Buy cheap products from China?


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill you?
This is the kind of country you support:

The pills, which are typically smuggled in by ethnic Koreans living in northern China, aren't just creepy, they contain "super bacteria" that is hazardous to human health, the statement said. South Korea began cracking down on the drugs last year after a television network aired a documentary accusing Chinese pharmaceutical companies of collaborating with abortion clinics to make the pills from human fetuses and the remains of dead infants, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Read more: Bizarre craze behind smuggling of pills containing the powdered flesh of babies | Fox News
Trade deficits are ALWAYS detrimental to their nations’ GDPs.

Refer to “Warren Buffett's concept to significantly reduce USA's trade deficit”
First Posted on 08-30-2009, 08:10 PM.
Last posted on 02-27-2012, 04:59 PM.
An economic stimulus at no expense. Warren Buffett’s proposal to significantly decrease USA’s trade deficit.

Respectfully, Supposn
Trade deficits are ALWAYS detrimental to their nations’ GDPs.

of course thats idiotic, its like saying Chicago should not run a trade deficit with NY. If they make great stuff in NYC and not in Chicago the folks in Chicago would be idiots for not buying from NY.

Does the goof liberal want a law saying you must always buy in your city or country regardless of price and quality??? you?
This is the kind of country you support:

The pills, which are typically smuggled in by ethnic Koreans living in northern China, aren't just creepy, they contain "super bacteria" that is hazardous to human health, the statement said. South Korea began cracking down on the drugs last year after a television network aired a documentary accusing Chinese pharmaceutical companies of collaborating with abortion clinics to make the pills from human fetuses and the remains of dead infants, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Read more: Bizarre craze behind smuggling of pills containing the powdered flesh of babies | Fox News

Sorry but the Obama Economy is such that I have no choice but to be frugal.
I try not to buy anything produced in China. Not easy, and certainly not cheap... but worth the effort and the cost.
Trade deficits are ALWAYS detrimental to their nations’ GDPs.

of course thats idiotic, its like saying Chicago should not run a trade deficit with NY. If they make great stuff in NYC and not in Chicago the folks in Chicago would be idiots for not buying from NY.

Does the goof liberal want a law saying you must always buy in your city or country regardless of price and quality???

1) It is not Chicago, and not NY
2) They don't make anything good in China
3) China has a looooong history of not just inferior, but dangerous products like lead paint on Disney childrens glasses.
4) WTF made you think I am liberal?
5) Your strawman argument is weak and stupid.
I want my Country to make an effort to lower the cost of energy so that American factories can compete. I have never bought a car made in China but I don't mind buying cheap stuff made in China because democrat policies have driven up the cost of living in the US and it's hard to make ends meet..
Trade deficits are ALWAYS detrimental to their nations’ GDPs.

of course thats idiotic, its like saying Chicago should not run a trade deficit with NY. If they make great stuff in NYC and not in Chicago the folks in Chicago would be idiots for not buying from NY.

Does the goof liberal want a law saying you must always buy in your city or country regardless of price and quality???

1) It is not Chicago, and not NY
2) They don't make anything good in China
3) China has a looooong history of not just inferior, but dangerous products like lead paint on Disney childrens glasses.
4) WTF made you think I am liberal?
5) Your strawman argument is weak and stupid.

So do you want a law that makes trade with China illegal? How many liberal economists support this??

I just bought tires made in China they were 25-50% of the American and European price, and double the quality. I bet my life on China.
They do make crap too, but as always you have to shop wisely.
I want my Country to make an effort to lower the cost of energy so that American factories can compete. I have never bought a car made in China but I don't mind buying cheap stuff made in China because democrat policies have driven up the cost of living in the US and it's hard to make ends meet..

great point!!! the liberals hate corporations so tax them at the highest rate in the world. Who can afford the liberal prices our corporations then must charge to make up for the liberal tax.
of course thats idiotic, its like saying Chicago should not run a trade deficit with NY. If they make great stuff in NYC and not in Chicago the folks in Chicago would be idiots for not buying from NY.

Does the goof liberal want a law saying you must always buy in your city or country regardless of price and quality???

1) It is not Chicago, and not NY
2) They don't make anything good in China
3) China has a looooong history of not just inferior, but dangerous products like lead paint on Disney childrens glasses.
4) WTF made you think I am liberal?
5) Your strawman argument is weak and stupid.

So do you want a law that makes trade with China illegal? How many liberal economists support this??

