CA Democrat withdraws bill that would have allowed Gov Newsom to see the names of those who signed his recall petition

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
The DemoKKKrats are fascists, pure and simple.

Last week, we reported on a California bill that would allow politicians facing recall petitions to see the people who signed them. On Tuesday, the senator who proposed the bill, announced that the bill will not advance this year.

According to the Sacramento Bee, Democrat State Senator Josh Newman said Tuesday that he will be pulling the bill due to the opposition from supporters of the potential recall election of Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom, as well as concerns about privacy and voter intimidation.

Newman said that he pulled the legislation because “[T]he environment is so charged around the recall that it made it hard to have a thoughtful discussion around this bill.” He also seemingly blamed the Newsom recall supporters, saying that “[T]hey were sort of leveraging this bill and representing this bill as an attack on not just the recall but on them and their constitutional rights. It wasn't a good context to have a conversation."
In other words, he was called out on it and is trying to push the blame back on his political opponents.

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