CA Forces Private Businesses To Pander To "Transgender"; Businesses Have Clever Response

Oh look, the LGBT nazis in California are trying to suppress signatures required to put the anti-transgender bathroom bill on the ballot. There had to be a court order to force counties to disgorge signatures collected there. Gee I wonder if those counties were blue or red?

May 26, 2016: A group challenging California’s transgender bathroom law won a procedural victory in court on Friday, coming one step closer to putting the issue of restroom and locker room access to a popular vote...A Sacramento Superior Court judge granted a motion to compel 55 state counties to produce documents pertaining to signatures collected for a ballot initiative. The counties had previously resisted handing over the documents....The legal dispute stems from a 2013 effort by Privacy For All Students, which collected more than 620,000 signatures to put the state’s new transgender bathroom law to a referendum, but was deemed to be 17,276 signatures short after more than 100,000 were invalidated....“We believe we hit the threshold, over 500,000 that we needed to be valid,” said Privacy for All Students spokeswoman Karen England. “But we came up, according to the state, around 15,000 short.”.... California transgender bathroom challenge wins procedural victory

Wow, when was the last time 1/6th of all signatures were invalidated on a petition? Was that legitimate? I think the court forcing counties to prove up on those invalidations will show some dem hanky panky..


Ms. England said when the group went to review the invalidated signatures, the first one they came across was improperly thrown out.

“The very first one that said ‘not registered’ and had been thrown, had been a registered voter since 2010,” she said.
^^ More vv Privacy For All Students Wins in Sacramento Superior Court - Crossmap Christian News | U.S.

In a strongly worded tentative ruling, a Sacramento Superior Court judge directed the California Secretary of State to count petitions submitted in two northern California counties for a referendum effort to overturn AB 1266, California's co-ed bathroom law.

The Secretary of State had refused to count signatures timely submitted in Tulare and Mono counties. In Tulare County, mail room personnel initially refused to accept the petitions from a courier. In Mono County the package was delivered but not opened for a number of days....Privacy For All Students, the organization that promoted the referendum, arranged for courier delivery before the Sunday deadline in both counties. While each of the counties reported the signatures to State elections officials, the Secretary of State refused to count any of the signatures submitted in these counties...."It is a shame that we had to go to court to assure that the citizens of Tulare and Mono would not be disenfranchised by the arbitrary actions of the Secretary of State," said Gina Gleason, proponent of the referendum.

Because of the obvious attempts to stonewall the process of legal democracy in California, Judge Sumner clarified the legal deadline in favor of the petitioners:

The opinion, delivered by Judge Allen Sumner concluded that PFAS actually had until Tuesday, November 12 to file the petitions, due to the weekend and the Monday holiday. The Secretary of State initially told PFAS that signatures needed to be delivered to each of the 58 counties by close of business the previous Friday, or earlier if the registrar of voters in a county was closed on Friday...

Heads up California, the transgender bathroom law is not valid in California until after the November election, or if there are found to not be enough signatures; whichever comes first.

Nearly 620,000 signatures presented in support of the referendum are being validated in a joint process by the counties and the State. Presentation of those signatures in November (2015) suspended the implementation of the law. However, officials at the office of the Secretary of State are erroneously advising that the law became effective on January 1. PFAS is advising school personnel that the law was suspended based on the presentation of the signatures and that the law will only go into effect if the signatures are determined to be inadequate or the voters approve the law on the November ballot.

Wow those LGBT nazis are throwing their weight around in that state. One gay judge who wanted to marry his boyfriend "invalidated" Prop 8 with a stroke of a pen; then quit his bench when he knew the heat was coming his way. From there his act of sedition blossomed ultimately into the rationale used to pass the legislation (not actually a court decision because there's nothing in the Constitution supporting it) that was Obergefell 2015.

I think the entire nation needs to keep a close watch on California's legislature, Secretary of State and so forth. Because with LGBT "as goes California, so does the rest of the nation with time and judicial activism"..
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Restaurants in CA will now face this vv as lawsuit fodder if they don't have multi-stalled bathrooms singularly for females only: (love this meme)


Ah the fantasy slippery slope.

Meanwhile, it is nice for you to acknowledge that your hystrionics were as wrong as usual.

The upshot of this 'bathroom' bill will just be that women will no longer have to look guilty using the men's single occupancy restroom when there is a line of women waiting to pee.

And of course Silhouette- is as always- a liar.
^^ No comments about the active suppression of signatures by California LGBT power brokers eh Syriusly? I'll be you're hunting for a strawman right about now... :lmao:
^^ No comments about the active suppression of signatures by California LGBT power brokers eh Syriusly? I'll be you're hunting for a strawman right about now... :lmao:

I am just enjoying pointing out that your OP is a lie

Ah the fantasy slippery slope.

Meanwhile, it is nice for you to acknowledge that your hystrionics were as wrong as usual.

The upshot of this 'bathroom' bill will just be that women will no longer have to look guilty using the men's single occupancy restroom when there is a line of women waiting to pee.

And of course Silhouette- is as always- a liar.
^^ Yes, because we know that you tell the truth and this won't lead to further legal inroads of deranged men accessing full women's hygiene facilities of every type and description.

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