I just bought tires made in China they were 25-50% of the American and European price, and double the quality. I bet my life on China.
They do make crap too, but as always you have to shop wisely.

What is wrong with you?
Where did I say there should be a law against Chinese products?
Obviously you have never read about the damning environmental short cuts China takes in producing rubber. But don't worry about it. As long as you are happy with your tires.
1) It is not Chicago, and not NY
2) They don't make anything good in China
3) China has a looooong history of not just inferior, but dangerous products like lead paint on Disney childrens glasses.
4) WTF made you think I am liberal?
5) Your strawman argument is weak and stupid.

So do you want a law that makes trade with China illegal? How many liberal economists support this??

I just bought tires made in China they were 25-50% of the American and European price, and double the quality. I bet my life on China.
They do make crap too, but as always you have to shop wisely.

What is wrong with you?
Where did I say there should be a law against Chinese products?
Obviously you have never read about the damning environmental short cuts China takes in producing rubber. But don't worry about it. As long as you are happy with your tires.

do you want a law against buying Chinese products that are not made according to your environmental regulations??
of course thats idiotic, its like saying Chicago should not run a trade deficit with NY. If they make great stuff in NYC and not in Chicago the folks in Chicago would be idiots for not buying from NY.

Does the goof liberal want a law saying you must always buy in your city or country regardless of price and quality???

Edward Baiamonte, under the Articles of Confederation, prior to the U.S. Constitution, tariffs had been enacted and/or were being considered by some state legislatures. It was in the better economic interests of some states.

Later there was more consideration to further consolidate state’s interests; they agreed to require some subordination of individual state interests for the benefit of the United States of America. That’s why the U.S. Constitution prohibits such economic restrictions between states.

Are you suggesting that we should more consolidate our interests with the remainder of the globe?
Would you have us further subordinate our economic sovereignty to global pacts or the United Nations?

Respectfully Supposn
Trade deficits are ALWAYS detrimental to their nations’ GDPs.

of course thats idiotic, its like saying Chicago should not run a trade deficit with NY. If they make great stuff in NYC and not in Chicago the folks in Chicago would be idiots for not buying from NY.

Does the goof liberal want a law saying you must always buy in your city or country regardless of price and quality???

Mr. Baiamonte, it is you, not I that foolishly suggested requiring people “must always buy in your city or country regardless of price and quality”.

One of my grandchildren has been speaking full sentences for quite a while. When he picked up on and began using the word “stupid”, his mother corrected him. She explained it wasn’t an intelligent choice of words and people would think less of him when he speaks in that manner. He now refrains from using such words; he replaced it with the word “foolish”.

I believe you’re more educated than those of my grandchildren that do not yet read. I suggest your messages would seem (if not actually be) more intelligent if you chose your words more carefully.

Your foolish response uses the words “idiotic” and “goof” rather than presenting a logical position. I suggest your messages would seem (if not actually be) more intelligent if you chose your words more carefully.

Respectfully Supposn you?
This is the kind of country you support:

The pills, which are typically smuggled in by ethnic Koreans living in northern China, aren't just creepy, they contain "super bacteria" that is hazardous to human health, the statement said. South Korea began cracking down on the drugs last year after a television network aired a documentary accusing Chinese pharmaceutical companies of collaborating with abortion clinics to make the pills from human fetuses and the remains of dead infants, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Read more: Bizarre craze behind smuggling of pills containing the powdered flesh of babies | Fox News

It figures...why am i not surprised? Something to get their little dicks up.

But the latest use of fetal tissue is as a sexual performance enhancer, according to a report in the Global Times, a tabloid published by the official People’s Daily.
Edward Baiamonte, under the Articles of Confederation, prior to the U.S. Constitution, tariffs had been enacted and/or were being considered by some state legislatures. It was in the better economic interests of some states.

if so then it would be in the better economic interests of some cities, towns neighborhoods, and individuals! See why we are positive a liberal will be slow. You are supporting no trade at all but lack the IQ to know it. The Republican Constitution had the Commerce Clause so the USA could protect free trade between states!!

Later there was more consideration to further consolidate state’s interests; they agreed to require some subordination of individual state interests for the benefit of the United States of America. That’s why the U.S. Constitution prohibits such economic restrictions between states.

yes because Founders were Republicans who understood comparative advantage and that when you have to make everything yourself you starve or live at subsistence

Are you suggesting that we should more consolidate our interests with the remainder of the globe?

I'm saying we should have free trade

Would you have us further subordinate our economic sovereignty to global pacts or the United Nations?

