Buy American


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
Balanced Media - I admit fully I am a support America and the American worker fanatic.

There is no question today that our MSM is bought and sold like most of our politicians. But there are a few outlets that provide more objective balanced reporting. One of my personal pet peeves is the constant criticism of GM by the corporate owned and operated media. Anything that includes government is bad in their opinion and yet foreign companies work closely with their governments and no one notices or even reports. Japan is a key example. While Japan embargoes our products Americans buy theirs with no thought of consequences. Don't get me wrong there are good Japanese companies, but let's be open and honest here.

So that said I was glad to see Forbes as a media site that presents a more balanced picture and lists all companies and not just those that filter information into an ideological mindset. See a few links below.

Buy American
896 600 Reasons to Care About the Trans-Pacific Partnership Alliance for American Manufacturing

Cars and recalls
Takata Air Bag Recall Could Dwarf GM and Toyota Recalls - Forbes

Automakers With The Lowest And Highest Recall Rates - Forbes

Toyota leads in recalls again in 2013 with tally topping 5 million vehicles

Buy America Alliance for American Manufacturing
News Alliance for American Manufacturing

"Japan ships 1.5 million cars to America each year, but allows only 20,000 American cars into its own market. Since 2012, Japan’s yen has devalued by 50 percent against the dollar. Now Japan wants tariff-free access to the U.S. market through the TPP while it continues cheat on currency."

896 600 Reasons to Care About the Trans-Pacific Partnership Alliance for American Manufacturing

BP profits
As BP Shows Corporate Profits Can Be Pretty Much Anything You Want Them To Be - Forbes

On this Site:

Writing Unions Out of the Story on Fighting Poverty US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Galloping Over The Minimum Wage Myth Page 5 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Looking back I was surprised there were so few comments?

Made In American Auto Index - 2017

'Mary Bottari wins March Sidney for tracing billionaires’ plot to kill unions'

Mary Bottari wins March Sidney for tracing billionaires’ plot to kill unions

Alliance for American Manufacturing

I disagree with the notion that foreign cars are made in America. They are put together here but making a automobile requires design, engineering, drafting, testing, etc etc. Foreign cars makers get large incentives to build a plant, usually in the non-union south and claim made here. Not true. Japan embargoes our products and Toyota imports a million and half vehicles. So how much do they contribute to American workers? Not a heck of a lot. Our cars are made here in union shops and it will stay that way. If people want to support Germany Japan and Korea that is their right, but don't whine about wages and deficits and jobs for family.

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