step below the chairmanship of the entire Federal Reserve System (the top banking position in the country).
* This position allowed him to see how monetary policy is made from the inside, and understand the political forces that impact the monetary system.

After reaching the top of the banking industry, he changed careers for a fourth time!

* Writer and public speaker.
* He then started to write and speak on leadership.
* His books include Speak as a Leader, CEO of Self, Leadership is Common Sense, and They Think You’re Stupid.
* Radio Host. Around 2007—after a remarkable 40 year career
* he started hosting a radio show on WSB in Atlanta (the largest talk radio station in the country).

He did all this starting from rock bottom (his father was a chauffeur and his mother was a maid).
When you add up his accomplishments in his life—including reaching the top of three unrelated industries: information systems, business management, and banking
Herman Cain may have the most impressive resume of anyone that has run for the presidency in the last half century.

What a fucking loser!! What we need is a dilettante with no experience. How about a community organizer? :lol::lol::lol:
Gee, you left out AQUILA!!!!!
You are right to be ashamed to mention his involvement with them!!!!!

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