Respectfully Supposn

free trade makes us rich, if we had to make everything outselves we'd die or live at subsistence. Are you able to grasp that simple fact??
Edward Baiamonte, under the Articles of Confederation, prior to the U.S. Constitution, tariffs had been enacted and/or were being considered by some state legislatures. It was in the better economic interests of some states.

if so then it would be in the better economic interests of some cities, towns neighborhoods, and individuals! See why we are positive a liberal will be slow. You are supporting no trade at all but lack the IQ to know it. The Republican Constitution had the Commerce Clause so the USA could protect free trade between states!!

Later there was more consideration to further consolidate state’s interests; they agreed to require some subordination of individual state interests for the benefit of the United States of America. That’s why the U.S. Constitution prohibits such economic restrictions between states.

yes because Founders were Republicans who understood comparative advantage and that when you have to make everything yourself you starve or live at subsistence

Are you suggesting that we should more consolidate our interests with the remainder of the globe?

I'm saying we should have free trade

Would you have us further subordinate our economic sovereignty to global pacts or the United Nations?

Respectfully Supposn

free trade makes us rich, if we had to make everything outselves we'd die or live at subsistence. Are you able to grasp that simple fact??

Edward Baiamonte, yes pure free trade is not to the net economic best interests all nations.
This is logically clear because trade deficits are ALWAYS detrimental to their nation’s GDPs. You and I are diametrically opposed regarding this point.

I do suppose you’re aware that the USA is a republic, (rather than a Republican nation) and you inadvertently used a capital rather than a lower case “R”.

The topic seldom now arises but I’m in agreement with those who contend that the members of the congressional congress were well acquainted and generally were not opposed the economic concept of tariffs. The federalists successfully argued for ceasing the then current practice of interstate tariffs and other regulations which promoted conflicts between the states. The U.S. Constitution clearly grants our federal government absolutely supreme jurisdiction over interstate and international relations.

From all historical references and the constitution itself, the majority of delegates clearly advocated national tariffs. They were not free trade advocates.
I agree with those contending U.S. Constitution’s prohibition of interstate tariffs were part of the purpose, (to the best of that congress’s drafting abilities), for reducing then current and possible future conflicts between our states.

You apparently believe otherwise.

I’m opposed to many of the foolish concepts you introduce into this discussion.
I don’t understand why you seek to promote the elimination of USA’s foreign trade and believe we should produce EVERYTHING we use?

The Import Certificate, (IC) policy I’m a proponent of would increase the sum of USA’s aggregate imports plus exports more than otherwise. IC’s global markets’ price act as an indirect but effective subsidy of U.S. exports. We can have cheap foreign goods and increase our GDP and median wage more than otherwise. We cannot afford absolute free trade’s absolutely cheapest possible prices for imports.

Refer to “Warren Buffett's concept to significantly reduce USA's trade deficit”
first Posted on 08-30-2009, 08:10 PM;
last posted on 02-27-2012, 04:59 PM;

or to www.USA-trade-deficit.Blogspot.Com

Respectfully, Supposn
Aggregate Supply Review for AP Economics |

Taxes & Regulations increase the costs of producing (and selling) goods & services. (Macro-)economically, T&R are the equivalent of oil embargoes, or wartime destruction to infrastructure. Again, T&R are the equivalent of technological regression, "bureaucracy-ing the US economy back to the stone ages". Recall, technology makes things cheaper, but T&R make them more expensive -- i.e. T&R are equivalent to loss of technology. Ceteris paribus (all else at parity), T&R = primitive-ization, making markets less efficient, like they were way back when.
Edward Baiamonte, yes pure free trade is not to the net economic best interests all nations.

or cities or neighborhoods or counties- right?? Should each town and village in America impose a tariff so it won't run a deficit??? She why we are positve a liberal will be slow??

If you don't like people buying what they want why not persuade them to stop and instead do as you want? You are a violent Nazi-like authortarian liberal who wants the government to force people to do what you want, as if they would force people to do what you want instead of what you don't want. Once they have the power they will always use it!! Catching on now??
I don’t understand why you seek to promote the elimination of USA’s foreign trade and believe we should produce EVERYTHING we use?

perfectly stupid and libera! Free trade, both interstate and international, does not eliminate trade but rather expands it dramatically. Nazi liberal tariffs like the Hawley Smoot Tariff helped cause the Great Depression which , by the way, cut trade in half!!!

Is this really all 100% over your liberal brain??

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